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March 11, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-11

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Daily Sports Editor

Is Lowrey Capable
Students on the Michigan campus
have often argued the relative merits
of Coach Eddie Lowrey and Wol-
verine hockey teams during his long
reign here. Michigan hockey has
been the butt of jokes, jibes and puns
for years.mAnd now, after all these
)wars, someone has been aroused
enough to express a definite opinion.
A junior night editor on the
sports staff, Walt Klee, is the au-
thor of this expression. Walt is in
the ERC and will leave soon for
service in the Army. This letter is
his final gesture as a staff member.
Walt covered the hockey beat for
The Michigan Daily and knew the
players and Coach Lowrey inti-
mately. And so he writes with
more than a passing interest.
"As I sit down to write this, I am
filled with something I 'cannot de-
scribe. I am anticipating, momen-
tarily, orders that will take me away
from the Michigan Campus, its ath-
letics, its classes, its books, its good
times, and most of all, The Michigan
"I am not going to write on what
friends I have made on The Daily;
the staff knows how much I en-
joyed working with- them. But
rather I am going to try to explain
something about the swell coach
and great fellows that I had the
honor of writing about this semes-
ter. I talk of no other team than
the Michigan sextet.
The hockey team did not have a
successful season, in fact the team
has just completed the most disas-
trous season since Eddie Lowrey came
to Michigan. It won but one game,
tied two, and lost ten. But I don't
believe that this record can possibly
present a picture of the team. It
was the players and the spirit that
they showed that make me say that
the past season was a successful one.
Let me name some of the players
who played for Coach Ed Lowrey
this season: Hank Loud, Bob Op-
land, Bob Kemp, Bob Derleth, Bob
Mulligan and Bob Stenberg, Roy
Bradley, rGordon Anderson, Ed
Reichert Johnny Athens, Dave
Pontius, and Bill Dance. Not one
of these men came to Michigan just
to play hockey. They play for one
reason, the love of the sport.
Why didn't Michigan have a better
season? The answer is simple. There
simply wasn't the material to win
hockey games. If the War hadn't
hastened the graduation of Reichert
and Kemp and Opland hadn't fallen
prey to ineligibility the team would
not have finished the season the way

it did. Lowrey lost three of the best
men on the team. He was faced with
the problem of selecting a new front
line from second line material.
The easy thing to do would have
been to give hockey up, and chalk
it up to the war. Illinois did for a
while, and nothing was said. But
the Michigan coach and the Michi-
gan team talked it over one night
and decided to carry on, regardless
of the consequences. The second
half of the season was played with
three men who had never played in
organized hockey before, and the
rest of his team with just plain
guys whosloved thehsport. Yet
every opponent knew it had played,
after playing the Wolverines.
People criticize the Michigan coach
for the type of hockey they played in
the last few games. The team just
sat back and waited for the oppo-
nents to come to them. But this was
the only sensible thing for it to do.
The opponents were faster and would
have walked away from the Wolver-
ines if the team had opened up. The
Michigan team was not fast enough
to play offensive hockey. It had to
play. on the defensive, and wait for
the breaks.
People ask why Michigan never
had a winning, team. This school
never thought that hockey was a
major sport, and its fine education-
al facilities were all that lured
players to the school. Last year
Lowrey had without a doubt the
finest freshman team in the coun-
try, and this year's yearling squad
was almost as good.
But out of six players last year only
one stayed n school long enough to
play for the Varsity. The rest had
either been called to the service or
had left school for defense work. This
year most of the freshmen have al-
ready answered the call to the colors
just as I will do in a day or so.
After the war when things have
returned to normal, good hockey
players will come to 'Michigan.
Thejn, with the material to work
with, Ed Lowrey will be able to put
on the ice a team that Michigan
will be proud, of. Until that day
comes, let us wait and hope for a
quick victory over the things that
we have learned to hate. And its
thirty' for the last time."
Rams Lose Dutch Clark
PUEBLO, Colo., March 10.- (A)-
Earl (Dutch) Clark, coach of the
Cleveland Rams of the National Pro-
fessional Football league, said to-
night that he would not seek re-
newal of his contract which expired
Jan. 1.

