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February 08, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-08

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Stimson Endorses

Bill for



Manpower Control
Measure -Provides for Compulsory
Transfer of Essential War Workers
To Solve Labor Shortage Problem ..
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.- Reporting "increasing evidence of the inade-
quacy of present controls," Secretary of War Stimson wrote the Senate Mili-
tary Committee today strongly endorsing a bill providing for the compulsory
control of manpower.
Stimson said the War Department "strongly endorses" a bill introduced
by Senator Austin (Rep.-Vt.) and Rep. Wadsworth (Rep.-N.Y.) and "urges
its prompt passage by ,Congress."
This was the first'intimation from administration sources of support for
the Austin-Wadsworth measure, which would provide primarily for volun-
tary transfer of workers to essential war jobs but would provide for compul-
sion if voluntary controls fail toU

bring about the desired results.
Labor Shortage Imminent
Stimson reported "present or im-
minent" shortages of labor in agri-
culture, mining and industry.
"There is increasing evidence of
the inadequacy of presentcontrols to
achieve a full utilization of our man-
power and to solve the labor shortage
problem," Stimson wrote Reynolds.
"As a result," Stimson continued,
"in several instances where labor
shortage emergencies existed it has
been necessary to take men from the
Array to supply labor. This is a
practice that is wasteful and disrup-
tive to the Army training program.
As a further result, proposals have
been made to give blanket deferment
to groups of workers thus limiting
greatly the manpower pool on which
the Army depends for its soldiers."
Opposes Bankhead Bill
Austin, who made public the let-
ter, said he interpreted this portion
of it as opposing proposals by Sena-
tor Bankhead (Dem.-Ala.) and oth-
ers to provide for the furloughing of
men in the Army to do farm work,
as well as pending proposals for the
deferment of farm workers.
"We must direct adult labor into
essential occupations rather than
keep the men out of the Army who
are needed for the job of winning
the war," Stimson wrote.
Med Students in
ROTC To Stay
75 'M' Men Affected
By New Army Order
OMAHA, Feb. 27.-(1P)-Seventh
Service Command Headquarters
called attention today to a new Army
order giving opportunity to medical,
dental or veterinary college students
to continue studies further than
under previous regulations.
The order affects students now
holding commissions in the Medical
Administrative Corps or in the Offi-
cers' Reserve Corps and who are on
an inactive status for the purpose of
completing their training with a view
to being commissioned in the Medi-
cal, Dental of Veterinary Corps.
Approximately 75 University medi-
cal, dental and veterinary students in
ROTC will be affected by the Army
order giving them opportunity to
continue their studies here.
ROTC students from other univer-
sities enrolled in these courses will
also be sent to the University for fur-
ther schooling under the ruling.

'Allied Troops
'Shatter German
Tanks in Africa'
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 27.- Veteran
British troops stoutly entrenched on
the rugged heights near the Bizerte-
Tunis bridgehead shattered repeated
German armored thrusts along a
muddy, 55-mile front today while in
central Tunisia American and Allied
combat teams captured the town of
Kas~erine and drove 'near the The-
lepte airport, 15 miles to the south-
Throwing about 50 tanks into
short, stabbing attacks, supported
by probably as much as five battal-
ions of infantry, Col.-Gen. Jurgen
Von Arnim tried but failed to break
into the strategic network of roads
immediately behind the British line.
From the area of Sidi Nsir, 15 miles
northeast of Beja, to Jebel Mansour,
six miles southeast of Bou Arada,
Axis forces stormed forward into
devastating fire frqm British artil-
Strengthened with new tanks, in-
cluding the 40-ton Churchills, the
British armor - quickly counterat-
tacked and Allied war planes pro-
vided close ground support.
With the fighting still continuing,
the number of Axis troops taken
prisoner, which last night exceeded
400, was mounting steadily.
Six attacks were launched by the
enemy early yesterday and although
all were temporarily smashed the
pressure was renewed at two points,
field dispatches said late this after-
72 Trapped, 2 Killed
in Montana Min-
BEARCREEK, Mont., Feb. 27.--RI)
-An unexplained explosion in the
Smith coal mine killed two men,
critically injured three and left 72
others somewhere in the deep work-
ings today.
Hope was expressed by mine mana-
ger Bill Romex the men may have
fled deadly black damp and barri-
caded themselves in a section where
they may get pure air.
A fully equipped rescue squad ar-
rived from Butte and went into
mine to pierce a cavein and locate the
missing 72. Earlier rescue efforts had
been hampered by lack of gas and
smoke equipment.

