JAN'. 3,
.. -_
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the tUniversity of
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by menbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WASHINGTON - The consum- Butter consumption will be down
ing public may have thought that 50 to 70 per cent in 1943, according
Secretary of Agriculture Claude to the (xperts; evaporated milk
Wickard painted a gloomy picture will be down 42 per cent; whereas
of food rationing on the radio last 1943 ice cream will be only 75 per
week. But some of his own agri- cent of 1942.
cultural experts say he was not This failure to clamp down pro-
gloomy enough. portionately on ice creame, a lux-
Claude is one who believes in ury, is charged to the influence of
looking on the bright side, al- the big dairy companies for whom
ways sees the best in the people ice cream is a big money-maker.
around him. But some of the Meanwhile, though Secretary
kill-joys who have been examin- Wikard is asking for a 12 per
ing the hard, cold statistics, are cent increase in milk, some ex-
worried. perts believe there actually will
They point out that a drought or be a decrease of between four
a run of bad weather might throw and six per cent. They base this
his crop estimates out of gear. estimate on the shortage of la-
During the past three years, for bor on dairy farms, the high
instance, the United States has cost of feed, and the large num-
enjoyed the best crop production ber of dairy cows and heifers
weather in history. There has not being killed.
been a single drought spot in the These are the figures of the kil-
country. joy experts, some of whom think it
Weather experts contend this is better to begin now to prepare
can't last forever. Furthermore, for the worst.
some agricultural men fear that
the current rains of the fall and Invasion of Underwear
winter will be equalized by New York textile merchants were
droughts next winter. flabbergasted the other day to get
Aside from the hazardous tremendous orders for long winter
weather factor, the experts also underwear, tons of layettes and
point to a few significant figures. tons of sweaters-all to be shipped
During the summer of 1942, to the Arabs.
cheese stocks were the highest It was one of the biggest or-
on record. Yet today, only a few ders asnonears.I hewbsgwhst th -
months later, they are the lowest ders in years. It was what they
on record. call spot buying, where the buyer
onikecord.k- takes anything on the shelves.
Likewise, butter stocks last sum- There was no time for specifi-
mer were the highest on record cations, no time for bargaining,
with the exception of one period A convoy was ready to sail.
in 1938. Yet today, they are the Only one important specification
lowest on record. In the case of wsfle.Ec amn a
both butter and cheese, the deple- was filled. Each garment was
tion is due to lend-lease ship- tagged with a disc bearing the
ments,.chiefly to England and to merican flag d a message m
Russia. French and Arabic :
"By courtesy of the American
Russians Spurn Oleo Government and the American
Thus, it is pointed out, further people."
sudden demands by the Allies may This is the lates and most im-
send food commodities lower than pressive propaganda move of El-
expected. Not long ago, a ship mer Davis's Office of War Infor-
was supposed to be loading butter mation. It is very substantial
at a West Coast port, but lend- propaganda, for winter nights are
lease authorities attempted to cold in North Africa and the donor
send the Russians oleomargarine of warm garments will be remeln-
instead of butter. But the Rus- bered longer than he who drops
sians, unfamiliar with oleomar- leaflets from airplanes.
garine, asked that their original The idea was conceived largely
order be carried out. It was. The by Ed Stanley, former picture edi-
ship departed, loaded with butter. tor of the Associated Press, later
Although Secretary Wickard publicity man for Paul McNutt's
said the United States will have 1940 stab at the presidency, and
to suffer a ten per cent decrease now in charge of Elmer Davis's
in dairy products, actually some division for special foreign propa-
of his experts estimate it will be ganda. Stanley has been. devising
far greater. For instance, con- all sort of gadgets to win over for-
sumption of cheese in 1943 will eign countries, from pamphlets to
be about 25 per cent of that in match boxes with propaganda
1942-due to lend-lease and the printed on them, dropped from
fact that ordinarily we import airplanes on occupied countries.
cheese from Europe. Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.
P dRather Be Right
- i a
His Realistic Proposal
Is Answer To Critics
THE hard-headed, practical debunkers of
those "Utopian idealists" who are so unreal-
istic as to actually hope for a better post-war
World, had the wind taken out of their sails
last week.
Vice-President Henry Wallace, the target of
countless critics who have jeered him as a "vi-
sionary" and an impractical "idealist," hit
straight from the shoulder Monday night when
he crystallized his general humanitarian and
equalitarian post-war aims into a -realistic pro-
posal of a world pattern capable of insuring
the carrying out of those ideals.
HIS PROPOSAL included the following prin-
cipal ideas:
The United Nations must begin now to plan
a world organization which will insure the dis-
aiminghof aggressors and pernilanent world
peace through economic cooperation.
