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March 05, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-05

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.#
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Making him jump out of his boots.


National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine .
Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant .

. . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Franklin Roosevelt this week be-
gins his eleventh and probably
toughest year in office. It will be
tough not because of the war,
which is in good shape, but because
of increasing battles on the home
Nothing can ever detract from
the long-view record of Roose-
velt as a great war leader. But
in winning the war, Roosevelt's
greatest danger is that he may
lose the battle at home-not for
himself, not for the Democratic
Party (which are not important),
but for the hopes and ideals of
the American people.
There is nothing so dangerous as
repeated disillusionment. And if
the American people were to suffer
the same shattered hopes again as
after the last war; if they were to
see their permanent peace dreams
go up in smoke; if they were to
experience the anguish of another
depression, and the hatreds of vio-
lent internal wrangling, then our
political system might not weather
the strain.
That is why some of the Presi-
dent's friends wish, and have tact-
fully suggested, that he follow
Abraham Lincoln's example of de-
voting more time to domestic prob-
lems. The war, they feel, is well
under way. The main spade-work
has been done. It is no longer nec-
essary to watch all the details-
Meanwhile a lot of disagreeable
politics has been going from bad
to worse for lack of Roosevelt's
masterful touch.
Lincoln, faced with a tragic war
and a difficult home front, divided
his time between them. He lis-
tened patiently to almost every
disgruntled politician with an axe
to grind, struggled to keep his po-
litical support.
Actually, the President is re-
living his old days as assistant sec-
retary of the navy, days which he
loved, days when he could afford
to take time for ship design and
admirals. But now a political em-
pire is disintegrating around him,
with a foreign policy necessarily
so difficult that its intricacies may
sour a naturally isolationist Amer-
ican people.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

Business Stafff

£?lerJ 2Izf 2hc &diior


Edward J. Perlberg .
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .


. . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Reply to Podliashttk .. .
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica
THE WORLD would be very nice
and simple, indeed, were only
Germany totalitarian, only Poland
reactionary, and were Russia a
paragon of virtues and freedom. In
such case, I am sure, even patri-
otic, but Leftist, Poles would agree
to become after the war a part of
an all-embracing European Soviet
Republic, with Moscow as capitol.
As it is, however, I feel compelled,
having been an eye witness of the
Russian invasion of Eastern Poland
in 1939, and as a member of Polish
democratic circles, to protest sol-
emnly and emphatically against
the misrepresentation of facts in
Mr. Podliashuk's article in the
February 27th issue of The Michi-
gan Daily.
The truth is, that just those Pol-
ish and Jewish elements in Poland
who were opposed to the last semi-
Fascist Polish government (and I
emphasize that there had been
nothing like "twenty years" of
"little but ultra-nationalistic prop-
aganda from . . . fascistic govern-
ment") became more and more
anti-Sovetic with every day of Rus-
sian occupation. Their desire to
come to an understanding with
the occupants, in view of the still
greater German . threat to Polish
independence and culture, was too
severely tested by Russia's atti-
tude. Those who had been, up to
the outbreak of the war, leaders of
a progressive wing of public opin-
ion of Poland, more consolidated
than in many other formally demo-
cratic countries, were faced with a
suppression of free speech, free
press and free participation in pub-
lic and social life, exceeding all
that which they had known in
Poland. Socialists, Trotzkyites and
liberals filled the prisons of Soviet
Russia, as their predecessors had
filled those of Tzarist Russia. The
great leaders of the Jewish Social-
ist Party in Poland (the "Bund"),
Atler and Ehrlich, could tell the
whole disgusting truth were they
not still held in prison despite the
protests of the "Fascist" Polish
government in exile (in which are
represented socialists, peasants and
THE "HARDSHIPS," imposed "at
TIMES" on the population of