City Editor
Bud Brimmer Will
Succeed Irving Jaffe
As Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker was appointed city
editor of The Daily, while Bud Brim-
mer, former city editor, was made
editorial director to fill the vacancy
left by the withdrawal of Irving Jaffe
from school, at a meeting of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions yesterday.
Sixteen other appointments to po-
sitions of the staffs of The Daily,
'Ensian and Gargoyle were con-
firmed. Made probational night edi-
tors of The Daily were Monroe Fink,
Virginia Rock, Claire Sherman and
Jane Farrant. James Conant was
approved as columnist.
Martin E. Feferman was made bus-
iness manager of the Michiganensian
to take the place of retiring Benjamin
Douglas. Junior business staff ap-
pointees are Lew Mintz, organizations
and publicity; June Gustafson, ac-
counts and foreign advertising; and
Claire Blackford, sales and local ad-
vertising, filling the vacancy left by
the promotion of Feferman.
Jeanne High and Bernice Galansky
are the new co-editors of the Gar-
goyle. Their interim appointments
were approved, as well as that of Les-
ter Meckler who has left the staff.
Barbara Sternfels was made busi-
ness manager of the Gargoyle to take
the place of Kenneth Kardon, and
Leonard B. Weiss is advertising man-
ager, Don Busch, circulation mana-
ger, and Martha Spector, accounts
WLIJ. Reports
Progress on
Wage Issue
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-(P)-
Workmient who build the Army's Fly-
ing Fortress today cancelled the 24-
hour "general meeting" proposed for
Monday as the War Labor Board re-
ported progress toward settling their
wage demands.
Before this development, Senator
Byrd, Dem.-Va. declared in a state-
ment that the time had come when
Congress should enact measures to
halt any work stoppages in war in-
dustry and that strikes under present
conditions are "directly against the
government itself."
A spokesman for the AFL Aero-
nautical Mechanics Union at Seattle,
in announcing cancellation of the
meeting planned for Monday in case
the WLB had not then reached a de-
cision, said that its abandonment was
dictated by "developments." Instead
the union's executive board will hold
a meeting.
The WLB, which has had the Air-
craft wage case since Jan. 8, said it
would meet tomorrow and Monday to
speed a decision. It announced that
"progress is being made and the
Board will continue to make progress
until it is decided." The unions seek
an increase from 621/ to 95 cents an
hour in the starting wage.,
President Is Improved
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-(P)-
President Roosevelt, though im-
proved, cancelled all engagements for
the weekend today to rest up from an
intestinal disturbance whict has kept

him away from his office since Wed-

WMC Orders
Longer Week
For Industries
48-Hour Work Week
Extended to Mining,
Lumbering by McNutt
Associated Press Correspondent
48-hour week for the lumber in-
dustry in all its phases and for met-
al mining other than iron throughout
the nation was ordered tonight by the
War Manpower Commission.
At the same.time, Chairman Paul
V. McNutt issued regulations grant-
ing broad discretionary authority to
area and regional directors in putting
the 48-hour week into effect in other
industries in the 32 "labor shortage"
areas designated last month.
In general, these regulations are
designed to ease the transition to
the longer work week by providing
that no firm which must release em-
ployees to go on a 48-hour basis shall
install the longer week until the Fed-
eral Employment Service finds "suit-
able employment" for the workers.
Procedure Outlined
As explained by Fowler V. Harper,
McNutt's chief deputy, this might
mean a period of months or more
before some firms in the labor short-
age areas will institute the longer
work week. He outlined the procedure
in this manner:
By April 1, the company must file
with the Regional Manpower official
a statement of how many employees
it would realease by going on the 48-
hour week. It should then continue
working its current schedule until
Manpower officials advise that jobs
elsewhere are ready for the workers
who would be released.
This would apply onl to businesses
which must release employes.
Two Classes
Other firms, in Harper's explana-
tion, would fall roughly into two
1. Those which can go on a 48-hour'
week without releasing employes and
which would make a contribution to
the war effort by a longer work week.
Such businesses, Harper said, should
simply change ,to the 48-hour week
and need not notify anyone.
2. Those for whom a longer work
week would be impracticable, would
not contribute to reduction of labor
requirements or the war effort, or
would conflict with state or local
laws. These should file a statement of
their case with the local Manpower
director by April 1 and await his de-
Council TO Poll
Student Views!
Undergraduate student opinion will
be canvassed tomorrow and Tuesday
in the first in a series of polls on post-
war problems conducted by the Post-
War council in conjunction with The
Michigan Daily, with the action of
Russia after victory as the topic.
The question to be asked is "On the
basis of Russia's action before and
during the war, what do you think
Russia's action will be after the
Students will be asked to check one
of three answers, (1) cooperate with
other nations to preserve the peace
(2) advance the cause of Communism
in Europe (3) return to isolationism.
The results of the poll will be pub-
lished in Thursday's Daily, accom-

