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May 05, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-05

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WAA To Hold
Soldie's Day
During Summer
Army To Be Given
Full Privileges of
Athletic Facilities
"Serviceman's Day," a soldiers
field day instituted last Sunday at
Palmer Field by the Women's Ath-
letic Association for all enlisted men,
will be continued as a regular Sun-
day afternoon feature during the
summer months, Nancy Hattersley,
'44, WAA president, said yesterday.
The summer program will be com-
bined for both the Army enlisted
men stationed on campus and for
the more than 1,300 Navy V-12
trainees who are scheduled to arrive
here July 1. The tennis courts and
the golf green will be open to men
of both units every Sunday after-
Badminton, baseball and archery
will also be made available under
the direction of WAA sports mana-
gers and teams of women organized
to get games started in each sport
and to play the games with the men.
Until the start of the summer se-
mester no regular program will be
instituted, but any soldier is wel-
come to use the outdoor facilities
at Palmer Field providingihe s ac-
companied by a woman, Miss Hat-
tersley said.
Rain cancelled the use of the out-
door equipment Sunday, and pre-
vented a large turnout. Servicemen
who showed up, however, were en-
tertained in the Women's Athletic
Building with bridge, archery, ping-
pong, bowling, and other indoor
The field day program originated
when servicemen requested the use
of the WAA outdoor athletic equip-
ment, particularly that of the tennis
courts. Every effort will be made by
the Women's Athletic Association to
keep these facilities open to the serv-
icemen and to encourage a large
turnout during the summer months,
Signal Corps To
Hold Maneuvers
Arboretum Is Site
For Simulated War
Prepared to defy Ann Arbor weath-
er, rain or shine, a group, of advanced
signal corps men from Michigan
State will arrive Saturday morning
to participate in maneuvers with the
signal corps here.
The group from State, which was
established a year ago, is.under the
direction of Lt. A. E. Esch and Lt.
Robert Radkey, '42.
The program will consist of ma-
neuvers between the two groups in
the arboretum with their combined
equipment. The men will work with
telephones, telegraph, radio and
"This program Is the first of its
kind ever held," Major Bernard Voll-
rath, Public Relations officer, said
yesterday. "Combining the equip-
ment of the 'two groups should be
excellent training for the men.
They'll be wearing their fatigue suits
so that they can really get to work,"
he said.

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You just can't discuss our days on
the campus as a part of Army life.
Not even physical education-even
to 'fracture practice' out on the ob-
stacle course-can be regimented suf-
ficiently to give it a military twang.
But all too sudden the campus dayI
ends-it must have been fun, or the
coming of five o'clock would not have
seemed so sudden.
Then it happens all over again:
"Section, fall in." Then a quick
march back to barracks.
Let's Go Again
"Section, fall out!" Up the stairs
to the room again. Well, we must
have done O.K. this morning, for
room 207 isn't on the gig list today.
Gee, I hope I get a letter from her
tonight, at mail call. Better hurry
up; I want to be sure to get it when
it comes.
I've got to go down to see Garth
in the orderly room about the ar-
rangements for that formal at Stock-
well tomorrow night. There's a first
time for everything-including blind
dates for formals. I wonder what
the girls think of that idea. One
thing sure, she doesn't have to worry
about the color of my necktie clash-
ing with the color of the ribbon in

her hair. General Marshall took care
of that.
Girls Entertain Us Well
You know, it's pretty swell thd way
Ann Arbor is doing by us on the
social end. The sailors may have
one in every port, but here they seem
to be doing their best to help us have
one in every dorm. And they don't
spare a thing in seeing to it that
there's a (chince for everyone to have
a good time. It would seem that the
iris are taking quite a risk to toss
invitations to parties out to such a
pack of wolves, but they do it; and
not only do they tame the wolves, but
they mak every last one of them
And the girls in the Halls aren't
the only ones. I've got another invi-
tation out to dinner on Sunday with
a family from the church. How they
do it on the provisions of a ration
book, I don't know; but the folks do
their utmost to brighten up that
little bit of free time that comes in
a week.
Mail Is Welcome
What's the idea, Charlie. of not
bringing me any mail tonight? It's
two days since I had a letter from
her. Got to do something about

- Daily Photo by Cadet Ed Worsham
Having a riotous time keeping scores at the W.A.B. bowling alley are, from left to right, Doris Arner, '43,
Carol May, '44, Cadet Ward Kelly of the 3651st Servic e Unit, and Doris West, '44, at the "Serviceman's Field
Day" last Sunday. Rain cancelled the original outdoor entertainment planned by the Women's Athletic As-
sociation, but a good time was had by all with the W.A.B. indoor facilities, judging by Cadet Kelly's grin as
he shakes his pencil at Doris West, who seems to be winning. from her expression.
HeroTellsofYank Victory

