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May 15, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-15

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5ATuvj)Av* MAY. 15, 1943,


I t

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colee Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff

"Und remember-don't lead with your soft underbelly!."


John Erlewine
Bud Brimmer.
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski.
Betty Harvey
James Conant .
Frank M. OBrien .
Howard Baumgarten
Rosalie Frank . .

Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
* . City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sport Editor
. Women's Editor
. . Columnist

udiness Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Woman's Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

x,-' ~ '*~,*-
-.-IT . - -


Senators Should Tun
From Reactionary Path
WHEN A MAJORITY of House Representatives
succeeded Thursday in pushing through the
reciprocal trade agreements bill with only one
compromise-the reduction of the program from
three to two years-they indicated clearly that
this time America must not turn back to the
road of isolationism.
By a vote of 342-65 members of the House went
on record as favoring active collaboration with
other nations of the world by trading as a means
of preventing another global war.a
Republican opponents fell back on the good old
moth-eaten argument that the President was,
usurping 'powers that rightly belonged to the
legislature, but fortunately the majority of rep-
resentatives didn't fall for it.
The important question is not who makes
the trade agreements; the real concern sould
be what kind of trade agreements are made.
Just compare the record established by the
"new deal" trade policy to that established after
the last war and before the Roosevelt regime.
Since 1933 our total exports have jumped from
$1,675,000,000 to $3,349,000,000 in 1937. Our im-
forts rose from $1,447,000,000 in 1935 to $3,083,-
000,000 in 1937. This reciprocal trade policy,
which embraces-most of La-tin America, has gone
a long way toward erasing the feeling of distrust
and suspicion which our South American neigh-
bors had borne toward us as the result of our
"dollar diplomacy" during the 1920's.
And 4how did Congressmen deal with the trade
and tariff question during the decade following
World.War I? Did they succeedin lowering tar-
iffs on goods coming in from South America?
Did they strive to promote better relations among
the United States and European nations by
adopting a free trgde program? Did they just
once push through a tariff law that in general
set the duties .lower than they were a few years
before? They did not.
This was the record of isolationist Congress.
The problem, then, which :should be faced
squarely bythe senators of this Congress when
they vote on the reciprocity agreement is
whether the American people are willing to
abandon the achievements 6f this "swap" trade
policy to the uncertalty ofa tariff law passed
by a possible reactionary Congress in the
-Virginia Rock
U.S. Has Truly Become
'Arsenal -of =Democrac y'
IN A MOVE aimed at re-examining five to five
and -one .half billion dollars of contracts for
the construction of new war -facilities, the War
Production Board -declared Wednesday that the
United-States has now all the plant and machine
tools it needs to beat the Axis.
Coupled with our itory in North -Africa
this news <places the United Nations well on
the road to -victory. -t means that we have
completed the-first stage in winning the battle
of production.
In the past three years, it was made -known
Wednesday, the United States devoted almost
as much effort to the construction-of war facili-
ties as it did to the production of arms-and muni-
tions. Since the beginning of 1939 we have vir-
tually doubled our stock of machine tools.
The treiendous amounts of manpower and
raw materials used in our industrial metamor-
nlhcienfl.r nt..l - nr n matr

