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April 20, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-20

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TUF,9DAYi-. APRIL 20,4943

PAGE - TWO TUE~4IAY..~APR!L 29, 194$

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigani under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republcation of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved,.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43'
National Advertising Service, hic.
College Publishers Representative


ciIICPJ to eth!!&d'to-

Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover
Betty Harvey
James Conant.
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank .

Editorial Staff
B~usiness Staff

Editorial Director
* . City Editor,
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* Women's Editor-

Local Advertising'
. . . . . Circulation,
. . . National Advertising,
. . Classified Advertising.
. Women's Business Manager

Ruthless Bandits?'
HOWEVER sound and clever his
article on Sullivan's unfor-
tunate column may be (The Daily,
April 15). Jason makes, in the
course of his discussion. the fol-
lwing remark: "We're fighting a
ruthless gang of bandits, not the
German people . . ." There the
author lets it hang in mid-air, so
to speak,-a remarkably flat
statement for which he neither
has nor can have any justification.
I have been confronted with
similar statements, equally ridicu-
lous, ever since my arrival in this
country, and especially so on this
campus. Usually. however, they
emanate from persons whose
broad-mindedness and insight in-
to more serious matters is very
questionable: therefore, I was ex-
tremely amazed seeing such rub-
bish among so many ideas that
Mr. Conant as a rule displays. I
believe that this myth should be
brought into the open and once
and for all done away with.
First, let us view the situation
from the military standpoint. Day
in and day out, wherever we turn,
we hear how important the civilian
morale is. This is happening in
the U.S., which the war has left
unscathed as yet. Is it any differ-
ent in Germany? Is anybody try-
ing to tell me that Goebbels is
running his Propaganda Bureau
merely "for the hell of it"? Cer-
tainly not. He is trying hard to
keep spiritually alive the same
German people that the Allies are
endeavoring to starve out through
the blockade.
Why does not even Herbert.
Hoover suggest our feeding the
poor German people, if we're just
fighting "a gang of bandits"?
And undoubtedly, according to
Jason, the Allies are turning Ber-
lin, Cologne, Bremen, etc., asham-
bles, only to punish this same gang.
The assertion of bombing military
objectives exclusively seems rather
naive in 1,000-bomber raids. It is
the people that bear the brunt of
the war. And at last, who was it
that conquered most of Europe?
Whom do the Russians fight in
the East and the rest of the Allies
in Africa? Perhaps that choice
"gang of bandits"? No, our sol-
diers are desperately trying to kill
the products of Germany, the sons
and fathers and husbands and
sweethearts, and so on, of the
common people. If all that is not
waging war on the German nation,

I "wouldvery much Nwelc'Ome some
suggestion to the contrar'y.
N OW we come to a seemingly
more ticklish point which has
caused a considerable amount of
controversy, although quite super-
fluously so.
Namely, can we identify the
innocent inhabitants of Ger-
many with those nasty, cruel
The answer is a most emphatic
Yes. Now I do not propose to be
any infallible expert on foreign
affairs, even if they are as trans-
parent as this question is, but this
I do feel entitled to say: I have
had the opportunity to see at first
hand the spread of'Nazism in Ger-
many, having spent almost my en-
tire life in Czechoslovakia. I was
"privileged" to watch some of the
outrages committed by the German
army in Prague. (The army is
independent of the party's actions
and procedures.) This army was
composed of typical representa-
tives of the German youth, and
this army functioned not as a con-
quering, but as a protecting force!
However, I shall not dwell upon
their atrocities, as these are known
in this country, even though, un-
fortunately, they are usually taken
as propaganda stories.
These young men did not differ
very much from their countrymen
in Germany. There is no evidence
that the population of the Third
Reich (excepting a very small mi-
nority) is in disagreement with its
government. It would be some-
what idiotic to say that 80 million
peace- and liberty-loving people
have been pushed into an enter-
prise like Nazism by a small bunch
of gangsters and held there against
their will for over ten years.
Reporters and other persons who
lived in recent Germany concur
with my views. Many a good book
has been written on the subject.
It seems very unlikely that all
these people, during their stay in
"Wonderland", have been observ-
ing only a select "ruthless gang
of bandits".
George Koeser, '44E
Education for
Labor Leaders
N an editorial dated April 15,
Miss Evelyn Phillips proceeded
at great length (for a Daily edi-
torial) to support her contention
that the University, while its
School of Business Administration

