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January 03, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-03

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(olverine Puckmen Fall Before Point Edward Sexte

t, 5-2


Canadians Get Three
Goals in First Period

Showing the effect of a long va-
cation layoff, Michigan's hockey teamj
didn't find itself until the second
period last night and went down to
defeat at the hands of a strong Point
Edward sextet, 5-2, before an over-
flow crowd of nearly 1000 people.
The Point Edward boys wasted no
time getting started, scoring three
goals before the Wolverines could
get settled in the first period. Tom
Prudence started proceedings 'by
beating Goalie Hank Loud after
thirty-five seconds of play. Then
Bill Maughn and Ed Kemsley gave
the Canadians a safe margin by scor-
ing within two minutes of each other
in the middle of the frame. The lat-

a pass frob Bob Opland and beating1
Jack Rutter, Point Edward's goalie,4
from teh feet out.After Bill Dance
and Levan had both been sent off



Rutter, J.
Rutter, L.

Michigan Spares: Athens, Bradley,
Anderson, Reichert.
Point Edward Spares: La Rue,
Maughn, Garvin, Allen, Dodds, Cous-
ins, Alpaugh.
First Period
Point Edward: Prudence from Le-x
van (:35), Maughn (11:50), 'Kemsley
from Prudence (13:27).
Second Period
Point Edward: Levan (2:19).
Third Period
Point Edward: Janes from Levan

(2:58). .
Michigan: Kemp from
(6:36), Opland from Kemp


First Period
Garvin, Allen, Derleth; 2 minutes.
Second Period
Opland, Rutter: 2 minutes; Allen;
2 minutes and match.
Third Period
Stenberg, Garvin, Levan, Dance,
Bradley: 2 minutes.
ter came when Bob Derleth, big
Michigan defenseman, was off for
charging on one of the nine penalties
handed out during the evening.
It appeared to be a runaway when
Chuck.Levan, Point Edward's play-
ing manager, gave them a four goal
lead by scoring within two minutes
of the start of the second period.
that .ended the scoring in the period
but not the action.
The Wolverines didn't get into the
scoring column until after Fred Janes
had scored again for the winners at
the beginning of the final period.
Then Bob Kemp gave the home fans
something to cheer about by taking

Bob Kemp... senior from Oak-
ville, Ontario who rlayed excellent
hockey last night and has estab-
lished himself as one of the stal-
warts of the Wclverine first line.
for mixing it up near the boards, Op-
land took a pass from Kemp at the
Canadians' blue line and scored the
last goal of the game.
Slippery Rock Cagers
Continue Mad Scoring
FORT WORTH, Jan. 2.- Slippery
Rock College, the nation's highest
scoring outfit, for the past two years,
won its fourth straight victory last
night, defeating Swanford by the
overwhelming score of 76-19.
The Slippery Rock hoopsters start-
ed very slowly and were only able to
pile up 22 points at the half time, but
they really got moving in the second
half to keep up their high scoring
reputation. Con Baxwin led the win-
ners with 31 points. The win boosted
the Slippery Rock average to 73
points a game.