WASHINGTON May 15.- The other day my
daughter was invited to smash a bottle of
champagne against the bow of a new Liberty
ship. The ship was to be launched at the Wain-
wright Yard at Panama City, Fla., and the ship
was to be named the SS Joseph M. Medill, foun-
der pf the Chicago Tribune and my daughter's
great, great grandfather.
My daughter, reasonably competent for seven-
teen, probably could have managed the cham-
pagne-smashing without any parental advice.
Nevertheless, her father thought he should go
along. (Parents will be that way, of course).
I was glad I did. I had never seen a ship-
launching before and it is worth seeing. It is
especially worthwhile to watch the precision
teamwork with which every workman on the
job goes about it. The sponsor, up above, gets
the limelight; but down below goes on the
work that really counts. This particular
launching was in charge of Bill Tait, a Scots-
man who has been launching ships ever since
the year I was born.
He had the SS Joseph M. Medill scheduled td
go down the ways at noon sharp. (Actually, she
got restless and departed at 11:55). To prepare
for this, the launching crew began at 9:30 a.m.
and was given a mimeographed chart of each
move to be made in the intricate job of easing
the 10,000 ton freighter into the water.
Knocking Out the Blocks
The chart read something like this: "10:05
a.m. commence creep gauge readings. 10:10 a.m.,
removal of ram rails and temporary spreaders
from wedge rider. 10:20 a.m., remove all shores
inside launchways. 10:30 a.m., remove all shores
outboard of launchways. 10:40:aam., remove al-
ternate keel blocks and all keel blocks aft of
Fr. 156. 11:10 a.m., remove all collapsible keel
blocks. 11:20 am., remove all collapsible -bilge
blocks, 11 sets per side, at time marked on bilge
I don't pretend to understand this. And I
confess I couldn't runderstand Bill Tait's de-
lightful Scotch brogue whenhe explained it
to me. But I didnotice that eachblock on
which th hull restshas a umnber painted on
the end, a number which shows the time at
which a sledge hammer is to knock it out from
under. This has to be done, gradually, block
by block. And I was at least able to grasp the
fact that if they were all to come out at once,
the hull would crash to the skids upon which
-tfinally rides out to sea. Instead this careful
knocking - out of the blocks gently lowers the
ship like a baby into its cradle.
The very last act of launching comes when
four workmen with acetylene torches begin cut-
ting through two steel plates-the cut-off plates
-which hold the vessel on the ways.
Superstitious Seamen
Long before this, however, the much less im-
portant, but more spectacular, ceremonies had
begun on the christening platform, topside. A
band, made up of shipyard workers, is playing.
A preacher has blessed the ship. And the great,
great granddaughter of Joseph Medill stands
breathless and excited, waiting the signal to let
fly with the champagne.
In this case, the young lady had heard- a great
deal about the superstitious fears of seamen
when the champagne bottle fails to break and

I'd Rather
L Be Right
ONE THINKS AGAIN, these days, of that won-
derful chapter in "War and Peace" in which
Tolstoy raises the question of why Napoleon re-
treated from Moscow at all. There was no battle,
to start him running for home. He sat in Mos-
cow, the Russians sat outside. But, bit by bit,
it became clear to both the French and the
Russians that the Russians had gained many
more soldiers than they had had before, that
they had become stronger, that the scale had
been tipped. The Emperor turned and ran,
though no visible disaster had struck him.
We are in that kind of period now. Italians
are running from Rome, from Milan, from Na-
ples, from the big. cities, sending their families
to the comparative safety of rural regions. Trins
and roads are crowded. Observers have seen
the mattress high on top of the cart, the classic
sign of uprootment and flight.
Yet the big events have taken place ,in
Africa, not Italy. Italy has had some extra
bombing; nct much more. But the beam las
been tipped. Italy's trains and roads are de-
scribed as disorganized. Her food distribution
has been upset by these mass movements. It
has become necessary to issue emergency allot-
ments of spaghetti and macaroni against
bread tickets. This has been done to Italy by
remote control, from Africa.
If now we land in Sicily (and we may be doing
that even as these words appear) these -fright-
ened Italian mass movements must stand in the
way of shipping defenders and materials to the
fighting zone, or of evacuating them from it.
At the lower levels of war activity, men ,and
families busy moving toward safety cannot ;do
war work, or spot airplanes, or -keep store, or
buy war bonds, or whatever. The drama of
Europe today is this drama of progressive de-
terioration of fascist order.
Hitler moves his headquarters to the west. He
does not want to move his headquarters to the
west, any more than Napoleon wanted to leave
Moscow. He wants his quarters -to be in the
east. But the invisible beam tips. Hitler is
impelled, as was his predecessor. And when one
is impelled, one can no longer make free choices.
To put it another way, a situation has been
reached in which all the choices .are bad.
Furious Russian activity breaks out around
Novorossisk. What shall Hitler do,move,his
headquarters back? But he has business in
Holland. So many Dutchmen have bee ijed
that the population is in a state of rebeUion.
He kills 23 more Dutchmen to stop the rebel-
lion. But killings made the rebellion. The
new killings mean new uprisings. Hitler'slast
remaining solutions only intensify his prob-
lems, as he staggers on through the monoton-
ous cycle of murder and reaction, double mntr-
der and double reaction.
He has business in Holland. But the central
organization of Finland's trades unions choose
this moment to demand that Finland shall make
peace. So Hitler now has business in Finland,
too. But he does not want to have business in
Finland. He has too much business as ,it is.
Shall he try to crush Finland? But that would
turn Finnish trades unionists from resolutions
to revolution. Then Der Fuehrer would have
still more unfinished business.
When a crisis stage has been reached, every

SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 166
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Memorial Day Holiday, University of-
fices will be closed on May 31, with the
exception of offices whose relations with
the public necessitate their remaining
open on holidays.
Comrnaencement-Saturday, May 29, 10:09
Weather Fair:
Time of Assembly-9 :10 a-m (except
Places of Assembly--
Members of the Faculties at 9:15 a.m.
in Angell Hall, Room 1223 Rhetoric Li-
brary, where they may robe.
Regents, Ex-Regents, and Deans at 9:15
a.m. in Angell Hall. Room 1011, the Re-
gents' Room.
Students of. the various schools and col-
leges, as follows:
Literature, Science, and the Arts on
Main Diagonal walk between Library
and Engineering Buildings.
Education on walk in front of Physiol-
ogy Building.
Vngineering on Main Diagonal walk in
Engineering Court.
Architecture on Main Diagonal walk in
Engineering Arch (behind Engineers).
Medical and Nurses on diagonal walk
between Chemistry Building and Library.
Law on East and West walk, west of
the intersection in front of Library.
Pharmacy on East and West walk,
west of the intersection in front of Li-
brary (behind Law).
Business Administration on walk north
side of Physiology and Pharmacology
Forestry and Conservation on walk
north side of Physiology and Pharmacol-
ogy Building (behind Bus.Ad.).
Yrusic on main diagonal walk from
Library to Natural Science Building,
north of Library
Public Health on main diagonal walk
from Library to Natural Science Build-
ing (behind Music).
Graduate on main diagonal walk near
Natural Science Building.
Color Guard and Honor Guar in front
of Main Library.
ine of Mar-South University to State
Street to North University to Hill Audi-
Weather Rainy:
The sounding of the University Power
House Siren 't 9:00 a.m. will indicate that
the march to Hill Auditorium has been
Students will proceed directly to Hill
Auditorium and enter through one of the
three main center doors. (Doors open at
9:30 a.m.)
Members of the Faculties will assemble
in the second floor dressing rooms and
take their places on the platform in the
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and other
participating officials will assemble in the
first floor dressing rooms of Hill Audi-
--L. M. Gram,
Chief Marshal
Siors: The firm which furnishes d-
piomas for the University has sent the
following caution: "Please warn graduates
not .to store diplomas in cedar chests.
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
.matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored insie them, resulting In eriously
damaging the ,diplomas."
Shirley W. Smith
Commencement Tickets: Tickets for
Commencement may be obtained on re-
quest at the Information Desk in the
;Business Office, Room 1, University Hall.
Because Hill Auditorium ill be ,used for
the eercises, and because of its limited
aeathxg capacity, only three guest tickets
will be available for each senior. Students
in cap and gown will need no tickets.
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
-Herbert G. Vatkins,
Assistant Secretary
To Students Graduating at Commence-
inent, May 29, 1943:
Diplomas not called for at the offices
o f the Recorders of the several Schools
ann Colleges, immediately following the
Compmencement Exercises, or at the Busi-
ness_ Off ice by June 2, will be mailed CIO.D.
The, dmestic postage 'payable under these

cpnditions will be 27c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 36c for the book form.
,Will each graduate, therefore, be cer-
pain .that the Diploma Clerk has his cor-
rect mailng adrgss .to insure deliveryby
mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is
expected, return any diplomas which can-
not be delivered. Because of adverse
conditions abroad, foreign students should
leave .addresses in the United States, if
possible, to which diplomas may be mailed.
It is preferred that ALL diplomas be
personally called for.
,:erbert G. Watkins,
.Assistant Secretary
Diplomas: After the Commencement ex-
ercises on May 29, diplomas will be de-
livered to all graduates from the offices
,of the Recorders of the several Schools
and Colleges. These offices willremain
open until 12:30 pe. a n that day, by
.which time it is expected each graduate
will have had the opportunity to call for
his diploma.
;Please Note-No diplomas, will bede-
livered to any graduate until after the
seeable, but, by almost ,a law of na-.
ture, good for us .and bad for the
-This is the moment when we are.
at- last -ready- to present- Hitler. with
cthoices as bad:,as were. Napoleon's
famous alternatives on . the road
back to- Snolensk: whether to re-
treat slowly, and have to fight the
Russans, or to travel quickly, and
kill.me 1

