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April 14, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-14

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itiL i77

_____________________________________________________________________________ U

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

Bud Brimmer . .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford . . .
Charlotte Conover
Betty Harvey .
James Conant .

. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . Women's Editor
. . . . Columnist


Business Staff

Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett .
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank

Local Advertising
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. Women's Business Manager

ee o tte editor
WAACs Are Needed Support Ball Plan with the other nations in main-
taining an international peace or-
In a letter printed yesterday, ABOUT two weeks ago two Dem- ganinainTionlacor-
Jane O'Neill questioned the value ocrats and two Republicans in-
of the WAVES and WAACs. She troduced a proposal in the Senate America's intentions will pave the
which calls for the United States way to similar . declarations by
stated that she did not think that to take the initiative in forming a Russia, China, and England, and
"women had to learn to march to more permanent United Nations will thus lead to greater collabora-
do the work assigned them . . . organization now which will insure tion and coordination in winning
that men beyond draft age would our winning the war and the peace. the war, since all the Allies will
gladly do the work assigned to It is Interesting to note that thus know exactly what each na-
these women." the sponsors of this proposal, tion is fighting for.
It is obvious that Miss O'Neill Senators Burton, Ball, Hill and And what Is even more impor-
has not taken the trouble to inves- Hatch, represent both parties in tant, it will lay the groundwork
tigate the sort of work that women Congress and also four different for the building of a permanent
in the armed services are doing. states and regions of the United peace. By its provisions, we will
She has not even bothered to con- States: Minnesota, Ohio, Ala- begin planning now in the at-
sult an informative pamphlet on bama, and New Mexico, respect- mosphere of agreement and co-
the subject, for if she had, she ively. operation accompanying our
would have found that the sort of Such a fact indicates that the unified struggle against the Axis;
work which WAVES and WAACs proposal is not a party measure we will utilize existing machin-
are undertaking is not for the un- nor the measure of some special ery in setting up an organization
draftable. Most of it takes strength, section in the country, but one which will prevent all future
endurance and brains. representing the entire nation. It wars.
For example, women are train- also indicates that some of our Certainly, this would keep us
ing to take on such jobs as para- Senators have enough foresight from repeating the mistake of
chute riggers, mechanics assist- and common sense to recognize 1918; it would eliminate the need
ants, pharmacists mates, account- that the planning of peace in war- for planning in an atmosphere of
ants and bookkeepers. They will time is as necessary and as practi- haste, distrust and revenge which
work at motor transportation and cal as the planning of war in is present at the close of any war.
communications work, to mention peacetime. Their action reveals Since it will be of such assistance
only a few of the specialized tasks that they want to avoid the great- in winning both the war and the
assigned them. est blunder made during the last peace, it is imperative that the
For every woman in the armed war, which was our failure to Senate pass this proposal.
services, another man is released mould the existing inter-Allied
from "home duty" for overseas machinery to fit the needs of the THE RESULTS of the recent poll
work. Every job that this soldier post-war era. conducted by interviewers from
leaves is of vital military impor- Denver University's National Opin-
tance and cannot be entrusted to Their proposal affirms the ion Research Center evidence the
a mere "paid worker" who can statement made by two out- fact that sixty per cent of the
leave the job when he or she feels standing professors of interna- American people, or the majority,
like it, can take "long week-ends," tionaetGroys , WKirkaTeUShafavor the type of action called for
and is not under military con- Nations must translate the ma- inthe "Ball Resolution." If I were
st fornthedilnoecnwl chinery for collective action extremely optimistic I might be-
As for the drilling, one can well hilety fihigoes on lieve that the Senate would adopt
ask why do soldiers drill? It has while the fighting goes on into this proposal without much ques-
been relayed from a "reliable concrete arrangements for the tion. Knowing, however, that there
source" that soldiers are subject to development of a peaceful world are still a good number of isola-
long hours of drill to enable them order when the fightin* is over." tionists occupying seats in the Up-
to react quickly and with unity . . THERE should be no question per House, and that a very small
also to facilitate their trans- that the adoption of this pro- minority can easily obstruct the
portation problem. pbsal is desirable. It will do more making of the peace, I hesitate to
It is entirely plausible that to unite the Allies than anything sit idly by and await the outcome.
WAVES and WAACs drill for ex- else thus far attempted; it will not I cannot overemphasize the need
actly the same reason. Hundreds only help the present war effort, for your writing personal letters to
of WAACs are seeing overseas duty but it will also aid in the making your Senators urging them to give
right now and they would be a of an enduring peace. Once passed their support to this proposal. If
sorry sight had they no regimenta- by our Senate, it will remove much the public demand is great enough,
tion or order in their ranks, espe- fear and suspicion on the part of its passage will be assured, and
cially when contrasted to the our Allies. They will know that the once passed, it may well be the
highly trained British women's United States is not going to re- foundation on which a future
forces. turn to a policy of ostracism after peaceful civilization will be built.
Mary Hollister the war, but is going to cooperate Harvey Weisberg

