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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
.= -:
"He never did care for British cooking"
j .
John Erlewne.
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Betty Harvey
Editorial Staff
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. Editorial Director
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Editorials published in The Michigan DailyX
are writtew by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Facts of Absenteeism
Not Revealed to Public
HEWHOLE story about absenteeism among
war workers has not been presented to the
public either by Capt. Rickenbacker or Paul Mc-
Nutt, both of whom recently issued statements on
'the subject.
It has been pointed out that normal absentee-
ism in industry before the war was 2.2 per cent
and that today it is now 4.5 for men and 6.5 for
women. This shows that absenteeism has more
than doubled; yet no one seems to see any reason
for it. The general idea hinted at is that the
workers just haven't felt like working much
sine Dec. 7, 1942. What they need, says Elmer
Davis, is a new morale build-up. The radio and
movies have picked up the idea and the public is
now being pounded with this new 'ism.'
The reasons for increased absences were shown
by a recent OWI investigation to be shared in a
large degree by management as well as labor.
The report said that "management often .shares
responsibility for poor attendance rates" through
"faulty arrangement of work shifts, poor work-
ing conditions" and "inadequate labor relations."
The critics of labor have shown no sign that
they are aware that a large portion of war work-
ers have never worked in a factory before, that
many of them are women who also take care of
a family and that many of them are retired work-
ers who ave come back in their old age to help
the war effort. These people have to be taken
with absenteeism or not at all. We obviously need
them very badly- even with their absences.
The OWI report shows that a large portion
of the fault is management's. Can we honestly
expect a worker who often spends 4, 5 and 6 hours
out of ten with no work to do to believe that
"hours lost mean production lost," as one of the
morale posters says? Labor hoarding and poor
production planning is the cause of much ab-
senteeism. Let's see some government statements
about the crime of jobs with no work, of workers
who produce nothing but are told to "look busy."
-Charles Bernstein
Smith Can Determine
Committee's Usefulness
AMONG the many resolutions passed last week
by the House of Representatives is one that
can be either very beneficial to the country and
the war effort or very harmful.
The House sanctioned an "investigating" com-
mittee to probe all government agencies and offi-
cials excluding the President. They put at its
head Rep. Howard Smith (Dem.), the anti-New
Dealer from Virginia.
It is in accordance with our constitutional
principles that Congress be permitted to keep
check on the executive, but one vital considera-
tion must be taken into account when creating
such a body-the type of man at its head.
ACCORDING to his past record, Rep. Smith
does not seem to be the right man. From the
beginning of his tenure in Congress he has been
anti-just about everything. He has taken a stand
against labor, and he bias likewise opposed the
Administration at every turn.
For such a committee to function in the best
interests of the people, its head must be free from
I'd Rathe RBe Right
NEW YORK- The new wave of "assassina-
tions" in Europe (I would prefer to call them
impeachments by gunfire) is more depressing
than cheering. Where you have individual acts
of assassination, it is almost certain that you
do not have an organized movement for real
revolution. If I were a dictator, and knew I was
hated in the country, I would be worried by an
absence of assassinations. It would seem to me
then that something real in the way of uprising
was being cooked up, something sober and ser-
ious and with no time for grandstand plays.
Assassinations just don't make revolutions,
they merely make dead hostages. It is pro-
foundly interesting that Radio Orange, the
Dutch broadcaster in Holland, is said to have
been warning Netherlanders against meaning-
less violence, during a week in which no less
than three Dutch Quislings have been infor-
mally impeached at revolver point.
What can this mean except that anti-Nazi
sentiment in the Netherlands (as elsewhere in
Europe) is unorganized, is without sufficient con-
tact with London, and is proceeding on its own
tow rd a perhaps bizarre goal of its own?
The Dutch underground is called "The Black
Hand," and is said to have as its program the
execution of all the members of the Quislingite
Mussert government. No more meaningless pro-
gram for a serious anti-Nazi underground could
possibly be devised. The sabotaging of one loco-
motive would be ten times as valuable. A five-
minute slowdown in all Dutch factories working
for Hitler would be infinitely more useful. If
Radio Orange is advising along this line, then
Radio Orange is right, but the question arises:
Why can't Radio Orange get its orders enforced?
and then the bigger question: What are the con-
tacts, if any, between the United Nations and
the underground in Europe? So far, the contacts
seem to be limited to admiration and admonition.
The fact that the United Nations have no
single, central agency for conducting the peo-
ple's side of the people's war is of itself a con-
fession of our profound failure to understand
the importance of popular action in winning
the war. It has not occurred to us, for example,
that in refusing to establish full official con-
tact with de Gaulle, we have thereby refused
to establish official contact witU the French
underground, whose outside contact is with
de Gaulle, and only with de Gaulle.
