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May 05, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-05

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MAY~'5r j94~j

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Coeds Arrange
Activity Plans
For Summer

WAA Award
Will Be Qiven
For Participation

The War Can't Take a summer Vacation Show That Some
And Neither Must Students on Campus
Chi lr ''Lives4 P

Women's War Council Makes Cup Presentation To Be Made

Two Temporary Appointments'
For Coming Semester's Work
Plans and appointments for wom-
en's activities to be carried on this
summer were made at the meeting
of the Women's War Council, held
early this week in the League.
Mona Heath, '44, president of the
Women's War Council, and Ann
MacMillan, '44, head of Judiciary
Council, will both return for the.
shmmer session and will continue
to head their respective organiza-
Marcia Sharpe, '44, has been ap-
pointed to head the Junior Project
for the summer, as Deborah Parry,
'44, the present chairman, wilt not
be here during that period.
In place of Geraldine Stadelman,
'44, personnel... administrator, will. be.
Helen Mae Kressbach, for the sum-
mer term. She will be in charge of
the buildings and ground crew, as
well as securing women for jobs in.
which they. are needed.
The surgical Dressing Unit will
continue to operate under the direc-
tion of Jean Whittemore, '44. The.
unit will be,. opened as soon as the.
summer term begins and there are
coeds here to volunteer their serv-
As yet no one has been named to
fill the position of general chairman
of Sophomore Project, and to thus
take the place of. Carol Evans, '46,
during the summer. This appoint-
ment will undoubtedly be made at
the mass meeting of this group to be
held next week, for those coeds plan-.
ning to be here during the summer.
It will be decided later this semes-
ter whether or not the Freshman
Project will be carried on this sum-
mer, and, if necessary, the appoint-
mhent of general chairman will be
All these women, and possibly oth-
ers, will make up the membership of
the Women's War Council, and thus

On Basis of Sports Activities
At Lantern Night, May 10
In addition to the program of
group singing for Lantern Night
Sing, May 10, the WAA participa-
tion cup will be awarded to the soror-
ity house, dormitory, or league house
zone which has the highest average
of participation in the various tour-
naments and clubs of the organiza-
According to Louise Forbush, '45,
awards manager of WAA, the method
used to arrive at the participation
average is to divide the number of
women in each house into the num-
ber of women who participate in
sports during the year.
This method reveals the percent-
age of women who have taken part
in WAA activities. That same per-
centage is then taken of the total
number of points that the house has
accumulated, and the final score,
toward the cup is reached.
The WAA calendar year runs from
April to April, and participation
credit is awarded accordingly. Con-
sequently, the current spring season
activities will be counted as part of
the accumulation of participation
points for next year.
Sports in which women may par-
ticipate with a view' toward winning
the cup are basketball, bowling, vol-
leyball, fencing, ping-pong, swim-
ming, golf, riflery, outdoor sports,
dance, hockey, tennis, softball, bad-
minton, archery, riding and lacrosse.
Lists of all women who have taken
part in any of the clubs or tourna-
ments are turned in at the League
at the end of the year and are con-
sidered when League appointments
are made.
carry on the war effort of the. cam-
pus as a unit. It is believed that
most of the members of Judiciary
Council will also return this sum-
mer, so it will be able to continue
functioning as it is at present.

