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May 05, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-05

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publishedevery morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
ecation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
,,College Pabrlisers Representative

'When she hurts-a like this, Adolph--it meaws stormy weather'

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Letters to the Editor


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Editorial Staff

Bud Brimmer . .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford . .
Charlotte Conover .
Betty Harvey . . .
James Conant . .
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert . .
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion . .
Sybil Perlmutter . .
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rlosalie Frank . .

. . Editorial Director
* . . City Editor
, .Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Women's Editor
. . . Columnist

ness Staff
* . Local Advertising
. . . . Circulation
. . . Service
. . . . Contracts
. . . . Accounts
. . .National Advertising
* . . . Promotion
. Classified Advertising
Women's Business Manager

USSA Con frence
ed States Student Assembly to
be held in New York City this
week-end is not merely a good idea.
It is an absolute necessity. Today,
when the United States faces the
greatest crisis in its history, there
does not exist one national organi-
zation which is representative of
the nation's youth. The world con-
flict today is a battle of youth
fighting for their future-a demo-
cratic future. The way in which
we fight this war will largely de-
termine the course of the post-war
There are many vital national
and international issues directly
related to the war which must be
faced by the nation's youth. A
definite policy of action must be
adopted to insure victory in keep-
ing with the Atlantic Charter and
secure peace. To mention a few:
1. Our North African policy of
instilling native reaction in the
countries liberated.
2. Our relations with the Sov-
iet Union.
3. The policy of coddling Fas-
cist Spain.
4. The State Department's
hesitancy in supporting the un-
derground movements in the oc-
cupied countries.
5. The opening of a second
front in Europe.
6. The Ball-Burton-Hatch-Hill
Resolution to perpetuate collab-
Sausage and Points
Sausage men are complaining be-
cause their wares are not selling.
People will not buy sausage, if the
"point" value is the same as that for
prime cuts. They cannot afford to,
anyway, for their point stamps would
soon all be gone, if they bought sand-
wich meat consistently day after day.
So sausages are spoiling in dealers'
shops and manufacturers are passing
up the "bologna bulls" offered by the
packers. The waste is considerable.
It is also seemingly needless, for
minor revisions in point values would
cure the situation almost overnight.
Sausage is a wholesome and desir-
able food, but it is no substitute for
the Sunday roast. If it is given a
ration value so high that one or the
other-sausage or the roast-must
be foregone, there is little question'
where the choice will usually go.
-Milwaukee Journal

oration among the United Na-
7. Extending the franchise to
18 to 20-year-olds.
HE USSA movement is an out-
growth of the International
Student Assembly held last Sep-
tember in Washington. The Ameri-
can Student delegates placed with
the Executive Committee made up
of students and the Adult Council
of the ISA, the responsibility of
developing a mass, anti-fascist stu-
dent movement that would include
all patriotic student organizations.
To date the adult group of the
Executive Committee of the USSA
has taken the initiative to call the
conference and has formulated an
agenda without consulting the
youth representatives on that Com-
mittee. This is a dangerous move
and must be rectified as one result
of the coming conference.
Further, that same adult group
has failed to contact the nation
as a whole. To those schools
who were contacted, the call
stipulated "that all democratic
groups were welcome. Com-
munist and Fascist groups ex-
cluded." This too is a dangerous
move. Does it mean that the
adult group is again pulling out
the old worn "red-herring." The
"Communist menace" angle is
Hitler's strongest destructive
weapon used to instill disunity
among the anti-fascist forces.
To permit this policy in a masse
anti-fascist movement of the
USSA is to weaken its very foun-
THE YOUTH of America must
take their stand with the fight-
ing young people of Britain, China,
the Soviet Union and the Occu-
pied countries. Our common goal
is to defeat fascism ,and rebuild
a world strongly based in the dem-
ocratic freedoms set forth in the
Atlantic Charter. Through the
USSA we can start rebuilding right
now by voicing and ,acting on our
objectives, collectively.
I suggest that The Michigan
Daily, the Post-War Council. the
Inter-Racial Association and the
war councils take action immedi-
ately to elect three delegates to
the conference this week-end.: We
can't afford to remain on the side-
lines-this war is our war. Michi-
an students in uniform 'are now on
the battlefronts. There remain
five or six thousand on campus.
Let us join the nation and streng-
then the fight for our future now.
-Mildred Dansker