It is therefore, more than a form of words to
say that by disdaining de Gaulle, we disdain the
people of France; it is the literal truth. And if
we do not build official contacts with Europe's
new leaders, the leaders of the underground, dur-
ing the war, what contact shall we have with
them after the war? We shall have only a vague,
frightened feeling about them, as good fellows,
perhaps, but "terrorists," "extremists," not to be
trusted with rebuilding the continent. Our diplo-
macy is shot through with this fear, so that we
start by disdaining the people, then we leave
them to work on their own, wasting blood and
energy in invalid enterprises; and so we may
find ourselves staring blindly at them after the
war as if we did not quite catch the name.
of a scratch popular effort is a sign that we do
not rate popular effort highly enough. It speaks
of disconnectedness between ourselves and the
people of Europe. The Dutch assassinations, so
meaningless and so dangerous, testify to dis-
connected, incoherent, romantic underground
Can we set up closer ties? The Russians have
shown in this war (as in 1812) that it is quite
possible to direct irregular activity, even behind
enemy lines. As Tolstoy says, popular action can
be made into a "cudgel" against the enemy. It is
a waste for it to be merely a nuisance to him. To
succeed in this, we must have faith that the next
order in Europe can be achieved only through
planned disorder, which is a hard faith for too-
orderly minds to encompass.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
L I1
By D RE W a
WASHINGTON- Here is the in-
side story of how the Secret Service
performed one of its most difficult
assignments in history- protect-
ing the President on his trip among
North African Arabs, West African
natives, and through South Amer-
To prepare for it, Michael F.
Reilly, White House Secret Service
agent, left Washington several days
before the President, and traveled
the exact route he was to follow.
From Miami to Brazil to West Af-
rica to North Africa, Reilly and a
picked squad of men went over
every step in advance. At Natal,
Brazil, when Reilly walked out on
the dock where the presidential
clipper was to land, he suddenly
turned and disappeared.
He had seen Walter Winchell,
and he was afraid that ace reporter
would smell news in the wind. Win-
chell was on his way north, after
an assignment at Rio. Reilly says
he expects to kid Winchell Some
day about missing that bit of news.
(Even if Winchell had got wind of
the affair, of course, he could have
printed nothing about the move-
ment of the President.) At Bath-
urst, West Africa, the British al-
most interned the Secret Service
squad for not having yellow fever
inoculations. They had feared ill-
ness from "shots," and took a
chance without them. Actually one
man was detained, but he was the
one assigned to remain there any-
Casablanca Precautions
At Casablanca, a barbed wire
fence was erected around the hotel
and villas in which the President
and Prime Minister were to "stay.
All native servants (Arabs) were
removed from the two villas in-
tended for the two chiefs, and U.S.
soldiers were substituted.
Arabs were retained in other
parts of the hotel, but not allowed
to leave the compound during the
entire period. They soon learned,
who their guests were, and some
tried to pass notes to friends out-
side (with no apiparent harmful
intention), but the notes were in-
tercepted by Secret Service.
Toughest job was protecting the
President on his motor ride from
Casablanca to the former fighting
zone, 110 miles away. The round
trip of 220 miles was made in a
single day, the President riding in
a closed car, preceded by Secret
Service agents in a jeep.
Mrs. Roosevelt Expected
The President tells the story of
how the agents distracted bystand-
ers, to prevent them from discover-
ing that the President was in the
car. On the road up to the lines,.
Agent Mike Reilly would suddenly
point to the heavens, as if he saw a
plane, and Agent Jim Barry would
crane his neck to see. So would the
bystanders. And by the time they
had finished looking, the Presi-
dent's car would have passed.
For variety they changed the ruse
on the return trip. Agent Jim Barry
pretended to fall out of the jeep,
and Agent Mike Reilly pretended to
catch him. Natives became so ab-
sorbed in watching this little dra-
ma, that they paid no attention to'
the car behind.
The aim of all these tricks and
preparations was successfully met
--namely, to keep the President's
visit a secret from the Germans.
Reilly says, that most people who
saw preparations being made in ad-
vance suspected that a distin-
guished visitor was coming,. but
guessed wrong as to the person.
They thought it was Mrs. Rse-
Capital Chaff
Meeting in the Mayflower lobby,
ex-Senator Bill Smathers of New
Jersey shook hands with ex-Sena-
tor Clyde Herring of Iowa, said "As
one lame duck to another, how are
you?" . .. Herring is about to join
the OPA staff as political advisor
to ex-Senator Prentiss Brown, OPA
Administrator . . . Wherever Brig.
Gen. Pat Hurley went- through
Russia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
Egypt,- he amused himself by en-
listing members in his "B.S. and N.
Club." Only after collecting $1 ini-
tiation fee did Hurley disclose the
full title of the club- Boobs, Suck-
ers, and Nuts.. . In his tour of the
Americas, Mexican labor leader
Lombardo Toledano was denied en-
try to Argentina. He says the Ar-
gentine government is pro-fascist.