This organization should take the form of
a World Council, which has -as its purpose the
preservation of liberty, equality and security
for all. It should be based on the two prinei-
ples of liberty and unity: that is, the maxi-
mum home rule that can be maintained along
with the minimum of centralized authority
necessary for protecting the peace of the
The United States must immediately start to
plan the preparation of a broad post-war recon-
struction program to speed conversion of indus-
try back to a peacetime setup in which full em-
ployment is maintained, the highest possible
level of national income is achieved and a con-
tinuity in the flow of incomes to consumers and
from consumers to the industries of city and
farm is established. In connection with this,
Congress should recognize the maintenance of
full employment as a declared national policy.
When the war is over, the leaders of the Axis
ntations must be punished, although "revenge
for the sake of revenge would be a sign of bar-
barism." Also, "the United Nations must back
up military disarmament with psychological
disarmament-supervision; or at least inspec-
tion, of the school systems of Germany and
Japan, to undo so far as possible the diab olical
work of Hitler and the Japanese war lords in
poisoning the minds of the young."
MEN with lack of vision have ridiculed Wallace
and other leaders who are trying to seek a
path out of the wilderness of recurrent wars.
Even Pearl Buck, intensely interested in creating
a more equitable and a more secure post-war
world, recently bewailed our lack of leaders of
sufficient vision to accomplish that end. She
said," .. we had no man great enough to de-
Clare at the necessary moment the true meaning
of this war. Let us reckon with this fact-our
leadergs are men of local minds. ' They have not
been able to think in terms of the world."
But now, in the face of Vice-President Wal-
lace's post-war pattern, can either 'the "prac-
tical" cynic or disillusioned Pearl Buck still
utter the' same criticisms? How can the hard-
headed "realist" pass off Waliace's ideas as
impractical and "visionary" in the light of the
sound and realistic pattern suggested by the
Vice-President. And how can Pearl Buck still
lament the lack of leaders with broad vision
when we have such men as Wallace?
THE most important purpose this speech can
serve-even more important than the specific
ideas about the post-war world which it pre-
sents-is to impress upon Americans, and on
WILSON, 1919:
his Predictions Have
Message For Today
AND the people of the world held out their
hands, saying: "Mister Wilson, you are our
hope against tyranny. In you we place our faith
that peace on earth for men will never be dis-
turbed again."
But Clemenceau and Lloyd George were poli-
ticians. Wilson wasn't. They invited him across
seas and asked him to bring along his dream.
Everything was sham. When the conference that
was to bring everlasting peace for the world end-
ed, they put Woodrow Wilson back on a ship and
shook hands with him, saying: "Thank you very
much." Wilson took back a broken dream,
patched it together and asked the Senate of the
United States to accept it. And the Senate looked
at the dream, saw easily where it had been
patched up and said: "No, we don't want it."
Wilson turned to the people, then, sure that
they who had won the war would not want to
put away the peace he thought he had found
for them. But the war was over, the people
weren't interested. They returned to their jobs
and read in the papers that Wilson was dead.
Nobody was sure what the disease was exactly.
Meanwhile, in homes all over the world, an-
other generation was being born.
AND while this generation was growing up, the
League of Nations was failing. And when this
generation had reached manhood and asked to
be, given a handful of the peace promised them,
the League of Nations failed. So this generation
was sent back to the battlefields of their fathers
and was told: "There you will find the peace you
ask for. After you find it, bring it back. and your
children will have it for the rest of their lives and
your children's children and their children aftert
that to the end of time.".
And this generation went out to the battlefields
and is there now.
7fHIS is the parable of Woodrow Wilson, the
Moses who thought to lead the children of
Israel out of the ,Wilderness to the Promised
Land. Then, Wilson was betrayed and his cove-
nant of peace was laughed to scorn. That was be-
cause he was ahead of his generation. The. chil-
dren were not ready. Today, a full eighty-six
years after Wilson was born, the world is looking
back to his vision of peace. Today the world is
beginning to understand that the League of Na-
tions failed only because the United States stayed
In his war message to Congress Woodrow Wil-
son said:
"The right is more precious than peace, and
we shall fight for the things which we have
always carried nearest our hearts-for democ-
racy, for the right of those who submit to
authority to have a voice in their own govern-
ments, for the rights and liberties of small na-
tions, for a universal domninion of right by such
a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace
and safety to all nations and make the world
itself- at last free."'
Even a few hard-boiled newspaper editors- cried
when they read the text of that speech which
plunged America headlong into the last war.
Woodrow Wilson lived by that pledge and died
when he saw it had been given to the mothers
of the world in vain.
