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April 20, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-20

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William Nagel FIVE CENTS A PACK:
Is Accused in Share Yo
Stephan Trial Drive Get

Harmon at


ur Smokes'


s Under Way Base



"Share your Smokes," the five day drive undertaken by the Union and
Traitor Says Former The Daily in order to send a million cigarettes to our boys overseas officially
Postmaster of Detroit got under way yesterday as nickels began to flow into the campaign's collec-
tion boxes on campus as well as in all fraternities, sororities and dormitories.
Advised Help to Nazi The cooperation of a tobacco company in agreeing to relinquish its
profits has made it possible for every five cents contributed to "Share your
fly The Associated Press Smokes" to send one pack of cigarettes to some American service man
By Te AsocatedPres Iabroad.
DETROIT, April 19.--U. S. District arToday and tomorrow have been designated by the Union and the League
Judge Arthur J. Tuttle today ad- as special sale days because for ev--

mitted to the record of the Max Ste-
phan treason trial a four-page letter
in which the convicted traitor
charged a former Detroit postmaster,
William J. Nagel, advised him not to
turn over an escaped Nasi prisoner-
of-war to federal authorities and
contributed $3 for the fugitive's bus
Nagelhas repeatedly denied any
connection with Stephan or the
flight of Luftwaffe Oberleutnant
Hans Peter Krug from a Canadian
prison camp, and the FBI has said it
found no substantiation of Stephan's
statement concerning him. Agents
said today, however, that he would
be recalled for questioning in view
of the German-born restaurant-
keeper's fight to escape the gallows.
Court Delayed Action
Stephan, sentenced to hang, won
a stay of execution from the U. S.
Supreme Court with his attorney's
promise to present new evidence in
the case. The charge against Nagel
was the new evidence, a letter from
Associate Justice Murphy - also,
made a part of the trial court's record
today-disclosed. Murphy advised
that if new evidence was to be sub-
mitted it should be presented to
Tuttle without delay, and Stephan's
letter followed.
Stephan's letter told of "showing
Peter Krug a good time on his 22nd
birthday" April 18, 1942. While Krug
was sleeping in a hotel room after
the celebration, Stephan wrote, the
restaurant-keeper "made up my
mind to ask Mr. Bill Nagel of Sey-
burn Ave. what to do with Krug, to
make sure I would do no wrong."
Says He Respected Nagel
"I had great confidence in Mr.
Nagel," Stephan added, "because he
has been postmaster of Detroit and
was known as a very respectful
American. He was also a good friend
of Hon. Supreme, Court Judge
Frank Murphy. My opinion was that
Mr. Nagel would come out with the
truth voluntary to the Supreme
"Between 10 p.m. and 12 p.m.
April the 18th 1942 Mr. Nagel had
been in my restaurant at 7209 E.
Jefferson. I did, ask Mr. Nagel what
he would do if a lady would call by
phone and told him she had an es-
caped German prisoner of war from
Canada in her house.
"I told Mr. Nagel that I showed
Krug a good time on his twenty-sec-
ond birthday, that Krug wanted to
go from Detroit to Chicago and that
he would try and go back to Ger-

customers, the tobacco company will
ery two flat fifties sold to cigarette
add three additional packs of twen-
ties to the campus total.
Of the five hundred dollars which
the drive has set as its goal, $250 is
expected toecome from fraternities
and sororities and the remainder
from the dormitories, league houses
and the servicemen in the East and
West Quads.
The cigarettes which the contribu-
tions to "Share your Smokes" buy
will, after being turned over to
Army and Navy service departments
in 50 carton package lots, be shipped
by these departments to American
fighting units all over the world.
Instead of the usual revenue tax
stamp which seals a pack of cigar-
ettes, will be a red, white and blue
slip reading, "Good Luck, Good
Smoking from the Michigan Student
Body, University of Michigan, Ann
Erwin Larsen, '45, chairman of the
"Share your Smokes" drive com-
mended the students on "their ex-
cellent support during the first day
of the drive" in a statement last
Germans Lose
VN Z'i- " A r