A GREAT NUMBER OF US are returning this summer. And we're
bringing with us the 'coming-to-school-is-bad-enough' and 'be-
lieve-me, I'm-not-going-to-do-a-darned-thing-but-eat-and-sleep - . .
what-do-they-expect-of-us,-anyhow?' attitude.
It's true that most of us have been brought up on the theory that
summer was made for just that-playing, eating, sleeping and maybe
a soft job at the old alma mater scout camp.
It's true that we could all use a lot of relaxing hours in the sun;
some canoeing on the Huron, picnicking on the Island. These things
are important. These things will make us better able to "do big
things for the war" come next fall.
BUT our soldiers aren't going to spend a summer sunbathing.
Our army nurses aren't going to take off a summer "to spend
at home with the folks." Factory workers may take off a long week-
end for a strike but when it comes down to a vacation . . . it's an
obsolete word in their vocabulary.
The coming of summer will make no change in the plans of
those who are winning this war for us.
And, this summer, conditions in Ann Arbor will remain essen-
tially the same. The hospital will still be in desperate need for volun-
teer workers.
'HERE -WILL BE an increasing place for the womanpower corps
in labor emergencies.
There will still be bandages to roll, stamps to sell, soldiers to
entertain. In other words, like it or not, the war will not take the
summer off. And neither must we.
Plans have been formulated to keep all the war activities func-
tioning during the summer session and semester. The League will
be open for the surgical dressings unit. The Junior Project sale of
war stamps and bonds will continue. The Sophomore Service will
supply volunteer workers at the University and St. Joseph's hospitals.
The "womanpower" corps will be organized for allocating the services
of coeds for labor shortages.
These war projects cannot function without you.
THESE coming summer days must be made to count for some-
thing. There are plenty of things to do; and there's no one
to do them but those of us who are coming back. There will still
be time for the sun, canoeing on the Huron. And there will be
much more time for that when we've won this war.
--Betty Harvey, Daily Women's Editor

The boys in the PEM classes have
seen to it that chivalry on the Michi-
gan campus is not dead.
When the Women's Physical Edu-
cation Department saw that the Pal-
mer Field tennis courts would have
to be prepared by the girls themselves
because of the lack of grounds-keep-
ers, they put the tennis classes to
work with rakes. As the PEM classes
jogged by this scene of the brave
coeds' industry, they were moved to
suggest to their instructors that they
might be of some assistance in the
girls' plainly distressing situation.
After a little negotiating, Mr. Al
ram A. James of the men's Physical
Education Department asked for vol-
unteers from his PEM classes who
would temporarily give up the pleas-
ures of PEM for some hard work on
the tennis courts. The response was
gratifying. Out of each section yes-
terday, eight volunteered-more than
were needed.
All Campus Soldiers
Invited to Final Tea
All soldiers stationed on campus
are invited to attend the last Ruth-
ven tea of the semester to be held
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today.
Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta,
Betsy Barbour House, Helen New-
berry Residence and Victor Vaughn
House have received special invita-
Pres. and Mrs. Ruthven regularly
open their home to students twice
each month, providing an opportun-
ity for them to meet the president
informally. Hostesses, who are mem-
bers of the League Social committee,
greet each guest at the door and
introduce them to the president.

Dressings Unit Has
SFourMore Meetings
With only four afternoons remain-
ing for the making of surgical dress-
ings, Mary Jane Thielan, '45, pub-
licity chairman for the unit, urged
yesterday that every coed turn out
for at least one of these periods.
Houses that are especially invited
to attend the unit sometime between
1 p.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow are Alpha
Gamma Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha, Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma, Helen Newberry,
and Betsy Barbour.
Special guests for Friday will be
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta,
Alpha Phi, Mosher Hall, and Stock-
well Hall. The unit will be closed
after Friday, May 14, but will be
reopened during the summer term.

Is Announced
The engagement of Adeline Pierce,
'40, daughter of Mrs. W. R. Pierce
and the late Dr. Pierce, of Spring-
port. to Alex Patton of Lakeland, Fla.
was announced recently by Mrs.
Miss Pierce received her doctor's
degree in speech from the University
in 1940, and has been serving as a
speech therapist in the Clevaland
Guidance center in Cleveland for
the past two years.
Mr. Patton is connected with the
Gilbert Hotel system, and has been
working in Lakeland since 1922.
The wedding will take place June

. .........................

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. J[/-. .