WHEN he came home from Europe to get his
peace covenant ratified by the'Senate, he
said that if the treaty were rejected or in any way
changed for the worst, he was responsible before
the youths he had sent to war. .
Doiie Says
RELIGION derives from the nature of being
and man's sense of destiny. The recognition
of these two facts is unifying, binding, and puri-
fying for the soul. Through the long experience
of the race, men have learned to check group
performance as well as personal integrity against
various ideals. For the artist this ideal need not
be real nor directly a part of reality. It may be
projected from the artist's mind but serve an
aesthetic purpose. For the religious person, how-
ever, the ideal roots in reality and is the com-
pletely satisfying desire.
TODAY, the religious man sees hi world rent
asunder. Men fight. They fight not impulsive-
ly but by definitely planned design. Just when
scientific and industrial progress were about to
end necessary poverty and lay the fear of star,-
tion, a medley of secondary purposes clashed.
Here is a contradiction of all that is holy by that
which is actual. How can this happen? Is it be-
cause our development of religion has failed? Has
the servant usurped the master's place and man
made himself God or can one good war against
the best? The reply would Aeem to life along the
way of freedom of the will. Our universe being
dynamic in not unitary of necessity, in fact can-
not be until men make it harmonious. While good
with an eternal unifying influence is central, yet
man's freedom is attained by persons being in a
large measure at liberty to choose erroneously,
blunder, experiment, even annihilate themselves.
IN SOCIETY this means group conflict, the pos-
sibility of experimentation not alone in physi-
cal laboratories but in social control, biological
satisfactions, and spiritual affairs. This clash of
intellect, augmented by invention and such power
as no previous age even dreamed of, is the source
of meaning, today, and, if religious motives can
be engaged, should work out the noblest virtues
as well as make possible the deadliest vices. There
runs beneath this mental and physical conflict
the intention of God or the purpose of reality
itself. It is only when men and families and com-
munities and professions and industries and gov-
ernments learn that intention and-accepting it
as a Divine imperative-follow it enthusiastically,
that we can jointly reach personal equanimity or
group peace and freedom. But religion teaches,
likewise, that "there is a destiny which shapes
our ends, rough hew them as we will". That good
is more determined than lesser values and
"Innocence shall make.
False accusations blush and tyranny
Tremble at patience".
Let every American who learns from the fateful
1942, appear before God with all his own and our
common American selfishnesses in the focus of
attention and with the publican who smote upon
his breast pray, "Lord, hear me, a sinner." It is
by such a course alone, that we who are a creat-
ive part of the age, can possibly get the ear of a
Deity that is just, or even half just. The nature of
being and man's sense of destiny claim every in-
tellectual for 1943.
-Edivard W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
ensues upon it, in the suitable darkness of the
night, the nightmare of dread which lay upon
the nations before this war came; and there
will come sometime, in the vengeful providence
of God, another struggle in which, not a few
hundred thousand fine men from America will
have to die, but as many millions as are neces-
(Continued from Page 2)
Development of Oil and Gas in Mich-
igan" (illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Ned-
nesday, January 6, in the Rackhain
Amphitheatre, under the auspices of
the Department of Geology. The pub-
lie is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. S. S. Kist-
ler of the Norton Company will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Measure-
ment of Surface Area in Microporus
Solids", under the auspices of. the
American Chemical Society, on !ri-
day, Jan. 15, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Building. The public
is invited. A short business meeting
for members of the Americal Chemi-
cal Society will be held following the
Academic Notices
Electrical' Measurements, Spring
Term: Physics 145 will not be offered
during the Spring Term, but will be
given again in the Summer term.
Physics 154 will be given during the
Spring term at the hours announced
for 145. Students planning to register
or this class, please consult Professor
A. W. Smith. -E. F. Barker
Applied Mathematics Seminar will
meet Monday at 3 o'clock in 318 West
Engineering Bldg. Sister Claudia will
speak on "A Certain Method of Solv-
ing Problems in Non-Linear Differ-
-ntial Equations.
Biological Chemistry 123-Blood
Analysis: It is expected that this
course will be given on Thursday
mornings during the spring term. All
students who wish to register for this
course are requested to leave their
names in the office of the Department
of Biological Chemistry, Room 317
West Medical Building, as soon as
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Wednesday, January 6, at
7:30 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical
Building. "Keto Acids in Blood and
Urine" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Men's Varsity Debate: All men in-
terested in debate will meet in Room
4203- Angell Hall Monday and Tues-
day evenings at 7:30. -Arthur'Secord
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: -Students expecting to
elect D100 (directed teaching) -next
semester are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the subject
which they expect to teach. This ex-
amination will be held on Saturday,
January 9, at 1:00 p.m. Students will
meet in the auditorium of the Univer-
sity High School. The examination
will consume about four hour' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
RUquired Hygiene Lectures for We-
mien-1943: All first and second se-
mester freshman women are required
to take the hygiene lectures, which~
are to be given the second semeter.
