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April 04, 1943 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-04

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SUNDAY, APRJL 41. 1943

Disposal of Government Plants Will Be Post-War Pi


Is Proposed
For Post-War
Detroit-Toledo Road
Financed by Federal
Grant of $302,894
LANSING, April 3.-(P)-The State
Highway Department announced to-
day it had launched surveys for an
expressway linking Detroit and To-
led, Ohio, to be constructed as a
post-war project.
Lloyd B. Reid, State Highway Com-
missioner, said the action followed re-
ceipt of a federal grant of $302,894,
representing Michigan's share of a
$10,000,000 fund set aside by the gov-
ernment for planning post-war high-
ways. The state will match the federal
grant for the expressway project, Reid
The commissioner said the pro-
posed inter-state highway would in-
corporate the limited assess features
of the Detroit industrial expressway
serving the bomber plant at Willow
"There will be very few intersec-
tions and this super-highway will
have a high speed design for post-
war travel," he said. "By surveying
now and getting blueprints ready, we
will be all set to build a four-lane,
divided highway when the war is
The expressway, Reid said, would
extend southwest from Detroit, con-
necting at Erie with the present di-
vided lane highway leading to Toledo.
Reid said the highway department
was seeking additional funds for
similar surveys planned for proposed
limited access highways connecting
Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw and
Bay City to alleviate traffic on US-10.
Census Bureau Reports
Great Decrease in Jobless
WASHINGTON, April 3.- ()-
Recalling the days when the United
States had more than 10,000,000 un-
employed, the Census Bureau report-
ed today a total of only 1,000,000
jobless persons-approaching what
the Bureau called "the irreducible
The new figure, based on a nation-
wide cross-section survey in mid-'
March, showed a decline since mid-
February of 400,000.

Rea Inter prets
Use of Bomber
University's Innovation
Conceived to Aid Both
Students, War Effort
"The University of Michigan was
the first to conceive and put into ef-
fect a double plan of immediate as-
sistance to the' war effort and future
aid to students, with the idea of the
Bomber Scholarship fund," Walter B.
Rea, Assistant Dean of Students said
in an interview yesterday.
"At the conclusion of the war a
large number of ex-students undoubt-
edly will require financial assistance,
and thus the Bomber Scholarship is
rightly considered the most important
of the several war projects now being
supported by the students of the Uni-
versity," Rea continued.
"In addition to assisting in the war
effort by the purchase of bonds, the
fund will provide scholarships to
many Michigan men and women who
temporarily have abandoned their
studies to enter the armed services,"
Rea added.
As financial aid will be needed by
so many students if they are to com-
plete their degree requirements, every
possible aid should be made available
to the men and women who have left
and who will leave the University to
help preserve "our way of living,"
Dean Rea declared.
"If the fund is to reach the pro-
portions required and justified by the
double purpose which it serves, it
must receive the prompt and generous
day the cast for "Le monde ou l'on
pus," Rea concluded.
China's War Effort
Depicted in Movie
"The Western Front," a movie de-
picting China and her war effort,
will. be shown at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
"This movie, which was obtained
from the Office of War Information,
is the International Center's con-
tribution to the program of educa-
tion concerning China for the War
Chest drive in October," Robert
Klinger, Assistant Counselor to For-
eign Students, said yesterday.
The movie will be followed by a
reception in the International Cen-
ter, when members of the Chinese
Students Club will discuss China.

Midwest Governors Confer on Post-War Problems

Employment Must Be
Kept at a High Level
Government and Private Business Must Work
Together To Prevent Idleness and Suffering
NEW YORK,.April 3.- (P)- Secretary of Commerce Jones said tonight
that a major post-war problem would be the use of the productive capacity
built up during the war, and added that "a big question for us to decide will
be what to do with our government-owned manufacturing facilities."
Increased Employment Must Be Continued
Jones, in an address for delivery at the Army Day dinner of the Military
Order of the World War at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. broadcast over the
Blpe Network, said that "the manufacturing capacity of the country has
been increased many times, and much of this increase must be fitted into
our post-war program in such a way as to continue in a substantial measure
the increased employment that has been brought about by the war effort."
"We must remember that what we have done in expanding productivity
has been matched In a relative sense by other nations who will have their

