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February 10, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-10

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Yerman Forces Are Collapsing
3efore New Soviet Offensive
Kharkov Imperiled as Russians Capture
Belgorod, Drive Forward in Ukraine Area

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 9.- The entire Ger-
man line in southern Russia appeared
to be caving in tonight as the Ths-
sians, in a special communique re-
corded by the Soviet Monitor, an-
nounced the capture of Belgorod with
a smashing Red Army blow which
further imperils Kharkov, the chief
Nazi base east of' the Dnieper River.
Belgorod was the second huge Ger-
man base and railway center, held
tenaciously through all the Russian
counter-offensives of the winter of
1941-42 and the spring of 1942, to
fall to the Red Army in 48 hours.
City near Kharkov Approached
The city is only 50 miles northeast
of Kharkov, industrial capital of the
Ukraine, and is 78 miles southeast of
Kursk, the big defense center which
fell only yesterday,
Along with Belgorod, the Russians
took Shebekino, only 40 miles to the
northeast of Kharkov's city limits and
20 miles southeast of Belgorod.
Belgorod is at the junction of the
Kursk-Kharkov line and a handy
railway which runs northwest to Go-
STALINGRAD,. Feb. 9.-- (')-
Lieut.-Gen. Vasily Chuikov. com-
mander of the Soviet 62nd Army
which held Stalingrad, blew a cloud
of smoke from his Russian cigaret
toward the ceiling of the dugout.
He considered the'question.
"What were the tactical mistakes
of the Germans?"
"The Germans made no tactical
mistakes," said the fighting con-
min der who p ierly was the Rus-
siAn miitary attacbe in China and
isor to China's armies.
"The Germans," he added
thoughtfully, "made the strategi
mistake of putting Hitler in com-
mel and the ceti'al front, and was a
nut which Russian armies tried in
vain to crack a year ago.
It was one of Kharkov's strongest
outer defenses.
The speed with which the Russian
forces were toppling strong German
defense centers one after the other
apparently had tied German com-
munications and transportation into
knots, and everywhere along a 500-
mile snowy front, from Novorossisk
in the Caucasus to north of Orel, the.
Red Army was reporting mounting
Orel in Danger
Orel, at the top of the line, 200
miles south of Moscow, appeared to
be left dangerously suspended by the
fall ofXKursk to the south and a mas-
sive thrust past that former German
bastion toward Lgov and Kiev, 250
miles to the southwest.
Russian positions which curve past1
Orel close to Bryansk, already men-
aced the German position from the
Committee Cuts
Offices Bill
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-(/P)- The,
Appropriations Committee delivered;
to the House today a $2,621,104,379;
independent offices supply bill slasheds
$6,448,206 under President Roosevelt's
budget estimates.
A substantial part of the reduction3
was accomplished by eliminating en-
tirely a recommended $1,400,000 for9
the National Resources Planning
Board headed by the President's un-1
cle, Frederic A. Delano. There also1
were cuts of $750,000 from requests
of the Securities Commission for gen-
eral expenses and of $1,178,000 from
the Civil Service Commission's esti-]
mates of its needs for national de-1
fense activities.

WLB Repeats
Use of "Little
Steel" Formula
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-- UP)- As
a prelude to James F. Byrnes' nation-
wide broadcast on inflation, the War
Labor Board today reiterated its "lit-
tle steel" formula on wages and re-
fused to grant a general increase to
180,000 employes of the "big four"
packing companies.
The board, citing assurances from
Byrnes that stabilization of price lev-
els will accompany a stabilization of
wage levels, declared it was "duty
bound to stabilize wages at the Sept.
15, 1942 level."
"The general relationship between
wages and prices, as it existed on
Sept. 15, has been adopted by the
Congress and is not subject to modi-
fication by the national War Labor
Board," the ruling said.
The "little steel" formula, first im-
posed in the case of several steel com-
panies, calls in general for no basic
wage increases in excess of 15 per
cent since January, 1941. The board
said that average weekly earnings of
factory workers in November, in
many cases swelled by payment of
overtime, actually were 50 per cent
over those of January, 1941. Average
hourly earnings, including overtime,
were up 30 per cent, and the average
of straight-time wages was up 25.3
per cent.
House Moves To

