Annual Affair
To Be Staged
At Rackharn
War Activity Honor Groups
To Be Cited and Mortar Board,
Senior Society Tap Tomorrow
Next year's leaders of University
women's activities will be revealed
at Installation Rally at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow, in Rackham Auditorium,
when general recognition will also
be given to present campus ,groups.
The affair is being held for the
benefit of all women on campus and
will take the shape of a radio pro-
gram. Installation of the new Wom-
en's War Council members and Judi-
ciary Council niembers will take
place in addition to the announce-
ment of orientation advisers and the
central committee of soph project
for next year.
Tapping of students by Senior So-
ciety and Mortar Board will also take
place. Groups that have participated
in war activities will be especially
honored by a trio made up of League
Council members who will recite in
unison. Each group addi'essecl will
be represented by one student dressed
in the uniform typical of their ac-
The dormitory and sorority with
the highest scholarship will also be
made known along with the an-
nouncement of the house with the
greatest participation in war and so-
cial activities. This information will
be computed from the blanks which
were distributed to the houses last
Charlotte Thompson, '43, president
of the League, will act as mistress of
ceremonies, and brief speeches will
be given by President Alexander G.
Ruthven, Dean Alice Lloyd, and Mr.
Clark Tibbets, director of the Uni-
versity War Board.
The traditional banquet, which
formerly accompanied this affair, is
being eliminated this year due to the
food shortage.
First Aid Instruction
Class To Be Offered
To Women Students
For women students interested in
becoming instructors of first aid
classes, a course will be offered from
7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. every night
of the week, beginning April 5, in
North Hall.
students must be 20 years of age
and must have had both the stand-
ard and the advanced first aid
courses. Coeds may sign up in either
the undergraduate office of the
League or in North Hall.
Statistical Records Reveal Value
Of 'Physical Fitne.
With all the world speaking in a
new lingo of numbers, the Physical
Education department for women in
collaboration with the Women's Ath-
letic Association has just finished
compiling' a bit of statistical evi-
dence as to the value of the "Phys-
ica Fitness" exercise program.
Most outstanding results, accord-
ing to Miss Jesselene Thomas of the
Physical Education department, were
an average nine per cent improve-
ment among a group of 500 regular
Iphysical education class students,
and an average of 11 per cent im-
provement for a specialized group,
consisting of athletic managers and
exercise leaders of the various resi-
dence houses on campus.
75% Show Improvement
Method used was that of testing
the same two groups of women "be-
lore" the voluntary exercise program
was instituted, and then again six
weeks "after". Seventy-seven per
cent of the physical education stu-
dents completing both tests showed
some improvement.
Percentile ranks taken in the be-
ginning show the specialized group,
which included 36 athletic managers,
to be far above the average, which
Installation of New WAA Board:
4:30 p.m. Wednesday, WAB.
Softball: 4:30 p.m. tomorrow;
Adelia Cheever vs. Alpha Phi. 4:30
p.m. Tuesday; 820 Hill vs. Alpha
Chi Omega. 5:10 p.m. Tuesday,
Chii-Omega vs. Deta Gamma,
Gamma Phi Beta vs. Collegiate
4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Alpha Xi
Delta vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi. 5:10
p.m. Wednesday, Alpha Delta Pi
vs. Helen Newberry, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi vs. Pi Beta Phi, Mosher
vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma.
4:30 p.m. Thursday, Kappa Al-
pha Theta vs. Zeta Tau Alpha.
5:10 p.m. Thursday, Delta Delta
Delta vs. Martha Cook, Alpha
Gamma Delta vs. Kappa Delta.
Crop and Saddle: 5 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Barbour.
University Women's Riding
Club: 1 p.m. Saturday, Barbour.
Dance Club: 4:15 p.m. Monday
and Wednesday, Barbour Dance
Ballet Club: 7:15 Thursday,
Barbour Dance Studio.,
Swimming: 8 p.m. Thursday,
Union Pool.
Table Tennis: Contestants are
urged to complete matches this
week in order to conclude tourna-
' Exercises
was set at 50 out of 100. Results dis-
closed 28 out of the 36 people to be
above average, and the conclusion
can be drawn, of course, that this
group consisted of those women on
campus most interested in athletic
18 Re-Tested
Unfortunately, only 18 out of the
36 women were available for the re-
testing program. However, of the 18,
12 showed improvement totalling 67
per cent. Five others dragged the
average down slightly with lower
results than they had made in the
"before" testing. These results were
only lowered an average of 3 per
cent, however.