S-a 0*

1,60(U MVIen in
Costly Attack
Red Army Repulses
Reckless Nazi Drives,
Destroys 17 Planes
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 20 (Tuesday)-
Fierce new German attacks launched
reckless of costs in attempts to widen
their bridgehead in the Caucasus
near Novorossisk have been repulsed
with about 1,600 more Nazis wiped
out and 17 planes destroyed, the
Russians announced early today.
Fighting Monday at times "devel-
oped into hand-to-hand clashes" as
the Germans kept up repeated coun-
terattacks striving "at all costs" to
drive back the Red Army squeezing
ever closer to Novorossisk, said the
midnight communique as broadcast
by Moscow and recorded by the Sov-
iet Monitor.
All of Monday's attacks were re-
pelled, with two battalions of enemy
infantry, or about 1,600 troops, wiped
out, the Russians said, bringing the
four-day toll in determined fighting
to nearly 8,000 German troops killed
and 42 planes downed on this front
as the Nazis threw air power in sup-
port of ground forces.
Twenty-five planes had been re-
ported shot down Sunday. Fighter
planes downed 13 more yesterday,
and anti-aircraft gunners bagged
four, the midnight war bulletin said,
while seven other German planes
were damaged.


Allies Destroy
96 Axis Planes
In North Africa
Bag 68 Transports
Along Rommel Supply
Line in Savage Attacks
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 19.- Allied
airmen have destroyed 96 Axis
planes, including 68 big Junkers
freight and troop transports, in less
than a day and a half of savage at-
tacks against the enemy's aerial sup-
ply line to Marshal Erwin Rommel's
troops in Tunisia, the Allied com-
mand disclosed today.
Fifty-eight enemy transports were
sent flaming to earth and into the
sea in one destructive engagement
yesterday when an Axis outbound
convoy was ambushed at the north-
eastern tip of Tunisia, and 10 more
of the three-engined aerial freight-
ers were destroyed within a few
hours today. Sixteen Axis fighters
were shot down as they tried ineffec-
tually to protect their unwieldy char-
ges yesterday and another was de-
stroyed today.
(Military spokesmen in Cairo,
headquarters for the Western Desert
Air Force whose Warhawk and Spit-
fire fighters accomplished the mas-
sacre of German airpower, said
transports shot into the Mediterran-
ean and onto the beaches and rocky
hillsides of northeasternnTunisia
were loaded with troops.)
American, RAF and South African
fighter pilots patrolling the Sicilian
straits late yes t er day afternoon
sighted the huge formation of Junk-
ers, with strong fighter protection,
flying toward Sicily almost at water
level. Warhawk squadrons dived
into the lumbering, three-engined
transports, their machine guns chat-
tering, while Spitfires took on the
protecting Messerschmitts.
In a matter of minutes the trans-
ports were plunging to earth.
RAF Bombs
Italian Naval
Base at Spezia
LONDON, April 19.-GP)-Throw-
ing its mighty home-based bomber
arm into the battle to finish off the
Axis in Africa, the RAF crossed the
Alps in strong force overnight to de-
liver for the second time in a week
a violent and concentrated attack on
Italian fleet units huddled in the
Spezia Naval base on the northwest
coast of Italy.
A single bomber was lost in this
long-distance assault-a 1,350-mile
round trip-and it followed closely
the greatest Allied air victory of the
African campaign: the destruction
in Mediterranean skies of 74 Axis
planes, 51 of them transports.
The big Spezia roadstead and fit-
ting basins were hard hit, one re-
turning pilot reporting that he had
counted six fires leaping up through
the clear night, and in the base un-
doubtedly were harbored some among
Mussolini's half dozen battleships,
his light cruisers, destroyers and
scores of other fighting craft.

