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February 17, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-17

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Multiple City, County Opinions
Cause Time Dilemma in Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor clocks were racing with George W. Sample haven't pushed
county clocks yesterday and students back their clocks an hour.
who got up in the gray dawn for their Ann Arbor and county officials
8 rocloks fundAnn rbo an ourmeanwhile are just a bit dubious, but
8 oclocks found Ann Arbor an hour that's the status quo, let appoint-
The Carillon, still on Eastern War ments fall where they may.
Time, tolled out the hour of eight. ---t ---
The County Courthouse clock down- F~ ae n te
town, obedient to the Legislature's
time switchback, said seven o'clock. ' .
Ann Arbor officially is keeping S r r y Fi d
Eastern War Time, following Detroit's
decision Tuesday to stay that way. Ann Arbor justice cracked down
The campus will follow suit. yesterday on Washtenaw Avenue's
Btt that doesn't clear up the time fraternity and sorority row as Justice
problem downtown and out in Wash- Court Judge Jay H. Payne issued war-
tenaw County where confusion still rants charging five fraternities, one
is at its height. sorority and a girls' cooperative house
Prosecutor George Meader ruled with violation of the city's ordinance
Monday that the County Courthouse against icy sidewalks.
would adopt' Central War Time. His Violation of the ordinance calls for
secretary for old time's sake keeps a penalty of $50 plus the cost of
War Time in the outer office. prosecution with 30 days in jail in
The County Treasurer thinks he's the event of failure to pay.
right. But the County Clerk and Judge Washtenaw campus organizations
accused of willful violation of the
SPANISH LECTURE POSTPONED sidewalk ordinance were Sigma Alpha
Due to the illness of Dr. Charles N. Epsilon at 1408, Phi Delta Theta at
Staubach the Spanish lecture sched- 1437, Phi Kappa Sigma at 1443. Col-
uled for tomorrow will be postponed legiate Sorosis at 1501, Freeman Girls'
for the present, the next lecture will Cooperative House at 1511, Chi Phi at
be held Feb. 25. 1530 and Phi Kappa Psi at 1550.

French Battleship Anchrsw in New York Harbor


By BETTY KOFFMAN we've had so far and find that they
"Rosie. the Riveter" has ceased be- fit into the picture very nicely."
iag just a colorful figure of popular There is still a need for additional
r usic and has been transferred to workers and more are being hired
the Michigan campus by forty patri- every day. Special shifts have been
c:i( coeds. arranged. one from four-thirty to
Perhaps they aren't exactly the eight-tiirty and another from eight-
c. unt mart of Rosie, as they haven't thirty to twelve-thirty.
emastered the art of riveting. bit Most of the girls have gone into
tey are doing their part in the war factory work because in that way they
e .ort by inspection and small assem- feel that they are doing what they
bey work in a local war plant. should, according to Mr. Chambers,
biy orein alocl wa plnt.andti rnnhave, brothers and friends
Evidently Michigan girls aren't the n mrse rsinde.
helpless females they are sometimes 'Tile workisemi-skilled and the
pictured, for they seem to have proved girls are train iled on the job
their ability on the assembly line. Wrsk is done both in units and by
Plant Superintendent Herbert individunalsd
Chambers of King Seely Corporation, indvc___s.
where these girls are employed, said,
"We are well satisfied with the girls, (f E, ,(<,- , fJr, , D1PA

Surrounded by tugs and lighters, the French battleship Richelieu drops anchor in New York harbor after
braving Atlantic gales in her crossing from Dakar. This is a bow-on view. The Richelieu is the most powerful
of four French warships brought to United States ports for repairs and refitting.

BICYCLE-A-1 shape for sale. Call
2-4589. Leonard Grossman.
TUX AND TAILS sizes 38 to 42. Good
condition. Call 2-1988.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
STUDENT for 2 hours janitor work
anytime between midnight and 10
a.m. 50c per hour. Miller's Dairy
Store, 1219 S. University.
HELP WANTED: Male or Female.
Full or part time. Knowledge of
typing desirable. State Street
Store. Answer fully Box 63, Michi-
gan Daily.
COLLEGE or high school 'students to
deliver Michigan Dailies. Good sal-
ary. Call 2-3241, ask for Mrs.
WANTED-Second-hand slide rule;
also second-hand fluorescent. Call
or see Richard Dawson, 819 E. Uni-
versity, phone 2-1147.
LOST-Dark horn rimmed glasses in
E. B. Meyrowitz case. Call 24514.
LOST SUNDAY-Blue Indian purse.
South U. between Arch and Wash-
tenaw. Please call 2-1055.

Yank Forces
Throw Nazis
Back 6 Miles
(Continued from Page 1)I
gomery's desert veterans were con-1
tinuing to push up to the Mareth
Line, 65 miles inside Tunisia. and hadI
occupied Ben Gardane, a fortifiedI
outpost. Ben Gardane is about 201
miles inside Tunisia.
(A Berlin broadcast, quoting "com-1
petent military quarters" said German
and Italian forces had "by no means
started an offensive" in Tunisia. The
operations were termed of only local
(The Italian communique claimed
that 781 prisoners had been captured
in the Axis push, along with 33 self-
propelling guns and 23 other field
pieces. Ninety-seven allied tanks were
captured or destroyed, the Italians
Hillel Appoints
Gitlow, Sager
As Directors
The appointment of two new stu-
dent directors of the Hillel Founda-
tion, Elyse Gitlow, '44, of New York
City, and Estelle Sager, '45, of Chi-
cago, was announced yesterday.
Dan Seiden, '43, former first vice-
president of the Hillel Student Coun-
cil, has assumed the presidency, re-
placing the retiring president, Sam
Rosen, who is now in the Army. Al-
bert M. Cohen, '43BAd, has succeeded
to first vice-president, and Charlotte
Kaufman, '43, has been elected sec-
ond vice-president.
Winners of the Hillel Scholarship
for this year are Theodore O. King,
'43P, and Frank Arams, '46E.
Melvin Perlman, '43BAd, has been
appointed editor of the Hillel News,
the Foundation's monthly publica-
tion, replacing Herbert .Edelhertz,
who is entering the United States
Naval Reserve. Perlman was formerly
business manager of the News. By
his appointment he automatically be-
comes a member of the Student
Five other students have been
elected to the Council to rep lace
members who have left to join the
armed forces. The new members are
Hannah Katz, '44, Elliott Organick,
'44E, Elise Zeme, '44, Oscar Feldman,
'43BAd, and Sylvia Savin, '46.

