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UTDNESDAY, rilA. WW3, 1943
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every niorning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is eclusively entitled to the use"
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
.tP,9OPCgkV'Ft NAf'N.. L AVRIJINd er
Coldge PublishersRepresetnitae
420 MA8isON AVe. NEW YOtK. N. Y.
Editorial Staff
got spurs
that jingle-jangl2-jingle . .
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WASHINGTON, March 3-Under-
Secretary of War Patterson's labor,
advisers have a one-point program
for ending absenteeism in war plants.
Here is the one point:
Communities should adjust them-
selves to the hours of the factories.
Stores. banks, doctors, lawyers, plus
other services should be available
not merely for one shift of workers
but for all shifts.
At present, workers on the swing
shift, beginning at midnight, find
themselves out of gear with the life
of the community. The greatest ab-
senteeism is among workers on the
odd shifts, and can be attributed not
to indifference to winning the war
but to the inconvenience of trying to
live and buy food and get Johnny to
the doctor, while the swing shift
turns night into day.
Absenteeism is higher among wom-
en than men, which may mean noth-
ing more than trouble with the ra-
tion board. A woman will take a day
off from the factory because she has
to register for canned foods, or be-
cause a child is sick in the family, or
because she hasn't had time to buy
a new dress at the store.
Remedy for this is nothing less
than two or three shifts on the part
of the services that serve the work-
ers. The ration board, it is suggested,
should come to the factory.
Ir many cases, War Department
advisers say, absenteeism is caused
not by loafing but by overwork. In
certain machine-tool areas, such as'
New England, men have been work-
ing 50 and 56 hours a week for years.
They are simply exhausted.
Incidentally, this factor is the prin-
cipal cause of absenteeism in Ger-
many, where workers are worn down
by unremitting labor and long hours.
Note: There is little sympathy in
Under-Secretary Patterson's office
for the Rickenbacker crusade against
labor. It is regarded as useless and
unsound to try to appeal to workers
over their leaders.
Capital Chaff
Senator Nye of North Dakota,
long-time critic of Harry Hopkins,
met Mrs. Hopkins at the hospital
where she is a nurse's aid and where
Mrs. Nye was convalescing. Quipped
Nye, tugging at the collar of Mfs.
Hopkins' uniform: "I don't see any
lend-lease emeralds" . . - It is He-
bert Hoover's opinion that tI.S.
troops will come back from this war
more rugged individualists than ever
and we will go back to our old era
of rugged individualism. le bases.
this on the fact that soldiers today
are getting intensive specialist train-
ing . . . Senator Styles. Bridges, the
man who spiked the diplomatic ci-
reer of Ed Flynn, will also attempt
to spike the, judicial career of As-
sistant Attorney General * Francis
Shea, if he is appointed U.S. District
Judge in New Hampshire. Shed was
born in New Hampshire but lived
most of his life in Buffalo, N. Y..
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) #
John Eriewine .
Bud Brimmer.,
Leon Gordenker
MVarion Fo'rd
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant .
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Agsocia e Editor
. - . Sports Editor
- - -Women's Editor
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred IM. GAndberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg
JlJiness Staff
B . usiness Manager
Associate Business Maiager
Wouen's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
T eephrme 23.244
Editoriats published in The Michigan Thaily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of tfiriteCs only.
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Bomber Conference Is
Step in R'ight Direction
THE BOMBER Area Conference held here last
week-end is at long last , step in the right
direction for the solution of some of the most
pressing problems ever faced by Washteaw,
Wayne, and Maconib counties. It brought to Ann
Arbor, not only local and county officials of
health, education, and social care, but also state
and federal authorities.
1oreover, this was the first conference of its
kind, where men with a natidhal point ef view
and those With the local pOeftjetive on hous-
ing, health, aid social iidbehiis Of defense
workers, could get together to exchange ideas
and make suggestions.
DVany knew that conditions at the Willow Run
area were deplorable, but few realized that the
situation was as appalling as leaders of the forum
discussions pointed out. Dr. Engelke; director of
the Washtenaw County Health Department, pic-
tpred with vivid desciptions and photographs,
the aliost unbelievably unsanitary conditions
under whih the mes and Wonen, who are pro-
ducing the boihbers for our sldlei-s in Africa
and Asia, are now living.
Those men and womeni have to bring up their
families in tents, trailefs, basement homes; they
have no sanitary facilities, no garbage disposal,
no water supply. On the same land from which
they draw their drinking water, they must empty
theil' sewage. Their Well are shallow-only
from 8 to 18 feet deep, and not Well constructed
at that.
Education of the children also Disesents a preb-
lem. The schools are so crowded in that area
that children are allowed to attend school only
a half day. The Spencei School, which original-
ly housed 160, now serves 400. There are no
facilities for iecreation. Juvenile dliquency is
on the upswing. Mothers who work in the
Bomber Plant are forded to leave their children
to shift for theiselves.
