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April 14, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-14

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Nurses Launch
Biggest Drive
For Students
All Expenses for Four Months
Paid by Federal Funds; Musi
Pass College Entrance Exams
DETROIT- OP)- Characterizing
their jobs as "war work with a fu-
ture" Michigan nurses are launching
their biggest campaign yet to recruit
new students.
With a nursing sortage already on
hand and 1,164 additional nurses
scheduled to leave Michigan for the
armed forces in 1943, talk is heard
of speeding up former by inflexible
nursing curricula.
Already radical changes in train-
ing have occurred. Right now two
groups of probationers (beginning
nurses) are attending classes at
Michigan and Wayne Universities,
wearing sweaters and . skirts rather
than stiffly starched uniforms.
These girls are getting an intensi-
fied scientific training away from
hospital routine because of the short-
age of instructors in various nursing
schools, according to Miss Thelma I.
Scratch, executive secretary of the
Michigan Nursing Council for War
Service. During the four month
course at the two universities, all ex-
penses for the students are paid from
federal funds. At the end of this
time they return to their home hos-
Among the31 girls now attending
Wayne are students from hospitals
in Jackson, Grand Rapids, Traverse
City, Battle Creek, Lansing, Benton
Harbor and Detroit.
Girls between 17V2 and 35 years
old who can pass university entrance
requirements are eligible to apply for
the pre - clinical course, through
schools of nursing.
ritaM s Debs
Enter Society
Despite War
LONDON- (IP)- In homemade
gowns and minus silk stockings, 200
British debutantes celebrated the
biggest social event of their lives last
Wdek-war or no war. They attend-
ed the annual Queen Charlotte's
birthday ball, London's offIcial com-
ing-out party, at a fashionable hotel,
and-it being wartime, the only one
the girls will have.
Although they are members of
some of Britain's wealthiest and aris-
tocratic families, many wore rayon
and cotton stockings, because silk
virttally is unobtainable in Great
Britain now.
Some admitted they had made
their white ball gowns themselves.
Their escorts all were in uniform.
Food 'rationing drastically cur-
tailed what would have normally
been a banqut. Britain's wartie
regulations pe rmit only a three
course meal costing about $1. The
traditional Queen Charlotte's birth-
day cake was made of dark flour and
contained very little sugar.
The ball is a charity affair given
annually for Queen Charlotte's ma-
ternity hospital.
At an emergency meeting of the
Union Executive Council, it was

ruled that roller skating would
not be permitted at the Don't Give
A Darn Dance, to be held from
9 p.m. to midnight Friday in the
Union Ballroom. At the same
meeting it was decided that bicy-
cle riding would be allowed.
htervieWing for junior positions
on the central committee of the
Surgical Dressing Unit will be
held from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow. Positions are
open to sophomores only, and do'
not require petitions.
A meeting of all members of
Assembly Board will be held at 5
p.m. today in the Kalamazoo
Room of the League, Doris Barr,
'44, president of Assembly, an-'
nounced yesterday.

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For Council Job
One Position on Women's War
Council Open to Junior Coeds
Interviewing for the new position
on the Women's War Council, which
will be open to coeds who will be
seniors next year, will be held from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the
League. Students who have not yet
turned in their petitions may bring
them to their interview.
This new council member will be
referred to as Administrative Super-
visor, and will act as coordinator for
the entire group. A permanent rec-
ord of the council's activities will
also be kept by this new member.
It will also be the duty of the ad-
ministrative supervisor to correspond
with other schools and to exchange
ideas with them as well as do re-
search on problems that come before
the Council.
Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
the election of Monna Heath, '44,
president; Barbara Robinson, '44,
vice-president; Sue Sims, '44, secre-
tary; Phyllis Crawford, '45, treas-
urer; and Beth King, '45, house man-

Hostelers Will
Bike to Saline
Taking advantage of an "open"
week-end, hostelers will jump on bi-
cycles at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in front
of Hill Auditorium in preparation for
a week-end of fun-and work-at
the Saline Valley Hostel.
Always a sure bet for fun, accord-
ing to those who have already ac-
companied the Outing Club on their
trips, this particular excursion is for
the express purpose of cleaning up
the Saline Valley Hostel, washing
and sweeping everything in sight as
a prelude to future week-end jaunts.
The return Sunday will allow hos-
telers to eat their noon meal in their
own houses. Those persons expect-
ing to make the trip are requested to
call Barbara Fairman, '46AD, at Jor-
dan or Dan Saulson, '44, at West
Quad for further information. A
slight charge to cover the cost of
food will be made.
League Unit To Meet
Houses that will be special guests
of the surgidal dressing unit some-
time between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the gameroom of the
League are: Martha Cook, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, Zeta
Tau Alpha, and Katherine Pickerill

