X, FEB. 17, 1943
Daily Sports Editor
West fall and Football ball game.you would think that he
would have plenty of: stories to tell
WhenBob Westfal, Michigan's of his on xperiences. Start him
Al-~American fullback of 1941, en- talking about football and he'll tell
lltdin the Army Air Force he cor- you about Iarnoi of orAl Wistert, last
Zted the cycle of the 1940 Wolverine als grt limenr
lackfield into the services. "farl r ne as in a class by him-
Paul Kromer and Tom Harmon, self," Bob said "and he had every-
th!"touchdown twins" who terror- thing a great bti is made Of. He
I hed Mid*est gridirons for 10 was big, powerful, shifty ad had
ralght weeks and left a trail of an uncanny instinct of knowing
*nbellevable exploits, and Forrest what to d b'efoe the other kuy did
ashevskisignal-cwereall absoibed "I've played with both Harmon and
rmo had. lrTom Kuzma one of the star. backs of
the Army Air Forces, and is on 1942, and although they are some-
'th~e AryAir evsndithis pottimes compared, I don't think it's
tive duty. Evashevski quit his post fair to Kuzmna, Kuzma is larger than
as assistant coach at the University Harmon and may be more powerful;
*f Pittsburgh to go into the Navy. but the 'Cadh s one in
%romer was the first of the quartet but " Bry dsste was a
6 enlist. He joined the Army Air m
~s; ,was injured in an automobile The Gophers were the toughest
Acident; and subsequently given his foe Bob ever faced. "In 1940, liar-
Anorable discharge as a result. mon's last y,"-' Bob dw e lost
x That leads us back to "Bullet a hr ek t en Bi
t'bA sf all is now a cadet at mans teanl, 7-6 We sCOred fist
. and failedto convert, but held tie
c Nashville, Tenn., Army Air Cen- edge until the LeM half whem Bruce
fyiand he's having his worries. It's Smith got loose for 0 yards and a
~lying that ha i orred touchdown.- 'The converslon put
J~h ob of trying to wear off 12 'tuhon ht:cbaeso ~w
s. And one glance at his them ahead a d was the iaargin
nds. nd oe glace a his of difference (tef what was todth,"
t,r y frame is enough to make o ifrne ~ htw~tlt,
#k sympathize with him. Bob is 5 Bo added, "1its that five ttnes we
eet, 6 Inches tall and weighs 190 were inside their five and sUll failed
:wurtnd.ABob's playing weight, so to push it over."
S as about 80. F bal ' Bob was tundr coantract to the De-
eems to have proven itself as a troit Lions when h Was called int
ndiiioner in this case. the Air 00r. aybe h could have
The war has put a temporary halt removed that i 1ii of wot1f
n<.his future, but Bob isn't worrying from Fred anel's .brow. Wstall,
t it. He has no idea what his oc- cold have th4wo afer for the i
;'tloi will be in the post-war days, OS. It woU° h e £ee i ha me tby
t he's su'e of one thing-it won't be tie him to A' ltedm iz
ball. "It's a grand sport wnd I the big ci -
it, but I feel that I've had llb" "
gh," he declared.
laybe he has. If Westfall 1MIOOD3 1$I} -'lhey ere all
nged his mind after the war and there yest i re o n t"w pay
rned to football for a living until last trbue to 'krr toyLt . I
new order arose out of the eco- setis so str P O if tie
lfomic chaos that is sure to come, moves. t ddt . uNight , 's t at a
a t WoUldn't be the first athlete to hockey kam e I i a n od
hiwge his mind. There have been health.. und y . e did of'
mebaCks .In every sport. Jack a heart talk,ansl.Thesdsy 4te6-
empsey tried it in boxing. Bill Til- WomU he w burIid at ' rst, Hill
den did It in tennis. Gene Veniske cemetey.
s attempting it in track. And the AS YQIJDfl frT- -Spatan
In of young athletes into the Coach Karl chladenIt oNit a et too
Army is stirring the urge in the excited abotit hir lae K tt or
vets who laid their outfits away Lloyd Wh etter' as gre t iiihiersi
years ago. Schlademan coached Lde )rr at
As an All-American, a member of Washington aate College wlien the
the College All-Stars who played the yoting Canadian ran the 40-yard
Chicago Bears at Soldiers' Field last dasli in :48.8, the 226 in :26.; the
Ml, captain of the 1941 Michigan 100 in :09.5, and the 220-yard low
eleven,, and one of the starting back- hurdles in :23.2. "Orr," said Schlade-
fild quartet in the East-West foot- man, "was a great runzier."