Ioh cO1ditions present a serious challenge
to every eitftie of this area. It's not just a.
pribem for Y silant, & Aniln Arbor. This
contition is serioUs eiiogh to warrant ntin-
wide consideration, becaise It is ocurring in
every "boom" area.
One answer to this problem nay be found in
a continuation of Bomber Area Conferences, for
these would bring together the best authorities of
local, county, state and national governments to
work together in solving a omioii problem.
- Virginia Rock
1917 Statements Are
Not Important poday
EX-PRESIDENT Herbert Hoover laid down a
barrage of words Monday night in Chicago
refuting charges made by Vice-ih sident Henry
Wallace and Senator Theodor *Green (Dem.-
RI.) that his plans for manipower in the firs
World War might have allowed Germany to win.
Hoover claimed that his views were misrepre-
sented and that they "weie pulling a red herring
across the real issue of our immediate food prob-
Wallace and Green further claimed that -Hoo-
ver proposed a definite redduction in the size of
Take 49t
Or jeaie 4t
By Jua.
I'VE SPENT three years at this University, go-
ing (by and large) to classes, attending lec-
tures, soaking up Culture. But I'll still graduate
an uneducated man, without the polish of a true
Michigan alumnus.
Because can't play bridge.
Perhaps i should rail at the University, and
denoume the ivory-tower courses which will
send me out into the world without what it
takes to get ahead. I'll never be able to play
bridge with -the boss, or close a merger over a
card table-that is, not if Iwant to hold my
But it wouldn't be fair to blame Michigan. I
carne without the propel prerequisites; I didn't
know the different between a double finesse and
a Cuba Libra. I could play Hearts, but that's
about all.
I can blame it all on my family. They don't
play bridge. No, they're not atheists or com-
munists-they just never learned. And as a
result, I never did either.
I first came to realize how my education had
been neglected about the middle of my freshman
year. It was a swell party (as far as I was con-
cerned) until someone suggested we play bridge.
My date and I went down 1400 to 220. I laughed
it diff; it was only about the third game I'd
played, and I'd catch on pretty soon.
Hy iy sophomore year I'd learned what
trumps are, and a little about bidding. I was
feeling pretty happy about the whole thing--
that is, uhtil I trumped my roommate's ace.
blamoids were led, I think, and I had a
void. I hadn't taken any trieks yet, and I
had the two of trumps in my hands, waiting
eagerly for my chance ... I played the two of
trumps. My roommate across the table from
me, gave me a look--he'd put on his ace while
I fias up in the clouds somewhere. Then he
said, in a weak voice,
"Did you ever hear of trumping your partner's
I should have learned my lesson by then, I
guess. But Key left for the Air Corps, and I
got a new roommate. I didn't play bridge with
him for a while-no use driving them all into
the armed services.
But a "nice, friendly game" came along, and I
weakeled. I enjoyed it, but I'm afraid George
didn't. I bid him up to four spades on a bust
hand-ve were set three. Then I signalled a
bust hand with two aces and a king.
George left yesterday for the Enlisted Reserve,
but I can still hear his sorrowful "Ooooh, roo-
ie!" ... Now Don's my new roommate; what
I will do to him in the line of murdering bridge
hands still lies in the future. I fear the worst.
The whole trouble is, I get an A now and
then ini school. So people figure I must be
good in bridge. Then they find out. If tbey're
polite, they just swear quietly to themselves;
otherwise they coei through with soine sting-
ing erack like, "Whatthell do you do, anyway,
Ieave your brains behind the classroom
41,ni. 9" TI hitsumniiatinv.
NEW YORK, March 3.- Ambassador Carlton
J H. Hayes has praised Franco publicly for
having developed a "peace economy." Spain has
the strangest peace economy that ever was. It
spends 25 per cent of its budget on the navy. It
long maintained a so-called "Blue Division" on
the eastern front, fighting for Germany. It sent
5,000,000 pesetas to Berlin last year to help clothe
these troops, and 10,000 tons of wheat to feed
them. Peace, it's wonderful.
And we send oil and peas, cotton and wheat, to
Spain. Not only that. Through Ambassador
Hayes we officially describe the Franco regime
as "wise." The word is more important than the
oil. How much is it worth to a fascist dictator
to have a democracy call him "wise?" I should
say that one word is worth at least thirty divi-
sions of troops. t helps break the hearts of a
( people, so that the dictator can control them
without the expense and trouble of breaking
their heads.
Ncw we could begin again the old argument
that the State Department is "blundering." It
won't do any more. That argument is worn out.
It is limp as a rag. There have been too many
blunders. There have been too many straws
showing which way the wind blows. They have
all been pointing in too much the same direction
to permit of any such happy-go-lucky, skylark-
ing explanation as "blundering."