panied by an interpretative statement
by Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department.

Rommel's'Columns Continue Retreat
Mediterranean Sea
bone La Clse Medie
. e# Bab TUIS*
A t .Sbiba Kairouan
Tebessa Sbeitla
SALGER IA Kasserine sdi.
Feriana Bouzid& SFA }
- Maknassy
Sened ,e
Redoof Gafsa
Nefta C - TUNS
areh e denin
p .50A Line -,
United States troops have regained Kasserine Pass-vital gateway
to the Hatab Valley-without a fight with Axis columns retreating
through the gap and continued to move southward through Feriana,
presumabliy toward Oafsa. British and United States forces continued
their hammering-of Marshal Rommel's men, pushing them farther back
toward the sea after their costly retreat through the pass. French
troops advancing from the mountains on the west side of Ousseltia
Valley smashed one after another Axis position in that area. In the
south, the British Eighth Army was reported penetrating outer defenses
of the Mareth Line.
Engelke Attacks willow
Run Housing. Conditions
Taft Declares Living Conditions for War
Workers in Near Counties Need Improvement

Brest and
Hit Hard
Allied Bombers Smash
Munitions Centers on
North Sea Coastline
Associated Press correspondent
LONDON, Feb. 27.-American for-
tress and liberator bombers bashed
the German naval base at Brest on
the French coast today while RAP
venturas attacked Dunkirk in con-
tinuation of the greatest sustained air
assault of the war on enemy instal-
lations from the North Sea to the
Bay of Biscay.
All the big U. S. bombers returned
safely from the latest in the series of
assaults in which Allied planes have
pounded the Nazi war machine twice
around the clock and more.
Radios Off Air
The Paris and Calais radio stations
suddenly went off the air tonight,
indicating the RAF was carrying the
offensive through another night.
Follow Night Attack
The daylight operations followed
closely a "very heavy" attack by RAP
bombers last night on the battered
German industrial city of Cologne.
Squadron after squadron of Allied
planes shuttled across the channel
today as RAP and Allied fighters
supported the four-motored Ameri-
can bombers in their raid on Brest.
Sub Bases Target
Their target again was the U-boat
base at the west coast port, pointing
to a sustained Allied air offensive to
weaken the German submarine fleet
and help clear the way for the land-
ings on the European Mainland.
Wilhelmshaven, which U. S. bomb
ers struck In daylight yesterday, is
another U-boat building center and
haven. Cologne, left quaking under
last night's avalanche of RAF bombs,
also builds submarine engines and
16'7 Women
To Be Pledged
167 women will become members
of Panhellenic when they are pledged
at 3 p.m. today by the following 17
Alpha Chi Omega: Mary Bartley,
'46, Royal Oak; Judy Bott, '46, De-
troit; Ann Crossley, '46, Midland;
Ann Keers, '46, Akron; Mary Jane
Kellam, '46, Chicago; Glory King,
'46, Roselle Park, N. J.; Nora Mac-
Laughlin, '46, Midland; Shirley Ma-
kima, '46, Detroit; Wanda Methias,
'46,, Arrville, .; Nancy Tait, '46,
Toledo; Pat Woodruff, '46, Gowanda,
N. Y.
Alpha Delta Pi: Margaret F. An-
derson, '44, Imlay City; Dorine Lar-
mee, '44, Ann Arbor; Joyce Notting-
ham, '45, Ann Arbor; Joan Hach,
'45, Oak Park, Ill.; Mary Ann Groth-
wahl, '45, Niles.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Rita Auer, '46,
Cincinnati; Irma _ Bluestein, '46
Brookline, Mass.; Betty Boas, '46,
Chicago; Marilyn Bothman, '46, Ann
Arbor; Lila Chajage, '46, Atlanta,
Ga.; Ruth Dwarman, '45, Detroit;
Marjorie Ettenheim, '46, Milwaukee;
Betty Ginsberg, '46, Chicago; Joanne
Gordon, '46, Gary, Ind.; Laura
Hecht, '46, Shaker Heights, O.; Betty
Hendel, '45, Minneapolis; Elaine
Kattleman, '46, University City, Mo.;
Alene Loeser, '46, Fort Wayne, Ind.;
Turn to Page 5, Col. 4

