SU D:.I , ctft. 2§, 1643
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keuther Asks
Farm Shifts
Proposes Tiransfers
io roductive Areas
On Campus ...
CIO Increase
In Dues Urged'
Addes Gives Su estion At the Michigan .. .
P RE '/I iW
At the State ...
BUFFALO, N.Y., Feb. 27.- ()-
Walter P. Reuther, vice-president of
th'e CIO United Automobile Workers,
in a three-point programi to increase
food production, urged today an "or-
derly transfer" of farmers from non-
productive land to productive areas.
"This would not only increase farm
production and provide a surplus for
the rest of the world, but also i'aise
the standard of living of these farm-
ers from marginal farm land," he
told delegates from western New
York UAW-CIO locals.
Other points in his suggested solu-
tion to the agricultural manpower
problem were :
"Voluntarily mobilize a mobile
farm labor corps which could travel
from one farm to another and pro-
vide the needed manpower for' the
planting and harvesting of vitally-
needed crops" and "a complete in-
ventory of all farm equipment and
Reuther declared the nation must
begin to plan for the post-war world
"not in an ivory-tower, academic
way," but by realizing while working
"that part of the fight is to see to it
that the transfer frolni war to peace
economy is accomplished with a min-
imum of dislocation and unemploy-
Latin-A mericans Dance
The Latin-American Society's new
Executive Committee, presided by
Edward Franzetti, Grad. E., opened
the social activities of the semester
with a formal reception and dance
held at the Rackham Building last
The dance was held in honor of
the seventeen Chilean students who
have come to the University to study
under a grant of the Kellogg founda-
Avukak Musical
A musicale, sponsored by Avukah,
student Zionist organization, will be
held at 8:30 p.m. today at the Hillel
The Hillel-Avukah Study Group
under the direction of Max Dresden
will hold their second meeting of the
semester at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at
the Foundation.
Shakespearian Lecture
"Recent Shakespearian Criticism"
will be the subject of a lecture by
Professor R. S. Knox at 3:15 p.m.
Monday in the Rackham Amphithe-
Professor Knox is a member of the
Department of English at the Univer-
sity of Toronto and his talk is spon-
sored by the English department.
+ + v. a v ' ++ s v v w ws + v c
iU r aUUtiCati vpot ''ions, primitive souls amid a torrid
DETROIT, Feb. 27.-(iP)-George tropical wilderness, form the back-
F. Addes, International Secretary- ground for the stark drama in which
treasurer of the United Automobile Hedy Lamarr is starred as the sultry±
stoe Tondelayo in the screen version of
Woikers (CIO), recommended to the famous play, "White Cargo."
union's membership today the levy opening today at the Mithan.
of a 50-cent monthly "security as- In a sarong for the first time,
sessment" per member for the dura- Miss Lamarr is a vivid alluring tropi-
tion of the war. cal heroine, exertin.y a sinister spell
The recommendation was made in over Richard Carlson, playing the
Addes',semi-annual financial report, part of a young plantation overseer.
covering the period from May 1, 1942, Walter Pidgeon is teamed with Miss
to Nov. 30, 1942, which disclosed: Lamarr, playing the hard-bitten. sul-
That the UAW-CIO had 778,659 len and determined chief overseer,
dues-paying members in November Witzel.
and an average of 605,894 during the In addition to "White Cargo" as
seven-month period. an added attraction, "One Day of
That 98 new charters were issued, War, Russia 1943", the new issue of
with initiations and reinstatements the March of Time which was photo-,
averaging more than 30,000 per graphed by the Russian government
month, at a loss of 30 photographers out of
That average income during the 160 killed in action, will be shown.
period was $297,937.89 a month and
average expenditures $304,514.03. Kapa Psi Initiates 7
_That the net deficit over the period K ppP SIIiits7
vas $53,034.05. 1 Kappa Kappa Psi, national honor-1
Addes expressed belief that "with ary band fraternity, announced Fri-
a continued steady increase in mem-arbndftriynoucdF-
bership, the deficit will be eliminated day that the following students had
before this year is over. been initiated: Ken Jones, '44, Harry
Discussing the proposed "security
assessment," Addes said the Inter- McCormick, '44, Bert Greve, '45E,
national Union "if confronted with a Dwight Dailey, '45, Bill Fitch, Grad.,
period of two or three months' mass Pat McNaughton, Grad., and Verne
unemployment, would be in serious
financial difficulties." Bidlack, '45.
Steaming African rubber planta-j
Red Skelton does plenty of sus-
pecting, gets himself and Ann Ruth-
erford into thrilling hilarious predic-
aments and solves a murder mystery
amid howls of mirth in "Whistling
in Dixie", opening today at the State.
The new offering, which presentsl
Skelton in the same characterization,
as in "Whistling in the Dark," that
of "The Fox", tells how ne is enticed
south to lend his aid in the solution
of another baffling mystery.
Rags Ragland, also from the cast
of "Whistling in the Dark", plays a
douole role as the gangster Syl-
vester and his brother, a chauffeur.
Ragland and Skelton stage a des-
perate fight as one of the thrills in
the picture. A whistling parrot pro-
Tides a comical angle enlivening
Skelton's detective work.
Directed by S. Sylvan Simon, the
picture's photography was done by
Clyde de Vinna.
Ciy Tire Quotas Gone
Ann Arbor's tire quotas for this
month already are exhausted, ration-
ing administrator, Luella M. Smith
reported yesterday, and over 200 ap-
proved applicants must bide their
The state tire board approved 4,400
passenger tires and recaps for Janu-
ary, according to Mrs. Smith, but the
February quota was slashed to 2,900.
The~ # wobfa st s tot
.sceelthrobl 9~the atSPCOIye~
vibra nt withthe beats fgr
geOJS edy Limarra h pas
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In
crease of 100 .for eaeh
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-Word insertion for
3 or more days. tncrease
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates '* Reie t
L&IbrDRY -2-144. Box darned.
Careful work at low piye-
MSS ALLEN-Eperieneed typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave.. Phone 2-2935..
WANTED-Boy who can drive,. to
work for room and board. 343 fifth
Ave. Phone 6018.
HELP WANTED--Two girls for ho-
siery department, afternoons. Onie
girl for part-time bookkeeping.
Kesse's Fashion Shop, 217S . Main,
LOST-Class ring. Initials inside-
M.A.O. Call 6760.
FOUND-Automatic pencil on Haven
Street. Call Anne Sherwin, 2-3392.
LOST-Maroon Parker pen near
Main Library. Reward, phone
SHELL-RIM GLASSES with straight
bows. Lost on campus about Feb.
15. Call Kaywood, 2-3225.
LOST-Shell glasses, semi-harlequin.
Lost on Washtenaw, Diagonal, or
S. University. Please call Pat Mc-
draw, 2-2218.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins gra:'el Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. O. D. Moriill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.
FOR RENT-Large suite for 2 or 3
boys. One block from campus. 520
Thompson. Phone 7758.
Any size. For 1-day service come
to X02 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays.
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