Conclusions that can be drawn ac-
cording to Miss Thomas, are that
some improvement made was prob-
ably the result of being better ac-
quainted with the test, but that not
more than about one or two per cent
should be expected from that alone.
Regular Activity Improves
Another conclusion is that those
showing lower results may have been
lax in participating in the exercises.
"Exercises, if done regularly and
if real effort was put forth, would
make particular differences in things
such as abdominal strength needed
in the 'sit-up' test," said Miss Thom-
as. She concluded by saying that any
other regular and strenuous activity
such as skiing would also mean cause
for improvement.
Hosiery Standa rds
To Improve Wear
Production Board recently decreed
new standards for women's hosiery
which, it said, would improve the
wearing qualities of most stockings.
Not that the real sheer ones are out-
they can be made if comparatively
long-wearing yarns are used.
WPB issued, effective May 15, a
yarn conservation order covering all
types of hosiery and designed to save
about 15,000,000 pounds of wool,
rayon and cotton yarns annually.
In the case of women's hosiery, how-
ever, slightly more rayon than pre-
viously will be required. But this
will be a long-term saving, WPB
said, because the stockings will be
generally "more durable and, wear
Are Betrothed
Engagement of All-American
Announced at DAC Luncheont
Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Johnson of
Detroit announced yesterday the en-
gagement of their daughter, Dorothy
Carolyn, to Ensign Edward Charles
Frutig, flying instructor with the
U.S. Naval Reserve at Grosse Ile,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Frutig
of River Rouge.
Announcement of the engagement
was made at a luncheon for twenty
friends at the Detroit Athletic Club.
Miss Johnson attended the Uni-
versity for two and a half years.
Ensign Frutig graduated from the
University in 1941. He was a mem-
ber of Michigamua, Mimes and
Sphinx, and was All-American end
on the football team two years ago.
He was trained at Pensacola, Fla.,
and at Corpus Christi, Tex.
The wedding will take place at 3
p.m. on May 1, in the chapel of the
Central Woodward Christian Church.
A reception for the immediate fami-
lies and the bridal party is to follow
the ceremony at the Detroit Golf
Club. An open house will take place
that evening at the Johnson home
before the couple leaves on a short
wedding trip.
Mrs. David Baker of Detroit, sis-
ter of the bride, will be maid 'of
honor. Ensign Danny DeMarino,
also stationed at Grosse Ile, will be
best man.
Nature of Blood Donor Service
According to Dr. Margaret Bell of
the University Health Service, many
questions have been asked recently
about the specific nature of the Red
Cross Blood Donor Service an'. the
effects of donating blood on the indi-,
The procurement of blood through
voluntary donations is under the di-
rection of the American Red Cross,
which works in cooperation with the
Army, Navy, and Office of Civilian
Blood donations are taken either
at the central stations or at one of
the new mobile units. The mobile
unit is a truck carrying all of the
necessary equipment such as cots,
tables and medical supplies; one doc-
tor, six or seven nurses, and a unit
secretary. They enable the service
to visit many places it could not
reach before.
Liquid Is Removed
After the blood is obtained from
the donors, it is collected in a vacuum
container. The liquid portion or
plasma is then separated from the
red cells in a machine similar to a
cream separator called a centrifuge.
When the plasma has been refrig-
erated and dried by a carefully de-
vised process, it occupies a very small
amount of space and can easily be
preserved, transported, kept sterile
and can be readily prepared for ad-
The plasma obtained by the Red
Cross Blood Procurement Service has
already saved many lives, not only
of men wounded in battles, but civil-
ian population as well. For example,
plasma was used freely in caring for
the victims of the recent Boston
night club fire.
In considering the effect of blood
donation on the individual, Dr. Bell
stated that the giving of blood in
reasonable quantities by normal per-
! ons is not harmful if it is not re-
peated too often. In the normal indi-
vidual the liquid loss, red blood cells
and hemoglobin are made up rapidly,
especially when iron compounds are
Health Is Protected
From studies made on persons who
have given blood frequently, it was
found that donations of a pint of
blood every four or five weeks are
not harmful to men. However, for
practical purposes, it is recommended
that blood be given not more than
five times a year and always at least
eight weeks apart.
The Red Cross has adopted meas-
ures to make sure that all donors
are healthy so that taking their
blood will harm neither them nor
the one to whom the plasma is given.
Pulse, temperature, blood pressure,
and hemoglobin are tested and the
prospective donor is asked questions
about his medical history.