Harris Succeeds Anderson as 'Ioa Coach
IOWA CITY, IA., Feb. 16.-(A)-. graduatingfrom Notre Dame in 193,
Jim Harris has been appointedhgdtre a Be d3'
ting" head football coach at the e was lie oachatSt.Benedicts
iversity of Iowa to succeed Major College at Atchison, K., in 1933
die Anderson, Director of Athletics and 1934. From 1935 through 1938 he
E. G. Schroeder announced today. aided Anderson at Holy Cross.
Puckmen Are
Underdogs ini
Gopher Tilts
Biadley and Anderson
Will Flank Bill Dance
On First Front Line
With a squad badly cut by gradua-
tion and ineligibility, members of the
hockey squad went through final
practice last night before the first
two Conference games to be played
against Minnesota Thursday and Sat-
urday nights. Michigan is given little
chance in the two contests.
Flanking Dance at right wing will
be Roy Bradley, while Gordon Ander-
son will hold down the left wing posi-
tion. This revamped line, composed
of comparative newcomers to first
line play, will have to take on a strong
Minnesota line which succeeded in
splitting a two game series with Illi-
nois last week-end. This line presents
the only scoring possibility for Michi-
gan, other than the chance for solo
rushes by Derleth or Stenberg.
Second Line Inexperienced
The second line composed of John-
ny Athens at center, Dave Pontius,
and Bob Mulligan or Chuck Berthoud
at the wings, which has seen action
only in the recent Paris A.C. en-
counter, will be called upon mainly
to tie up Minnesota's attack while
the first line gets a rest.
Any possibility of a score by this
line would depend on long passes from
Athens to the wings, as these men
have been out for hockey for such a
short time, that they would be unable
to outskate Minnesota's linemen.
Derleth and Stenberg, who have
sparked the team by their improved
play, will be called upon -to play sixty
minuites again, and to sustain all the
shook on the defense end.
Hank Loud, in the nets as usual for
the Maize and Blue, will be counted
on to withstand any barrage of puck
shooting that the Gopher sextet gets
past Derleth and Stenberg.
844ad Hard Hit
The hockey squad, which has been
the hardest hit of any Michigan team
now playing, has been criticized for
playing an entirely defensive game.
However, it must be realized that the
reason for this is that now, as in the
past two years, Michigan has no line
that can outskate its opponents.
When you can't outskate the other
squad you can't play wide open hock-
In order to keep the scores looking
like hockey scores rather than bowl-
ing scores a tight defensive game
must be played. To play a wide open
game, which Michigan players would
be only too glad to do, if it were feas-
ible, it is necessary to have a really
fast squad- which we just haven't
Defensive Game Stressed
Therefore the squad has to pin its
hopes on a close knit defensive game,
and hope for the breaks. This system
worked very well against Minnesota
in one game last year when the squad
scored three goals against the Goph-
ers with only eighteen shots at the
goal, while the Minnesota pucksters
took forty-four shots on Michigan's
goal, and only scored two points. Very
few of the Minnesota shots were of
the "close-in" variety simply because
of the tight defense which kept the
Minnesota line covered.
The Gopher squad is strong and
fast, and it is possible that the Maize
and Blue squad, haunted as it is by
the loss of men, should have given up
its schedule. But, as Hank Loud,
hockey captain, said, "We decided to
continue our schedule because we can
still put nine men on the ice-and we
want to play hockey."
Leo Dirocher in lA
NEW YORK, Feb. 16.-P)-Leo
Durocher, manager of the Brooklyn
Dodgers, has been classified lA for in-
duction into the armed services after
passing his physical examination suc-
cessfully, Selective Service Headquar-
ters said today.
He is married and will be 38 years
old next July.
Can Our Mermen Dolt Again?
. . Michigan breaststroke ace
who has not returned to form he
JACK PATTEN has shown in the past.
Lead by Captain Jack Patten, breaststroking Jim Skinner, and side-
wheeling Harry Holiday, the Wolverine tank team hopes to repeat their
performance of defeating the Ohio State swimmers this Saturday at
Both teams are regarded by experts as the outstanding teams in the
country today, and the dual meet ought to provide plenty of thrills, and
record breaking. The Mattmen took the Buckeyes into camp earlier in
the season, and the Bucks are out for revenge.