the Russian occupied section of
Poland, consisted besides the above
imprisonment of leaders, Mr. Pod-
liashuk, in the deportation in the
middle of winter, in unheated cars,
of about two millions of Poles, Jews
and Ukrainians-mostly peasants.
More often than not, members of
families were separated forever.
Seven thousand Polish Army Re-
serve Officers of Polish and Jewish
nationality, who had never fought
against Russia, were exterminated
(not to use the "ugly" word) after
a year of detention in concentra-
tion camps. At the present time
the Soviet government, which
through the Polish-Russian agree-
ment of July, 1941 voided the pre-
vious Russo-German pact concern-
ing the western boundaries of Rus-
sia, has deprived all citizens exiled
to Russia, who were born in the
eastern territories of Poland ex-
tending almost to the vicinity of
Warsaw, of their passports and has
compelled them to become Russian
subjects. It is not Poland which
became anti-Russian or imperialis-
tic; the truth is just the opposite.
As to Poland itself, it would lead
us too far to analyze all the half-
truths and misstatements in Mr.
Podliashuk's editorial. Even peo-
ple who, like I have been bitterly
opposed to some recent trends in
Polish life-incompatible with its
deep traditions and culture-can-
not help wondering why the same
instances of fascism, anti-Semit-
ism, military tendencies which are
passed over in silence or tolerantly
explained, when it is a question of
other countries, are in the case of
Poland generalized or grossly exag-
gerated. For twenty years this
method of treating Poland was
wounding only the pride of Polish
people and, if anything, hampered
the development of Polish democ-
racy and developed nationalistic
xenophobia; it has greatly helped
"poor Germany" to achieve her
aims. Now, far from helping the
Polish minorities, it lends support
to reactionary, imperialistic trends
lurking more and more behind the
communistic screen of Soviet Rus-
sia. The penalty for this misguided
attitude of American progressive
circles may be paid once more, not
only by Poland.
-Helena Landau


Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. 1942. Chicago TimesIn

1, 1

Welles' Defense of Aid
To Spain is Inadequate
THE.FORCES of appeasement gained another
potential ally when in a statement Monday
night Sumner Welles, Acting-Secretary of State,
defended the shipment of oil and food supplies
to totalitarian Spain.
He based his argument on the fact that Britain
herself was sending supplies there and that in
addition "assurances" had been given by the
Franco government and the Spanish shippers
to both the Allies that the goods received would
not be trans-shipped.
All these "assurances" in the light of the ex-
perience.of the last few years seem a bit naive.
aWe should certainly know by this time that
,not much faith can be placed in the promises
of the Fascist dictators, and, if it is true that
England is also shipping goods to Spain, this,
far from compensating for our own actions,
makes the situation seem even more ridiculous.
T IS GENERALLY believed that one of our
aims in this war is the abolition of the evils
brought about by the Axis. And yet right at this
yery moment we are dealing with the first and
foremost prodigy of the Axis. In his statement
Welles made no mention of any sort of agency
which we have established to make sure that our
goods are not being sent across the Pyrenees.
Any food which is allowed to pass through to the
continent, of Europe relieves Hitler of just so
much responsibility toward feeding his willing
and enforced allies.
When at the beginning of the year the State
pepartment published its white paper on the
history of our diplomacy from 1931 to 1941
from the evidence stated it openly revealed the
failure of that policy of appeasement which it
evidently still continues to follow.
- Monroe Fink
QUOTA - "53,000":
Red Cross Drive 'Needs
Coeds' Aid to Succeed
WEDNESDAY a new war program was adopted
for Michigan coeds. It requires no work, no
time, support alone will make it succeed.
The plan is to make every coed a member of
the American Red Cross for one year. The drive
was laid before the Women's House Presidents
meeting by Mrs. Merle Malin, executive secretary
of the Washtenaw branch. It was adopted by
the women house heads. This means every sor-
ority, dormitory, league house, and cooperative
house head is responsible for collecting one dollar
from each girl in her respective house.
Full support of this newest campus war drive
would result in approximately $3,190 toward
Washtenaw county's quota of $53,000. Of this,
$20,000 will'go toward the national quota of
$125,000,000 to carry out the Red Cross' three-
.fold war program: (1) acting as a disaster ser-
vice, (2) recruiting Army and Navy nurses,
and (3) serving as official communication
agency between members of the armed forces
and people at home.
iHIS YEAR it has been asked to supply 4,500,-
000 pints of blood, 5200,000 surgical dress-
ings, 65,000 nurses, send clothing to families
evacuated from occupied areas, and send food to
prisoners of war interned in hospitals, prisons,