THE SPIRIT of many bygone civili-
zations has been interpreted to us
by the pottery they have left behind.
Future historians would be glad to
see the display of pottery of Mr. John
A. Foster and of Mr. Thomas S. Haile
in the Rackham Galleries, for this
exhibit, ably and beautifully ar-
ranged by Dr. E. E. Peterson, Miss
Louise Shier and Mr. Peter Ruthven
for the Museum of Art and Archeol-
ogy, encompasses much of what is
good and strong today.
In Mr. Foster's work one senses
the quest for knowledge and un-
derstanding of the past. With a
rare coordination of sensitivity, '
historic interest and scientific
technique, Mr. Foster has rediscov-
ered many of the secrets of the
ancient Chinese potters. His re-
creations are a monument to thor-
ough and sensible study.
Mr. Haile's pots are energetic ex-
pressions of the contemporary spirit.
They offer proof of the claim that
the strong, creative artist-personality
makes substantial contributions to-
wards interpreting the chaotic as-
pects of contemporary life whidh
often seems so bewildering.
Firmly based on tradition -
which is not academically "under-
stood" but felt to be a living force
--the best of Mr. Haile's pots de-
light the beholder with their per-
feet integration of the constitu-
ents of a work of art: material,
forming technique, texture, color,
decoration and idea. There are no
nostalgic escapes- into romantic
historicisms nor glib modernisms
of the streamlining type. These
pots are honest. They tackle suc-
cessfully problems of form and
content which most modern art
does not even face.
One leaves the exhibit, which for-
tunately will stay open during th$
May Festival, with a new feeling of
hope and confidence in the present.
-Ernest K. Mundt
Flashes of Life
"I know both steaks and leather
shoes are rationed," said the Man on
the Eight Twenty. "So I was niot
surprised to get a combination df
both at the butcher's."
*' * *,
More than two million dollars was
wagered by war-prosperous race fans
at Jamaica race track, New York, on
a recent Saturday. Mr. Morgenthau,
are you listening?
-Christian Science Monitor

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

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GOP Advocates Council
Of Nations After War
1 E GOP took one more step in the direction
of achieving a progressive foreign policy
when the Republican Post-War Policy Associa-
tion, composed of delegates from the midwestern
states, advocated the formation of a "council of
nations" based on the United Nations to main-
tain world order after the defeat of the Axis.
This action, coming from a section of the
country which has long been under attack for
its isolationist tendencies, marks a departure
from the "do nothing" stands of Governor
Bricker and Senator Taft.
The basis for the policy which they have adop-
ted, the Republican Post-War Policy Association
maintained, can be found in the principles of
international cooperation promulgated by three
Republican Presidents - McKinley, Theodore
Roosevelt and Taft.
While some may question the logic on which
they base their action, the spirit of these mid-
western Republicans shows a disposition to fol-
low in the paths blazed for them in the world
of today by Wendell Willkie and Harold Stassen.
- Monroe Fink
German People Voted
For Totalitarian State
it: "Peoples who resign their power into a
dictator's hands do not lose their responsibility."
There is no evidence that the population of
the Third Reich (excepting a very small mi-
nority) is in fundamental disagreement with
the Nazi-fascist philosophy of its government.
There is no evidence' that the population of
the United States of America (excepting a very
ssmall minority) is in fundamental disagreement
with the dmocratic philosophy of its govern-
Yet what happens?
The German press and radio consistently play
up anti-democratic utterances of insignificant
fascist trash, like William Dudley Pelley, Charles
Coughlin, and Gerald L. K. Smith.
Some sentimental Americans keep ranting that
the poor Germans have had Hitler's philosophy
forced on them for the last ten years, but for
the most part just plain.don't like it.
Both these arguments are foolish but the latter
is also dangerous.-
The Germans in the last free election in
1932 voted overwhelmingly for totalitarianism
of either the Nazi or Communist type, although
Hitler's party only got a plurality.
The idea of race supremacy has always had a
wide appeal among the Germans and Japs. It
was originated by German philosophers and has
been typically German in the last generation, at
least in Europe.
TOTALITARIANISM, that is the love of having
someone else do your thinking and planning
for you, has always typified the German.
The German likes to have a detailed plan
mapped out for him which tells him how to act
in a given situation. Hitler provided that plan
in "Mein Kampf."
No dictator has ever risen to power without

