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March 05, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-05

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Be Held March


Five Societies
WiIl Sponsor
Novel Affair
'Hard Times' Will Be Theme
Presented by Honor Groups;
Bill Sawyer's Band To Play
Five women's honor societies will
hold a Bomber Scholarship Dance,
the first of its kind to be held at
Michigan, from 9 p.m. to midnight
March 12, music for which will be
provided by Bill Sawyer and his
Although functions have been held
in the past for this benfit, the affair
will be novel in that its theme is
"hard times" and that it is being
featured by these honor groups.
The five members of the central
committee each represent one of
these societies. The committee con-
sists of Josephine Fitzpatrick, '44,
general chairman; Francis Capps,
'43, Helen Kressbach, '44, Barbara;
McLaughlin, '43, and Charlotte 1Mior-
ley, '43. They represent, respectively,
Athena, honorary speech group;
Scroll, senior women's honor society;
Wyvern, junior women's organiza-
tion, and Mortarboard and Senior
Society, both senior women's groups.
No decorations are being planned
in order to minimize expenses. "There
will be plenty of 'local color', how-
ever", Miss Fitzpatrick stated, "be-
cause not only will the band dress
in an appropriate fashion for the
occasion, but the attendants will be
wearing anything from barrels to
skirts and sweaters."
As in the past, the League is do-
nating the ballroom gratis for the
benefit of the Bomber Scholarship,
but instead of being sponsored by
the League Council, this dance is
being given by these five honor
groups under the auspices of the:
Tickets are now on sale ~ly mem-'
bers of the societies and are also
available at the League and Union
desks. Soldiers stationed at the Uni-
versity are especially welcome.

Latin Students
Will Instruct
Dancing Classes
In response to the many requests,
the League dancing class has ini-
tiated a Latin American project, a
series of six dances beginning to-
This new project, intended to take
the place of the 7-1 Club, will start
at 8:30 p.m. and will continue until
10:30 p.m. each week.
Conducted like a dancing class,
such dances as the conga, rhumba,
tango and samba will be demon-
strated and taught under the direc-
tion of Jorge A. Simonelli, specialI
student from Buenos Aires.
During the first hour there will
be demonstrations by a Latin couple,
and during the second hour there,
will be a practice period. 'Each week
the class will concentrate on a spe-
cial step.
Sigma Delta, New
Sorority, Recognized ,
By Dean of Women
A new sorority, Sigma Delta, was
officially recognized yesterday by the
office of the Deah of Women, Marg-
aret Salzman, '45, president of the
house, announced.
Informal rushing will take place
for upperclassmen and freshmen
March 6 and 7. All those admitted
will be charter members.
Other officers of the group include
Barbara Gray, '45, secretary; Faye
Bronstein, '45, treasurer, and Marge
Aronsson, '44, rushing chairman.
Women interested in the twoI
$500 scholarships offered by Rad-
cliffe College for personnel ad-
ministration in the graduate
school may apply to Mrs. Dwight
E. Harken, Director, Training
Course in Personnel Administra-
tion, Radcliffe College, Cam-
bridge, Mass.

First Nurse To Land on Guadalcanal

Mt ySweet Ol e tCetera
I knew a student once who thought she ought to leave school because
she was wasting her time. She didn't think she belonged here-but she
couldn't decide whether or not to quit. I knew someone else who wanted to
switch from one kind of concentration to another. He couldn't decide either.
Every day I meet lots of people who can't make up their minds whether or
not to get out of thiir respective ruts. This, I think, is a very natural and
frequent state of mind. But once when I couldn't decide I wrote a story-I
think I'll tell it to you.
The Ghoul Who Didn't Fit
When Gerard was still comparatively young he realized that he didn't
fit. All the other ghouls were perfectly content to sleep all day and rob the
graves by night, but Gerard was not happy. While his friends divided their
spoils in the moonlight, he would lie beside a tombstone and look at the
stars. He thought sometimes that he

Slide Rule Ball
Tickets Open
ToAl I Students
Fair warning was given to every
engineer that Slide Rule Ball tickets
would be on sale for engineers only
just a few days, and now that the
deadline has been surpassed, the re-
maining thirty-fivehtickets for the
ball, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday, March 12, in the
Union ballroom, will be placed at
the Union desk for the first bidders
from the other colleges.
"A word to the wise is sufficient,
and prospective customers are urged
to charge the Union desk in all haste
to pick up the few that are left or
else resign themselves to missing an
evening of dancing to the scintillat-
ing rhythm of Jan Savitt's orches-
tra," ticket chairman Karl Brenkert,
'43, stated.
As was previously announced,
ROTC students stationed in the East
Quad barracks may have a night off
to attend this ball. In addition, the
closing hour was extended to 1:30
for women.