Unless housing conditions, water
supply facilities, and sewage and gar-I
bage disposal are immediately im-
proved in the Willow Run area, Dr.
Otto K. Engelke, head of the'Wash-
tenaw County Health Department,
warned yesterday that the war ef-
fort and production at the Bomber
plant could be seriously crippled. The
urged immediate federal attention to
the problem.
Speaking before an assembly of
city, county, state and federal of-
ficials at the Conference on Bomber
Area Problems, Dr. Engelke pointed
out that even in 1940, these critical
areas contained sub-normal housing,
and about 90 per cent of the houses
were serviced by outside privies. "I
would say," he addead, "that less
than 5 per cent of these are sanitary."
Since 1940 the population in Wash-
tenaw county has jumped from 80,000
to 100,000, an increase of 25 per cent.
On the name land shallow wells, as
little as 8 feet deep and usually not
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
Congress Plans
Curbing FDR
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. - (?P) -
Two fresh rebuffs for President
Roosevelt were strongly indicated in
the Senate today-but the White
House was authoritatively represent-
ed as not greatly perturbed over the
current Congressional dissidence.
1. Informal nose counts by ad-
ministration leaders indicate that a
majority of the Senate is likely to
support a modified version of the
bill by Senator McKellar (Dem.-
Tenn.) to require Senate confirma-
tion of federal appointees paid more
than $4,500 a year over Mr. Roose-
vet's strenuous protest that this
would be "a tragic mistake."

Washtenaw and Macomb counties
had the "toughest job in the United
States" in providing decent living
conditions and sanitary facilities for
their war workers and although there
has been a definite improvement, the
work is "far from done," Charles P.
Taft, assistant director of the Office
of Defense Health and Welfare Ser-
vices, declared before a group of
local, county, state, and federal offi-
cials last night at Rackham Lecture
"War workers are entitled to a de-
cent house, sanitation, care for their
The full 'text of Charles P. Taft's
speech will be found on the Edi-
torial Page.
children, a minimum health provi-
sion, and some measures of social
life and recreation with their fel-
lows . .. but what are they going to
think if we don't give them anything
but trailers or open sewers or one
movie per 200,000 people and food
in greasy spoons?" he asked.
"The word 'absenteeism' has be-
come a common word in the vocabu-
lary of Americans watching our war
effort. Maybe our workers are ab-
sent, and maybe they move too of-
ten," Taft said. "... But they're do-
ing better than they did, not worse.
Let's not damn them, but find out
-how we can help them to do better

Correspondent Sees Ailied-Russian Agreement

Ex-Daily Man McCormick's
Hopwood Winner Published



Associated Press Correspondent
NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-Henry C.
Cassidy, whose historic correspond-
ence with Premier Joseph Stalin last
fall atftpredinternatio nal attention.

the second front," the Correspondent
said. "There was distrust and tension
over "the question, but it no longer
exists. There are no more nagging
editorials or cartoons in the Soviet

ment of a second front as soon as
possible. By "a second front" the
Russians mean a land front against
Hitler in Europe, even though they
realize the importance of the African

and by the winter of 1944, with the
Allies and Soviets attacking simul-
taneously, we should be able to
launch the really powerful blows that
will mean the end for Hitler."
Cassidy turned neat journalistic

When Irish-as-Blarney Jay Mc-
Cormick was a senior editor of The
Daily in 1941, he was working on a
novel-a novel called "November
Storm" which won a Hopwood prize
in, fhatvT~a1

extra time to that. The widely read
column ran for two years on the edi-
torial page of The Daily.
About that time Jay became edi-
tor of Perspectives, the literary sup-
plement to The Daily. Several of his
own short stories were published

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