~Gary G
'Old 98' Talks To
Folks at Home
From Hospital in
South America
Telephone wires bridged the gap of
2,000 miles from a base hospital in
Dutch Guiana to Ann Arbor and
brought the voice of Lieut. Tom Har-
mon to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis A. Harmon, yesterday after-
Less than two days after the news
of his discovery was broadcast to a
waiting world, Harmon reached his
home on Vinewood Street by long
distance telephone.
It was exactly 1:34 p.m. yesterday
when the phone rang and the opera-
tor informed the anxious Mrs. Har-
mon that her son was calling. It
took eight minutes for the overseas
operator to complete connections
and, in the interim, military censor-
ship was explained. The operator
warned the Harmons not to ask any
questions concerning military mat-
ters, weather conditions, Tom's exact
location and other similar details
which might aid the enemy.
Tom Greets Mother
Tom's voice came over the wire at
exactly 1:42 p.m. His first words,
clear and distinct andin the same
voice that made him known to thou-
sands of radio listeners, were, "Hello
Moms!", his favorite greeting to Mrs.
The grey-haired mother of the
Michigan All-American football hero
was noticeably nervous as she held
the telephone. When she heard his
familiar greeting her excitement in-
creased and she cried out, "Tom!
How are you?"
"I'm safe and well," came the an-
swer from a man who had just been
through a harrowing experience af-
ter cheating death. Mrs. Harmon
was overjoyed. "You are. That's
great. Everyone here has been pray-
ing for you. All the family is here
now. Is your crew all right?"
Friends Not Found
And Tom's answer to the question
which has been burning in the minds
of thousands was, "I haven't heard."
Harmon and members of his B-25
bomber were separated after bailing
out over the South American jungles.
"Fritz Crisler is here," Mrs.Har-
mon continued. "Would you like to
speak to him?" She handed the
phone to Michigan's football coach
and athletic director.
"Hello, you ghost. Are you all
right?" Tom's only answer was,
And when Crisler asked Harmon if
he was hurt, Tom replied, "I got a
little shaken up and a few scratches."
Crisler's parting words were, "Good
luck to you, my boy."
Tom's father, 70-year-old Louis A.
Harmon, was elated on hearing his
son's voice and asked him if he was
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3
Hotels Fail To
Meet Fire Rules

host' Telephrones
Harinons View Piclure of Their Son

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Harmon, shown above, yesterday received an
inter-ocean phone call from their son, Lieut. Tom Harmon, former
Michigan grid great, whose plane, the 'Old 98' had crashed in French
Guiana April 8.
Davis Is Asked To Demonstrate
His Press Conference Methods

By The Associated Press the Office of War Information and
WASHINGTON, April 19.- A the Coordinator of Inter-American
presidential request for $47,342,000 Affairs, Nelson A. Rockefeller, to file
f with it copies of all "propaganda"
for the Office of War Information Iset tforinntin and -to the
sent to foreign nations adt h
reached Congress today at a time American armed forces.
when a Senate committee, consider- *
ing an investigation of government
news dissemination, had just asked ef r D v
Elmer Davis, the OWI director, to J
give it a demonstration of his press
conference methods.D
The appropriation, asked for the
12 months beginning next July1,R bS p
compares, with about $36,000,0 0
which the agency received for the WASHINGTON April 19.-UP
current fiscal year.
The request to Davis for a com- Rubber Director William M. Jeffers
mand performance at the Capitol tonight termed "stale, inaccurate and
came from the Senate Judiciary confusing" a report issued Saturday
Committee, and the OWL director by the Office of War Information
agreed to appear at 4 p.m., Eastern o h ubrstain n le
War Time, Wednesday. Chairman on the rubber situation, and Elmer
Van Nuys (Dem.-Ind.) told reporters Davis, OWI Director, retorted that
the idea is to make a preliminary in- "So long as I am here I propose to
quiry before considering legislation tell the people the truth as accurately
for a formal investigation of govern- as I can ascertain it whether Mr.
ment "dissemination and control of Jeffers likes it or not."
information." The report which touched off this
"We will ask him (Davis) to con- exchange reached the conclusion
duct his conference at the Capitol that the great bulk of the 27,000,000
just the same as in his own office," civilian passenger car owners can
Van Nuys explained. "After that not expect new synthetic tires before
the committee will go into executive the last half of 1944.
session to decide what will be done." In recent testimony before a Sen-
The investigation was proposed by ate Committee, Jeffers had estimated
Senator O'Mahoney (Dem. - Wyo.) it would be possible to distribute
who told reporters the committee 12,000,000 new tires to civilians this
would have other government infor- year, including 5,000,000 synthetic
mation men follow Davis in appear- tires.
ances before it
While the committee was arran-
ging this inquiry, Senator Taft ss

