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March 11, 1943 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-11

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FDR Hands Congress
Blueprint for Future

(Continued from Page 1)

"2. Government provision of work
for all adults who are willing and
able to work, if private industry is
unable to provide employment.
"3. Appropriate measures to
equip young persons beyond the
compulsory school-attendance age
for assuming the full responsibil-
ity of citizenship.
"4. Assurance of basic minimum
security through social insurance,
so far as possible.
"5. Establishment of a compre-
hensive underpinning general pub-
lic assistance system providing aid
on the basis of need, to complete the
framework of protection against
economic insecurity.
"6. Expansion of social services
which are essential for the health,
welfare, and efficiency of the whole
population; this expansion should be
as wide and as rapid as possible."
To carry out these objectives,
aside from the increased insurance
program, it proposed:
A federal works agency "estab-
lished on a permanent basis"
charged with responsibility for de-
veloping and operating works pro-
grams. Work projects, it said,
should be suited to the commun-
ity and the performance required
of workers and the pay should be
equal to those in private industry.
Combination of the Civilian Con-
servation Corps and the National
Youth Administration into a "uni-
fied administration" to direct a
many-sided youth program provid-
ing federal grants to those needing
it for education, counselors for
young people, and programs stress-
ing "the inculcation of work habits
and disciplines and familiarity with
the use of a. variety of tools."
Further study, it was recommend-
ed, should be given to development
of therapeutic work programs fxN
those with special physical and men-
tal handicaps.
As for general public assistance,
it was proposed that these plans be
placed on "a basis reflecting differ-
ences in need and economic and fis-
cal capacity as between the states."
Thus the federal government would
pay a larger share, for instance, of
old age assistance in a poor state
than in a wealthy one instead of
basing federal aid on the amount
provided by the state.
In the field of public social ser-
vices, the provision of essential
medical care, including. "promot-
ing' the health of mothers and
children," was stressed. Also rec-
Ommended were free lunches for
school children, and distribution
of, surplus commodities by the

stamp plan to the "entire lo'w-
income population."
On the point of putting the pro-
gram into effect now, the Board's
introduction to its report said:
"Some may urge that such n pro-
gram must be set aside until the
war emergency is ended. But to
postpone until the war is over will be
too late. We should move now on
the major changes needed to set our
house in order.
"It is easier to make these changes
when employment is high, and it is
easier to keep employment high
than to lift it once it has declined.
Furthermore, we cannot be blind to
the fact that national morale is
mightily influenced by consideration
of what will come when a warring
world will be replaced with one more
devoted to the arts of peace. Shall
that period be a return to the in-
equities of the past, or a forward
movement toward the promise of the
Five ERC Orders
Revoked for 'U' Men
Revoking orders for five men pre-
viously called to active Army from
the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps
were received yesterday by the Uni-
versity War Board.
"We. are still waiting rescinding
orders for five more men who were
on the deferred list," Dr. Burton
Thuma, armed service representative,
said, "and there is no reason to be-
lieve these won't be received in the
next few days."

Republicans in
House Ready To
Pass Rumi Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 10.-House
Republicans will hold a conference
Monday to array party strength in an
effort to pass the Ruml pay-as-you-
go tax plan, it was learned tonight.
Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, the
Republican leader, announced the
conference, and other prominent Re-
publicans said it will seek to put the
party's representatives behind the
plan to skip an income tax year in
arriving at a current-payment basis.
The Republican meeting was ar-
ranged shortly after the House Ways
and Means Committee, following
weeks of study, approved a compro-
mise income tax collection plan put-
ting pay-as-you-go on an optional
basis for each taxpayer, without any
tax abatement, and imposing a 20
per cent withholding levy against the
taxable portions of pay envelopes and
salary checks.
Dissatisfied with this compromise,
Martin predicted "an overwhelming
majority" of Republicans will fight it
on the House floor and battle for the
Rumlplan, as modified and embraced
in a bill by Rep. Carlson (Rep.-Kan.).
Republicans now have 209 seats in
the house to 222 for the Democrats
and some Republicans expressed con-
fidence that the Ruml plan would
gather a substantial number of Dem-
ocratic votes.
It was not expected, however, that
making the skip-a-year proposal a
party issue would bring in all Repub-
lican votes, since Rep. Gearhart
(Rep.-Calif.) is one of the most ac-
tive opponents of the Ruml plan,
contending it would "mushroom 100,-
000 or more war millionaires."




W A I T I N G - Nurse Eliza-
beth Thomas works in the hos-
pital unit of the Servel war plant
at Evansville, Ind., while 'wait-
ing word from her husband, Ma-
jor William H. Thomas, captdred
at Bataan and believed held in
the Philippines.

E V E R Y B O D Y 0 U T, F O L K S !-- Hatless congressmen, along with visitors to the nation's
' capitol, leave for shelters in nearby buildings as Washington undergoes an air raid drill.

Dramatic Season Calls First
Production Halt in 14 Years


The Ann Arbor Dramatic Season,
an organization designed to bring
Broadway productions to the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, has called a
halt to activities for the first time in
14 years, Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., chair-
man of the committee, announced
In commenting on the closing, of
the organization Quirk said, "After
careful consideration of current pro-
duction problems, the Ann Arbor
Dramatic Season committee has re-
luctantly concluded to cancel the
Dramatic Season for this year. The
complications brought on by the war
situation,-the adjustment of the
University calendar, the difficulties
of casting actors, railroading from

New York or California, as well as
local problems of transportation and
housing,-have made this resolution
seem expedient at the present time."
"It is the hope of the committee
that the Season, which has become
well established in Ann Arbor and
vicinity for the past 14 years, may
be resumed at an early date," he
The members of the committee
prior to the dissolution of the organi-
zation were Quirk, chairman; Mrs.
I. L. Sharfman, Secretary; Mrs. M.
Rees Hutchins, treasurer; Dean Alice
Lloyd, Dean Bursley, Niel Staebler,
and Harold Golds. Most of these
members are now in active war ser-


C O S T A R I C A' S GIRL E N G I N E E R-carmen Vene-
gas, in the U. S. to do war work for Westinghouse, inspects an
electric locomotive. Miss Venegas, at 14 Latin America's first
licensed woman locomotive engineer, is a Virginia Poly grad.


S I N C E R S A N D A S O N C-Anne Brown, (left) Ameri-
can soprano, goes over, a song withLotte Lehmann.

L L A M A S- These heads in
east stone by Marina, Nunez 'dd
Prado. Bolivian sculptress, are
exhibits at the Latin-Amtrican^
show of the Society of the Four.
Arts at Palm Beach, Fla., which
also ,.includes works in water
color and oil.',

DONIT let that

'PURPLE HEART' FOR F0RTRESS--Aproud member of the crew points to the "Pur-
ple Iieart" decoratin 3wbiciI crewmen have bestowed upon this Flying Fortress based somewhere in
Australia. Other symbols indicate the plane had been on 10 bombing missions and had sunk two enemy
vessels, in addition to bringing down five Japanese float planes and two Zeros.

"gremlin" kid


"Gremlins" are strange little fellows who get airplanes all
out of kilter and worry our fliers.
Sometimes those "gremlins" bother others, too. When
you're telephoning, for instance, they'll urge you to talk
a long while, and to use Long Distance a lot.


to the



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