The Argentines say he is pro-Com-
The programs of virtuoso violinists are us-
ually hybrid and irritating affairs and Mr. Hei-
fetz's program last night was no exception. That
he is, all told, about the world's greatest violinist
very few will deny- but to say that this particu-
lar concert was an outstanding example of his
artistry would not be just even to the standards
that Mr. Heifetz at his best has set.
There is a rather extensive violin literature
suitable for recital presentation, extensive
enough to make transcriptions unnecessary. For
example, there is little point having Emanuel
Bey play at his piano what was meant by Vieux-
temps and every possible law of musical balance
to be an orchestral part, and even less point tran-
scribing Prokofieff's Larghetto from the Classical
Symphony and March from the Love for Three
Oranges into violin and piano "pieces." Proko-
fieff knew quite well what he was doing, as his
perfectly apt orchestrations of these selections
demonstrate, but Mr. Heifetz evidently had ideas
of his own,
The program opened with Mozart's Sonata No.
8, which was distinguished mainly by the alert
and fastidious performance of Mr. Bey at the
piano. Perhaps this is not up Mr. Heifetz's alley,
for his idea of Mozart playing seemed to be cau-
tion and self-effacement. Super-virtuoso execu-
tion would have been equally wrong, but the illu-
sion of ensemble musicianship is not maintained
by the exact opposite of this. Mr. Heifetz played
with the Romantic's concept of restraint, not a
restraint that I, for one, believed he really felt-
to whisper is not to understate.
Next, however, in his playing of a Bach Cha-
conne-for violin alone, Mr. Heifetz really hit the
top point of the evening. Here was virtuosity put
to a glorious use in the variety of expression and
tone that was achieved, achieved too in order to
set forth the full significance of a great piece of
Vieuxtemps' Concerto No. 4 was performed in
the great virtuoso tradition, though Mr. Heifetz
has played it on other occasions with even more
brilliance and ease, and Mr. Bey was plainly over-
worked and inadequate impersonating ninety to
one hundred musicians, but did his best.
Mr. Heifetz concluded the program with a
(Colonel Ganoe has just returned
from conferences in Washington con-
cerning Specialized Training in col-
leges and universities. The following
statement is a report by Col. Ganoe on
the Army's aims in regard to such
training as clarified at these con-
It was brought out that this is a
program designed neither to provide
college education for a few favored
and selected students nor to continue
regular students in their formal edu-
cation under its present form. It is
likewise not a device to keep colle-
giate education alive. Neither is it a
scheme to militarize or change the
American system of education.
It is a plain necessity for winning
the war more quickly. One feature
makes this fact apparent. It has been
found that highly needed specialists
of all sorts can, by the Specialized
Training Programs in the colleges,
save from four to six months for the
government over the present univer-
sity and collegiate systems. In other
words the Specialized Training Pro-
gram can obtain the trained student
for the service that many months
sooner. The saving of time means the
saving of lives and treasure. For that
Army Statement Clarifies
Aim of Special Training
reason- the Program was given prece-
dence and naturally occupied its ap-
parent disturbing and misunderstood
place in the minds of many.
The War Department desires that
everyone realize it intends in no way
"to take over" the institutions or any
part of them. The plan aims to use
the facilities of colleges instead of
having to put up makeshift educa-
tional centers in the camps and draw
professors and teachers away from
the colleges. It is swifter, more effi-
cient and less disturbing all around
to use the plants the colleges have
developed through the past decades.
So the government hires such in-
struction, housing and feeding as it
can obtain and the authorities of the
universities and colleges desire to
contribute to the war effort. It is not
commandeering the schools. The mili-
tary commandants at the colleges are
specifically charged with serving ini-
struction and the colleges, giving such
military drill and exercises as can be
wedged in, and causing the students
sent here as soldiers to live in a bar-
racks system. It will shortly be seen
that such a system will aid the ill-
struction given by professors, rather
than retard or interfere with it.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1943
VOL. LI No. 92
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to .the Office of the I
President In typewritten form by 330
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven will be at home to students this after-
noon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Monday, Feb. 22, will be observed as a
holiday in accordance with previous an-
Students in EnlistedReserves: All V-1,
V-7, Marine Corps Reserves and ERC stu-
ients who have transferred to this Uni-
versity at the beginning of this term are
requested to report to Room 1508 Rackham
Building at' their earlist convenience.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
Army Enlisted 'Reserve Corps: Sopho-
nore, Juniorsand Senior Engineering stu-
dents who are in the Enlisted Reserve
Corps and in good academic standing are
eligible for deferment until the end of the
Spring Term. Such students should not
Withdraw from school in antidipation of
immediate call.