Barnacles, Shark Meat Formi
Diet of Shipwrecked Crew

that. Maybe I ought to ask the CO
to extend my letter-writing time.
Say, that reminds me of what I have
to do during study period tonight.
Better fill my pen right now.
"Chow." There it goes again. Sup-
pers around this place sure are swell.
I swear it couldn't be like this in the.
Army. Sure, the camps serve fish
on Fridays, and occasionally it is as,
good as this; but where did you ever
get homemade lemon pie to top it
Let's Study!
What are you going to study to-.
night, Gus? Me too; if I don't get
going on physics, I'll find myself'
back as a yardbird. Well, there, it
goes, fellows. Field jackets again
There's that dope playing around
again. Some people seem to get by
without studying. "At ease!" What
is this, a barn dance? I wish Jones
would cut it out on those trig assign-
ments and let me work a physics
problemi or two. Goad, if I don't do
better in the next quiz, the boys will
be pledging me to PBK-over-2.
Let's see, now, Sigma Fl equals I
alpha. . . and...
O.K. fellows, let's go. Ten o'clock,
Let's get down the line to Miller's
f or a sundae. We may get there
ahead of the mob tonight. Aw, let's
get a pint of ice cream anda couple'
of spoons and go back to the roomns
with it.,
Lights Out
Come on, you birds, crawl in. Ten-
thirty, lights out. What a day, wha~t,
a day. Ten minutes of shut-eye, and
that darned whistle again: Shut up.
Teri-forty-five, and I. don't want to
hear another peep out of you tonightt
The DO's checking up himself, and
you'll lose your week-ends for a
month if there's as much noise aS
there was last night.
For Mother
Remember her with a new Oat, Cos-
tume jewelry or som~e floweredbou-
tonnieres. We'll be glad to hlp you
pick a gift that will most delight 6
her. -
719 N. University
- I


Cairo, (AP) -When Capt. Jim
Curl of Columbus, 0., first flier to
present an eyewitness account of
a recent great American air vic-
tory in North Africa, looked over
the nose of his Warhawk and saw
a flight of more than 100 enemy
transports heading out to sea, he
couldn't believe it was going to be
as easy as it looked.
So he told his mates over the
radio: "Look around and take
it easy, boys. It may be booby."
(A trap.)
But when he was convinced
there was nothing fake about that
great fleet of enemy aircraft,
loaded with troops and protected
by a heavy cover of enemy fight-
ers, Curl said:
"Juicy, juicy, juicy! Let's go
get 'em boys."
And the boys got 'em. Sev-
enty-four of 'em.
They went in to slaughter the
enemy aircraft in the greatest
aerial combat show ever record-
ed in three years of fighting in
North Africa-the Fighting 57th
Group living up to the name it
earned in campaigning with the
British Eighth Army to drive
Marshal Rommel off the conti-
It was 5:30 p. m. Sunday when
the American planes took off from

an advanced landing ground and
roared toward Cape Bon in the
last bridgehead held by the Axis
in Tunisia. They were tipped that
a prize bag might be the reward
for the sweep, but none of the pi-
lots could believe what he saw.
It looked too good to be true to
see those Junkers 52's flying in
perfect formation. It was big, jui-
cy, fat game.
The Americans were flying in
doubledeck formation - War-
hawks from squadrons known as
"Black Scorpions," "Fighting
Cocks," "Exterminators" and
"314th," with allied Spitfires
giving them high altitude cover.
And then they dived into the
Lt. Bruce Campbell of Bliss-
field, Mich., who knocked down
three transports and one enemy
fighter in the battle, said:
"Those Junkers were flying in
the most beautiful formation I
ever saw. Mister, it was almost a
shame to break it up. They looked
so precise and perfect it reminded
me of a fantastic propaganda film
with everything staged by a direc-
"After we attacked they seem-
ed to be without a leader and
just continued to fly straight
ahead like robots. As far as we