WASHINGTON, May 5.- There was a lot
that didn't meet the eye behind Secretary Knox's
statement that he was wrong, after all, and the
Truman Committee right about our stupendous
shipping loss of 1,000,000 tons per month-great-
er than all the ships built by us and the British
last 'year.
A lot of by-play took place backstage before
Knox made his correction. Some Senators are
now wondering whether, if things like this are
fumbled, there isn't entirely too much fum-
bling with other things a lot more precious
than public reputations.
Here is the inside story of what happened:
Before publishing its report, the Truman Com-
mittee sent five copies to Secretary Knox and
his chief admirals, also to Admiral Emory Land
of the Maritime Commission. All were notified
that unless there was objection to the report it
would be published in three days. In addition, a
representative of the Navy was allowed to read
the report several weeks in advance and make
any suggestions.
After the report was published, however, Ad-
miral R. S. Edwards, assistant to Vice-Admiral
Fred Horne, of Naval Operations, wrote a memo
for the Secretary of the Navy raising objections
to the Truman Committee's report.
Knox Sounds Off
Secretary Knox happened to have Edwards'
memo on his desk just ten minutes before a press
conference. And without consulting press ad-
viser Capt. Leland Lovette, he proceeded to
sound off to newsmen about the inaccuracy of
the Truman Committee and its estimates on
shipping losses.
What Knox didn't know was that he had in
his own files a copy of the Truman Committee
report sent well in advance, and to which he
had made no objection. Also he didn't know
that the Truman Committee had secured its
submarine disaster figures from the War Ship-
ping Administration, which has good reason
to know what the losses were, because its ships
were'sunk, and it builds replacements. Finally
the Truman Committee had a letter from
Admiral Land certifying the accuracy of its
So after reading Knox's blast, the Truman
,Committee delegated Senator Brewster of Maine,
a fellow Republican, to call on Knox. Brewster
gently reminded him of the above facts, then
"The Committee would like to have you appear
before a public hearing, Mr. Secretary, to answer
some questions. We feel the public is entitled to
know the facts and have this confusion cleared
Knox, a fair-minded man when he knows all
the facts, scribbled a brief si .tein c rion a piece
of paper, handed it to Brevse.
"Will this do?" he said.
Brewster said it would. It was a fair and
forthright acknowledgment of erro .
Yet in both cases it is doubtful whether the gov-
ernments would survive for long.
Therefore the democracies must leave Ger-

I'd Rather
L Be Right
NEW YORK, May 5.- General Giraud, who
believes the trouble with France was that peas-
ant women stopped wearing woolen stockings,
has come out for an automobile and radio for
A slight note of leftism has crept into the
General's utterances. He says labor is going to
get more, and capital is going to get less in
France after the war. There will be no room in
France for the "professional agitator," he says,
but there will be no full return to the past,
either. The old capitalist system is dead, he
However, I suggest waiting a full decade be-
fore writing General Giraud down as a radical.
The announcement that ,capitalism is dead is
one of the oldest chestnuts in the annals of Euro-
pean reaction. Hitler and Mussolini, both, have
frequently announced that capitalism is dead.
Hitler once came out for an automobile, or volks-
wagon, for everybody.' He even collected dovi.
payments. There is a certain section of extreme
conservatism in Europe which is always ready
to announce that capitalism is dead and that
the old order has perished; it is much readier to
say these things, in fact, than to give a $1 raise.
The issue in France is not whether capital-
ism is to live or die, but whether (as de Gaulle
desires) there will be a truly democratic tem-
porary French governing council, including
representatives of the underground. When
General Giraud turns down that moderate,
sensible and completely unradical proposal,
and then announces that capitalism is dead,
he is engaging in a familiar grandstand play,
known as jumping out of the window to prove
that one is in favor of fresh air. All they asked
him to do was open it a crack.
One must always suspect these sweeping gen-
eral surrenders; in which the whole world is
grandly given away tomorrow, but not an inch
is granted today. The issue in France is the
Who asked General Giraud to kill capitalism,
anyway? All he was asked to do was to give up
his idea of a temporary French administrative
council to be run exclusively by colonial officials.
He was asked to give representation to the peo-
ple of France. The General shows himself will-
ing to give them the whole world, but not that.
What is interesting (and we have seen this in
Europe before) is that General Giraud feels he
can get off the hot spot only by talking left.
That is significant. It shows that if there is to
be a return to extreme conservatism, those in
favor of such a development feel it can be done
only by making it look like a parade leftward,
not rightward. In other words, !they concede,
indirectly and obscurely, that, the French people
are not in a reactionary mood. That is news
from headquarters, and is is revealing, more
revealing than the General's comic opera assas-
sination of capitalism.
I am afraid I shall have to take that heavy
word, obscurantism, out of my drawer, - and
award it to General Giraud
For he says that after the war all Frenchmen


