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a Symphony in Song,
PPrs Mor'n Patronc I A
To Be Given Lpril 8
April Concert
Prof its To Aid
Bill Sawyer To Lead Women's
Glee Club and !g\en's Chorus;
Will Encore Detroit Program
"Singtime, a Symphony in Song"
is the title of the spring concert
combining vocal and instrumental
music which will be presented April
8, at Hill Auditorium.
The concert, the first of its kind
on this campus, will feature the Uni-
versity Women's Glee Club and a
picked chorus of Michigan men, all
under the direction of Bill Sawyer,
who will present veritable sympho-
nies in song.
To Be Given First in Detroit
The concert will first be presented
on March 25 at the Masonic Temple
in Detroit for the annual "Univer-
sity of Michigan Night" show at
which the Women's Glee Club, with
the male chorus, will preside.
Both shows are benefit presenta-
tions, the proceeds of which will go
to the Bomber Scholarship Fund.
"They ought," according to Sawyer,
"to provide the greatest contribution
to charity any entertainment pro-
gram has done so far."
"Singtime" will also feature the
music of the Michigan Union Or-
chestra,, which will play symphonic
numbers, modern classical selec-
tions, and popular campus song fa-
vorites. Special solo presentations
will be heard from featured musi-
cians in the orchestra.
Of special note will be the vocal
presentations of "Rhapsody in Blue,"
presented for the first time in its
history in song and Ferdy Grof6's
popular "On the Trail" from the
"Grand Canyon Suite."
Two Skits Added
The University Night presentation
in Detroit has added to the program
two of the prize-winning skits from
the recent "Victory Vanities" show
at Hill Auditorium. Alpha Chi Ome-
ga sorority will put on once more its
"Buggy Ride", a character song skit
representing the Michigan coed's im-
pression of travel in the war-imposed
horse and buggy. And Theta Xi fra-
ternity will add a touch of Southern
rhythm to the program when its
prize-winning "Blue Smokes" har-
Part of the proceeds from both
shows will go toward providing
scholarships for two worthy mem-
bers of they Women's Glee Club in
order that they may continue their
musical education.
Sass up that common-sense, gray
flannel suit for spring by outlining
collar and lapels in gay yarn stitch-
ing. choose a gay hat to match your
new trimming.
Fn i n
LL l 1 I V I I I I A A It. 11 1-711 l 11 1-% 1 r- I I ! 1
'Missing <ink' By Governor
Needed for Ball
Engineers of every known size and
shape are still frantically scurrying
around the sacred "lit" school hang-
out, Angell Hall, hunting for their
"missing link," otherwise known as
the slide rule.
In fact, said engine boys are so
wrought up over the loss of their
precious measuring stick that they
have even gone so far as to ADVER-
TISE in The,Daily, something which
is done only if it is a matter of life
and death.
There being approximately three
lawyers left in school (it takes at
least four husky? book fiends to carry
the slide rule), engine mathematical
whizzes have deducted that a certain
group of jealous lit school students
(jealous because they couldn't get
tickets for the ball) have carried "it"
away to their private den with theI
intention of holding "it" for ransom
-or something.
One vociferous pen and ink man
casually slid up to Ken Moehl, '43E,
decorations chairman, yesterday and
told him that he knew a guy whose
roommate had heard that a stool
pigeon in his poli. sci. class knew who
the rodents were who copped "it."
Consequently, the engineers have a
hot lead and promise "to leave no
lit student unturned nor no lit build-
ing intact" until the favorite slipstick
is recovered-in good health..
Without "Slipsie," Slide Rule Ball
cannot possibly be a success, since
the decorations are still going to be'
centered around a St. Patrick's Day
Zeta Psi announces the recent ini-
tiation of two new members. They
are Roger V. Walker, '46, of Indian
Village, Detroit, and David P. Evans,
'46, of Dearborn.
