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March 11, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-11

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Faculty Wives, Daughters on
Midnight Shift at Willow Run
By MAVIS KENNEDY the plant for almost a year, and is
Wives and daughters of several well acquainted with many of the
faculty members of the University are women war workers.
helping prove that Americans are "The women have a very great in-
willing to sacrifice to win the war terest in the work; we want things
by giving their time to surrounding
factories. to go through carefully." said Miss
Miss Grace Roszel, '41, whose fa- Roszel. The motto of her depart-
ther is a storekeeper and buyer for ment is, "Quality With Quantity."
theris stoekeper nd uyerfor Miss Roszel declared that. because G
the University, is typical of several ~ s ozldcae ht eas
women who haveydisrupted their the bomber plant is so huge it is
home life and foregone careers to "do easy to start rumors about it, and
their part" in alleviating the man- difficult either to verify or disprove
power shortage at the Willow Run them. Rumors about absenteeism
Bomber Plant. being especially high among women
Miss Roszel has been employed at are unpleasant to hear when first
hand observation tells you this is not
true, she added.
Panel H eld Mrs. Robert Reinhart, '42, whose
father is Dr. Luther D. Purdom of
the vocational education department,
Post-W arG o p and Miss Chris Sadler whose father
is in the engine school, work with.
The right to make war is one of Miss Roszel on the midnight shift.
the essential powers which must be The girls do inspection work along
withdrawn from individual nations, with many of the women, and in spite
said Prof. Preston Slosson in the of the fact that the present time
panel discussion last night on "Na- offers them unusual opportunities tof
tional Sovereignty - Should It Be use their degrees they feel it is their
Limited?" sponsored by the Post-War duty to do the most necessary work
Council. rather than the most pleasant.
Prof. W. H. Kraus of the political The wife of a professor in the
science department and Mr. Max School of Engineering, who herself
Dresden of the physics department has an M.A. degree in chemistry, saw
continued the discussion of the ques- her son off to Annapolis, then started
tion after Prof. Slosson's opening re- to work at the Bomber Plant to make_
marks. certain she was doing all she could
Mr. Dresden stated that the sov- to help him. Two other women
ereignty of small nations ought to be whose husbands are in engine school
limited to things purely cultural. are also working an eight hour fac-
Prof. Kraus stressed the economic in- tory shift in addition to their regular,
terdependence of nation on nation. work at home.
Harold Sokwitne, '46, was the stu- These women feel they should have
dent chairman of the panel. no publicity or extra credit because
----------- they are connected with the Univer-
ar Forum Club sity. "Other women," they say, "are
'!F r working just as hard." For example,
Holds Fourth Panel the wife of a well known Ann Arbor
Hphysician, the wife of a prominent
International cooperation aided by j dentist, and a widow who is the
a common faith and enforced by in- mother of eight children, are also
ternational police is essential to the employes at the plant.
maintenance of peace, was the gen- The wives of a history professor, a
eral conclusion of the War Forum professor in the chemistry depart-
Club in the fourth of a series of meet- ment, and of a football coach are
ings last night in 229 Angell Hall. others connected with the University
"An international police force must who want no publicity. "We got the
be created to keep the nations of the .lobs with no reference to the Uni-
world together after this war," argued versity," they say, "and are doing
Harvey Weissberg, '45, for the cause the same kind of work that everyone
of an intenational police force, else is doing."

Wal* Ricaks Union


Tradilion Senate Refuses
}To Compromise IA0
On Highway Bill..
crAt 1, e State . . .

Ailk ic' v wi. Ofl.

Measure To Abolish
Commtnissioner Is Sent
Baek to the Houset
LANSING, March 10.--UP)-Wear-
ied and confused, the Senate today
refused by a one-vote margin to com-
promise with the House over the bill
to abolish the office of state highwayj
commissioner, and the measure went 1
back to the House where it was tabled
pending further discussions of strate-
There were some indications that
the bill which has kept the legislature
in a turmoil for weeks, was dead, but
it has been proclaimed a fatality be-
fore and revived.
For the third successive day, Lieut.
Gov. Eugene C. Keyes flatly refused
to let proponents of the measure
bring it to a vote. Opponents finally
agreed to break the parliamentary
deadlock and permitted a final ballot
on it, by allowing proponents to sus-
pend rules which Keyes had used to
block a vote.
The Senate then by a vote of 16
to 15 refused to accept a House-Sen-
ate conference report which would
replace the Highway Commissioner
with a three-man board appointed by
the governor, which would nominate
for a highway director for appoint-
ment by the governor.
Proponents of the bill now seek to
have... -1 the ous ree to .nn c~accepwt it in