T-eeing Called
to Decide Fate
of '43 Baseball
Major's Czar Landis
Calls Joint Session
in Chicago Tuesday
NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-()-Base-
ball is getting ready for a sort of
New Year's Day of its own next
Tuesday, when the major leagues will
hold a ' special joint meeting with
Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain
Landis at Chicago to size up the
outlook for 1943.
Until then there is not much use
for any baseball executive to turn a
leaf on the calendar, because no
one knows right now when or where
the clubs can train in the spring, or
when the season will open, or how
many games will be scheduled, or
when the season will end.
The answers to all of these ques-
tions must come out of the emergency
session next week after Landis has
reported to the club owners on the
result of his mission to Washington.
No inkling of the decisions reached
by Landis and Defense Transporta-
tion Director Joseph B. Eastman in
their conference at the capital has
leaked out other than Eastman's as-
sertion that the Commissioner made
certain proposals and they were ap-
There is a belief among baseball
men, however, that rigid restrictions
may be imposed next week instead of
continuing the policy of "suggestions"
and "individual action."
It was Landis' suggestion that
clubs train closer home which
brought announcements in recent
days of the Boston Red Sox' inten-
tion to train indoors at Tufts College,
Medford, Mass., and the switch of
the two Chicago clubs' training bases
from California to French Lick
Springs, Ind.
Some of the other clubs have re-
linquished their Florida sites and
Pittsburgh and the St. Louis Browns
have given up plans to train in Cali-
fornia, but for the most part the
various clubs have been waiting for
clarification of the rules under which
they will operate. Two or three have
said they saw no necessity for shift-
ing until they received an order.
A.A.U. Swim
Contest Set for
January 15th
Michigan's great swimming team,
which showed its prowess to local
fans in the recent Swim Gala, will
be seen in action again on the night
of January 15, for then the Wol-
verines will be hosts at the annual
Michigan A.A.U. swimming cham-
Applications are being sent to nat-
ators all over the state. just how
big a turnout there will be in these
gasless times remains to be seen.
However, the main contingent will
be present in force: the mermen of
the Maize and Blue, who have' al-
ways dominated this meet as they.
have dominated the nation's swim-
ming for the last fifteen years.
The main events on the program
are the 100-yard backstroke, the 100-
yard breaststroke, the 50- and 440-
yard freestyle, the 200-yard free-
style relay and the fancy diving.
There will also be three handicap
contests. Gold-plated, silver and
bronze medals will be awarded in
the championship splashes, and sil-
ver and bronze ones in the handi-
In past years some outstanding
swimmers have appeared to contest

Michigan supremacy in the water:
Bill Prew and Andy Clark of Wayne
and perenially strong teams from the
Detroit A.C.
Illinois 38, Stanford 26

7WHAT we should like to do in this
first column of 1943 is go back
into the old year and give you a
resume of the sports happenings ofI
the past twelve months. We shouldI
like to tell you of all the sweet pre-c
dictions that turned sour over night,
and of all the funny little things that
helped make 1942 a banner sports
year despite the war.
That's what we'd like to do. But,
being by nature inherent and ac-
quired, a person of uncommon lazi-
ness, dullness and stay-seatedness,
we won't do it, as much as we'd,
like to. It would mean a studious
perusal of the files of the past year,9
a task which would rival a research1
paper for thoroughness, time and1
What we will do is add to the grow-1
ing services of our personable little
department and give to you, abso-
lutely free of charge and with a
money-back guarantee, our sports
scene for 1943.
First, we'd like to give you a lit-
tle warning. Don't bet on what we
tell you. We're the kind of a guy
who can buy up half the tickets
being sold on a raffle, as we did
to humor the girlfriend during the
too-recent and too-short vacation,
and lose by one number. Just
keep your hard-earned cash in
your pocket, neighbor, because
we're the same character who gay-
ly and positively and emphatically
told one and all that Hollywood
would cop the last Kentucky Der-
by. The little hoss is still run-
ning, turning around at every three
paces to give us a loud horse-
ANYWAY, here we go. We picked
Georgia, Tennessee, Boston Col-
lege, Texas, Second Air Force and
the East in the variou Bowl games.
All won but Boston College, the only
one for which we sacrificed some of
the folding stuff in the form of a
wager. We were too uncertain about
the others to make any bets.
The Big Ten will drop the "no"
in the no-freshmen rule. A little
later the Big Ten, and the rest of
the country, may drop the fresh-
men. But-that's a hazardous guess.
Champion Joe Louis and contender
Billy Conn will meet for the heavy-
weight championship of the Ameri-
can armed forces. If Conn wins, he
will not be world's champion, as Joe's
title will not be at stake. The ring
battle will take place in an Army
camp, with no gate receipts and no
profit for anybody. It will be strictly
a soldier-boy affair for soldiers only.
Both have signified their willingness
to fight each other anywhere, any-
time and for any price. The Army
conducted such fistic extravaganzas
during the last war, and this year
will find it happening again.
Admiral Matt Mann, colorful
Michigan swimming coach, will not
miss his annual ducking at the
conclusion of the Big Ten Meet.
Although seriously, threatened by
a tough Ohio State crew, the Ad-
miral will brew a natatorial potion
strong enough to retain the Wol-
verine grasp on the crown, and his
mermen will once again toss him
into the briny deep, clothes and
The Brooklyn Dodgers will not win
the National League pennant. Nei-
ther will the Pittsburgh Pirates, our
favorite team. The St. Louis Cardi-
nals won't repeat because they've
been riddled by the armed services.
So keep your eyes focused on the
Cincinnati entry because they're the
next flag-winner in our winter book.
In the American League we'll
toss the coin which has Joe Mc-
Carthy's head on both sides. So
it'll be the New York Yankees, bt