ia Army
Former 'U' Grid
Star Picked Up
By Natives After
4 Days in Jungle
By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, April 19.
-Although Lieut. Tommy Harmon
is the only member of a six-man
bomber crew to be found alive since
the former All - America football
star's plane crashed in a South
American jungle April 8, reports
reaching here tonight indicated that
at least two of his companions also
parachuted to earth.
These brief reports said fliers
searching the area in the vicinity of
the crash spotted three parachutes
hanging from branches of trees in
the jungle.
Scene of Former Crash
The plane cracked up near the vil-
lage of Caux, French Guiana, in the
same region where an American
transport crashed last January and
carried 35 men, Including Eric
Knight, the author, and P. E. Fox-
worth, crack G-man, to their deaths
in the worst disaster in American
aviation history.
Harmon was one of the two pilots
of the bomber, named "Little Butch"
and carrying the number "98" which
Tommy wore during his brilliant
career at the University of Michigan.
He landed near the charred wreck-
age of the plane, reports reaching
here said, and made an unsuccessful
search for other members of the
crew. (Dutch Guiana dispatches said
Harmon found the bodies of two
crew members in the wreckage.)
Guided By Indians
After wandering in the jungles for
some time, Harmon was found by
friendly Indians who guided him to
Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana.
He now is reported resting at the
U. S. Army base at Paramaribo and
in good condition.
The U.S. Army was reported comb-
ing the jungles for other missing
crew members.
IDr. Tolley Will
Speak at Dinner
Phi Beta Kappa Will
Initiate 56 Students
Dr. William Pearson Tolley, Chan-
cellor of Syracuse University, will
address the annual initation banquet
of the Michigan Phi Beta Kappa
Chapter at 7 p.m. today in the Mich-
igan Union.
Fifty-six students including jun-
iors, seniors antI graduate students in
the literary college will be initiated
at the banquet.
(The complete list of names ap-
peared in the Honor Convocation list
in Sunday's Daily.)
Dr. Tolley who is president of the
American Association of Colleges

holds three degrees from American
instutions of higher learning. He is
a former president of Alleghaney
College and holds his degrees from
Syracuse, Drew Theological Semi-
nary and Columbia University.
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college is president of the local
Phi Beta Kappa chapter and will
preside at the dinner meeting.
Prof. Sharf man
Gets Russell Award
The Henry Russell Lecture Award
annually given to a member of the
faculty who attains high distinction
has been awarded to Prof. I. J.
Sharfman, Chairman .of the eco-
nomics department, Dr. Frank Rob-
bins said yesterday.
The lecture in his honor which was
scheduled for April 27 has been post-
poned indefinitely because Prof.
Sharfman is now on leave, holding
the chairmanship of the Railway
Emergency Mediation Board in Chi-
cago authorized by the WLB.