"turns out a goodly number of
well-trained, qualified leaders fOr
business", fails to graduate men
qualified as leaders of labor.
Simply because the Alumni of
the Uiversity fail to become la-
bor leaders is no basis whatso-
ever for contendhng that they
are not qualified to become labor
leaders. One need merely to
glance at a catalogue of the
School of Business Administra-
tion to prove that the University
does appreciate the importance
of labor and of labor's relations
to management.
There are at least five courses
offered in the School of Business
Administration which ought to be
required of all labor leaders, espe-
cially union business agents. They
deal with such important topics as
industrial relations, selection and
training of workers, promotions,
layoffs, work schedules, regular-
ization of employment, employe
rating, collective bargaining, and
job analysis. When Miss Phillips
concluded her editorial with the
familiar Daily "punch" line, "Why
not education for labor here?",
she must have been completely
unaware that there is plenty of
education for labor here. '
The real question to be asked
is "Why does labor, especially
union labor, fail to educate Its
leaders?" The answer to this
question is a controversial one,
but it appears to this Daily
reader that the labor leaders of
today are much busier playing
"dog eat dog" than they are in
learning a few logical arguments
to support their insane demands.
F John L. Lewis and some of the
other labor racketeers could
only be required to study a few ele-
mentary economics courses (Ec.
52, e.g.), perhaps unity between
labor and the capitalist-entrepre-
neurs would not appear so remote
as it does now. While it is doubt-
ful whether many of the present
leaders of labor could last long in
a school where a "C" average must
be maintained, at least we nmight
hope that John L. Lewis and his
cohorts could grasp enough funda-
mental economics (before they
flunked out) to realize, for in-
stance, that rising wages in war-
time bring rising prices which in
turn cause inflation, which in turn
is desired by neither labor nor
Roy D. Rouclher

Telephone 23-241
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

'Share Your Smokes'
With Our Fighting Men
NEVER will a five-cent piece go so far or be
given to a worthier cause than the nickel
which the "Share your Smokes" drive calls upon
you to contribute in one of its many collection
boxes on campus, as well as in all fraternities,
sororities and dormitories.-
Aimed at sending over a million cigarettes
to our boys overseas, the drive will answer
the desires of our fighters as Indicated in a
recent poll in which over-79% of' them sai'
that they regarded cigarettes as their favorite
With the goal for the drive set at $500, which,
due to the cooperation of a, cigarette company
in agreeing to relinquish its profits, will, mean
10,000 packs for our fighters, it's up to us to
give not once but again and again to "Share
your Smokes", and help meet General Mac-
Athur's request, "Send 'em cigarettes".
- Monroe Fink
Coitract Negontation
Method Is.,Unwieldy
O NE EXAMPLE of the much criticized "long
way 'round" methods of the government is
the present system of the renegotiation of con'
tracts with firms engaged in war production.
Renegotiation means, essentially, that con-
tracts made with firms to retool and produce
military necessities such as planes, tanks and
guns may be revised after production gets under
way, if the estimates of the firm as to the costs
of production were inaccurate.
Some form of renegotiation. is necessary, in
fairness to the government, which otherwise
would be overpaying for many needed arti-
cles. However, the present system is too long,
unwieldy, and too involved for efficiency or
speedy renegotiation of the contracts which
are keeping the armed forces of this nation
T PRESENT the number of contracts which
must be renegotiated. by- the. government
runs into millions. This means that until every
one of them is satisfactorily adusted-a matter
of months-these firms will' be taking excessive
profits from the government, or they will be
holding up the production of vitally needed war
A system of renegotiation which is speedy
and accurate is badly needed. Not until one
is found will production be operating at full
capacity, no matter how many of the other
problems which are holding this nation back
are met in the meantime. - Jane Farrant
Popular Bond Response
'Points Path for Action,
'F Congress or the Executive hasn't known
that the people want something done about
inflation, the response to the Second War Loan
Drive begun last Sunday seems to be a good
indication of the trend of popular thought.
Even before we went into war, the problem
of increasing inflation hung over the heads of
the American people. Its dangers were pointed
out and many theories, some economically
sound, were proposed to meet the ensuing
Now the whole picture has tumbled down as
an avalanche without any force being intro-