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by nembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Irresponsible Agents
Are Barrier to ictory
D UE TO a great deal of pressure by the Detroit
Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, Lou
B. Maxon, recently appointed head of the pub-
lcity department of the OPA, has been forced
ioeEign his new post or be fired.
The charge against Maxon, made in an open
letter by Alan M. Brown, chairman of the Guild's
consumer problems committee, is to the effect
that he has "vigorously opposed the Govern-
ment program of controlling the quality as well
as the price of canned goods." In the investi-
gation it was revealed that Maxon, head of a
large national advertising concern, represents
one of the largest canners of food in the United
States, and is perfectly agreed with the National
Canners' Association, an organization made up
of many of the largest canners in the country,
which has "consistently fought the use of grade
labeling on canned foods."
A A SYMBOL of the individual concerned
only with his own personal gain, Maxon
represents one of the greatest dangers our
country and the entire world faces today.
After he was appointed to a post that deals
directly with public opinion and morale, it is
discovered that his own views and interests lie
in exactly the opposite direction of those of
the Government for whose benefit he is sup-
posedly working.
It is a generally accepted fact that the war
and peace we have to win are to be won only by
unselfish cooperation and hard work; but while
Maxon and his kind continue to hold important
public offices our hands are tied. It is because
of just such men that we lost the last peace, and
unless we rid our more important positions of
them we are more than likely to lose this one.
- Jean Athay
U.S. Trails Britain
With Post War Plans
AMERICA has yet to assume any definite re-
sponsibility for construction of a post-war
world. So far our ideas and aims have been
voiced but feebly, in contrast to Britain's out-
spoken leadership in planning. In three major
instances-domestic security, post-war financial
stabilization and plans for a world confedera-
tion-Britain has far outstripped the United
The first definite statement of Allied post-war
aims was made on March 29 by Winston Chur-
chill when he urged world confederation headed
by Britain, the United States, and Russia. "There
should come into being," he said, "a Council of
Europe and a Council of Asia." No American
leader has thus far made a proposal so concrete
or comprehensive as this one. In reference to
the prime minister's speech, Time magazine
wrote, "America could' wish that such words
might be spoken by an American; they could
feel that America's destiny required such a
speech, and such a speaker."
All that Franklin Roosevelt has given the
world so far is the Atlantic Charter, a sound
but nebulous document. .To date the clearest
statement of American post-war aims has been
made by Henry Wallace, who came out for
free enterprise. The Ball resolution favoring
a United Nations organization to achieve post-

WASHINGTON, April 14.- The Supply Ser-
vices of the Army (Gen. Somevell and Under-
Secretary Patterson) have been dove-tailing
their work much more harmoniously with the
War Production Board. The old feuding be-
tween them has subsided, at least for the time
However, Donald Nelson was shocked and sur-
prised to find another branch of the Army lit-
erally "on his tail." He noticed that wherever
he went, one, and usually two, men followed
him. He was being "tailed."
Even more amazing, he discovered that the
shadowing was being done by a branch of the
Army Military Intelligence. In other words,
the Army had its young officer detectives fol-
lowing the day-to-day and hour-by-hour
movements of one of the most important men
in the Government-the man who supplies the
Army with its war materials.
No explanation has been forthcoming from
the Army, and Nelson has asked for none. He
has become so used to the Army putting burrs
in his bed that one more makes no difference.
However, there are two possible explanations.
Nelson is in therprocess of getting a divorce, and
his friends say that the Army wants to watch
his social activities.
The other is that both Military and Naval
Intelligence are over-staffed with bright young
ex-brokers, real estate agents, and blue bloods
from the best families who simply love to play
at the game of detective. Nelson's friends
suggest that they are peeking around corners
at him just to practice up for spying on Hitler.
He replies:
"I don't mind their peep-holing, but I thought
we were fighting this war to get away from Ges-
Note: When Washington officials see anyone
peeking in their windows, they know it's either
Military or Naval Intelligence. J. Edgar Hoov-
er's FBI is too smart to pull any amateur detec-
tive tricks.
Economiczar Jimmy Byrnes, whose office has
suffered from lack of press relations, has taken
on Walter Brown, South Carolina radio magnate
and former crack Washington newsman. Czar
Byrnes has some A-1 men in his office-Donald
Russell, for instance, whose brain is like a steel
trap, and his lips also .
more significance than it actually has. It is
hardly to be denied that the principles of the
NRPB's plan are good, but it lacks concreteness,
detail, a statement of actual dollars-and-cents
cost. On the other hand, the Beveridge plan
has set the cost of social security in hard, un-
compromising figures.
The latest post-war plan has come from Sec-
retary of the Treasury Morgenthau, with his
proposal for an international currency stabiliza-
tion fund, in the operation of which the United
States would have the controlling hand. In
answer to the American plan, Lord Keynes,
British economist, has proposed a world credit
institution which would operate as a bank of
nations-a plan more far-reaching and unselfish