I say the question has become one of whether
the State Department wants revolution against
fascism in Europe and whether it is willing to
go to any trouble to get it.
On the pro-revolution side, there was one little
beep out of Mr. A. A. Berle calling on the Italians
to rise. Then a great silence. For de Gaulle,
there have been scowls. For Vichy, smiles. For
Franco, smiles. For ex-Vichymen, after Vichy
itself drowned in the German flood, mre smiles.
Can the State Department lay on the counter
one overt act which has assisted the prospects
of democratic uprising in Europe?
The Belgian radio, in London, calls for an up-
rising by Belgians. The French radio, in Lon-
don, calls for a French upsurge. But the French
radio in Morocco, where we are, does not.
Have we ever called de Gaulle "wis'? That
one word from us might have enlisted another
million Frenchmen under de Gaulle during
this last year. We withheld the word.
We give the word freely to Franco. With that
word, our arrangeinent with Franco passes be-
yond the boundaries of bribery. There is nothing
in the rules of bribery which says you have to
call the other party sweetheart.
DO NOT question the State Department's pa-
triotism. It is busting with patriotism. I do
question its policy of belittling the importance of
mass democratic action, of treating it, in almost
every sphere, as a two-for-a-penny business, of
putting the lowest possible price on it, wherever
it has put on a price on it at all. In France, it
judged the sentinents of the French people as
of less importance than the French fleet. It
watched the historic Chinese upsurge with blank
VOL. LIII No. 103
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
Sletin arc to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by,11:30 a.m.
1 Notices
Stunt'lea: resident and Mrs. Ruth-
" it home to students this after-
noon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
1To the Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will not be a meeting of the
University Council for the month of
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fl-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Fraternities and Sororities: Student pro-
tection against tuberculosis concerns non-
student adult house janitors and food
handlers. House heads are advised to
check on this before employment. Check-
ing may be done by sending them with a
letter to the Health Service between 10 and
12, or 2 and 4 on week days, except Satur-
day. An x-ray examination will be given
at small cost to the house.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
iretor, Health Service
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
:ompiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you arc entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
Choral Union singers: There are a few
vacancies in the men's sections of the
Choral Union. Applicants should consuit
Professor Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor,
at once. Charles A. Sink, President
Seniors in Engineering & Wood Technol-
ogy: Mr. C. E. Lentz, General Superinten-
x dent, of The Singer Manufacturing Com-
pany, South Bend, Ind., will interview
Seniors in Engineering & Wood Technol-
ogy, on Friday, March 5, for prospective
positions with their company. They are
now engaged in building airplanes an'd air-
plane parts. Students who have an interest
in this field, particularly in ply-wood con-
struction, are most desired.
Interviews wil be held in Room 218 West
Engineering Building and interview sched-
ule is posted on the Bulletin Board at
Room 221 West Engineering Bulding.
The University Bureau of Appointments
has received notice of the following:
Accountants & Auditors-until needs
have been met-$2,600 to $6,500 plus over-
Technical & Scientific Aids-Chemistry,
Metallurgy, Geology, Meteorolgy, Geo-
physics, Physics Mathematics, Radio-
(women are especially needed for this
work)-$1,620 to $2,600 plus overtime.
Bacteriologists-until needs have been
met-$2,600 to $3,200 plus overtime.
MultiWith (Cameramen - Platemakers,-
($1,620 plus overtime) Press Operators--
$1,440 'plus overtime)-until needs have
been met.
Marketing Specialists-until needs have
been met-$2,000 to $6,500 plus overtime.
General Clerk C; open announcement;
$110 to $125 per month.
side of the plain democrats of France
and Spain to break this tough, con-
tinuing pattern; then, when the pat-
tern is broken, we can, perhaps, treat
Typist Clerk C; open announcement;
$110 to $125 per month.
Stenographer Clerk C; open announce-
ment; $110 to $125 per month.
Boys Supervisor C; open announcement;
$110 to $115 per month.
Prison Guard A2; open announcement;
$125 to $145 per month.
Attendant Nurse C; open announcement;
$100 to $115 per month.
Alphabetic Bookkeeping Machine; March
17; $105 to $155 per month.
Foods and Standards Executive IV; March
17; $325 to $385 per month.
Further information may be had from
the notices which are on file in the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, office hours 9.12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Int'ornmAton
Sigma Xi Lecture: Dr. D. W. Bronk, Pro-
fessor of Biophysics, Director of the John-
son Research Foundation and Director of
the Institute of Neurology of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvanja, will speak on the
subject, "Physical Structure and Biologi-
cal Action of Nerve Cells," before the
Michigan Chapter of the Society of the
Sigma Xi tonight at 8:00 in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building. Mem-
bers may bring guests.