The importance of blood donation
is shown by the fact that a single
donation supplies about half the
amount of plasma usually given to a
single patient.
s Subject of Many Queries
. . . you look your loveliest,
some marvelous Dorothy Gray
leg make-up that will really
double for those much-missed
nylons. And it doesn't streak
or wash off in the rain. A big
bottle, that will do the job
many times, for just $1.00.
You'll want to try it.
* ,
'65,000 New Nurses Needed,' Says Recruiter
"We just have to have 65,000 new
student nurses this year to meet the
minimum health needs of the coun-
try," declared Miss Edith Smith, re-
cruiter for the National Nursing
Council for War Service, who spoke
here before the State Directors of
Guidance and Counselling this week.
"One of the most critical women-
power shortages is in nursing and it
existed even before Pearl Harbor,"
she continued. "Now the Army has
35,000 nurses and is planning on
getting 3,000 graduate nurses a
month, every month this year. The
eouIicil's chief obligation is to pro-
vide 6'2,000 Army and Navy nurses
from- 20 to 45 years old to go wher-
ever "the men are."
"This leaves civilian institutions
stripped," Miss Smith said. Besides,
the 3,000 needed before the war, there
is great expansion in hospital build- sionally trained, whether it be nurs-
ing-especially Iveteran institutions, ng or not, she said, will have more
ing-especially~f hvtrnisttt
and a 3,000 to 5,000 nurse shortage in
public health, she said.
Is Stanford Graduate
A graduate of Stanford University
ind School of Nursing with service
overseas as a nurse during the, last
war, Miss Smith stressed that going
into a civilian hospital would help
the shortage immeasurably.
"You're helping keep people on
the production line well, releasing
graduates for the front, and keeping
up soldier morale by providing their
wives and babies with adequate care
... It means a lot to a man to know
that his child will be born with prop-
er medical attention," she said.
Miss Smith also emphasized the
opportunities in a post-war future
for nursing. Any girl who is profes-
success a erLt e war.
World To Be Different
"It's going to be a very different
world," she said. "Many girls who
have always enjoyed ease and eco-
nomic security will find that even
,matrimony won't mean they don't
have to work outside the home. Many
husbands and .sweethearts aren't go-
ing to come back. Some will be crip-
pled, and almost all will have to
undergo a couple of years' period of
adj ustment."
She pointed out that nursing is
not only the one profession where
refresher courses are offered for
nurses who want to go back to work
after a long period of retirement,
but that expanding fields of psychi-;
atric nursing, public health and in-
struction have scarcely been touched.
L 1
A A I~~~'A 'AL _
by Helena Rubins
Four famous ma
essentials, created by B
t OL
I Nt%
... *
11 -~
. . . calls for one of those
neat new straws that have just
come in at the HAT BOX.
Some luscious yellows and
some dreamy jobs in char-
treuse. There are some smart
ones in black and navy, too,
that can be set on the back of
your head or over your curls.
Add the individual touch to
your spring suit with one of
those cunning lapel pins from
BRANCE SHOP. Minnie the
Monk, Eloise the Elephant,
Gracie the Giraffe, and others.
P.S. Have you seen the hand-
some U. of M. bookends they
you remember other nites
you've spent with loved ones.
SHOP has a new self-record-
ing device by which you can
make a record of your voice
to send to those loved ones.
65c for a complete recording,
packed, ready to mail. Go in
now and get one to send home
for Easter.
Rubinstein, to paint a portrait
of YOU that is perfect and
lovely in every detail.
Town & Country Make-Up Film-to hold your
make-up flawless, give your complexion soft new love-
liness. 1.00, 1.50.
Helena Rubinstein Face Powder-stays lovely
longer because it's blended for your skin texture. Two
blends-one for dry, one for oily skin. 1.00, 1.50, 3.50.
Helena Rubinstein Lipsticks -beloved for their
glorious colors..soft, lustrous texture.. lasting fresh-
ness. .75, 1.00, 1.50. Refills, .60 and .75.
Waterproof Mascara-to make your lashes look
longer, lovelier. Will not smudge or run. 1.00. In
special set with Herbal Eyelid Oil, 1.50. Pl46
.. .
. . .. . .. . .. .
2.00 to 5.00
See our colorful collection of young-minded hats for
Spring! Pert and pretty, prattical, too . . . for they've
a winning way of looking right with casuals or date frocks.
In fine felts, failles, feathers.