Upperclass students who were in the
University as freshmen and who did
not fulfill the requirement are re-
quired to take and satisfactorily col-
plete this course. Enroll for these lee.
tures at the time of reqular classifica-
tion at Waterman Gymnasium. These
lectures are a graduation require-
Students should enroll for on of
the two following sections. Women in
Section I should note change of sec-
ond lecture from February 22 to 'el-
ruary 24 on account of the legal holi-
Section No. I. First Lecture, Mon-
day, Feb. 15, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.; Second Lecture, Wednes-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.; Subsequent Lectures, Suc-
cessive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.; Examination (final)
Monday, March 29, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Section No. 11: First Lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 16, 4:15-5:15, Natural -Sci-
ence Aud.; Subsequent lectures, Suc-
cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.; Examination (final),
Tuesday, March 30, 4:15-5:15, Natur-
al Science Aud.
-Margaret Bell, M.D.,
Medical Adviser for Women
Exhibition, College of Arehitectute
and Design: Forty-five prints, in-
cluding lithographs, etchings, and
engravings by outstanding contem-
porary American artists. Ground
floor corridor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 5. The public
is invited,
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The American Academy
in Rome Prize Competition drawings
in Architecture for the problem "A
Supply and Maintenance Depot for
the U.S. Army Air Corps" are being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room, Architecture Building. Open
daily through January 7; 9 to 5; ex-
cept Sunday. The public is invited.
Eet Toda
NEW YORK-I have written sev-
eral pieces about "obscurantists,"
those foggy gentlemen who march
briskly in two directions at once,
as when they argue that now is the
time to rally behind our Comman-
der-in-Chief, and also that now is
the time to take away his powers.
(I've isolated more than thirty of
these paired inconsistencies, which
crop up in Congress, press and ra-
dio. It might become a parlor game
to learn to spot them. Want an-
other? The obscure opposition is
the one which argues that the
American public is steady enough
to take bad news about naval loss-
es, and also that it is toa cynical
and jumpyto be trusted with bad
news about a butter shortage.)
All right, we know, now, how to
detect the dealer in obscurity, that
racketeer of the emotions, who tries
to stir us by arguing in 1941 that
an oil pipe-line to the East is an
unnecessary, war-mongering move,
and then tries to stir us again in
1942 by arguing that the oil short-
age in the East is due to typical
government muddling.
r How Can We Spot the Man?
BUT how can we tell who among
us is clear on current issues? Is
there any good test for picking the
gentleman who knows what time it
is, as good as our tests for detecting
the dealer in dismay?
Yes, there is a test for clarity, an
absurdly simple test. This is a peo-
ple's war, and if the line of a man's
argument is such as to indicate
faith in the people, he is likely to be
Thus your obscurantist goes all
soft and swoony with delight at the
thought of maybe making a deal
with the King of Italy, that miser-
able royal specimen who is today
the world's outstanding failure in
the king buisiness. To conceive of
handle a potential enemy, Ja-
pan, by maneuver after maneuver;
he will sell Japan oil and steel, then
he will threaten Japan a little, then
more oil; he will open and close
China's Burma Road like a pair of
swinging doors. Throughout all this,
obscurity denies arms to the Chi-
nese people. War comes, and; in an
obscure way, something very like
the old policy continues; we accum-
ulate stores of equipment in a hun-
dred places with which to fight
Japan, but we still deny it in quan-
tity to the Chinese people. We are
still looking, with absorbed, con-
centrated attention, at Japan.
So, we deny arms to the Chinese
in peace, and it turns out that we
are still denying arms to the Chi-
nese, in war; it is amazing to see
how the underlying dynamnic pat,
tern remains unchanged.
Clarity would have armed the
Chinese people from the beginning,
and starved the Japanese, from the
There could hardly be a better
example of how clarity, in our day,
requires faith in the people. If we
had viewed the democratic upthrust
in China, and not the Japanese
menace, as the biggest fact in the
Pacific, we would have made Asiatic
democracy a still bigger fact, and
the menace much smaller.
Clearness Goes with Candor
CLEARNESS shares events with
the people, and can candidly
instruct them to burn their houses
at the enemy's approach.
Obscurity (as in France in 1940)
tells the people nothing, rarely
thinks of them as an important
force, and suddenly looks out its
windows after months of maneuver,