Pamphlets Will
Explain World
Student Fund


Letter from Student,
Message from Mme.
Chiang To Be Included

Pamphlets describing the World
Student Service Fund are being pre-
pared for sale Thursday to aid the.
annual drive now being conducted on
campus, Barbara Smith, '44, chair-
man of the committee, said yester-
Included with the pamphlet will be
a letter from a student who has been
helped by the Fund and a recom-
mendation from Mme. dhiang Kai-
Shek. The pamphlet describes what
the WSSF is, how it is organized, and
what it does.
This year's goal for the University
of Michigan has been set at $2,000,
Miss Smith said. Latest returns yes-
terday indicated that only $128 had
been received.
"World banks" where contribu-
tions may be received have been
placed in the League, the Union, the
Offices of the Dean of Students and
Women, all sororities, fraternities
and dormitories, and several depart-
mental offices.
Money given in the drive by stu-
dents and faculty members is used
to feed, clothe, supply medical care,
nnri .ffpr frvm in r n. ( vtui itiips andi

Sgt. Lewis Missing
Flight Sgt. Howard Clark Lewis, of
the RCAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
F. Lewis, 2220 Washtenaw Ave., is
one of four pilots to have been re-
ported missing following a raid on
Essen, Germany, March 13-14.
Sgt. Lewis, who is twenty years
old, has been with the RCAF in Eng-
land since November, 1941.
Dr. Frondizi )
Dr. Risieri Frondizi, Grad., will
present an interpretation of the "De-
velopment of the Old and New Uni-
versities in Argentina," at 8 p.m. to-
day, in the Rackham Amphitheatre
in the fifth of a series of lectures on
Inter-Americanism sponsored by the
Latin-American Society.
Harvard University made Dr.
Frondizi responsible for the philoso-
phical section of the Handbook of

Only One Conforms
To Present Regulations
With the exception of one small
new hotel, there is not one hotel in
Ann Arbor which conforms to city or
state fire regulations, it was stated

last night in a meeting Of the City
Every hotel fails to conform to a
really" dangerous extent, Prof. J. B.
Waite, alderman, said. They were
W ill Speak in notified in January of these defi-
ciencies and advised about necessary
n Lecture Series steps for compliance with the state
and city laws. This notice expires
at the end of this month.
for a book on American Realism. He However, it was stated that the
has been also appointed as a Dele- local officials have no authority over
gate from Argentina to the First the fire regulation of the theatres
and that only state laws are effec-
Inter-American Conference in Phil- tive o
osophy that will be held in Yale Uni- The Majestic Theatre does not
versity on April 30, where he will comply with the fire protection regu-
read a paper on Contemporary Ar- lation of either the projection booth
gentina Philosophy. or the furnace and needs consider-
Immediately after his graduation able change. The Whitney only par-
in Buenos Aires in 1934, Dr. Frondizi tially conforms to the furnace regu-
came to Harvard University to study lation.

(Rep.-O.) proposed that the oenate
look into another phase of Federal
information activities. He asked in
a resolution that the Senate require
60 U' Students
Help Husk Corn
PEM Classes Salvage
Farmer's Fall Crop
In spite of the weather and the
fact that corn is usually husked in'
the fall, more than 60 University stu-
dents have been helping local farm-
ers salvage their crops.
Two PEM classes were volunteered
yesterday to help Frank McCalla
husk the grain that couldn't be got-
ten in last fall because of the damp
weather and lack of labor. McCalla's
two sons are in the Army and the 55
members of the class did the work
they would have done had they been
Another group went out on Satur-

Food Con erence
WASHINGTON, April 19.- (P-
Relaxation of restrictions on press
coverage of the International Food
Conference was predicted today by
Senators after Dean Acheson, Assis-
tant Secretary of State, appeared be-
fore the Senate Foreign Relations
and Agriculture Committees.
Acheson was reported to have told
members that the decision on such a
move rests with President Roosevelt.
In a turbulent session behind closed
doors, members of a group led by
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
protested against the imposition of
what the Michigan Senator was said
to have termed a "gag rule."
N.avy Pilot To Speak
To University Club
Lieut. Frederick W. Luebke, a
Navy fighter pilot, will speak before
the University Club at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Ballroom of the
Michigan Union.
I T-Tamp. nftpr . v ~rin +I', Paneifin_

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