Am -rican Freedom of
Pess Is Endangered
THE American people are in danger ofI losing
one of the basic freedoms for which they are
fighting-the freedom of the press. Two events
which have occurred lately seem to point to dis-
tortion of the news by high sources and to un-
necessary government restrictions.
Along with the OWI's food report last Wednes-
day came the admission that this report had
been the cause of the resignation of two-thirds
of-the publications staff of the OWL Those fif-
teen members claimed "it is impossible for us .
. . to tell the full truth" because the OWI has
become an "office of war ballyhoo". Further-
more, they implied that the original report pre-
pared' in January was never released for the
reason that it was thought the American people
were unable to take bad news.
If these accusations are true, then the very
source and center of our wartime news-the
OWl -is guilty of a serious error. It assumes
that the citizens must be fed with cheerful,
morale-building "ballyhoo" and shielded from
any news that is unpleasant or disagreeable.
This policy i s nrompted by a misconception
of the intelligence, determination and tough-
ness of the American people. They not only
are able to take bad news on the chin, but
they demand to be kept informed of the facts.
AT about the same time that the OWI mem-
bers resigned, President Roosevelt personally
ordered the exclusion of all newspapermen from
the United Nations food parley so that the rep--
resentatives would have no "distractions". Ac-
cording to Time magazine, the effect will be
that "the U.S. will be told only what the Admin-
istration chooses to tell". Since the conference is
a non-military event and the information has no
strategic value, the exclusion of newsmen seems
entirely unjustified.
Americans have always prided themselves on
their freedom of the press. They do not want
their newspapers turned into propaganda agen-
cies. Rather. they want all the news told com-
pletely and truthfully. In the words of Elmer
Davis. "the better the American people under-
stand' what this war is about, the harder they
will work and fight to win it".
-Jennie Fitch
WASHINGTON. April 20.-Confronted with
the food shortage, National Zoo Diecto Bill
Mann is trying to fool the monkeys. Bananas
are scarce, so Dr. Mann has devised a paste
made of sweet potatoes, white potatoes, and a
little honey-all mixed up together-which he
passes off as a substitute for bananas.
The soft-billed birds take to it all right, but
the monkeys look at him with one eye shut as
they eat, indicating they know what tricks he
is up to.
The meat problem is not as bad as you might
suppose, for the lions have been getting horse
meat instead of beef for a long time-ever since
the price of beef began to rise several years
ago. What's more, horse meat comes closer to
the lion's natural diet of zebra.
have begun to act. Savings and taxation are
the answers to the inflation problem. In es-

Pd Rather
Be Right
State Department obviously has buck fever in
connection with the coming Allied food confer-
ence at Hot Springs, Va. This conference must
be viewed as a rehearsal. It is the first "get-
acquainted" meeting of the world of the future.
The conference is, actually, little more than
ballyhoo for better conferences to come. It
should be good ballyhoo.
I can see what the Department fears. . It
does not fear freedom of the press so much as
it fears freedom to make trouble. It fears
"anti-global" writers who will come to the
sessions with blood in their eye, carrying un-
der their arms Colonel McCormick's book of
jolkes about milk for the Hottentots. It fears
the wandering correspondent, buttoboling
the vagrant dclegate and coming out with a
horrid scandal about how America intends to
give away all its tree-decker sandwiches to
Europe, keeoing' only one-decker sandwiches
for itself.
May I. as an old antagonist of the State De-
fpartment, concede that it is quite entitled to
have buck fever in these premises?
The Department is putting on a play with an
unwritten script, a show that will have to write
itself as it goes along. Those of us who are for
a more stable world have got to help make this
conference a success.
We have got to come down out of the strato-
sphere cf our full-blown visionings of the
world of the future, and concentrate on this
one little' specific affair. It must succeed. We
have to do some routine day's work for democ-
racy at Hot Springs. We have to insist, with
heat and anger if necessary, that this little
conference succeed. We must not tolerate
for it to fail. This meeting trumpets the brave
new world, and it must be a blast, not asqueak.
But the world is full of trumpets, full of bally-
hoo, not all of it good. American troops in
Tunisia. under General Patton, are given the
unspectacular job of "containing" Rommel's
army while the British come tp from below and
knock it on the head. Instantly the bad bally-
hoo begins: Our troops have "disappeared"; our
troops have "bungled": "the British want all
the glory."
MacArthur indicates he needs more planes,
and again the bad ballyhoo breaks out. The
Pacific campaign is a "mess". We have a "di-
vided command". We are "starving the war in
the Far East". We are stumblebums. We don't
know what we are doing.
Similar horrible noises are about to break
over Hot Springs. The State Department knows
it. It reads the papers. It knows that some
w'ritcrs are coming to report the facts, humbly
and hopefully, and that some are coming as to
a fishing trip. to see what juicy things they can
catch and fry.
Why dissemble? We know these attitudes
exist. I say without fear of successful contra-
diction that there are some who would much
rather see a big scandal come out of the confer-
ence than see it actually settle the food problems
of the post-war world. The world is too drawn
and tense at the moment for us to be able to
afiord to fool ourselves with myths on these
Facing this problem, the State Department
Lried, at the beginning, to solve it by keeping
the entire press away, as far as possible. Fear-
ful of trouble, it tried to hide out from both
friend and foe. And this dusty answer is, I am



VOL. LI No. 143
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's )Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
Commencement Tickets: Tickets for
Commencement may be obtained on re-
quest after May 10 at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of its limited seating capacity, only three
tickets will be available for each senior.
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary

University Lecture: Dn Horace R. Byers,
secretary of the Institute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, will lecture on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
is invited.
Dr. Risieri Frondizi, from Argentina,
will give the fifth of a series of talks on
Latin America on the subject, "Old and
New Argentine Universities", under the
auspices of the Latin American Society
of the University of Michigan tonight at
8:00 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Fac-
ulty, students and townspeople are wel-
come to the lecture, which will be deliv-
ered in English and without charge.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet
today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564 East Med-
ical Building. Subject: "The Titration of
Antigens and Antibodies." All interested
are invited.