Jan Savitt To Play for Sell-Out
Slide Rule Ball Friday at Union
Gov. and Mrs. H. F. Kelly and
President and Mrs. Alexander Ruth-
yen will head the patrons' list at
the annual Slide Rule Ball to be
sponsored by the Michigan Technic
staff from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomor-
row at the Union, ball co-chairmen
William Hutcherson, '43E, and Keith
Smith, '43E, have announced.
Following them on the list will be
Dean Emeritus M. E. Cooley, Dean
Emeritus and Mrs. H. C. Sadler,
Dean J. A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs.
I. C. Crawford, Asst. Dean and Mrs.
A. H. Lovell, Asst. Dean C. T. Olm-
stead, and Asst. Dean and Mrs. W.
B. Rea.
Jan Savitt and his orchestra have
been contracted to supply the music
for the evening, and since Savitt has
been judged by many as employing
some of the cleverest arrangements
known to music, the ball committee
predicts that there will be no com-
plaints about the music.
Meanwhile, the ball outdid its
predecessors when a four-day ticket
sale resulted in a complete sell-out,
375 tickets being dispensed to engi-
neers and the few literary college
students who managed to get their
tickets in the short time they were
available at the Union desk.
Decorations for the ball continue
to remain a deep secret, with the
only information about them reveal-
ing that St. Patrick's Day colors will
be flying high.
Interviews for those who have
petitioned for Assembly positions
will be. held from 3:30 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in
the Undergraduate Office of. the
League. Interviewees are asked,
to bring their eligibility cards.
Coeds Faced with Question:
EVERY COED will soon be faced with a question - one that is important
to herself, the University and her country. It is "Do you plan to go to
summer school in order to accelerate your program?"
Today, fifteen months after this country entered the war, there are
still in this University an embarrassingly large number of "never-change-
my ways" coeds who haven't given summer school a thought.
"But," coeds protested when faced with the decision, "I need a vaca-
tion and some relaxation. There's nothing easy about a college program
and all the war work we are being asked to do!'
This may be relatively true, but nobody said THERE IS ANYTHING
TWO GROUPS OF WOMEN should NOT attempt to come back to sum-
mer school. The coed who knows specifically from medical advice or
her own experience that she cannot attend school " 'round-the-clock" with-
out undergoing a serious physical strain is entitled to respond negatively to
the "summer school decision".
The second group which should be exempt from answering "yes" to
the question of the hour are those people who must work during the sum-
mer in order to make enough money to return to college in the fall.
"But won't I be more valuable if I get a job in a defense factory for the
summer?" is an oft-heard response.
THE ANSWER is "no." Your country wants you, you as one of the few
receiving a complete college education, to get it }quickly and then find
the particular job for which you have been trained.
Your country needs you who are well-rounded intellectually.. True
enough, they need your "manpower," but they need more than just that:
they need you for specialized jobs, for positions where even though you may
have majored in philosophy or English, they have the advantage of your
"thinking mind".
Whatever you do, don't go home at the end of this semester without
having seriously considered accelerating your program.
EVERY UNIVERSITY WOMAN will receive next week a questionnaire
as to whether she will return to summer school and if not, what plans
she has made. This questionnaire is being issued as part of a greatly
expanded war program for University women. The results of this question-
naire will enable the University to plan an extensive war program for the
summer. - Phyllis Present
Coeds Collect!
Red Cross Fund
Over $345.00 was contributed to the
Red Cross drive by the University
coeds by late yesterday with much
promise of additional contributions
being made in the next few days, re-
port Geraldine Stadelman, '44, who
is heading the drive among the wo-
men-on campus.
Stcckwell Hall is leading all other
houses with a grand total of $222.60
turned- in so far. As yet no other
dormitories have brought in their
One hundred per cent membership
was taken by the Wilson, Keusch,
and Hunt league houses, while other
league houses contributing to the
drive are the Jeffrey and Feiner hou-
Pi Beta Phi, the only sorority to
have donated to the drive, has turned
in $30.00 and plans to add to this
amount in the next few days.
