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Allied Airmen Blast Hitler's ortress Eu
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Belgium Feel
Heavy Blows
Number of Bombers,
Depth of Attack Exceed
All Previous Records
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 14. - American
bomibers, roaring out over Europe
again, struck their heaviest blow of
the war today with four separate,
closely coordinated attacks on naval,
airfield and factory targets in Ger-
many, Belgium and Holland.
SFor one record in the new series of
Anglo-American raids of unprece-
dented scope the U.S. Air Force sent
out the greatest number of planes en-
gaged in a single day.
For another, the four - engined
American bombers made their deep-
est 'penetration into Europe in at-
tacking the Naval and U-boat in-
stallations of Kiel, Germany.
Bomb Load Record Doubled
The American blows followed up
the record operations by the RAF
for a single night in which some 3,000
tons of bombs were showered on Ber-
lin, the Ruhr and Czechoslovakia, ap-.
proximately doubling the bomb-load
the RAP had delivered on any previ-
ous night.
American heavy bomber forma-
tions smashed at two targets in Bel-
gum--the former General Motors
plant in Antwerp, now supplying en-.
emy transport, and a large fighter
airfield and repair depot at Courtrai.
Tanks Strike Velzen
The Netherlands target was Vel-
zen near Haarlem. American medium
bombers, operating for the first time
from Britain, made successful low
level attacks on industrial targets
All the airmen were enthusiastic
over the effectiveness of the Kiel at-
task-a foray involving a round-trip
filght of more than 1,000 miles.
"Bet we don't have to bomb that
place again soon," one said.
ASCE Picnic Today
The annual picnic of the American
Society of Civil Engineers will be
held at 2 p.m. today in the east part
of the Arboretum. The picnic was
scheduled for last Saturday, but was
postponed because of rain. The So-
ciety will provide the lunches. High-
light of the afternoon will be a base-
ball game, in which the professors
will play against the students. Mem-
bers will meet at the Arboretum.
$15,000 Goal Reached
By Bomber Scholarship
With a total of $584.83 already contributed in their week-long drive for
$500, the Bomber Scholarship went over the top yesterday, achieving their
goal of $15,000 in war bonds for, the current semester.
Coral DePreister, '43E, Bomber Chairman, and George Sallade, '43,
Promotions Manager, expressed themselves as "elated over the fine response
the campus has shown in the drive."
"Although all of the $11,100 cash needed to buy $15,000 worth of war
bonds has not yet been turned in, the rest of the amount is pledged in the
form of proceeds from various campus dances and projects," De Preister said.
"However, I hope that the campus will not forget that our eventual
goal before the war is over is $100,000 in bonds. The Bomber Scholarship
will continue to operate until that '
Area of New Tokyo-B ound Attacks'
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STATUTE MiLES __________________...«...i.....,__".:_..
o a 100
, .,,
goal is made. Contributions will be
accepted at the office of the Dean of
Students all next week, as the Fund
will be in* operation all summer," he
Appeal To Closing Houses
"'Houses which are closing at the
end of the semester are especially
urged to make a final contribution,"
he added.
Nfew donations which brought the
Fund: over its goal were $61.50 from
Collegiate Sorosis, $38.15 from the
Slavic Club, $25 from the West Quad-
rangle Council, $25 from Fletcher
Hall, $25 from Betsy Barbour, and
$10 from Mrs. Dane W. Poppleton,
house director of Betsy Barbour.
Two Pledges Turned In
Contributions figured on the
Bomber Scholarship's list of pledges
for thesemester were turned in yes-
terday by Alpha Xi Delta and Delta
Delta Delta,
Second largest single contribution
to the Fund during the year was
made recently by the Michigan Un-
ion, which turned over $1,000 to the
Bomber Scholarship.
Seven Students
Elected Union
Seven vice-presidents of the Union,
representing each of the schools of
the University, were elected in the
campus election yesterday.