Seven University Women Finish
Nine-Week Nurses Aide Course

0b ,s
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Seven University women graduated
from the extensive nine week's course
of the Volunteer Red Cross Corps
Unit recently at North Hall, Red
Cross Headquarters.
Out of the graduating class of 29,
the University students were Ruth
Mary Picard, '45, Harriet Cress, '43,
Mary Lee Grossman, '46, Mary Jane
Trainer, '45, Virginia Warren, '45,
Sylvia Kaufer, '45, nd Lois Kerstet-
ter, '45.
"Help the patients to get well on
the home front" was the motto Mrs.
Marie Snyder, Superintendent of
Nurses at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospi-
tal, gave in her graduation address

welcoming the girls in the nursing
During the 80-hour course which
was devoted to six weeks of class
work and three 'weeks of hospital
work, the girls were taught how to
help the nurses in various tasks.
They are now recognized as being
qualified nurses' assistants.
Beginning in May, a new nine-
weeks course in nurses' aide will be
offered. "In view of the increasing
scarcity of nurses in hospitals, um-
versity women are expressedly urged
to enroll," stated Miss Irene Johnson,
chairman of Nurses' Aide. All girls
who are interested in taking this
course are asked to please call Miss
Johnson, 4441.

Thrill her with this most personal, most thoughtful of gifts. Her
own golden, gleaming initials fitted firmly onto one of the
brightest bits of boudoir beauty ever. And within, your choice
of four famous fragrances-White Hyacinth, Gardenia,
Flowers of Devonshire, Bewitching. Truly a gift she will never,
never forget! So utterly charming, you'll surely want one for
yourself as well. Two-initial size, 1.75. Throo-inititi o, ,00.
Plus 10% federal tax. Refills ovailable.

fl/f Swei 0// 61Cetea I

It is the general consensus of
opinion, in the foolish world outside
Ann Arbor, that college students
have no troubles. Our elders have
the idea that university life is just
one great big academic fling-they
have visions of beer brawls and dice-
rolling and gala bridge parties at two
in the morning. Our non-collegiate
friends picture us strolling blithely
across a sun-kissed campus, arm in
arm with our professors, sipping
Magazines play us up* big, with
coats thrown casually over shoulders
and tic-tac-toe affairs on every
blackboard. "You haven't a worry
in the world," people seem to say as
they see us in railway stations. That's
the sort of thing we get all the time.
Well, the horrible truth is that we've
got plenty of troubles.-We got prob-
lens! No one seems to realize it but
we have.
For instance-one of our friends is
a chem major. Anyhow, it seems
that, according to chemical authori-
ties, there- are six kinds of solid ice-
"solid ice one," "solid ice two," "solid
ice three," "solid ice five," "solid ice
six," and "solid ice seven." Now this
poor girl has been running around,
for months trying to find out what
ever happened to "solid ice four."
Do you think anyone can tell her-
any professor or instructor or grad
student that happens to be standing
around? Not on your life-all they
can manage to say is, "Very little is
known about 'solid ice four'," That's.
a big help when she's been tearing
her hair out all semester over this
solid ice business.
That girl'slife is being ruined. She
can't drink cokes anymore. - We
tried to help her.-We went around
saying to ourselves, "Now if you were

'solid ice four' where would you go?"
But we didn't know. That's the whole
trouble with "solid ice four"-you
never know what it's going to do
Anyway, there's a real problem-a
perfectly good chem major going to
pieces just because there's no one in
this whole big University-,not a
blessed soul, chemical or otherwise-
who knows what happened to "solid
ice four."
Ortake the problem of another of
our friends. She's a phys ed major.
It seems that for some obscure rea-
son phys ed majors have to keep
scrapbooks. "Well, the scrapbook's
fine," they keep telling her, "but you
haven't got enough pictures of chil-
dren playing."
Picture that girl dashing madly
about, looking for pictures of chil-
dren playing.-There 'aren't any, you
know. The magazines decided that
this year they 'were going to stop
printing pictures of children playing.
So if you happen to have any old
children lying around and you think
you could get them to play long
enough to have their pictures taken,
please let us know. We'd certainly
like to do something for this girl,
and we honestly don't know what's
happened to children lately.
Of course, we've only given a cou-
ple of examples, but they're rather
typical of the Problems of college
students. This baloney that some-
one has been feeding the world in
general about "the best years of our
life" is poisonous stuff. Furthermore,
when students start lolling on the
lawns and looking like advertise-
ments for summer resorts, we want
to know about it. Meanwhile we
wish someone would set the public

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'powder. I know you will find a
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1.60, pius 10% federal to,.


Because if is so irresistibly
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lection, too, of smort, stay-
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and that means you'll be
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8.95 9.95
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A"Necessary" in your wardrobe...so swag-
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New under-armW7
Cream Deodorant
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2. No waitirg to dry. Can be used
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3. Instantly stops perspiration for
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4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainless vanishing cream.
5. Awarded Approval Seal of
American Institute of Launder-







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