Mann Predicts
Star Will Brea
Kiefer Record
Gil Evans, Alex Canja
To Dive in Cleveland
Contest Tomorrow
Michigan's perennial record-sma
er, big Harry Holiday, will attemp
crack the world's 220-yard backsti'
record next Thursday night at
Detroit Athletic Club poll.
The blonde, 6 ft., 5 in. giant f
Butler, Pa., will be swimming aga
the clock in his effort to lower
American and world standard of2
set in 1941 by Adolf Kiefer.
New Mark Predicted
Matt Mann, Wolverine swimm:
coach, predicted his 205-pound a
atic star would erase Kiefer's n
from the record books barring
"Holiday is the nation's outsta
ing backstroker at present," Mann
serted, "and should be given e
opportunity to best Kiefer's var
records before entering the Army
Broken in Practice
Proof that Holiday is capable
smashing Kiefer's 2:23 clocking c
last week in the Sports Building 1
when he blazed the distance in 2:
Inearly three seconds better.
Holiday has already cracked on
Keifer's backstroke records thiss
son. He splashed the 100-yardc
tance in 0:57 in the Michigan S
meet itie during the medley r
event, snapping Kiefer's mark
0:57.8 made in 1941.
Freshmen to Compete
Two Michigan divers, freshman
Evans and veteran Alax Canja, &
today for the Men's Junior Ind
Three-Meter diving champions]
tomorrow night in Cleveland.
Canja who took a fifth place in
low broad title event at the Big '
meet last weekend, will face m
of the same opposition he met
Evanston. The entire Ohio S
corps of divers is entered. This
eludes the first, second and th:
place winners in the Confere
meet: Frank Dempsey, Charlie B:
terman and Jim Strong.
Evans, one of the best diving p
pects to come to Michigan for a c
time, will be making his first app
ance under the Maize and Blue.
Michigan G ridders
Teaching for U.S.
A couple of former Michigan A
American football linemen, Ra
Heikkinen and Butch Slaughter, h
switched their talents at the req
of Uncle Sam.
Both gridders who earned All-Am
ican rankings while wearingt
Maize and Blue, are teaching ae
navigation at the University of V
ginia Navy Pre-Flight School.



Will Lead Netters I

... one of two returning letter-
men of Michigan's Varsity tennis
team around whom Coach Leroy
Weir will build his 1943 Conference
title contender. Johnson was Mich-
igan's number six man last year
and won the Big Ten doubles with
Gerry Schaflander.
14-Man Squad
To Compete in
Tech Relays
A 14-man delegation will uphold
the Maize and Blue in the annual Il-
linois Tech Relays Saturday night at
The makeshift team, minus four of
Michigan's outstanding runners, will
compete in nine events, including six
track and three field.
Four Men to N. Y. C.
Captain Dave Matthews, Bob Ufer,
Ross Hume and John Roxborough are
scheduled to compete in the Knights
of Columbus Games in New York
City Saturday night, and will not
make the Chicago trip.
Coach Ken Doherty announced the
events and Wolverine cindermen who
will compete at the Tech meet are
Len Alkon, Chuck Pinney and Jack
Martin, 70-yard dash; Elmer Swan-
son, Liv Stroia and possibly Bud
Byerly, 70-yard high hurdles.
Also, Pinney, Swanson and Martin,
70-yard low hurdles; Wayne Glas,
440-yard dash; Bob Hume and Ernie
Leonardi, mile run; Bob Segula pole
vault; George Ostroot, shot put; and
Bill Dale and Stroia, high jump.
Leave Saturday
Doherty is undecided about wheth-
er to enter a team in the two-mile or
mile relay race. Composing his two-
mile quartet would be Art Upton,
Glas, Bob Hume and Leonardi, while
Alkon, Upton, Jim Sears and Glas
would run in the other event.
The team leaves Ann Arbor Satur-
day at 8:40 a.m. and will stay at
East Windermere hotel, returning
home Sunday at 2:34 p.m.