Described as the movie battle of Melvyn Douglas, suave delineator
the century is the finish fight be- of debonair roles. huirls a custard pie
tween Jon Hall and Leif Erikson, and gets into all manners of love
staged for the finale of "Arabian
Nights", the Walter Wanger produc- nishaps when teamed with the
tion in Technicolor now at the State sprightly Maizie of the screenin
Theatre. "Thre Hearts for Julia, opening
Battling for both the girl, Shera- today at the Michigan.
zade, portrayed by Maria Montez, Marking the first time that Doug-
and the throne of Bagdad, Hall and las has been teamed with Ann Soth-
Erikson fight it out with swords, ern, the picture testifies to the abil-
knives, clubs and bare fists. ityof this new comedy combination.
Seven pages of script, all action, I Douglas plays a journalist and Miss,
are said to have been written by Sothe'rn, his wife. who gets the "mu-
Scenarist Michael Hogan to cover', sical bug", organizes a feminine sym-
the sensational details of the melee, phony, can't tell whether she wants
and Director John Rawlins took a divorce or not and generally com-
three entire days to film it. On the plicates Douglas's life.
screen, the struggle runs a full five Lee Bowman and Richard Ainley
minutes. provide him with a couple of rivals
Doubles were automatically out, as to keep up his anxieties. Richard
practically all of the action was Thorope directed the comical ro-
photographed in closeups. mance.
Impi'nE.i Fel- Esaigiteer-s
You por engineer guys wot wuz all lozin sleep over our lost slipstick
kin jest take a rest now. Oh them shysters, them dirty dyabawlical
mhysters-down deep we shoulda knowed it wuz them behind it.
Now the Lits is mostly dizzy joes anyhow, so them lawyers tuk
some Lits wut wuz hoppin like chickins since they didn't get no
dance tikkits. Them devil brains put the "rudderless fish" after our
But things is mostly ok again now. The cruks cums when us
engineers outwits them. Knowin mosta them dizzy Lits drink
"real drinks," wun of us guys steps out wid the social set, makin
like a Lit student. Sure anuff, we got the lowdown cuz some soaked
joker gets loose with the tongue while our boy treets him nice-
natuarally we broke his noze later.

The old custom of allowing only seniors to carve their initials in
the Union Cafeteria tables has been expanded to meet wartime de-
mands, and from now on any stpdent leaving for the armed services
may make his mark on the tables. Dick Ford, above, a junior, is exer-
cising his new privilege. When the tables are fully carved they will be
finished and then mounted on the cafeteria walls.

Tradition Brol
Carve on .Unio
The splinters are flying fast and
thick this week in the Tap Room of
the Michigan Union and the reason
for this bedlam is that many
Senior male students are carving
their initials on the tops of the tables.
It is said that one of the numerous
reasons why male students come to
the University of Michigan is to
carve their initials on the top of one
of the tables in the Union Tap Room
when they finally reach the exalted
position of a senior.
Here in the Union the student's
name is preserved for posterity and
all of his relatives and children that
might attend the U. of M. at some
future date.
By custom a senior is supposed to
come to themofficesnof the Union dur-
ing the last week of finals and rec-ive
the necessary implements to carve

fhave the House agree to accept it in.
en as Sentors the form previously passed by the
Senate, allowing the governor to ap-
point the highway director directly
and eliminating provisions for a
., _ _ _ --- - - - -- -- - --- iboa rd.
for the first time in the history of the I The House tabled the measure
University seniors have been allowed
to carve their initials during the be-
ginning of this present semester. To Forestry Credits
you seniors who will immediately
rush to the Union this little breaking
of tradition is only applicable to
those who have received their call
from Uncle Sam. Dean S. T. Dana of the forestry and
During the past week because of conservation school announced Tues-
the many students called to active day a special plan for pro-rating the
service by the ERC, a person isn't credit of students withdrawing from
able to turn around in the Union the school for immediate inductior
without getting his face full of the into the armed services.
splinters that are flying around the Credit will be adjusted according
tables that result from the seniors to the merits of each individual bul
who are busy slashing the top of ev-- as nearly as possible conform to the
ery table that stands on its own feet. following principles:
Many of the men called will re- Students in attendance from twc
member their college days at the to twelve weeks will receive blanket
Maize and Blue school if only because credit proportionate to the amoun
of a few letters carved on the top of of the term they have completed.
a table that rests in the eating room Students in attendance for more



cam. ,



out his John Hancock.

This year of the Michigan Union.

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
-Any size. For 1-day service come
to 802 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone.2-2935.

WANTED: Ticket for slide Rule Manpower Call Spanish Club
Ball. Price no object. Call John
Haberland, 5472.
WANTED: Used clothes. Best prices I



paid. Ben the Tailor, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. Phone 5387 after 6 p.m.
LADIES light-weight touring bicycle
wanted. Will pay good price. Box
2197, Michigan Daily.I
WOULD the fellow who borrowed red
bike from the front of Angell Hall
please call Don Brendinell, 2-4401
and tell me where he left it.
LOST - Wallet containing entire
funds and very important papers.;
Must leave for Army immediately.
Substantial reward. John Jesse
Hayes, 216 No. State, Ph. 2-1626.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. O. D. Morrill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.