Japs Admit
U.S. Troops Extend
Main Line of Advance,
Consolidate Position
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.- (A)-
American ground forces, apparently
closing in for the kill, have lengthened
their main line of advance into Japa-
nese territory on Guadalcanal Island,
the Navy announced tonight, and
have consolidated a newly won posi-
tion on the Japanese east flank in
operations which cost the enemy 34
men killed and one captured.
This information was given out in
a communique several hours after
Secretary of the Navy Knox told a
press conference he had no doubt that
a Tokyo announcement of the evacu-
ation of Jap troops from Guadalcanal
was true. Some small and scattered
pockets of the enemy's disorganized
forces might remain, Knox said.
Japs Reported Evacuated
Asked whether reports from the
American command in the island bore
out the Tokyo statement about with-
drawal, the secretary replied that "We
have some information that the Japs
have been evacuating."
The communique covered opera-
tions on Feb. 7 and 8-Sunday and
Monday, Guadalcanal time, which is
roughly one day ahead of Washing-
ton time. It said that ground forces
"lengthened the forward line along
the Umasani River," which is about
ten miles southeast of Cape Esper-
ance, and completed "consolidation of
our recently established position at
Enemy Action Expected
It thus became apparent that 36 to
48 hours before the secretary con-
firmed the evacuation announcement,
the troops in co nand of Major Gen-
eral Alexander g, Patch were push-
ing forward stedi ly but with appar-
ent caution as though in anticipation
of enemy resistance if they did not
actually have it. American patrols had
reached the Umasani River five to
six days ago, according to previous
While these operations were in pro-
gress ashore, American aircraft
bombed the Japanese airbase at Mun-
da, in the central Solomons, but re-
sults were not reported.
University to
Train Help for
Worried Boss
Bosses are tearing their hair as bus-
iness expands during this war and
it's all because they can't get enough
secretaries, receptionists and aides.
But now they're going to get more
and the college trained ones they
need, too. The Division for Emergency
Training is going to help give stu-
dents the skills needed to work for
the government and private employ-
ers in secretarial positions.
Shorthand and typing for college
students will be taught in the Divi-
sion beginning this week. These can
be rounded out with accounting cour-
ses in the economics department and
office practice, business writing and
statistical methods courses in the bus-
iness school to obtain much of the
needed training.
Students with 30 hours of credit
may take the first three courses and
the second three are open to those
with 60 hours of credit.
These courses will not be a loss to
later college work. Accounting and
business administration courses carry

academic credit now. Credit for type-
writing and shorthand is being ar-
ranged now for students in the music
and education schools.
Complete information on the train-
ing program may be secured from
Prof. J. M. Trytten; Rm. 1002 Univer-
sity High School.

Jap Prisoners Interest U.S. Soldiers

Move Designed To
Speed Producti-on
Byrnes Cites Need of Plan in Radio
Address To Invade 'Europe in 1943'
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-A general 48-hour work week was ordered by
President Roosevelt tonight as part of "the fullest mobilization" of Ame#i-
can manpower and resources to carry out 1943 war plans calling for \a tre-
mendous invasion of Europe.
The sweeping order meant substantial increases in the weekly earnings
of large numbers of people, especially in view of the federal law calling
for time and a half over-time pay for work in excess of 40 hours by persons

Overbuying of
Clothes Hit by
Nelson, Brown

Chairman Donald

Feb. 9. - (R) -
M. Nelson of the

American troops gather around and gaze with interest at this
group of Jap prisoners (center foreground) transported from Guadal-
canal before being shipped out of the South Pacific area.
Mediterranean Allied Air Thrust
Storms Sicilian Port,_Axis Harbor

Alter Highway
Office Heads


LANSING, Feb. 9.- (A')- The
House of Representatives flashed an
urgent green light today to speed
adoption of a bill to transfer control
of the state highway department from
Democratic to Republican hands, and
scheduled a vote on the measure for
The chamber also approved an al-
ready Senate-adopted joint resolu-
tion proposing a constitutional
amendment to give township officials
two-year terms, instead of electing
them annually, and Speaker Howard
Nugent said the department of state
informed him the measure would ap-
pear on the April 5 election ballots.
Democratic opposition was smoth-
ered as the House Republicans took
legislative shortcuts to advance the
highway reorganization bill to posi-
tion for a vote, their leadership de-
claring they had plenty of votes to
pass it tomorrow.
Foes of the measure planned a last-
ditch fight to defeat it in the Senate.
It has not been a burning issue on
that side.
The bill reached the floor of the
House this afternoon with the bless-
ing of the state affairs committee,
was quickly shunted into the ways
and means committee where, within
a half hour, it received approval of
a "safety valve" appropriation clause,
and was dropped back onto the floor.
There the majority beat down par-
liamentary obstacles raised by Demo-
crats, and the House debated the bill
in committee-of-the-whole.
As thus approved, the bill provides
that the governor shall appoint a
three-member state highway board
which, in turn, shall appoint a high-
way director who would handle work
now performed by the elective state
highway commissioner, whose office
the bill seeks to abolish. The director
would draw $7,500 a year.

NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 9.--()-The
powerful Allied air offensive in the
Mediterranean area shook the Sicilian
port of Messina yesterday with a two-
hour barrage of block-buster bombs
and battered an Axis harbor and
air base in Tunisia, ofcial Allied
sources disclosed today. Ground ac-
tivities in the North African theatre
continued to lag because of bad
Axis Loses 19 Planes
The combined operations bf the
Middle East and North African air
forces cost the Axis 19 planes while
only seven Allied aircraft were re-
ported lost.
(The destructive raids on both ends
of the Axis Mediterranean supply
lines were regarded by military ob-
servers in London as a prelude to a
big push by the British First and
Eighth armies against the Axis foot-
holds in Africa.
(A Berlin spokesman added to the
February 14
Is Deadline for
Draft Dodgers
LANSING, Feb. 9.- ()- Michi-
gan's 5,000,000 odd draft delinquents
have until Sunday to square accounts
with their local draft boards and after
that the Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation will go to work on them.
The state Selective Service Head-
quarters announced today that Feb.
14 is the deadline for draft delin-
quency, a change from the previously-
set final date of Feb. 1.
The announcement instructed local
draft boards to turn over to Michigan
newspapers lists of the names and
addresses of all delinquents and sus-
pected delinquent registrants for pub-
lication Friday.
Part of a national round-up of
draft violators, the state delinquency
program is aimed at both deliberate
and unintentional violators.
Selective Service officials said they
were "especially concerned with locat-
ing for compliance or prosecution"
men who failed to register for the
draft or those who did register but
whose records have been lost. Others
who may be subject to prosecution
are those who have failed to follow
instructions of their local boards.
'Garg' Editor
Resigns Post
The resignation of Olga Gruzhit,
last semester's Garg editor, was an-
nounced yesterday.

mounting evidence'that a large-scale
Allied attack is imminent with the
assertion that Lieut.-Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower, commander of the Al-
lied troops, is concentrating large
forces in the Gafsa area and that,
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery,
commander of the British Eighth
Army, "seems to be preparing for an
assault on Axis positions in Southern
(Earlier a Vichy radio spokesman
declared that "something big" is
brewing in the Tunisia-"Tripolitania
border area.
(DNB, the German news agency,
reported that Britishntanks attacked
an Axis rearguard position during a
"large scale operation" by the Eighth
Army in the Libyan-Tunisian fron-
tier area, adding that they were forc-
ed to withdraw in disorder.)
Bombers Blast Messina
While United States B-24 Libera-
tors of the Middle East Command
blasted Messina by daylight, other
bombers of Eisenhower's command
set two ships afire in the harbor of
Sousse and fired buildings and park-
ed aircraft in a raid on the airdrome
at Gabes.
American P-39 Airacobras, making
their first appearance in Tunisia,
shot up Axis truck columns and a
British submarine reported sinking
four ships off the Italian west coast
in a single day.
Again proving their fighting pow-
er, the Liberators scored direct hits
on oil storage tanks, the port power'
station and the waterfront at Messina'
and returned without loss, although
attacked by a sizeable force of fight-
ers. An American communique said
the B-24's shot down at least one
Messerschmitt 109 and damaged