Pre-medical and pre-dental students and
those in certain other categories considered
eligible for. deferment for the Spring Tem
wil be notified to that effect individually
within the next few days.
B. D. Tiiurna,
Armed Services Representative
Communications to the Regents: Those
who wish to present communications for
consideration by the Regents are re-
quested 'to present them at least eight
days before the next ensuing meeting at
t~he Office of Miss Edith J Smith, Budget
Assistant to the President, 1006 Angell Hall,
Fifteen copies of each communication
should be prepared and left with Miss
Smith. (Please note that one more copy
is requested than in' previous years.) A
uniform type of paper is used for com-
unications to the Board of Regents, a
supply of which may be procured at the
Office of the Vice-President and Secretary.
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South 'Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Closing hours for women students for
Sunday, February 21, will be 11:00 p.m. and
Monday, Washington's birthday, 12:00 mid-
Alice C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list 'by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
The attention of those preparing to enter
the Hopwood contests is called to the fol-
lowing change in regard to paper: Swan
linen, sixteen pound weight, 8% x i inch-
es, must be used for the first copy. The two
carbon copies may be on any white paper
of the same weight.
-R, W. Cowden,
Director of the Hopwood Awards
The American Association of Uiversity
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti fBraohofthe AA..U.W is gain offer-
ing a fellowship for the year 1943-1944 In
Sociedad Hispanica Lecture: The lecture
by Dr. Charles N. Staubach scheAuled for
Thursday, Feb. 18, has been postponed I-
definitely on account of Dr. Staubacha's
Illness. The next lecture of the series Wll
be by Professor Arthur S. Aton on T!his-
day, Feb. 25.
French Lecture: Professor William Mc-
Laughlin of the Romance Lanuage Pe-
partment will give the fifth of the French
Lectures sponsored by the Cercle 0rancas
entitled: "Un Lycee En France Souveirs
Personnels" 'today at 4:15 p.m. in Room P,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures may be
procured from the Secretary of the De-
partment of Romance LangUgeuror at the
door at the time of the lecture.
Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Math. 371, Seminar,first m tig to
range the work today at 4:00 ;pj.A:in
3001 A.H Also, Mr. Johnson will seak
on "Curvors on the Sphere."
-G. V. Rainich
Math. 34, Seminar in Applied Mthemat-
ics, preliminary meeting today at 1 o'Adok
In 319 west Engineering Bldg.
English 4, sections 1 and 4 (College of
Engineering), will meet on Friday, Fe. 19,
at 8:00 and at :00 at the Speech Clinic,
1007 East Huron Street.
-L-, M. Richlnan
Codes and Ciphers: All who are nteI
csted in learning how to .solve scet m -
sages are invited to attend the senci ar ti
Friday at 4:00 p.m. in 3011 A.H. No r -
requisite except willingness to work.
A. H.'C .i
S. B. Mye ,
ROTC Dril-Wednesday Sectiodt: t
battalions will report to the L-M Buil~l
in uniform with gym shoes. Drum ad
Bugle Corps will report to the Wrestitg
Room. Advanced Corps Cadets will 10
prepared to give instructionin Ma ua1
1 firms, Squad and Plato on Irill. Ref.:
FM 22-5 (IDR).
A Piano Recital will be 'given by rM.
Maud Okkeberg, Assistant reisor ;°of'
Piano, School of Music, on Thursay £e-
ningg, Fe. 18, at 8:30 o'clok in tthleM1i
'uditorium, Rackhazn Educational MeMor-
.a1, woodward at Farnsworth, Detrit Th1a
Is sponsored by the School Of1usi n o
operation with the Univerity EbtensIon
Events Toda
The Research Club will meet in th e A-
phitheatre of the Rackham Buii3ng to-
night at 8:00. The following paers iill
be presented: "Observations on the Pre-
cordial .Electrocardiogram" by Poi'ssor F.
N. Wilson and "Codes and Ciphr"b
Professor Arthur H. Copeland.
A.S.M.E.: Mr. James W. Armour, Presi-
dent of the Detroit Section of the An1ei-1ia
Society of Mechanical Engineers, ill 'speak
on the subject. "The Design and oVltru4-
tion of Steam Generating Unit,".before
the U. of '. branch of the A.S'M.E. to-
night at 7:30 in the Union. All eng1nee1Wg
students are invited.
Graduate Students in Speech: !he Xiit
meeting of the Graduate Study C1'o*tlie
Department of Speech will be h0l at
p.m. today in the East Confarele Itoon
(third floor) of the Rackham iildlng.'
Coming Eventt
The Anatomy Research Club il ,
Thursday, February 18, at 4:30 .
Room 2501 East Medical Buildhig. Dr. O.
M. Farris of the Department Qr Siigey
will give a paper entitled: " e erttIo
anaesthesia in Traumatic Surg
Tea wlU be served at 4:00 b'dook 1