Bud Brimmer, '44, triumphed in
the Literary School race, while Bill
Jacobs, '43E, was victorious in the
Engineering School. Howard O'Dell,
'44D, was the Dental School's choice,
Ronald Bishop, '44M, won in the
Medical School, and Bob Grimshaw,
'45L, in the Law School. The candi-
date elected by all the other schools
was Donald Smith, '44BAd.
Kelly Appoints
New Regent
Mrs. Vera Baits Is
Successor to Cook
Long associated with various Uni-
versity organizations, Mrs. Vera Bur-
ridge Baits, of Grosse Point Park,
was appointed by Governor Kelly
yesterday to the Board of Regents to
succeed the late Franklin N. Cook.
A graduate of the University in the
class of 1915, Mrs. Baits has main-
tained her relationship with the Uni-
versity through alumnae activities.
She was a member of the Board of
Governors of Alumnae House and of
Martha Cook dormitory. She was
also a member of the President's
Alumni Advisory Committee and
served as the Detroit representative
on the Alumni Council.
Mrs. Baits will fill the vacancy on
the Board caused by the death of=
Franklin Cook early in April. Her
term 'extends through Dec. 31, 1949.
Her husband, Stuart G. Baits, a-
motor engineer,' and her daughter,
Mrs. Robert Sheeb of Boulder, Colo.
also graduated from the University
and her son Stephen is now in resi-
dence as a freshman.
In making the appointment Gov.
Kelly stated that she had been ap-
proved by the policy committee of
the Alumni Council and was selected1
from a number of candidates. r
World News
In Brief...
Enemy Planes Downed
WASHINGTON, May 14.-(P)-
United States fighter planes shot1
down 16 Japanese Zeros, the Navy re-
ported today, when' a flight of about
25 of the enemy craft ventured into
the Southeastern Solomon Islands
Allies Blast Axis Bases
NORTH AFRICA, May 14.-(P)-
Allied naval units have started
shelling the remaining Axis Med-
iterranean bases in concert with a
continually intensifying aerial of-
fensive which yesterday dealt dec-
astating blows on Sardinia, Sicily,
the Italian Mainland and harbored
Jap Raid at Oro Fails
AUSTRALIA, May 15 (Saturday)-
(')-The Japanese made a costly raid
yesterday on the Allied base at Oro
Bay in New Guinea's famed Buna
Sector; sending over 20 bombers with
25 fighters, and losing between 16
and 22 planes.
Allied losses were minor both in
the air and on the ground.
* * *
Himmler Goes to Sofia
.rUiXTYA) Muav 14-UP1-AdonInh
Allies Gain on Vital
Island in Aleutians
'Shortest Route to Tokyo' Will Be
Secured by Victorious Americans
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, May 14.- The first stage of the first American offens-
ive in the North Pacific-a fierce battle to smash Japanese forces on Attu
Island-appeared tonight to be progressing toward a victorious conclusion.
Weather-hardened United States troops have been battling the enemy
since Tuesday on this enemy-seized island at the tip of, the Aleutians-in
effect, advancing along the shortest route to Tokyo, barely 2,000 miles away.
American landings on the island were disclosed by the Navy at noon
today, and later Secretary Knox assured his press conference that the
operations were "going very satisfactorily."
There was no indication that a triumph could be reported in a matter
of hours, and Knox repeatedly declined to estimate the length of time
required to overcome enemy opposition. But his disclosure as to the
progress of the battle strongly supported the general impression among
qualified authorities here that eventual success, possibly within A few days,
was certain despite the stubbornness of Jap resistance and the difficulties
on terrain on the bleak and mountainous island.
The attack-unquestionably the initial thrust in a campaign to banish
the Japanese from strongly fortified Kiska as well as Attu-is being carried
on by Army troops and Navy ships. Knox said this was not a Marine opera-
tion, as was the initial offensive against the enemy in the Solomon Islands.