Commencement Exercises have been con-1
eluded. f
-Herbert G. Watkins,c
Assistant Secretary t
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: We havet
been informed that the income from theE
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships fund will
be drastically reduced for the coming
year. The committee in charge, however
wishes present holders of these Scholar-
ships to renew their applications, if they
desire to be considered when the amount1
available is allotted. Forms may be se-i
cured from Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021 Angell
Faculty, College of Engineering: ThereE
will be a meeting of the Faculty on Mon-
day. May 17, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 348E
West Engineering Building. Agenda: Nom-
ination of Panel for Selection of Execu-
tive Committee Member, and Election of
University Council Member,
-A. H. Lovell, Secretary:
German Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found-E
ers' Room Michigan Union. Members of
all departments are cordially invited.
There will. be a brief talk on "Rheinische
Varteipolitik, II" by Mr. Phiippson.'
Prospective Business Administration Stu-
dents: Students planning to enter 'the,
echool of Business Administration in the
Summer Term should make application
and arrange for admission interviews prior
to final examination time. Application
blanks and inforipation available in Room
108 Tappan Hall.
Health Service X-ray Assistants: Men or
women students who have had X-ray, dark
room, or photographic experience w'il' be
needed at Health Service June 23 to 26.
Call. Miss Ziele, 2-4531, if interested.
-Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
German Departmental LiPrary: All books
are due on Saturday, Iay 1. -
Teaching Departments wishing to recom-
mend tentative May graduates froii the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and the School of Education for
Departmental Honors hot~id send suceh
names to the Registrar's O;fic, toomh 4,
i. Hall, before May 18.
To All Students HAvig Library Books:
I. Students having in their possssto
books drawn from the University Libraries
are notified that such books are due on
Wednesday, May 19.
2. The'-names of all students who have
not cleared their records at the Librry
will be sent on May 21 to the Reorder's
Office, where their semester's credits Will
be heId up until such time- as said recor~is
are cleared, in ompliance with the re -
lations of the Regents. '
--Warner G. Rice,
To Members of the University Faculties:
The itegents regulations governing the
loan of books provide that:
"All books borrowed by members of
the faculty shall be returned onor be-
fore the first day of December vacation,
and on or before THE !U|,DAYPRE-
We shall appreciate your cooperation in
clearing our records of books charged to
you. In ecase .you have a number ofooks
which ,you have drawn out for a special
piece of research and which it would be
inconvenient to return, the spirft of the
regulation can be met by bringing in a-
list giving the classification and volume
numbers of each. It wll, be very ,helpful,
however, if every book which has been in
cirqulation for more than a year is tuined-
In at the OCrucIatiori Desk pot later than
Monday, May 24.
-Warner G. Rice,
Mlail is being held at the-Business Office
of the Uniesiy for the fIlowiigpeople:
Gene Barsons, Miss Charlie Boyd, Vir-
gina M. Brown. Mortimer C. Cooke, Cpl.
Robert Greenblatt, Andrewe G. kuroda,.
Ruth Mercedes - Laub-Wendt, Dr. Lo J.
Madsen, Lt. Wilber Miller, charlotte Pen
singer, Sgt. Leslie M. Parrish, Pvt. Francis
M. quinlivan, Dr. C. P. Somsel, Sgt. Mayer
Claims Investigation: The Liberty Mu-
tual Insurance Company, nBoston', is snd- -
ing a representative to interview girls for
their Claims Unit. Liberal Arts st.dets,-
Psychology maors-those primarily inter-.
estedin personnel work call Ext. 31 for,
an appointment. The.interviews are being
scheduled for Monday, May i. -
-Bureau of Appointments

and-Occupational Information
Signal Corps: Mr. Philip Maher will be,
on campus Monday, May 17, to interview
men and women for work in the Radio
Development Laboratory. Call Ext. 371
immediately for 'an appointment.
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Remington Rand, Inc.: Mr. Luttmann,
Branch Manager, Tabulating Machines Di-
vision, will be in our office on Tuesday,
May 18, to interview girls for their train-
ing program. Call Ext. 371 for an appoint-
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occppuational. nfornation
Registrants: Everyone registered .with
the Bureau who does -not ,ave a.positin
as yet should file change of addressaid
date before leaving campus. -All those
who will return to Summer School should
notify the --Bureau as soon as they are
back in town.
Everyone who has a position and ho
has not yet notified the Bureau should do
so at once. Your cooperation, in keeping
your record up-to-date will save employers
a, good deal of time.
All people registered with the teaching
or general.division of the.Bureau who have
not yet had a personal interview in the
division in which they are registered
should call for appointments at once.
-University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Infortion
Summer Jobs: Camping positions and