Joan Clarke, '44, was appointed
the new vice-president of Assembly
at the recent meeting of the Wom-
en's War Council, held in the League.
Miss Clarke will take over her new
duties for the remainder of the se-
mester and will resume them next

§J~e Lo
Yes, Mother w nts something to wear! Let
her know she's in your heart, even tho' you're
miles away! We've gotten together the im ~
portant trifles that won't dent your budget.
We'll be glad to help you pick the one gift
that willmost delight your kind of Mom
Gifts wrapped and mailed too!
PINS - BRACELETS - BEADS from 1.00 -
Beautiful PEA RLS and colorful NECK LACES to
6.00 - SLIPS frorm 2.00 - GOWNS from 3.00
-- HANDBAGS frorm 3.00 - "Hansen" colorful
costume GLOVES, fabic from 1.25, leathers from
t~;1 .SHEER. new waterproof, washable, "Plicose" rayon
packable RAINCOATS with umbrella to match.
The coats, 5.00 the umbrella, 2.50. Other umbrel-
las of all kinds and colors from 1.50
°t",- ;. " mw::,
* .~ T
"z \

Tn weet 1 e eera
Current conversation informs us that student opinion-male student
opinion, at least-does not altogether favor the work which the feminine
ground crew is doing. One fair-haired boy ventured to say, for example,
that the Michigan woman is "standing around in her best play dress,"
raking leaves at sixty cents an hour, and calling it her patriotic duty be-
cause she doesn't want to admit that she is a working girl. Furthermore,
he wants to know, if it's so much trouble getting people to fix up the cam-
pus, why bother fixing it up at all? Them's pretty strong words and, at the
risk of raising some trite objections, we're going to do our best to clear the
coed of the charges brought against her fair, fair name.
If raking leaves because there's no one else around to rake them
isn't a patriotic duty, then neither is going to summer school, and nei-
ther is working in the factories, and neither is relieving the nurses at
the hospital. It must be pretty apparent, even to the most feeble eye,
that there are no men around-university employes, we mean-to do
this work. We don't see any of the great big wonderful men left on
campus clamoring to do it. That leaves the women-and they're the
ones who are getting the job done.
This ground crew that has been dreamed up is not an organization for
the exhibition of what's new in sports clothes. Its work is pretty much like
the work of the Manpower Corps-and we think it's about time somebody
realized it. The opportunity to wear our flattering blue jeans and lovely
plaid shirts-the ones that do so much for the figure-is, we think, slightly
insignificant in view of the fact that we're coming out of this thing with
mild forms of broken back and running blister. Granted that the generous
compensation is something more than a weak stimulus, the idea that this
is work which will not otherwise be done-the idea that this is one way of
relieving the labor shortage-the idea that this is, in some respects, a patri-
otic job we're doing-has gotten the response that was hoped for. That,
we think, is what really counts.
So, in the face of caustic re-

dresses and cool suits in soft
Southern Colonial colors and
garlanded "Cotton Blossom"
Old South's just-out
Cotton Blossom Toiletries.
Both inspired by the
sentimental and traditional
flower of Dixie-the pale ,
and blushing Cotton Blossom.
Do come in and see how easy
it is to be a real beau-catcher -with
these crisp Everfast Cottons and
Mallinson Rayons-and the delight-
ful bath aids perfumed with
the new scent "Cotton
Blso. .




_ _I

marks, in the face of male disap-
proval, in the face of all the fair-
haired boys and their accusations
-we hold our heads-and our
rakes-as high as we can get them.
The Michigan woman-standing in
her best "play dress"-prepared the
ground for the grass you now see
coming up. The Michigan woman--
at sixty cents an hour - piled
up the leaves which they carted
away last week and the week before
that. The Michigan woman-calling
it her patriotic duty-cleaned out
Hill Auditorium so that May Festi-
val-goers could enjoy the concerts.
The Michigan woman will continue
to spot the campus with blue jeans
and plaid shirt as long as there is
mowing, or raking, or hoeing to be
done. If this is hypocrisy-if this be
false idealism-if this be mercenary
motive-then make the most of it.
New under-arm *
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be used
right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration for
1 to 3 days. Prevents odor.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainless vanishing cream.
5. Awarded Anroval Seal of

I ; _ ''"""M '



jw j

,,,, ,


VIVID VARIATION ... a two-piece
Spring tonic by Dorsa; sheer crepe
skirt with a contrasting linen
jacket. The lace applique and tiny
pearl buttons on jacket match
the skirt. Note the cord tucking
around throat. Available in an
enticing variety of spring colors
that are just what the doe'
ordered. Junior sizes 9 to 15.
3 - 7



.K' t



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