Prof. Litzenberg
Will Leave Here
To Join Service
I Dormitory Direeltor
Will Become Lieit.
In U.S. Naval Reserve
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the Eng-
lish department, director of Univer-
sity Residence Halls, announced yes-
terday he will report February 21 at
Quonset Point, R. I., for aviation in-
doctrination as a lieutenant, senior
grade, in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
Prof. Litzenberg, organizer of the
Michigan house plan, has served as
director of the residence halls since
February, 1939, when the West Quad-
rangle was constructed.
He graduated from the University
of Minnesota in 1929, and received
his A.M. and Ph.D. at Michigan in
English. He became an assistant pro-
fessor in 1937 and an associate pro-
fessor in 1941.
Dr. Litzenberg is a specialist in
Victorian and Scandinavian litera-
ture, and he has done post-doctoral
work at the University of Copen-
Interested buyers have been visit-
ing City Hall in increasing numbers
this week to survey the 13 bicycles
now on display. Stolen and left at
the City Hall unclaimed, the bicycles
go on the auction block at 10 a.m.
Saturday. The police force urges all
who are interested to come down to
City Hall and view the bicycles.

Kharkov Falls
As Redt Army
Pushes West
(Continued from Page 1)

The University will sponsor a seris
of radio programs beginning at 3
p.m. today over station WKAR of
Michigan State College, Lansing, an-
nounced Prof. Waldo Abbot, director
of the University broadcasting serv-

"Fo4) (Alfy I'B)acast

important stronghold of the line ex- This station, which operates on
cept Orel to the north, and that city 1870 kilocycles, is easily heard in Ann
already is half-encircled. Arroir and will be connected with
From Khark, vital railway center .isHall by special broadcast and
Fro Khi'kv, ita ralwa cetertelephone lines. Below is the sched-
second in importance only to Moscow, ile of programs:
the Russians can threaten new traps WKAR:
for German forces retreating across Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.: James K.
the plains east of the Dnieper. Pollock, professor of political science,
Kharkov had been in German will be heard in a news analysis pro-
Kharkv ha beenin Grmangram.
hands since Oct. 24, 1941, four 1 Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.: A music
months after the start of the Nazi program will be given by the faculty
invasion. It normally was a city of of the School of Music. Today Mabel
800,000, with immense industries and Ross Rhead and Gilbert Ross will
six trunk railroad lines radiating present the Spring Sonata by Bee-
six run rairoa lies rdiaingthoven.
from it. I Wednesday, 3:45: Dr. Herman
At Kharkov the Russians now Riecker will speak under the joint
stand about 125 miles northwest of sponsorship of the University and the
the Dnieper at Dnieperopetrovsk, and State Medical Society.
the speed with which their offensive University broadcasts over station
has crushed forward indicates the WJR are as follows:
Germans-their whole system of Wednesday, 10:30 p.m.: A medical
"hedgehog" defenses in southern series. Tonight Dr. Charles McKhann
Russia virtually eliminated-plan to and Dr. Ernest Warson will discuss
make a new stand on the western "Babies in Wartime."
bank of the Dnieper. Saturday, 10:00 a.m.: A student-
Farther south the Russians stand acted play.
at Lozovaya, only 65 miles east of Saturday, 10:15 a.m.: University
Dnieperopetrovsk. Girls-Glee Club.
British military observers say the Sunday, 9:00 a.m.: Hymn program
Germans must fall back to the Dnie- under the dilection of Prof. Van
per or perish. Deursen.

Ending Today
r a - nUMrA

All petitions for fraternity ini-
tiations must be submitted by 5
p.m. today.
French play tryouts will con-
tinue from 3 to 5:15 Thursday and
Friday in Room 408, Romance
Language Building.
The University Men's Debating
team will hold their second meet-
ing of the present semester 7:30
p.m. today in Room 4203 Angell
Hall, Dr. Arthur Secord, its coach,
announced yesterday.
All presidents are asked to at-
tend the fraternity House Presi-
dents dinner meeting at 6:15 p.m.
tomorrow at the Chi Phi house, or
send representatives.


L ________



Famous Foreign Correspondent
Author "The Kremlin and the
People," etc.
Feb. 18, 8:15 P.M.
TICKETS $1.10, 83c, 55c

Prelude Arioso......Bach-Templeton
h+ Chorale Prelude: Mortify Us By Thy
x:. ~Grace .............Bach-Rummel i
Warum-Aufschwung .....Schumann
Sonata in F-sharp major,
Op. 78 ...............Beethoven
Intermezzo in E-flat.......Brahms
Intermezzo in C ............ Brahms
Prelude in B minor..... .......Liadov
Prelude in E flat minor.. Chasins
# Introduction and Allegro......
"..o..... "... . Ravel-Templeton
Reharmonized Harmonious Black-
smith (Handel)>........Templeton


It reques many millions of tele-
phone calls to wage this war .. .
and those important war messages





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