Besides Miss Stadelman, the com-
mittee is composed of Marion Bask-
ette, '44, Audrey Bratman, '43, and
Florence Turin, '44.
Book Needed
To Buy Shoes
A loose number 17 stamp will no
longer be accepted from individuals
attempting to purchase shoes, it was
decided at a recent meeting of Wash-
tenaw County shoe merchants, when
Mr. John Scott Black, district ra-
tioning officer of the OPA, spoke.
The law most emphatically states
that a loose stamp may be accepted
only when the shoes are ordered by
mail. In this case the order must be
accompanied by the number of the
rationing book, the name and ad-
dress of the individual. In all other
cases the stamp must be torn from
the war ration book in the presence
of the clerk.
Therefore, the policy followed by
several campus organizations of pre-
senting a loose stamp with an affi-
davit signed by the house mother or
some other authority stating that
the stamp is the property of the in-
dividual is no longer acceptable.
At 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the
League the Latin-American So-
ciety will sponsor the second in a
series of dancing lessons.
r*rw rr wNow"
/-----------\--AA f ICS
(Editor's Note: WAAntics is written this week by Carol Cothran, a member of
the Daily Women's Staff.)
"Rec-Rally Saturday Night" sounds like a direct steal from a familiar
song title, but in truth it's just a way of saying that the event. may become
a very pleasurable habit-about-campus if student demand has anything to
say about it.
And evidently it has, for the phys ed department at large has responded
and the second co-recreation get-together within two weeks is scheduled
for 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Barbour and Waterman gyms.
Again men and women will match muscles at badminton, volley ball,
darts, ping-pong, and numerous other sports. thus, the latter part of the
evening will be devoted to barn-dancing, to the tune of "Swing Your Part-
ners!" by the skilled caller, Howard Leibee.
If at that time, however, you, have just reached that stage in your bad-
minton tournament where you have the bird trained to go OVER the net,
there's no need to quit and begin barn-dancing. It's been arranged that
sports will continue for those who wish even though the dancing is in prog-
ress at Waterman.I
Majors in physical education are also finding a worthwhile attraction
about Rec-Rally. Now that it's no longer a once-a-year event, there will be
the chance for rotation of general chairmen among them. This should af-
ford practical experience, valuable for their future careers. This week there
will be a co-chairmanship arrangement with Monna Heath and Helen Will-
cox heading the list.
A special point of interest is the fact that faculty men in the phys ed
department are interested in this co-recreational project, and many of the
high-ranking instructors will be seen moving among the crowd at play to
approve of the success of the project.
There's something about the word "tournament" that spurs a person
into showing her athletic prowess in her particular sport, and now the
ping-pong tournament has resulted in a resounding response. The enthu-
siasts, undaunted by the remark that ping-pong is "the weak man's tennis,"
have played off in their individual houses to turn out 73 entrants in the
official tournament.
Signing up for play-offs among houses is going on at W.A.B. and Bar-
bour, so hike over toot sweet and add your name to the list.
Time is drawing nigh when the WAA petitions are due, in fact Satur-
day noon is the deadline. They are acceptable only at W.A.B., according
to Nan Filstrup, so when you sign up for ping-pong, drop your bid for a
position on the WAA board in the designated box.
As long as you're in-the vicinity, you might go downstairs to the bowl-
ing alley and roll a few lines at the new low price per line. And with that
as the thought for the week, s'long.
Alpha Chi's RolI Most Bandages
Alpha Chi Omega had the best at the unit by its residents.
representation of any sorority at the Houses that will be especially in-
Red Cross surgical dressing unit last vited to attend sometime between
week, while winner for the previous 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. today in the League,
week was Alpha Delta Pi. Stockwell are Alpha Phi, Adelia Cheever, Zeta
Hall has also been well represented Tau Alpha, Zone VII, and Zone VIII.
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Also poplin, rain-repel-
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