Lt. Mae Olson (above), of Little Falls, Minn., one of 24 Army nurses
recruited from ranks of airlines hostesses, is the first American girl to
land on Guadalcanal since the war began, it was renorted. She visited
the island in an ambulance nlane which took away wounded soldiers.
She is shown here in training at Bowman Field, near Louisville, Ky.
Desperate House Begs for Return
Of Greek-Lettered Door Insignia

An event no less than a crime took
place about two days ago. As one of
the members of a local Greek-letter
organization stepped out Tuesday
morning to retrieve the newspaper
before breakfast, she screamed, not
because of the chilling March blasts,
but because she saw that from the
front door the Greek letters of that
organization were gone!!
Now if it were several years f ago
or several years hence, nothing would
be mentioned of the incident. But
since it is war, and also since a nec-
essary evil called "rationing" accom-
panies war, it is difficult, if not im-
possible, to replace those letters, as

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they were made of that seldom-heard
substance called metal.
No one is saying that the letters
were taken for their intrinsic value
(as oftentimes jewelry is "lifted");
they might have been removed by
some scrap-drive-happy individual
who wanted to be "doing his part."
But whatever the motive, the mem-
bers of the original house want them
back- The gaping holes that now
exist where once those letters reposed
is a heart-rending sight.
The members of the house intend
to be very broad-minded about the
whole affair. No intensive searches
will be conducted with a prison term
awaiting the culprit. *
All the victims of this premeditated
crime desire is that the letters be
returned, no matter how. This should
give the brigand plenty of leeway.
He (and the term is used loosely)
can nail them back on in the dead of
the night. Or he can contact the
house and make arrangements to
leave them at a designated spot in
the Arboretum, where they will be'
picked up inostensibly without let-
ting the FBI in on it.
Or even if the letters are just de-:
posited at the door (and the mem-
bers promise not to be watching from,
behind the shades) the result will
still be the same.
Nothing will be sweeter to the ears
of the members when one of them
steps out on the porch tomorrow
morning to retrieve the paper and
Screams, not that it's freezing out-
side, but that "The letters are back
on the door!!"
New Riding Club
Members Chosen
Following tryouts, new members of
Crop and Saddle and the University
Women's Riding Club have been an-'
nounced by Sybil Graham, '43, presi-
dent of the first mentioned riding
Selected for membership i Crop
and Saddle are: Rita Auer, '46; Dor-
een Harris, '44; Marjorie Harris, '46;
Ruth Ives, '45; Patricia McGinnis,
'45, and Emmeline Wallace, '45A. Pa-
tricia Burstein, '46; Ruth Weinberg,
'46, -and Margaret Winter, '46, have
been chosen to join the U.W.R.C.
Mardi Gras Dance
To Be Held Friday
The Newman Club is holding a
"Mardi Gras dance from 9 p.m. to
midnight Friday in the clubrooms of
the Chapel.
Plans for the entertainment are
being made by Uditta Marrow, '45,
and Roger McAleer, '43E,
51 gauge sheer rayon

would have made a much better star
than ghoul, but that, of course, was
quite out of the question. Now Ger-
awrd was as well-dressed and well-
mannered as ever a ghoul could be,
but his stomach was not in his work,
and the other ghouls thought him a
bit queer to say the least. So, while
the other ghouls gobbled their meals
greedily in the night air, Gerard
would lie beside his favorite tomb-
stones and think about being a star.
One day Gerard, who suffered from
insomnia, was walking in the sun
with his friend Oliver, who was a
B.M.O.C. (big man on cemetery) and
who also suffered insomnia, when
they happened to hit upon the sub-
ject of Gerard's obvious distaste for
his work.
"You know, Gerard," ventured 01-
iver, "you are considered rather a
'queer' these days."
"I know," sighed Gerard, "I rather
think I should have been a star."
"That, of course," replied his
friend, "would be quite impossible."
Gerard nodded. It was, of course,
quite impossible.
And then, one afternoon, Gerard
happened to be looking at the classi-
fied section of "The Marrow," which
was the accepted paper around the
cemetery. Far down at the very bot-
tom of the page he saw the following
GHOULS! Are you unhappy? Do
you think you are missing
something? Let me help you -
Office hours, 11 p.m. to 1:30
And it was signed, "Stanford Groot,
personal consultant." Gerard's stom-
ach skipped a beat. Here was the
answer to his ghoulish prayers.
Stanford Groot was effusive in his
"Good to see you, Ghoul-Have a
So'Gerard sat down and poured
out his sad tale-
Groot was quite distressed, to see
the young thing so upset. He thought
and thought and thought. He looked
through impressive files and poked
his way into ponderous volumes. At
last he jumped up with a gleam in
his eye.
'Eureka, Ghoul--I think I've got
it!! You can have the job just as
you are-but you must remain a
ghoul. It's a sort of non-combatant
duty. Look here, Ghoul-how would
you like a job running across the
pages of a Poe anthology?"
Gerard, of course, thought he
would like it very much. In fact he
was quite elated. His stomach beat
rapidly. Here was a job for just such
a squeamish ghoul as he-no dirty
work, no digging, nothing.
"I'll take it," he said. And he did.
So you can find him now, running

across the pages of Poe's anthology-
happy in his new element. Every
now and then he pauses, in some
particularly weird story, to reflect:
"How clever of me," he thinks, "to
have gone to Groot about it."
And it was, of course, very clever
of him. Indeed, if not for his -stam-
ina, his amazing courage, he might
have gone on forever-as so many
do-being the ghoul who didn't fit.




phasized in gorgeous prints and

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DigDown Deep
for the RED CROSS War Fund Drive
ENABLE the nurses and workers serving under this
great banner to give the care and kindness you yourself
would give our brave fighting men all over the world if
it were possible. Further their untiring efforts and supple.
ment their working materials by contributing freely to the
Red. Cross War Fund. Remember, your pennies, dimes
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so, this year DOUBLE your contribution. Do all you can

navy dresses.

They come in

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