VOL. LII No. 157
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by; 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth-
yen will be, at home to students this
afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Seniors: The firm which furnishes di-
plomas for the University has sent the
following caution: "Please warn graduates
not to store diplomas in cedar chests.
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored inside them, resulting in seriously
damaging the diplomas."
Shirley W. Smith
To Students Graduating at Commence-
inent, May 29, 1943:
Diplomas not called for at the offices
of the Recorders of the several Schools
and Colleges, immediately following the
Commencement Exercises, or at the Busi-
ness Office by June 2, will be mailed C.O.D:
The domestic postage payable under these
conditions will be 27c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 36c for the book form.
Will each graduate, therefore, be cer-
tain that the Diploma Clerk has his cor-
rect mailing address to insure delivery by
mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is
expected, return any diplomas which can-
not be delivered. Because of adverse
conditions abroad, foreign students should
leave addresses in the United States, if
possible, to which diplomas may be mailed.
It is preferred that ALL diplomas be
personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
ERC Engineers: Engineering students
being inducted into the Army at the end
of this semester and desiring assignmentj
to Ordnance should see the Ordnance

Officer at ROTC Headquarters by Monday,
May 10.
William E. Renner, Major,
Ordnance, U.S.A.
Notice to Men Students in Rooming
Men students living in Approved Room-
ing Houses who intend to move from their
present quarters at the end of the Spring
Term must give notice in writing to the
Dean of Students before 4:00 p.m. on
Thursday, May 6. Forms for. this purpose
may be secured in Room 2, University HaIl.
The official closing date for contracts in
rooming houses will be May 27, and room
rent shall be computed to include this
date, excepting for seniors and other stu-
dents who for one reason or another may
wish' to occupy their rooms for a longer
period. In this case, the rent shall be
computed to include the extra time the
room is occupied.
C. T. Olmsted,
Assistant Dean of 1tudents
iFraternities and Sororities are reminded
that membership reports for the month of
April are now due in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Chemical, civil,
Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering:
Mr. C. C. Lavene, Engineering Employ-
ment Manager of the Douglas Aircraft
Company, will interview May and October
graduates inf all Departments of Engineer-
ing on Thursday, May 6. There will be a
group meeting at 8:30 a.m., in Room 3205
East Engineering Building. All interested
seniors are asked. to attend this meeting
if possible. Interviews will start at 9:00
a.m., in Room 3205. The Douglas Company
needs engineers for its Oklahoma, Illinois
and Southern California plants. Inter-
ested men will please sign the interview
schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engi-
neering 'Bulletin Board, near Room B-47
East Engineering Building.
A. M. Kuethe,
Acting Chairman
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
"ompiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
I T bfnuti, ) 0

Mexican Peasant in Detroit," today, East
Council Room of the Rackham Bldg., 2:00
p.m. Chairman, R. C. Fuller.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fic-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates to
attend these examinations and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
ROTC Drill (Wednesday Section): All
cadets will 'Fall In' on Hoover Street, in
front of the IM Building, in uniform.-
Prospective Business Administration Stu-
dents: Students planning to enter the
School of Business Administration in the
Summer Term should make application
and arrange for admission interviews prior
to final examination time. Application
blanks and information available in Boom
108 Tappan Hall.
Professor Percival Price, University Car-
illonneur, will present another in the cur-
rent series of recitals at 7:15 p.m., Thurs-
day, Mayr6. Thesprogram will include
Sonata for a Musical Clock by Hanfdel,
selections from Rigoletto and II Trovatore
by verdi, and four American war songs.
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition ^of Sculp-
ture, Michigan League Building. Open .
Exhibition: Pottery by Foster and Haile.
Sponsored by the Museum of Art and
Archaeology, through May 12. Hours: May
5, 2-5; May 6-8, 1-5 and 7:30-8:30. Gal-
leries of the Rackham Building.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hal. Arts and crafts of a
Roman provincial town in Egypt.
Events Today
American Society of Mechanical Engin-
eers: "Cannon on wings" will be the main
feature of the meeting which will be held
in the Union tonight at 7:30. This is a
.technlcolor sound picture describing the
Bell Airacobra. "Sand and Flame,"- the
story of glass, will also be shown at this
meeting. All interested are invited.
Coming Events

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