Daily Sports Editor
* *,* *

not without a battle from Cleve-
land, Detroit and St. Louis.
Patty Berg will join the WAACs.
A gal who can play golf like she can
will be a wow at this game of war
where it's hit 'em harder and longer.
College football, on a much
smaller basis and on a much less
exciting basis from the standpoint
of greatness, will continue. As long
as conferences like the Big Ten
have the manpower, they'll have
Michigan's basketball team will
cause many surprises and a few
headaches before the season is fin-
ished. They seem to have that cer-
tain spark this season, and it may
be just the right one to touch off a
renaissance in Wolverine cage for-
Bob Ufer will better his own
world record in the 440-yard dash
and will establish himself as the
fastest stick of greased human
lightning in the country.
Now for the last prediction. You're
getting tired of reading such drivel,
so we predict we won't make any
more predictions in 1943.
Trippi is Tops
in Rose Bowl
Sophomore Sensation
Shows Terrific Drive
PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 2.- (P)-
Coaches, players and fans who saw
Georgia beat UCLA in the Rose Bowl
agreed the Sophomore Sensation,
Charlie Trippi of Pittston, Pa., was
the best ball carrier on the field; the
best, in fact to play in Southern Cali-
fornia all season.
The Bruins, linemen and backs '
alike, said Charlie's terrific drive,
high knee action, pivoting and change
of pace was the best they'd ever seen.
In deference to Frankie Sinkwich
the Bruins said he must be good, as
his three year record shows, but with
bad ankles his effectiveness was mini-
mized to straight ahead plunges and
passing. Trippi, on the other hand,
passed accurately, kicked well, and
gained 115 of Georgia's 212 yards on
the ground.
Red Boyd, sub Georgia tackle who
blocked Bob Waterfield's kick for an
automatic safety, said that was the
high point in his career. He's going to
marry his childhood sweetheart in
Dalton, Ga., Jan. 7 and join the Ma-
rines next month.
The Georgia delegation will leave
early next week.

Riding on the crest of four con-
secutive wins, Michigan's cagers will'
invade East Lansing tomorrow night;
to tangle with Michigan State's luck-
less Spartans.
Anyway you look at it revenge will
be the incentive for this, the second
meeting of the two teams this year.
The Wolverines copped the initial
fracas in overtime, 36-31, after trail-
ing. right up to the closing seconds.
State isn't going to lose another one
like that if it can help it.
Sad Memories
But the Maize and Blue also hold
none too dear memories, memories of
a 57-36 drubbing suffered at East
Lansing a year ago after they had
walked all over the Spartans in their
first battle. And, of course, there's
that unblemished record to protect,
too. Michigan won't be easing up,
Tomorrow night's meeting will be
the 47th clash between the intrastate
rivals. State can hardly expect to
even things up with a win in this
game since the Wolverines hold a
31-15 edge in the rivalry, but it can
make that margin look a little more
Neither five looked like a world
beater in their initial clash, but both
have shown marked improvement.
State has dropped its other encoun-
ters, but they were tough for strong
barnstorming quintets, Oregon State
and Harvard, and the Spartans bowed
only after stiff fights. Michigan,
meanwhile, has racked up three
marks on the credit side of the led-
ger since that first game. and with
each game has looked better.
Plenty of Punch
Last Wednesday's crushing tri-
umph over Selfridge Field proved
that the Wolverines have plenty of
scoring ability. They showered 25
baskets through the Fliers' hoop,
their best scoring effort since they
notched 63 points last season'against
Chicago's hapless Maroons. '
But it's the Wolverine defense that
has really glittered. Four opponents
have been able to dent the Maize and
Blue defense for a bare 33-points-a-
game average, and a good share of
these tallies have been racked up
from well outside the foul circle.
Michigan's success to date has de-
pended on its ability to control the
play under the baskets and if the
Spartans entertain any ideas of
smashing the Michigan victory string
tomorrow night, they'll have to be on
their toes under the hoops.
Stone Paces State
Mainstay of State's hopes is lanky
Fred Stone, 6-foot 6-inch center.
Stone is the only regular back from