Gov. Dwight P. Griswold (second from left), of Nebraska, greets Ohio's Gov. John W. Bricker, as these
midwestern governors meet in Chicago for a two-day conference on post-war problems in their states. Left
to right are: Standing-Govs. Dwight Green, Illinois; Griswold; Walter S. Goodland, Wisconsin; Forrest
C. Donnell, Missouri. Seated-Govs. Bricker; Harry F. Kelly, Michigan, and Henry F. Schricker, Indiana.
Peace _tretyNeeds Education Clause

The German people may be able
to get rid of Hitler and National
Socialism after this war as easily as
they did the Hohenzollerns in 1919,
Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the School
of Education said yesterday, in com-
menting on a peace treaty clause
which would establish an interna-
tional education association to pro-
mote a peace program.
Prof. Schorling, who visited 64
Nazi schools five years ago, and was
once a guest of the German Repub-
lic under the Weimar Constitution,
stated that while National Socialism
undoubtedly captured the imagina-
tion of the German youth, it may not
be as difficult to re-educate them as
one might think.
"Hitler probably is not so, deeply
rooted in German life as was the
Hohenzollern tradition," he contin-
ued. "He may be through when too
many people get hungry. In other

words, a symbol such as Hitler is will
be meaningless when the forces sym-
bolized are spent.
"This time," Prof. Schorling em-
phasized, "there should be a clause
in the peace treaty that will set this
education for war in reverse. Some-
how we must manage to train the
nations for peace; we must aim to
create a world climate of good will in
which war will not have a place.
Prof. Schorling, a member of the
faculty committee working with Dr.
Henry S. Curtis who has proposed a
plan for international education, has
also been interested in the New Edu-
cation Fellowship.
"We have no definite guarantee
that there will be a clause for edu-
cation included in the treaty this
time," he said. "That is why groups
such as the New Education Fellow-
ship and committees like the one
working with Dr. Curtis are so con-
I cerned with this program."

The New Education Fellowship,
though weak in the United States, is
a world organization of a good deal
of influence in England and certain
other European countries, Mr. Schor-
ling said. It consists of fifty-one
autonomous national sections and
"The principles upon which it
operates are the ideals which will
have to prevail in any scheme for
international education," Professor
Schorling said.

Talk Scheduled
Ramirez To Discuss
Paraguay Wednesday
Dr. Luis Ramirez, fellowship stu-
dent from Paraguay, will speak on
"Survey of Paraguay" at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre in the third of a series of lectures
sponsored by the Latin-American
Society in contribution to tthe Uni-
versity program in the development
of Inter-Americanism.
While in Paraguay, Dr. Ramirez
was Civil Attache of the Paraguayan
Chaco Peace Conference in Buenos
Aires and head of the Cabinet of the
Ministry of Foreign Relations.

problems," he said. "By the end of,
the war, productive capacity pr6p-
erly used can save the world, and
improperly applied could become an
economic menace.
Solution Needed
"We must therefore find a sound
and sensible solution. This will mean
a meeting of minds of all peoples for
self-preservation and for the preser-
vation of civilization. A big question(
for us to decide will be what to CY
with our government-owned manu-,
facturing facilities. We will need to
maintain a high level of employment
to prevent idleness, suffering and
want. But this does not mean that
the government must retain the
ownership ,or the operation of the
facilities it has built nor does it
mean that they should be sacrificed.
It means that government and pri-
Vate business must work together to
utilize in peace much of the machin,
ery we have created for war."

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Brazil Strenthens War Effort


ith, the

'(Editor's note: The following is the
fourth in a series of articles portraying
the thoughts and feelings that are
dominant in Latin-American countries
"The Brazilian people are whole-
heartedly behind their leaders and
the war effort today, and their sym-
pathies and understanding for the
American people have greatly in-
creased through our common cause,"
Eric Tysklind, '44E, of Sao Paulo,
Brazil, said yesterday.
"When the war struck Brazil last
August," he said, "she immediately

took steps for her defense and or-
dered general mobilization. This
mobilization has run very smoothly
because of careful government plan-
"Facilities have been so organized
that every youngster gets some sort
of military training and university
ROTC students have been given spe-
cial courses and put on active duty,"
he said.
"Brazil's industries have been al-
most completely converted to war
use and are now operating at greater
capacity than ever before," Tysklind


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