were concerned it was suicidal
on their part."
Lt. Richard E. Duffey of Walled
Lake, Mich., bagged four Junkers
and one fighter and still was
dazed by the spectacular fight
when he landed. "I never saw
anything like it," he said.
The whole show was over in
less than an hour's time but for
these pilots of the Fighting 57th
it was the climax of their en-
tire battling across Africa.
Lt. Harry Stanford of Munising,
Mich., shot down two transports
and was diving on a third when
his guns jammed. But that didn't
stop this 24-year-old pilot. He
continued to dive and literally
drove the transport into the sea.
"I was so damned mad when I
didn't see those tracers jump
from my guns," Stanford said,
"that I probably would have
rammed that plane--only the
other pilot saved me the trouble
by plunging the ship right into
the sea."
The first American fighter pilot
to land from the mission was Lt.
R. J. (Rocky) Byrne, of St. Louis.
An intelligence officer was in-
credulous when Byrne made his
report and exclaimed:
"I got three Messerschmitts,
but that isn't anything. Wait
until you hear the rest of the
gang and hear about the whole
show. I had a ringside seat for
the whole thing. My flight was
in the top section under the
Spits and all I could see were
those big transports going into
the ocean or crashing on the
beach in flames.
And Capt. Roy E. Whittaker,
of Knoxville, Tenn., added: "It
was a pilot's dream. I was afraid
someone would wake me up."
Col. Arthur Salisbury, of Se-
dalia, Mo., who heads the Fighting
57th, exclaimed:
"I've been telling everyone the
Fighting 57th is the greatest
bunch of flyers in the desert,
but now I won't have to make
that spiel. Everyone knows they
are the greatest. Boy, am I

(Editor's Note: These two Neth-
erlands merchant sailors spent 83
days on a life raft between the time
their ship was torpedoed early in
November in the South Atlantic
and their rescue Jan. 25. They
drifted 2,200 miles from a point 200
miles off South America, below the
equator, to the northern tip of
that continent, where they were
picked up.
MIAMI, Fla.-There were five
of us on the raft, but two of us
were to die. The first, Franklin
Beasley, of Hannibal, Mo., began
to go blind, then moaned through
the nights, and on Jan. 25 breath-
ed his last.
Lieut. James Maddox of the
United States Navy was still alive.
He said a prayer over Beasley's
body. The rest of us each said a
prayer, too, and we put his body
That left the two of us, and
Lieut. Maddox and Basil D. Izzi,
20, of Southbury, Mass.
When we first got on the life-
raft after our ship was sunk, we
took inventory of our food and
water. We had nine cans of con-
densed milk, two pounds of Aus-
tralian chocolate, and 10 or 12 gal-
lons of water.
The food lasted 16 days, the
water 23. The day after our water
gave out it rained for the first
time, a good heavy rain that let us
catch about six gallons and fun-
nel it into our water cask.
With our food gone, we made
a noose out of some rope and put
it over the side, then hung our
feet in the water and wiggled our
toes to attract some sharks swim-
ming nearby. One swam through
the noose at our toes, and we
caught him. We ate his heart and
liver and- a bit of meat.
Barnacles began to develop on
the bottom of the raft. We pried
some loose, ate the larger ones and
used small ones as bait, holding
them between our fingers to at-
tract small black fish. We grabbed
the fish as they nibbled at the
barnacles, and caught about 20
that way.
But that wasn't enough. We
caught a couple of five foot sharks
with our bare hands and ate them
entirely up, gnawing the bones.
We went through a five day
storm that sent waves washing
completely over us. But it also
caused some black birds to alight
on our raft, and we caught several
and ate them. Their entrails we
used to attract fish, which we
caught with our hands.
We had one knife on board, but

on the 22nd day adrift it was ac-
cidentally dropped overboard. We
took the lens from our flashlight
and broke it in half to use for
cleaning fish and what few birds
we caught.
Sometimes we joked about what
we would eat if we could have
anything we wanted. Bacon and
eggs and pie were the favorites.
Then came the day of our res-
cue. We could hardly believe our
eyes when a ship steamed to us
and picked us up. We forgot a-
bout bacon and eggs and asked
for peaches, and ate two bowls
full. We asked for a third, but a
doctor told us to take it easy.
The doctor tried to give us hy-
podermics to put us to sleep but
our skin was so leathery that his
needle broke and he gave it up
Hoogendam, 17, and a seaman
since he was 12, weighed 80
runds when picked up, having
lost 65 pounds during the long
days adrift. Vanderslot, 37, lost
exactly half his weight, dropping
85 pounds and weighing 85 when

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A NEW BAG is a beautiful and lasting gift
which any mother will cherish. We have a
large selection in leather and fabric bags
for spring or summer. Remember Mother's
Day is May 9; we'll be glad to 1-p you
select a gift that will most delight her.

Give Her
The gifts closest to a wo-
man's heart - necklaces,
bracelets, lockets, rings .. .
even sterling silver occa-
sional pieces. We have them

From the kids on up everyone is thinking of her.
Personalize HER day by giving a gift that is senti-
mental and individual. She'll have that pampered
feeling if you choose a feminine gift of cologne or
Or, why not select a compact, sachet,
or boxof ,aih onwdrI?



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