1 :%

last year and Wolverine fans already
have a good idea of his ball-getting
ability. Spartan Coach, Ben Van Al-
styne, will probably round out his
starting quintet with forwards Ollie
White and Roy Diehl and guards
Nick Hashu and Clayton Kowalk.
White was particularly bothersome
to Michigan in the initial fracas as
he paced the Spartans with nine
scores. Two hustling sophomores,
Dan Pesky and Al Peppler, may also
see plenty of action for Coach Van
Alstyne's boys.
For the Wolverines Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan will probably stick to his
winning combination, Ralph Gibert
and Bob Wiese at the forwards, Capt.
Jim Mandler at the pivot spot, and
Dave Strack and either Leo Doyle or
Don Lund at the guards. For reserve
strength the Wolverine mentor can
call on Gerry Mullaney, Merv Pre-
gulman, Harold Anderson, Mel Comin
,and Bill MacConnachie.
Indoor Track
Squad Faces7
Busy Season
A Maize and Blue cinder squad,
showing power and balance on the
track and a definite weakness in the
field, will make its 1943 debut early
next month at the Yost Field House
in a triangular meet with Michigan
State and Michigan Normal.
The meet has been tentatively
scheduled for Feb. 9, but there is~ a.
possibility that this date may be
changed. Michigan scored an easy
triumph over these two opponents
last year, and is favored to repeat
without too much difficulty.
First real test for Coach Ken Do-
herty's squad will be the Michigan
State Relays, an innovation in Mid-
west track programs, which are slated
for Feb. 13 at East Lansing. Promo-
ters of the new Relays have drawn
up this program in an attempt to
make up for the cancellation of the
Illinois Relays. The latter meet was
dropped after Army officials took
over the huge armory where the Re-
lays were held annually.
Notre Dame has already accepted
and other big Midwest universities
expected to compete are Michigan,
Marquette, and Michigan State. In-
vitations have been extended to Chi-
cago, Northwestern and Illinois, but
their entry is problematical. Many
of Michigan's smaller colleges will
compete also.

Ouintet Seeks Fifth Win
in State Tilt Tomorrow
Cagers to Risk Unbeaten Record in Return Game
at East Lansing with Revenge-Seeking Spartans



.40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
.0.QO per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of.$.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Request
LOST-Brown crocheted purse. Re-
turn Parker Pen set and key to
236 So. Thayer, phone 2-1754.
LOST=-Camels-hair overcoat after
dance at I-M Building. Liberal
reward. Call 513 Williams House.
PEARL NECKLACE, extremely valu-
able. Between Chi Omega and
Brown Jug. Liberal Reward. Call
LOST-a large blue looseleaf note-
book sometime before Christmas
vacation. Reward. Lew Mintz, 412
Greene House.
Ruth Schramm on cuff taken by
mistake ATO Dance. Call 2-4561,
Room 591, for exchange.
FIVE-STRAND pearl necklace lost
on campus Friday morning be-
tween 8 and 9. Phone 2-3373.
LOST: Brown suitcase containing
urgent papers, on or near State
Street. Will finder please notify
Walter Wheeler at 7118 Monroe.

LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
SMALL, reasonable apartment want-
ed near campus by young couple.
Draft exempt, local references.
Box 16.
in student cafeteria in return for
board and cash. Contact Tudor
Thomas, Michigan Wolverine, 209
South State, or phone 2-1124.
WANTED TO RENT at once: fur-
nished apartment or light house-
keeping rooms by army officer,
wife and small child. Phone 2-4431,
Room 483.
and small compensation. Sorority,
407 N. Ingalls-2-3119.
who would like to have a comfort-
able home environment for an in-
definite period. Salary and room
and board. Write in care of 235
S. State.
GIRL STUDENT to spend afternoons
with four- and ten-year-old girls
in exchange for either room or
board or salary-whichever pre-
ferred. Sundays off. Phone 5933.
Ask for Ted or Rose.
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth-
ing by phoning Claude H. Brown,
2-2736, 512 S. Main.
[T A GuTl T1 c A WTn A4'TTh '1 "7, T ' TI ___

ju/'1fttu4 cd4 kwefft eI'-
I /

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