Lacks Support
(Continued from Page 1)

Health Service Director Dr. For-
sythe who just returned from a meet-
ing of the Council of American Stu-a
dent Help in Chicago said that he
anticipated greater demands to be
placed on the Health Service as more
soldiers arrive on campus.
"The government has asked the!
University-Health Services to remain
open at their own expense for the
soldiers as well as regular students.
The soldiers will not be asked to do
orderly duty in the Health Service
and therefore we feel that the stu-
dents should use their leisure time
for useful purposes," Dr. Forsythe
Both the hospital and the Health
Service will pay regular wages for
time worked by students, and the
hours to be worked may be arranged
through the Manpower Corps office
in the Union.

When the war correspondent
came home and found his
gorgeous wife IN ARMS!
(a couple of other guys!) . .

Chileans To Discuss
Their College Customs
Chile will be the theme of the
Spanish Club meeting at 8 p.m. to-
day in the League.
Featured on the program will be
the group of Chilean engineering
students who recently arrived in this
country to study at the University.
Carlos Plaza, a graduate of theI
Universidad de Chile, will discuss
the social life and customs of a uni-
versity student in Chile. He will
also tell something about the coun-
try's industry, geography and agri-
To conclude the meeting a group;
of typical Chilean songs will be sung
by Ernesto Gomez, Oscar Gonzalez,
Carlos Rodriguez, Juan R. Pattillo,
Gorge Sims, Hiram Albala, and Raul
Vignole, accompanied by Guillermo
Torres de C.
First War Activities
Films To Be Shown
The first in a series of programs of
war activities movies will be shown
by the University Extension Service
and the Michigan Union at 8:15, Sun-
day, in the auditorium of the Kellogg
Dental Building.
The movies to be shown at the first
Sunday evening presentation will be
"Campus cn the March," "Negro Col-
leges in Wartime," "Manpower," and
"Battle Is Our Business."
The movies, from the Bureau of
Visual Education film library, will
feature films of campuses "on the
march" and also films of special in-
terest to reservists and men in the
armed services. -
Prof. Mischa Titiev
Will Speak at Hillel
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department will speak on "The
Danger of Patterned Thinking," at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Hillel
The lecture which is the third in
I the series will be followed by an in- I
formal question and discussion peri-

than twelve weeks will receive pro-
rated credit in specific subjects.
Seniors completing eight weeks of
the semester will be recommended
for degrees.
Pro-rated credit or recommenda-
tion for graduation will be granted
only if the action is justified by the
student's record and by a validating
examination if the instructor requires
Communist League
Director To Speak
Margaret Campbell, '42, national
student director of the Young Com-
munist League, will speak on "Vic-
tory and After" at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Union.
The lecture, which presents a
summary of the book by Earl Brow-
der, will be sponsored by the Karl
Marx Society.
Miss Campbell, who graduated
from the University last spring, was
prominent in campus activities.
War Bonds Issued Here
Continuous from 1 P.M.
- Now Playing -

A SHARP KNIF cuts through a hid quarter of beef. On
one side arc the "fancy rib roast: and tenderloin stenks
on the other the shor, ribs and flank steaks.
There is nio difiorcn'e in n:tlrieflt va/ues on either side
of the iUt. On botli sides of' the kif e. the meal is rich in
proteinr, mineras, vitamins-i ron. phbosphorUs ih jamine,
niacin. You don't have to 1hUv exCperl5Iv (u(11s of meal IC)
secure these needed food values. ' hes cheaper ('Uts aelu-
ally pay you divdends: T hey ar:' just as hiealihful, hut
ihey cost much less and you save mnoney on your meat bill.
And remember: If you havr' au electi range or electric
cooker in your kitchen. ('1002rie cOOkinlg mnskes civen
cheaper cuts of meat tender. Some of these (cheaper cuts
max not always he available. B ut when you can buy
them. they make appetizing and patriotic dishcs: BEEF:
Round Bone Chuck Roast-1or pol rOast with vegetahies.
Flank-hake and stuff. or use for Swiss Steak. Ox Joints-
hraine with vegetabhe. VEAL a -hov' and roll Or
pocket and stuff for Ihakia. or use for 5[ew. LA VB:
Shoulder-roast or pot roast Breast-stuffed and baked,
or use in stew. PORK: Spareribs. with sauerkraut. Pork
Feet-cooked in water, haked or served wit veb eabtes.
iHoeks-cooked in water wit a nhage.
Poultry, fish and seafood (scallops, clams, oyst ers, shrimp,
crab) are excellent for adding variety to your menus.
Conisult your cook book for dozens of' ways of using them.
The Detroit Edison Company.


Somebody gets
burned when

on a

love -

y.. with
i ccr DflIA RALI. Dip'LIADfl AINI rY " MARTA I II~nlfl

match and it's
Melvyn Douglas
and he loves it!

Leif Erikson Billy Gilbert
Edgar Barrier Shemp Howard.
Thomas Gomez Turhan jBoy __

1 u+r-1




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