Or f1eadefit
By Jason

AS EL GORDO, taking his final bow as a Daily
columnist, pointed out, there has been a kind
of a tradition about Daily last columns. You
take your books, throw them at Angell Hall, spit
a couple of times, and move on to a place where
people don't grind you under their heel.
Ever since I got this job, I've been wanting to
answer the bitterness and disillusionment of the
last installment of my predecessor's "An Axe To
"I know that the basic educational system as
set up here is wrong, almost tragically wrong."
In those words Torquemada, last month, ap-
praised the University of Michigan.
rfO RQUEMADA isn't alone. Two years ago,
Mascott, author of "Fire and Water," began
his last column with one of the most savage in-
dictments of the University of Michigan you will
ever read. He quoted it from the last column of
a Daily writer two years before:
"ON FIRST IMPULSE I would like, on gradu-
ation day, to pick up my textbooks and throw
them as powerfully as I could, right smack at
the center of the center door of Angell Hall. In
that gesture I should finally be able to express
my disgust at the failure of the University to turn
out thinking students. In that futile, foolish
pitch I would articulate my contempt for an edu-
cational system which swallows adolescent chil-
dren from the high schools and disgorges them
unspoiled and unchanged after four years of so-
called higher training.".
Of course, we have to remember the circum-
stances of Mascott's last column. It was writ-
ten as the University, without consulting the
editors of The Daily or the student body, with-
out even announcing its intentions ahead of
time, proceeded to add two faculty members
to the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions, and to give the vote to the two then non-
voting alumni members.
Torquemada's column, this January, was writ-
ten under somewhat the same circumstances.
Torquemada, I'll admit, had a right to be bitter,
and so did Mascott. As far as The Daily set-up
goes, that is.
BUT THE DAILY isn't everything: when it
comes to the "basic educational system" of
the University, that's something else again. The
classes I've been in have been good. The profs
have been good. If you wanted to slide through
on no work and no knowledge, you could, in a
lot of cases; there have been times when I have.
But the profs teach the courses, by and large,
for the people who are interested in them.
That's part of the total picture which Tor-
quemada neglects. I'd call it Michigan spirit,
except that Torquemada would probably laugh
and tell me to go and see "The Male Animal"
if I wanted to know the truth about college
SO I WON'T call it anything. I'll just think of
a track meet I saw once, between Michigan
and Ohio State. I'll remember a two-miler who
finished second for Michigan in the time of 9:50.
When he reported for track his freshman year,
this two-miler was one of the most unlikely pros-
pects ever to turn out for track. He was too

I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, March 5.- ON STYLE: Congress
is about to defer all farm workers. It wants to
solve the food problem. It selects a moment at
which the Russian offensive in the south has
slowed down, to write a message to Russia, saying
that as between a larger army and a larger food
supply, we choose a larger food supply.
This is a letter to Russia, a special delivery
letter to Russia. It does not even matter if the
Congressmen involved have never even thought
about the relation between this bill and, say,
the second front. That is merely another mes-
sage to Russia. It says that as between the
second front, and food, we think about food.
If we do so automatically, innocently and even
instinctively, that only makes it worse.
Congress may fondly believe itself to be legis-
lating merely on an internal issue, food. Doesn't
make any difference how we solve it, or when we
solve it. Our own business.
And that becomes just one more message to
the world, revealing our profound inability to see
ourselves as our allies see us. It would be one
thing to introduce a bill that is really a bill for a
smaller army after our invasion of Europe had
been established, after we had convinced our
allies that we are fully fighting with them. To
do so now adds doubt to existing doubt, and may
confirm doubt.
Is Congress really so innocent as to believe
it makes no difference when it does these
things; that issues in this war can be kept sep-
arate each from each, and each wrapped in
cellophane, as if each had nothing to do with
the other?
When Congress takes up such a bill, a bill for
a smaller army, at such a time, just before the
invasion of Europe, it is not operating in the field
of food, but in the field of foreign affairs. It will
actually be passing an unwritten joint resolution
poclaiming it as the sense of Congress that the
invasion of Europe is not the most pressing prob-
lem of the year. It will be passing another un-
written joint resolution putting our allies on
notice that even strictly military promises made
by our government are cancelable without notice,
by men who do not even know what the promises
They can knock out the second front acciden-
tally, like a man jogging a vase off a table with
his elbow.
Worst of all are the formlessness and lack of
style revealed both in the timing of this legis-
lation and in its terms. If the Russians had
had such a law in effect, any man who was
tending a bed of asparagus would have been
exempt from the defense of Stalingrad.
No other American industry, not even avia-
tion, has this type of blanket deferment. Even
airplane makers are sorted out; those who can
be replaced by women, or by men unsuited to
military service, are inducted. This bill, which
would have us stagger through the war in a
kind of blind and beautiful automatism, does
not even draw the line between one type of
agriculture and. another. It lumps all types
together and calls them all blessed.
The pimento and the garlic are rated above