May 18th. to interview girls for their
Cashier's Training Course. Business Ad-
ministration students and those inter-
ested in business or office work are espe-
cially qualified. Every effort will be made
to place girls in an office in the general
region of -their homes. A salary is paid
during the training period.
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occupatonal lnformation
General Motors: A training course is
being set up for girls interested in draft-
ing and in laboratory work. Following a
fdurteen-week' period in Flint's General
Moto rsInstitute of Technology, thelobs
'will be located in different defense Iplnts.
Call Ext. 371 for an appointment.
Interviews are being scheduled for Tues
day, May 18th.
' -Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational 'Information
Notice to Sororities: Every sorority must
returi J .G.P. stamps or money (prefer-
ably ONLY MONEY) to Geni Schwartbek
on Montday. May 17, from 2-5 at tXhe Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Hopwood Lecture: Mary Colum will give
the Hopwdod Lecture at 4:15 on Wednea-
day afternoon. May 19, in the Rackham
,Auditorium. The title of the lecture is
:Mdrdcri Mtode in Literature." After the
lecture, announcement will be made of
the Hopwood prizes for the year. This
meeting is open to the public.
Bfological Chemistry Seminar will meet
en Tuesday. May 18,' t 7:30 p.m., Zn'Room
319 West Medical Building. "Some Phases
of Iron Metabolism" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
A cqdemic Notices
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet T'es-
day, May 18. at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: "The
Morphology of Bacteria as Revealed by the
Electrcn Microscope." -All interested are
Final Examination Room Assignments,
German i1,' 2 31 32:
Moniday, May .24, 8:10 a.m.:
German 1, all sedtions: 101 Economics
German 2. Diamond and Gaiss: B ,H&-
Geran 2. .Philippson, Van Duren and
' WUilley: C' Haven Hall. -..-
German 2, Reichart and Winkelman:
1035 'Angel'I fll.
German 31, both sections: 2225 Angell
Hall. -
German 32, all sections: 205 Maon
al '.
,IIstory 92: The final examination for
i9story 92 will be given in Room- 125
An etl Hall on Friday; May 21. For the
flina examination in History 12 Lecture
Group'II Iosson's sections wIlln meet in
Boin 1025 Angell Han and all other see-
dioxs in Nat'ural-Science -Auditoriuli.r
--Preston W. Slsson
Political Science 1: Final Examination
Wednesday,' May 19; 2-4 p.m-., room- 1025
A.H. -
Political Science 2. Final .Examinaion,
Wednesday, May 19. 2-4 p.m.
CuncannoAis sections-room 231 A,H.
Nortn's section-'oom 25 Al.
"Seke's sections-rboa 1035 .A. E.,
-Poltical Science 1 and 2. FPinl ElAm
ination (make-up for students with acd-
filitsnW examination schedules dly), Sat-
Urctay May'22; 10:30-12:30,room--1035 A.H.
- - r --Harold M. Doki'
i ological Chemistry: Courses 110 and
111 will be given from 7:00 to 8:00'ad
from 3:00 to 12:00 a.m. daily, drii-ng -the
period of the Summer Session. Non-
medical students are advised to .take the
work durin'g the Summer Session. ' It is
expected that the enrollment n the Mcdl-
cal Schoo -will be so large that it wille
necessary to restrict' vey-y considerably the
tiumber of' non-medical students wh o will
be permitted to take the course durg
the fall term of the year 1943-4
The ROTC Rifle Range will be open from
1;30 p.m. to 4:0 p.m. from Monday o
Friday, May 17-21, in order to permit MS-i
students to complete their record firing.
Students and Faculty, College of. Liter-
ature, Science, and the Arts: - The atten-
tion of students and faculty is caled to
the following regulation of the College:
It 8-ould be noted that a report of ,X
(Absent from -Ekamination) does not
guarantee a make-ip examination.
Ani instructor must, in fairness to

those who take the final examination
at the tine announced for it, give
make-up examiuations only to stu-
dents who have a legitimate reason
for absence.
-E. A. Walter
Doctoral Examination for Mary Lois
Jotter Cutter, Botany; thesis: "Recent
speciation in Oenothera: A .Comparison
of Types of the Jack-Pine Plains in Mich-
igan with Those 'of the Unglaciated Area
of VAsconsin." Today, 1139 Naturual Sci-
ence. 9:00 a.m. Chairman, K. L. Jones.
By action of the .Eiecutive Board the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attendthis examination, and he
may grant permission to- those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Lxamination for Harry Warren
Paine, Fducation; thesis: "Revision of a
Curriculumi in, a vocational High School
by Means of the Trade Analysis Approach."
Today, West Council Room, Rackham,.0:00
q.i.. Chairman, T. Diamond.
,By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may Invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend this examination and he may
grant permission to those who, for sp4fi-
cient reason ,might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Concerts for Next Year: The University
Musical Society calls attention to the fol-



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