Knox declined to confirm Tokyo reports that the actual landings
on Attu had been preceded by aerial bombings and a heavy naval
bombardment, saying he would not give out any details of what had
happened until it was all over. Other authorities, however, considered
the enemy report on the initial blows to be true since bombings and
bombardments normally precede an amphibious attack.
Asked whether the Attu operation was part of the general plan of U.S.
offensive action in the Pacific, Knox replied that "When you seize enemy
territory it certainly can be called offensive," but he would not comment on
any possible other offensives which might be undertaken.
As for the nature of the fighting on Attu, he explained that it is a
"tough terrain" for military operations, comparable in difficulties to Guad-
alcanal in the South Pacific where Marines, later joined by Army forces,
required seven months to throw the Japanese off the island. However, Knox
noted that Attu is a mountainous, treeless sub-arctic landscape whereas
Guadalcanal is covered with tropical vegetation and not nearly so rugged.
Knox said that while Japanese strength on Attu was known to the
American command he would not disclose it.
The Navy announcement that Attu had been attacked was made at
noon eight hours after Tokyo broadcast that American troops had landed
there. The Navy reported tersely:
"On May 11 U.S. forces landed at the island of Attu in the Aleutians,
and are now engaged with Jap forces on the island. Details of the operation
will be released when the situation clarifies."
In the absence of any official information to the contrary it was
assumed that the forces engaged on land had the support of a strong
North Pacific naval force charged with bringing up reinforcements and
supplies and with preventing the enemy from delivering reinforcements
to his beleaguered garrison. The use of Army troops for the action
follows the same pattern which has been employed in making earlier
unopposed advances along the Aleutians chain westward from Dutch
Harbor. These have been carried out by Army forces with naval
Attu (upper left and in center of enlargement), only 2,005 airline
miles from Tokio, was the scene of a new Yank drive reported "going
very satisfactorily" by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox late yesterday.
From Attu Japan is within the range of our B-24 bombers.
Mu'yskens To Welcome New
Citizens at Orchestra Festival
Thinclads Place 14 Men;
Nine Bows to OSU, 9-6
Alkon, Ufer Set Pace in Qualifying Events
OSU Batters Knock Boim from Mound
In observance of "I Am an Ameri-
can Day," proclaimed by President
Roosevelt for Sunday, Dr. John H.
Muyskens, of the Department of
Speech, will address the audience of
the Massed Orchestra Festival at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow, in Hill Auditori-
Dr. Muyskens will welcometnew
'Washtenaw County citizens natural-
ized within the past year. This special
feature in the musical salute to the
Allied Nations is sponsored by the
local Junior Chamber of Commerce.
American, English, Russian and
Norwegian compositions will be fea-
tured in the program of the third an-
nual festival sponsored jointly by the
University School of Music and the
Michigan Civic Orchestra Associa-
The playing personnel will be tak-
Britain Ready
For Assault
Continental Invasion
Predicted by Churchill
WASHINGTON, May 14.-(P)-
Prime Minister Churchill said today
the time is approaching when troops
concentrated in Britain will advance
across the seas "for the assault on
the strongholds of the enemy's
The British leader's intimation of
an imminent continental invasion
came in a radio broadcast in which
he also said he and President Roose-
velt are planning "well ahead of the
armies who are moving swiftly for-
"It is no good only having one
march laid out," he continued.
"March after march must be planned
as far a himan e can see. Design
en largely from the University Sym-
phony Orchestra and the Ann Arbor
Civic Orchestra. A small representa-
tion from Wyandotte, Monroe, and
Flint will attend, as contrasted to the
300 instrumentalists from Michigan
civic orchestras assembled here last
Prof. Joseph Maddy, of radio music
instruction, and Prof. Eric DeLa-
marter, visiting professor of music,
are the committee for music and pro-
gram details. Prof. Phillip Potts of
the School of Engineering, acting
president of the Michigan Civic Or-
chestra Association, has charge of
general arrangements for the occa-
The program consists of "Festival
March" by Victor Herbert; "Finale,"
Fourth Symphony by Tschaikowsky;
"Three Dances from Henry VIII" by
Edward German; "Angelus," from
Third Symphony by Henry Hadley;
"March of the Dwarfs" by, Edward
Grieg; "Omaha Indian Love Song"
by Carl Busch; "Favorites" by Her-
bert; and "Pomp and Circumstance"
by Edward Elgar.