VOL. LIII No. 105
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Students entering the armed services: It
would be advisable for all students enter-
ing the armed services to take with them
a transcript of their college record. In
view of the large number of transcripts
which will be called for, it is necessary
that a student make application at least
three days in advance of the date when
he expects to withdraw.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
The American Association of University
Women Fellowship: 'The Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti Branch of the A.A.U.W. is again
offering a fellowship for the year 1943-
1944 in honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson.
This fellowship is open to women students
for graduate study in any field. Applica-
tion blanks may be obtained now from
the Graduate School Office and must be
returned to that office no later than
March 15 in order to receive consideration.
The American Association of University
Professors is sponsoring a dinner, followed
by an Open Forum, on Monday, March 8,
at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Forum
subject: "The University and Its Public
Relations." Dean Edmonson will preside
and the four panel members will be Pro-
fessors Harold Dorr, Wesley H. Mauer,
Shirley W. Allen and Norman E. Nelson.
Send reservations to C. N. Wenger, 33 East
Choral Union Singers: There are a few
vacancies in the men's sections of the
Choral Union. Applicants should consult
Professor Hardin van Deursen, Conductor,
at once. Charles A. Sink, President
Members of the Choral Union whose rec-
ords are clear will please call for their
courtesy tickets for the concert by Guio-
mar Novaes today between the hours of
10 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets

Students, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts:
In connection with the numerous re-
quests whichhave come to this officefrom
students who are in the Enlisted Reserve
Corps and who anticipate early orders for
active duty, the policy of the College in
general is not .to attempt any prorating
of credit for those who are withdrawing
up to the end of five weeks. Studentsi
who remain in residence beyond five weeks
may petition forproratedtcredit ifthey
are in good standing in their 'courses at
the time of withdrawal. In the case of
graduating seniors who can remain in
residence for at least eight weeks, special
arrangements will be made to allow them
to complete as much of their work as
possible. All requests for the adjustment
of credit by students who are being in-
ducted into the Armed Forces should be
made through this office (Room 1220 An-
gell Hall). E. A. Walter
German Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. In the Found-
ers' Room, Michigan Union. Members of
all departments are cordially invited. There
will be a brief talk on "Aus der Imkerel"
by Mr. Werner F. Striedieck.
University Lecture: Sir Bernard Pares,
English historian and diplomat, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Russia Now," under
the auspices of the Department of His-
tory, on Tuesday, March 9, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr.
Carl R. Addinall, Director of Library Serv-
ices, Merck and Company, will lecture on
the subject, "The vitamins; their Indus-
trial Development and Importance," under
the auspices of the University of Michigan
Section, American Chemical Society, on
Friday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
151, Chemistry Building. The public is
Lecture on China: Professor L. L. Wat-
kins of the Department of Economics will
lecture on the subject, "Inflation in
China." This lecture, sponsored by the
Michigan Chinese Economic Society, will
be given on Saturday, March 6, at 5:00
p.m., in the East Lecture Room, Rackham
Academic Notices
Remedial Reading: Students interested
in improving their reading ability are in-
vited to. attend a meeting at 5 o'clock to-
day in room 4009 University High School.
At this meeting plans for a special non-
credit course in remedial reading will be

the instructors concerned with students
who are entitled to them.
Doctoral Examination for Pieter Jacobus
Rabie, Latin and Greek; thesis: "Evidences
of Foreigners in the Trades and Profes-
sions of Ancient Italy (Based on the. In-
scriptions)," will be held on Saturday,
March 6, in 2009 Angell Hall, at 9:30 a.m.
Chairman, J. G. Winter.
By action of the Executive Board the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Choral Union Concert: Guiomar N-
vaes, distinguished Brazilian pianist, will
give the ninth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series this evening at 8:30
in Hill Auditorium, This concert takes
the place of the Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra previously announced for March 2.
Ticket holders will please present for ad-
mission ticket No. 9.
A limited number of tickets are still
available at the offices of the University
Music Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Faculty Concert: Mabel Ross Rhead,
pianist, and Gilbert Ross, violinist, mem-
bers of the School of Music faculty, will
present the first in a series of three Sun-
day evening recitals at 8:30 on March 7, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, The pro-
grams will be devoted to the complete
group of sonatas for violin and piano by
Beethoven, and will be open to the gen-
erai public.
Exhibition under the auspices of the In-
stitute of FinenArts: Metal Work from Is-
lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria).
Rackham School, through March 11. Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Events T od.ay
Wyvern meeting in the Undergraduate
Office of the Michigan League today at
5 o'clock. All members who cannot ,be
present are asked to contact the president.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be served
for Episcopal students and their friends
by the Canterbury Club this afternoon in
Harris Hall, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Presbyterian Student Guild social eve-
ning beginning at 8:30 tonight. University
students cordially invited.
A-r 0 T

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