I'd Rather
Be Right
REALITIES: The plain truth is that if President
Roosevelt announced right now that he will not
run for a fourth term, he would be left without
power to fight the war. He might receive a
better press, but he would cease to be a major
force in the American or world scene. He would
become like one of those French presidents, re-
spected but inconsequential.
This situation is not of his making. It exists,
nonetheless. Once he issued th announce-
nient, his prestige with his opposite numbers,
Churchill, Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek, would
drop to a bare five points above zero. He
would be unable to engage in any major
undertaking with these men looking beyond
the end of the next year. Actually, his term
of effective office would be even shorter and
they would know it. The moment the two
candidates were named next summer, Mr.
Roosevelt would become a mere interim hold-
over, and he would remain so until his term
ran out.
I do not say that this situation is good, or bad;
I merely say that it exists. It is a condition of
the war, like the weather. What to do about it,
I do not know. Neither does Mr. Roosevelt. And
so he does, and can do, nothing about it.
His power to run is his power to punish
interference with the war effort. Without a
clear majority in Congress (and, except on
paper, he has none) it is almost the last item
of political power he has left. He is his own
final bogey-man; he uses himself to frighten
Congress with. Once he announced he would
not run again, Congress might love him more,
but it would listen to him less.
Under the circumstances, he hardly has the
right to make the announcement. This is a
separate question from that of whether he ac-
tually does run again or not. The question is
whether the man who shapes our war shall keep
himself politically alive or render himself politi-
cally dead at this moment.
It will be noticed that those Republican
newspapers, like the New York Herald Trib-
une, which are wholeheartedly for the organi-
zation of a more stable world, are in no spe-
cial tizzy on the fourth-term issue. They do
not want a fourth term. They would much
prefer a Republican President with Mr. Roose-
velt's ideas on world organization. But they
have looked behind the arguments and have
seen the naked face of reality.
They have stumbled on the curious fact that
the President of the United States is really the
President of the United States. If he renders
himself powerless, then the United States has a
powerless President. That is not good for the
United States.
The opposition would like to separate Mr. R.,
the President, from Mr. R., the man. He can't
oblige. He is stuck with himself. Mr. F. D.
Roosevelt is the prisoner of his office. In deal-
ing with foreign countries, he does not have the
right to destroy his bargaining power, because
it is our bargaining power.

(Continued from Page 2)

Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you are entering Military Service,
please- see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate
for May, 1943 are requested to call at the
office of the School of Education today to
take the Teacher's Oath, which is a re-
quirement for the certificate.
Students who plan to enter one of the
following professional schools: Medicine,
Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business
Administration, Forestry and Conservation
at the beginning of the fall term on the
Combined Curriculum must file an appli-
cation for this Curriculum in the Office
of the Dean of the College. of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall,
on or before April 20. After this date
applications will be accepted only upon
the presentation of a satisfactory excuse
for the 'delay and the payment of a fee
of $5.00.
Aeronautical, Civil, and Mechanical En-
gineering Seniors: Mr. Charles Woodhams
and an Engineering Representative will
visit the Campus on Thursday, April 15,
to interview May and September gradu-
ates for positions in the Engineering De-
partment of the Fort Worth Consolidated-
Vultee Aircraft Corporation, Fort Worth,
Tex. Interviews will be held in Room 3205
East Engineering Building. Interested men
will please sign the interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineering
Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East Engi-
neering Building.
Women students are needed to help with
raking, mowing, trimming hedges, and
planting on the University grounds. Pay
is 60c per hour-hours are voluntary. Any-
one interested may sign up immediately
in the Undergraduate Office of the League.
a lame duck at the conference
We Americans happen to like a
system in which we elect officials
who are in effect Premiers (i.e., polit-
ical leaders) by popular vote, for
fixed terms. That makes us the only
major country in, the world in which
it is possible to have a Premier who
is, politically, a lame duck. In every
other country, the Premier is a tem-
porary official, chosen by the parlia-
mentary majority; he has the reality
of political power, or he does not
remain the Premier. Mr. Roosevelt