University Lecture: Sir Bernard Pares,
English historian anid diplomat, 'will lec-
ture on the subject, "Russia Now," under
the auspices of the Department of His-
tory, on Tuesday, March 9, at 4:15 p.m. In
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
French Lecture: Mr. Alphonse R. Favreau
of the Romance Language Department will
give the sixth of the French Lectures
sponsored by the Cercle Francais entitled:
"La Jeunesse d'Alphonse Daudet" today at
4:15 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall.
Open to the public.
American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr.
Carl R. A dinall, Director of Library Serv-
ices, Merck and Company, will lecture on
the subject, "The Vitamins; their Indus-
trial Development and Importance," under
the auspices of the University of Michigan
Section, American Chemical Society, on
Friday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m. In Room
151, Chemistry Building. The public is
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room 319, West Medical
Building. "The Utilization of Carbon Di-
oxide" will be discussed. All interested are
Appie4 Mussic $tudents who received
marks of I or X for last term's work
should appear at 7:15 p.m. tonight in
Room 305, School of Music Building,
at which time make-ups will be held. A
list of students expected will be posted on
the bulletin board. Students in any
other music courses should arrange with
the instructor to take care of incompletes
not later than March 8.
Earl V. Moore,
Botany 1 make-up final examination
will be given Friday, March 5, at 4:00 p.m.,
in room 2033 Natural Science Bldg.
Choral Union Concert: Guiomar No-
vaes, distinguished Brazilian pianist, will
give the ninth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Friday evening,
March 5, at 8:30,.in HillAuditorium. This
concert takes the place of the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra previously announced
for March 2. Ticket holders will please
present for admission ticket No. 9.
A limited number of tickets are still
available at the offices of the University
Music Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibititln under the auspices of the ,in-
stitute of Pine Arts: Metal Work from is-
Lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria).
Rackham School, through March 11. Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Events Today
Women House Presidents: There will be
a meeting of all sorority, dormitory, league
house, and cooperative house presidents
today at 3:00 p.m. in the Grand flapids
room of the League. If anyone is iinable
to attend, send a representative.
AJEE: There will be a demonstrated lec-
ture on the "Ann Arbor Frequency Modu-
lated System of Police Radio on'trd."
Mr. Carlton Nevins, radio engineer for
the 'Ann Arbor Police, will present the lec-
ture tonight at 8:00 at the City Hail; sec-
and floor council room.
Program of Recorded Music, 111terna-
tional Center: The program for tonight
at 7:30 will be: the Ernest Bloch: Schel-
oro, Hebrew Rhapsody fur Cello and Or-
chestra, with Emanuel Feuermnhn, Cel-
list, and the Philadelphia Orchestra under
Stokowski; and the Richard Strauss: Don
Quixote, by the Philadelphia Orchestra un-
der Ormandy. Anyone interested may at-
"Heart of a City", play of theatre life in
London during the blitzkrieg, will open
for four performances, tonight throughi
Saturday, at 8:30 p.m. The productions
will be presented in the Mendessohn The-
atre by Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech. Tickets are on sale daily
from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at the theatre box
Anyone who wishes to, be on the Social
Committee but who could not attend the
,meeting Tuesday may sign up with the
Secretary of the Committee duirng e
Ruthven tea today.
The Sorority Committee
meet at 4:30 p.m. today in
Red Cross Canteen 'Class
Wednesday evenings at 7:15;
of JGP will
the Michigaii
scheduled for
will n't meet
English 31, Sec. 6, will not meet today.
W. R. Humphreys
English 112 will not meet today.
W. . ..umphreys
German I Make-up Final Examiination
will be given Saturday, March 6, 10 to
12 a.m., in room 306 University Hall.
Students who plan to take this examina-
tion must obtain written permission from
their Fail term instructors and sign in
the office of the German Department,
204 University Hall. In other courses
mrake-up examinations will be arranged by
the instructors concerned with students
who are entitled to them.
Political Science 1 and 2.Make-up Exam-
ination for semester ending January, 1943.
Thursday, March 4,' 4-6 p.m., room 2203
A.H.:s H. M. Dorr
Remedial Readinlg: Students interested
Badminton: The badminton courts in
Barbour Gymnasium will be open for
mixed play on Wednesday evenings from
7:30 to 9:30.
Corning Events
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers: The Ensian picture will be taken
on Thursday%March 4, at 5:00 p.m. Please
meet above the Engineering Arch at' tils
time. ,Membership may also, be obtained.
:Please be on time.
The regular Thursday evening recorded
program in the Men's Lounge of tile Fack-
ham Building at 8 pm. will be .as.follows:
Strauss, JbhAnn: Die Fledermaus-Over-
ture; Der Zigeunerbaron-Overture.
Smetant: The Bartered Bride--Over-
Wagner: Tristan and Isolde-:-Prelude
and Liebestod; Parsifal, Prelude and Good
Friday Spell.