Weir Trims
Net Squad to
24 Hopefuls
Trying to build a team that will
maintain Michigan's reputation in
the Conference, Michigan's tennis
mentor, Leroy Weir, has begun prac-
tice with 24 players from which he
will pick varsity and reserve squads.
With only two lettermen back, and
they the six and seven men of last
year's squad, the Wolverine prospects
of finishing near the top of the Con-
ference aren't too bright. However,
with freshmen now being eligible to
play, no team can be judged accur-
ately from past records.
Second Last Year
Michigan took the Big Ten crown
in 1941, but dropped down to a tie
for second last year after going into
the Conference meet ,as one of the
favorites. They did, however, cap-
ture four individual crowns. One of
these was the number three doubles
title won by Jinx Johnson and Gerry
Jinx is back this season as captain,
and promises to show a better brand
of tennis than that which won him
the crown in the Big Ten number six-
man bracket in 1941 without the loss
of a set. He also went through last
year's regular season undefeated.
New Freshman Promising
Another freshman appears to have
a chance to join Roger Lewis on the
Varsity. He is Jerry Gurman, holder
of several junior titles in Detroit
who just entered college in February.
So far he has been working out with
the top three, Johnson, Fred Welling-
ton, and Lewis. Ed Scott, a member
of last year's squad, is also back and
seems slated to end up among the
first six.
The netters, confined to the indoor
courts in the Sports Building, get
only three practice sessions a week,
working out Thursday and Friday
nights, and Sunday mornings. As
soon as March forgets it's a lion and
becomes a lamb, they'll move out-
doors and work out daily.
Tigers Book Soldiers
The Detroit Tigers have been
booked to play the Camp Grant sol-
diers at Camp Grant on July 14. The
Chicago White Sox and Cubs, and
the Boston Red Sox also will play
them at unannounced dates.

Coach Ray Fisher has finally solved
the problem of letting everyone out
for baseball receive a turn at the bat.
Ray has divided the batters into
three shifts in order to facilitate the
crowded quarters (until the players
move outdoors) and give all of the
aspirants for the Varsity a chance at
the plate. Considering the fact that
most of the players haven't held a
bat in their hands for well over nine
months and that the pitchers have
been practicing since Christmas, the
batters look pretty fine up there at
the plate.
It seemed a little strange, though,
to see the freshman players standing
up at the plate taking their swings
alongside of the Varsity hopefuls.
Some of the players were a little
shaky when they took their turns in
the batter's box after seeing some of

the hurlers warming up along the
sidelines. After taking a couple of
swings at the ball one of the hitters
turned around and said to Ray, "If
the pitchers are only taking it easy
now, what is going to happen when
they really start throwing that old
apple around?" This was the atti-
tude taken by most of the batters to-
wards the pitchers for the first few
Big Bruce Blanchard, one of the
"future" regulars on the team, has
started his old ways at this early
point in the season. He was batting
against "Pro" Boim, one of the fastest
pitchers in the Big Ten and really
teed off on a couple of "Pro's" fast
balls If the hitters continue to im-
prove at their present rate it will be
very hard for the Maize and Blue to
lose their baseball crown.



Batting Practice Opens

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--- --- -- ni

Tiger Hopes Rise Under O'Neill;
Thirty-Two Players Are Signed

Would you

EVANSVILLE, Ind., March 10.-(')
-By making much of little, Steve
O'Neill tranformed a minor league
managership into a return to base-
ball's big show as pilot of the Detroit
Tigers. He therefore regards the
threat of 1943 player shortages with
relatively small terror.
Right now the Tigers have 32 play-
ers, mostly fathers, on their roster for
the start of spring training Monday
under O'Neill. Privately the Tiger
front office reckons that 10 more may
be taken from the list for military
duty. Headed by Hank Greenberg, the
Tigers already have 23 in the service.
Here's where O'Neill's minor league
background may prove invaluable.
Last summer he guided a young
Beaumont team to the Texas League

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seasonal championship, and his play-
ers never numbered more than 18.
Sometimes he got along well on fewer
than that.
O'Neill insists that a manager
nowadays must have the talents of
a circus juggler. Charley Metro, a
young outfielder coming up . from
Beaumont to the Tigers this year,
was juggled by O'Neill from outfield.
Shortstop Bob Henny took occa-
sional pitching jobs. Furthermore,
O'Niell's patchwork was assembled so
skillfully the team's achievements
never suffered.
Big Steve should seize upon a new
Tiger next week as a real find. Albert
Unser, a catcher with nearly ten
years of minor league background in-
cluding managerships for farms of
both the St. Louis Cardinals and Tig-
ers, once played a game in which he
spent an inning at each position. This
was really a box office stunt at Wins-
ton- Calem, N. C., but Unser handled
each chore creditably.
Wings Need Win
For Hockey Title
DETROIT, March 10.- 0P)- The
Detroit Red Wings can clinch the
National Hockey Leaguechampion-
ship, their fourth in ten years, by
beating the Toronto Maple Leafsto-
morrow at Olympia Stadium, and
manager Jack Adams declares, "We'll
be shooting the works."
With four games remaining, the
Wings have a three-point lead over
the second place Boston Bruins, who
have only two more games.
In their season series. Detroit holds

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