University Lecture: Dr. Horace R. Byers,
Secretary of the Inst~tute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, will lecture on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
is invited.
University Lecture: Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the Department of Astronomy
will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus,
Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated)
in commemoration of the 400th annivers-
ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices of the Department of Astronomy,
on Friday, April .23, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
Lecture: Mrs. Carolina de Escalante, of
Mexico, will give the fourth of a series of
talks on Latin America on the subject,
"EVERYDAY MEXICO," under the auspi-
ces of the Latin American Society of the
University of Michigan, on Wednesday,
April 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Faculty, students and townspeople are
welcome to the lecture, which will be de-
livered in English and without charge.
Lecture: Dr. J. L. Hromadka, Guest Pro-
fessor at Princeton Seminary, will lecture
on the subject, "What Is Dynamic Chris-
tianity's Answer to the Present Crisis?",
under the auspices of the Committee for
Dynamic Christianity, on Friday, April
16, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Discussion will follow.
Hillel Marriage Lectures: Dr. Rudolph
Driekurs, Professor of Psychiatry of the
Chicago Medical School, will discuss "Ro-
mance and Marriage in Wartime" tonight
and "Responsibilities of the USO Hostess"
Thursday night. The lectures will take
place at 8:00 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation.
The public is invited.
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill (Wednesday - Section): All
companies will 'Fall In' on Hoover Street
in front of the IM Building in uniform
with street shoes.
Graduate Students in Speech: Professor
Carroll P. Lahman, chairman of the De-
partment of Speech at Albion College,
will speak on "Robert M. LaPollette" at
the meeting of the Graduate study Club
at 4:00 p.m. today in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
English 31, Sec. 8: There will be no
meeting today.
May Festival Tickets: Tickets for indi-
vidual concerts for the May Festival are
now on sale over the counter at the offices

vatore Baccaloni, basso buffo, soloist. Eu-
lene Ormandy, Conductor.
Second Concert, Thursday Evening:
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, and Frederick
Jagel. tenor, soloists. Conductors: Or-'
mandy and Van Deursen.
Third Concert, Friday Afternoon: As-
trid Varnay, soprano, soloist. Saul Caston,
Fourth Concert, Friday Evening: Lily
Pons, soprano; Saul Caston, Conductor.
Fifth Concert, Saturday Afternoon:
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist; Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday Evening: Ver-
M's "Requiem" with Stella Roman, Ker-
stin Thorborg, Frederick Jagel. and Alex-
ander Kipnis, soloists. Eugene Ormandy,
Charles A. Sink, President
Organ Recital: The final Wednesday
afternoon organ recital in the current
group will be played today by Mrs. Frieda
Op't Holt Vogan of the School of Music
faculty. Her program will include works by
Marcello, Bach, Vierne, Franck, Liszt, and
DeLamarter. The public is cordially in-
The carillon recital scheduled for 7:15
p.m., Thursday, April 15, by Percival
Price, University Organist, will consist of a
group of works by Schubert, a sonata for
carillon by Hugh Glauser, and four Amer-
ican marches.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts of a
Roman provincial town In Egypt.
The twentieth annual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
23. daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
Is cordially invited.
Events Today
Interviewing for the position of Admin-
istrative Supervisor on the Women's War
Council will be from 3:30-5:30 today in the
Merit Room of the Undergraduate Office
of the League. All women who have peti-
tioned for this job are requested to be
present between the above hours. Only
those women who will be seniors next
year are eligible for this position.
Sophomore women: Interviewing for the
central committee of the Junior Girls
Project will be held today through Friday,
April 16, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Be sure
and bring your eligibility card.
Coming Events
Phi Tau Alpha meets Thursday, April
15, at 7:30 p.m. In the West Lecture roomi
of the Rackham Building. Professor John
G. Winter, head of the Department of
Latin, will present an illustrated lecture

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