War Production Board and Price Ad-
ministrator Prentiss M. Brown asked
the public today to stop "overbuying"
clothing and said "at .the present
time there is no shortage of clothing
and therefore no need for rationing."n
The two officials .issued a joint
statement in an effort to stop runs
on clothing stores reported from
many parts of the country.
"Announcement of shoe rationing
appears to have stimulated scare buy-
ing (of clothing) in some parts of the
country," they said. "Such buying. is
"Supplies of wool in the United
States are larger by several hundred
million pounds than they were when
the Japs struck at Pearl Harbor. At
the present time there is no shortage
of clothing and therefore' no need
for rationing.
"The War Production Board has
not directed the Office of Price Ad-
ministration to undertake the ration-
ing of clothing.
"The Office of Price Administra-
tion has set up no machinery for ra-
tioning clothing."
WPB Rules 10%
Print Paper Cut
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.- (VP)-
Scotching reports of a deeper slash,
War Production Board officials deal-
ing with the newspaper publishing in-
dustry stated today that a second cut
in print paper use of not more than
10 per cent, effective April 1, "would
be adequate to meet the current situ-
ation caused by the war."
An initial 10 per cent was chopped
from newspapers' consumption Jan. 1.
The new cut should not work undue
hardship on any newspaper "nor han-
dicap its essential service to the na-
tion in war time," said a joint state-
ment by W. G. Chandler, director of
the printing and publishing division,
and Donald J. Sterling, consultant on
the newspaper and publishing indus-

' whose labors affect interstate com-
merce. The order made no change in
this law or in union agreements call-
ing for overtime pay.
"For the duration of the war," the
order said, "no plant, factory or other
place of employment shall be deemed
to be making the most effective util-
ization of its manpower if the mini-
mum work week therein is less thap,,
48 hours per week."
The President empowered Chair-
man Paul V. McNutt of the War
Manpower Commission to formulate
general policies carrying out the or-
der and authorized him to establish
a longer or shorter work week in
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.--(P)-- A
compulsory "back - to - the - farm"
movement to help fill a rural labor
gap that threatens this year's food
production was indicated by James
F. Byrnes tonight.
The Director of Economic. Sta-
bilization said the government felt
many farm workers who had taken
war jobs should return to the farm.
He hinted that if they refused, the
government might take steps to
cancel their draft deferment.
special cases where he finds such ac-
tion would "more effectively contrib-
ute to the war effort."
As the first step to carry out the
directive, McNutt limited its imme-
diate application to 32 cities in which,
he said, there was a labor shortage.
These communities include Detroit
and Manitowoc, Wis.
It was indicated the list would be
broadened later.
Simultaneously with issuance of
the order, Director James F. Byrnes
of the. Economic Stabilization Board
went on the radio to discuss the place
of the order in a general administra-
tion program of fighting inflation
and prosecuting the war.
Turn to Page 6, Col. 6
.Daily Staff
Issues ' Call
For Tryouts
WAAC's and WAVES have proved
it, bomber plant assembly lines have
proved it, and now college newspapers
are proving it-that the woman's
chance has really come.
Because The Michigan Daily staff,
along with other college and metro-
politan newspapers, has been hit by
the war, opportunities for University
women to receive practical journal-
istic experience on The Daily, are
greater than they have ever been.
With Daily men being called to the
armed services every week, positions
on the general news, business, and
advertising staffs are opening con-

Margaret Bourke-White Will
Speak on Photography Tonight


Manpower Corps To Hold New Registration Drive

Her first appearance in the United
States since covering the historic
Roosevelt-Churchill meeting in Casa-
blanca, Margaret Bourke - White,
world-famous woman photographer,
will discuss "Shooting the War with
the RAF" at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Hill
Miss Bourke-White, in addition to
the latest news from the African war
front, will bring first-hand informa-
tion of the bombardment activities of
the Royal Air Force. Attached to the
Eighth Air Force Bomber Command,
she has had many experiences pho-
tographing bombing raids, American
Rangers in action and Commandos
preparing for "Second Front" attacks.
She is probably best known for her
books and for her photographs in

tinually. Students who show ability,
industry, and responsibility will be
given the first chance to fill these
Working on The Daily presents the
newspaper in three of its most impor-
tant aspects, news writing, advertis-
ing, and business.
All men and women interested in
reporting, editorial writing, newspa-
per typography and make-up, adver-
tising and business routine, salesman-
ship and lay-out work are urged to

There will be a meeting of try-
outs for the general news staff of
The Daily at 4:15 p.m. today. Stu-
dents interested in The Daily bus-
iness staff are asked to meet at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Student
Publications Building.

In line with a wide array of new
projects planned for the second se-
mester, the Manpower Mobilization
Corps will hold a ne* registration
drive Friday.

venient campus locations, he said.
They will be at the West Engineering
Building Arch, in the lobby of Angell
Hall and in the lobby of the Union.

to all fraternity houses by Manpower
representatives. That fraternity
which turns in the most registrants'
names on a percentage basis will be
rewarded with a Manpower Corps

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