Student Vote for PEM after
War Is Almost Unanimous
Scoring with 10 Points
< ?-
Daily Sports Editor
Continuance of Michigan's compul-
sory physical education program-
PEM to you-after the war on a sim-
ilar basis as now observed by Univer-
sity authorities has been advocated
almost unanimously by students.
A total of 93 per cent or 634 of the
690 University students queried on the
question of PEM as a required subject
.Batter ymen "of
Michigan Nine
Start Practice,
Major League baseball teams have
just started their spring practice ses-
sions and again Coach Ray Fisher
and his boys have gotten the jump
on them. Despite the sub-zero weath-
er the Wolverine batterymen have
been working out for the past two
The Wolverine mentor has always
said that seventy-five per cent of a
ball game is won by the pitching
staff. This coming year Michigan will
probably have one of its strongest
pitching staffs.
Boim Leads Hurlers
The outstanding man on the staff
is "Pro" Boim who last year had a
earned-run average of 1.4 per. game.
Contrast this figure with that of oth-
er pitchers in the league who aver-
aged about four or five runs per
game, and that "Pro" started every
third game for Michigan. During the
past summer he worked out with the
Chicago White Sox. Mickey Fishman
returns to the scenes with the highest
won and lost record on the team, 7-2.
After a lapse of two years Cliff
Wise will again take his turn on the
mound for Michigan. If you can re-
member that far back Cliff had one
of the best earned-run averages on
the Varsity and averaged about ten
strikeouts a game. Bill Cain, one of
the control artists on the team last
year, will be on hand.
Strem Up from Frosh
Coming up from the freshman
squad is Ralph Strem, a lefthander
with a lot of speed. Dick Bodycombe,
another flinger from the frosh, was
to be counted on to help the Maize
and Blue retain their title this year,
but unfortunately he signed a con-
tract with the Air Corps and they
have first preference on his services.
If the pitching staff turns out the
way it looks on paper we will have
another title in our grasp by the end
of the season.
after the World War voted in favor
of its permanent adoption.
The 690 students-a cross-section
of men in Literary College, Engineer-
ing, Architecture, Education, Business
Administration and Music Schools--
filed their answers on a questionnaire
prepared by University authorities.
Ask Four Questions
Opinion of the students was sought
on four aspects: the effect of PEM on
general health; the effect of general
physical condition resulting from the
course upon academic work; . and
whether or not a similar program
should continue after the war, and
if son, upon what time basis. Addi-
tional comments were invited.
Here's the way they voted: first
question drew 310 affirmative votes,
20 negative, 10 uncertain; second
question-268 or 39 per cent believed
their academic work benefitted; 342 or
49 per cent said no, and 80 or 12 per
cent did not know; third question-
644 or 93 per cent wanted the same
program to continue after the war;
and fourth question-seven per cent
voted for a discontinuance of PEM
after the war.
Significance of the figures was the
indication by.634 out of 690 men who
indicated their belief that their gen-
eral health had been benefitted by
PEM. There was very little adverse
comment on this angle.
A breakdown of the 46 who voted
for discontinuance of PEM shows that
only 32 or four per cent actually de-
sired to do away thoroughly with the
course. Some preferred intramural
sports or felt that PEM broke up their
Lawrence Tech Wins
DETROIT, Feb. 16.-W)-The Law-
rence Tech basketball team today
smashed a three-game losing streak
carried home from an Eastern trip
by defeating St. Mary's of Orchard
Lake, 54 to 33.
It also was announced that Frank
Carideo, backfield coach under
Anderson, expects to be in the Armed
Forces by April 1 and therefore was
noe considered for the position.
Harris, 33, has had 10 years coach-
ing experience, four at Iowa where he
has been line coach since 1939. After
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615
Because of the Army's plans of
calling up the Enlisted programs,
it is urged that all women, and
eligiblersecond-semester freshmen
Interested in sports and especially
sportswvriting, call at the Sports
Desk of The Michigan Daily any
afternoon this week. As there are
several men sibject to call in the
Reserves, it is necessary to issue
this call- fortryouts.
Ed Zalenski,
Sports Editor
Just Received!
That Long-Awaited Ship inet of
Victory Kit-with fittings, including sewing kit . . . $2.50
Regulation Military Khaki Army Shirt. . . $3.50
"Du D" Bags with fittings . . . $3.00
Apron Kit with fittings . . . $4.00
Shoe Shine Kits... $1.00
C "' /
Army T-Shirts. . . 75c
Money Belts. . . $1.00, $1.50 $2.00
Wool Army Sleeveless Sweaters by McGregor . $3.95