School of Music students expecting de-C
grees in May must return the completed toIial h t S is ee
applications for such degr'ees to the office tonight at 7:30 in Room 319 West MedicalI
aotlcatertan s Failue rto tBuilding. "The Effect of Heat on theI
nomate tean toy ailure to corplyat
manfa etodelyChemical and Nutritional Properties of

Student Recital: Phyllis Robison Wheat-
ley, violinist, will present a recital at' 8:30
p.m. on Wednesday, April 21, in Lydi8a
Mendelssohn Theatre. A student of Was'-
sily Besekirsky, Mrs. Wheatley is giving
the program in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music.
The public is cordially invited.
The twentieth annual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vkclnlt7
is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Gdallerles,
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public.
is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Townsite projects and housing pians
for the Willow Run area showing photo-
graphs,drawings, models, and cost data.
Both professional projects and. student
1tudies are shown. Third floor Exhibition
Room, Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5 except Sunday through April-30.
rhe public is invited.
Events Today
varsity Glee Club: Serenade tonight
10:15-11:15., Pictures will be taken. Meet
in the glee club room in the Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon meeting today at
t 4:15 p.m. in room 4065 Natural Science.
Bldg. Dr. Donald Katz of the Chemical
Engineering Department will speak. on.
"Experiences in the Petroleum. Industry"
with special reference to hydrocarbons
under high pressures. Refreshments. Pub-
lic is invited.
Pre-Medical Society: Dr. Frederick 11.
Chard of the Dermatology Department of
the Medical School will speak to ,41 ,Pre-
Meds tonight at 8:00 in., the 34ichigan
Union. Color pictures will accompany the
The Polonia Society will meet' tonight
at 8i00 in the International Center. A
progress report by the political committee.
will be given and the next social function
will be planned. All persons of Polish
extraction are cordially invited. Refresh-

E. V. Moore,
Students who pman to enter one of the
following professional schools: Medicine,
Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business
Administration, Forestry and Conservation
at the beginning of the fall term on the
Combined Curricuium must file an appli-
cation for this Curriculum in the Office
of the Dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall,
by April 20. After this 'date applications
will be accepted only upon the presenta-
tion of a satisfactory excuse for the delay
tnd the payment of a fee of $5.00.
a little, calling, in salty fashion,
an h am nylmn nt a.hbette-r w rld

Proteins"' will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
Botanical Journal club will meet on
Wednesday, Aprils21, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
N.S. 1139. Reports by: Ruth Chou, "Auxin
in the soil"; Carmen Guadalupe, "Antag-
onistic relations of microorganisms"; Mary
Riner, "Cytology of bacteria"; and Dorothy
Johnson, "variability in an agar digesting
Doctoral Examination for Eugene Albert
Nida, Linguistics; thesis: "A Synopsis of
English Syntax," will be held on Wednes-
day, April 21, in West Council Room, Rack-
ham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, C. C. Fries.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates

on muse wnu wzt a utt owuj
to do two things at Hot Springs, to attend the examination and he may
to report the facts, and also to grant permission to those whofor suff -
answer the trouble-makers. .ent reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
This is a fight. It must be clearly
seen as a fight, or it will be lost. Students in the College of Literature,
It is more important that friends Science, and the Arts who are members
be heard than that foes be silenced. aOfthe Naval Reserve, Class V-1, or the
Who's afraid of the noise? But here M~arine Corps Reserve:
th'seartmdentshoedoeBugahnr, Students in these two categories who
the Department showed, once again, must write the Navy qualifying examina-
its nervous desire to make the brave tion today from 9:00 to 11:00, and from
new world quietly. It wants the fu- 2:00 to 4:30, will be excused from regu-
ture to come while nobody notices. larly scheduled classes and will be ex-
Once again it blockades its own sup- tended make-up privileges.
porters, underestimating them, as E, A. Walter
always, overestimating the opposi-

One-Act Plays: Unger the auspices ot
the Department of Speech, a one-hour
program of one-act plays, directed and
put on by advanced students in Play,
Production will be presented tonight at
7:30 in the Lydia.dMendelssohngTheatre.
There will be no admission charge.
Christian Science Qrganization will meet
tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and E of the

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