Seven .Receive
The seven winners-all women-
of the Emma M. and Florence L.
Abbott and Eugene G. Facett schol-
arships were announced yesterday by
Dr. Frank Robins, Assistant to the
The awards were made on the basis
of need and academic achievement
and run for one year. The winners
have the choice of using them any-
time during 1943-44.
The following were awarded the
Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott
EVANSTON, Ill., May 14.-r (UP--C
Michigan's Big Ten indoor- track
champions, striving for a sweep of
1943 Conference honors, carried off
14 places today in qualifying events
of the 43rd annual outdoor meet be-
ing held at Dyche Stadium.m
Striking heavily in the middle dis-
tances the Wolverines placed four
men in the 440 and three in the 880,
and wound up with qualifiers in sev-
en of today's nine preliminaries.
At 10 places apiece came Illinois,
favored to give Michigan its strong-
est competition in tomorrow's finals,
and Ohio State, the defending out-
door champion. Minnesota collected
eight places, Northwestern six, Indi-
ana and Purdue, four each, and Wis-
consin and Chicago three apiece.
Towa failed to land a berth.
The only semblance of a record
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS O., May 14. - The
Buckeyes of Ohio State knocked
"Pro" Boim, star Wolverine hurler,
out of the box with eight runs in the
first four innings yesterday to trim
the Big Ten leading Maize and Blue
baseball team, 9 to 6.
Ohio State's two singles in the first
inning coupled with three Michigan
errors gave the Buckeyes a three-run
advantage- at the start. Three singles
and a stolen base gave the Bucks
three more tallies in the third inning.
Boim was sent to the showers when
he allowed a triple and pitcher Don
Grate's two-run home-run in the
fourth inning.
In the eighth inning the Maize and
Blue finally got to Grate, the Ohio
State pitcher, and scored four runs
on four singles helped by Keo Na-
lr~mn'..a arnnd Prrrf theA'*1La. UTY
trish Writer
Will Lecture
Hopwood Awards
To Be Announced at
Annual Convocation
Mary M. Colum, noted Irish-
American writer and critic will de-
liver the 1942-43 Hopwood lecture on
"Modern Mode in Literature" at 4:15
p.m. next Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Following the lecture, the winners
of the 1942-43 Hopwood contest will
be announced. The awards, given
in the name of Avery Hopwood and
Jule Hopwood, are made from a fund
provided by the will of Avery Hop-
wood, '05, famed American dramatist.
Mrs. Colum, who is the wife of
Pdriac Colum, the famous Irish
poet, will be the second woman to,
give the Hopwood lecture since the
inception of the series in 1932.
Musical Tickets Available
Tickets for the third performance,
Last Concert
Band Offering
To Be Monday
Senior Members To
Conduct; Former
Members Honored
Dedicated to former members of
the University of Michigan Bands
who are now in the armed forces,
the concert to be given at 8:30 p.m.
Monday night in Hill Auditorium will
be the last appearance of the season
for the Concert Band.
Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor
of the Concert Band, will conduct
"Red Cavalry," new composition by
Morton Gould based on two march-
ing songs of the U.S.S.R. army, and
John Philip Sousa's popular "Wash-
ington Post March."
All other numbers on the program
will be conducted by student mem-
bers of the band who will be gradu-
ating at the end of this semester.
George Irwin, student manager of
the band, has selected "Procession
of the Nobles," by N. Rimsky-Korsa-
Ethel Rosser,
Grad., Ann Arbor;I