___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __THE MICHIGAN DAILY
At the Michigan ... At the State...
Mickey Rooney, starring in "A Written and directed by Preston
Yank at Eton", plays the role of a Sturges, "Palm Beach Story" stars
typical American boy who, because of Claudette Colbert and Joel McCrea in
the marriage of his widowed mother
to an Englishman, is forced to enter the madcap story of a financially un-
Eton much against his will. successful inventor's wife, who de-
Resolved to dislike his new sur- cides that it isn't practical to live by
roundings, he gets into one scrape love alone.
after another. Among other things, She thinks that her husband's fin-
he licks the school bully and leads S. thinks that lher usban
twelve students into a brawl with ancial failure is largely her fault, and
four waiters at a roadside inn, she decides that she might do him
But when Mickey learns that he is more good by posing as his sister and
in Eton in the place of his stepfa- using her beauty and business ability
ther's son who was enrolled in the to advantage. McCrea is entirely op-
school at birth only to die a few years posed to the idea, but that doesn't
later, he resolves to make good at stop her.
Eton. She goes off to Palm Beach for a
Then, when Freddie Bartholomew divorce, leaving New York without
as his English stepbrother, is suspec- baggage or money, and winds up in
ted of stealing the housemaster's car the South aboard the yacht of the
and wrecking it, Mickey takes the richest man in the world.
"rap" and is expelled from school. But The fun starts in earnest when
he learns that his stepbrother is inno- McCrea runs into his wife in Palm
cent. The way he proves his own inno- Beach, and she introduces her hus-
cence is shown in the picture's event- band as her brother to Rudy Vallee,
ful climax. the rich man.
Ruthven Urges
Cultural Studies
Science, Humanities
to Continue in Wartime
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
urging educators to emphasize the
importance of teaching the humani-
ties and pure science, yesterday stated
that the United States must be a
"reservoir of culture" as well as a
"reservoir of fighting men and arma-
In an article "Universities in War-
time", appearing yesterday in the
current issue of "The Nation's
Schools", President Ruthven said that
although curriculum changes are es-
sential to the war effort, we must not
give up cultural studies and the bus-
iness of "forming creative minds,
studying human problems, and pre-
paring citizens to govern themselves
"The colleges and universities are
now rendering their proper service in
the emergency as fully as is any other
type of institution or group of work-
ers," President Ruthven said. Accel-
erating programs, lending staff mem-
bers for special services, adding new
courses of a technical nature and con-
ducting research, are the innovations
he listed.
However, the article questioned the
success of schools in providing con-
structive leadership and impressing
on citizens their responsibility toward
the war and post-war problems. "The
primary function of educational
agencies in a democracy is strength-
ening human will by knowledge, rea-
son and virtue. In these respects we
are not doing as well as Great Bri-
tain," Dr. Ruthven said.
"Education as distinguished from
technical training may have to be
scrapped for the duration of the war,"
he asserted.
Well, What Do You
Expect: 8 'clocksh
New Yearsh Day
Ish what you can 'spect if shtu-
dents are ashked to attend t eight
o'clocksh on New Yearsh Day.
A student opened the door of a
room in Romance Languages where
an eight o'clock class in Spanish was
half-over. Wearing tails and white
tie, he doffed his topper, bowed and
peered wearily into the room.
"G'morning, everybody! Happy-
Then he took the longest route to
three seats near the back of the
room. One of them, he was sure, be-
longed to him. But the seats were
all taken.
Getting up from an embarrassed
coed's lap, he mumbled: "Excushe
me but I wash shure thish ushed to
be mine."
The professor asked him to take
another seat and the class went on
ash ushual.
3 Killed in Bomber Crash;
16 Parachute to Safety
GRANITE CITY, Ill., Jan. 2.-(A')-
Three men were killed today in the
crash of an Army bomber, but 16
others parachuted to safety before the'
airplane smashed nose - down and
burst into flames in a field six miles
east of here.
George Schroeppel, a Collinsville
(Ill.) undertaker, whose ambulance
took three slightly injured officers to
the post hospital at Scott Field, qUot-
ed them as saying there were 19 men
aboard. The three officers were hurt
landing with their parachutes.
COLUMBIA, Mo., Jan. 2.- (W)-
Columns of sailors marching on Co-
lumbia streets after dark will carry
Willkie Makes
Proposal for
War Council
NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-(/P)-Wen-
dell L. Willkie today called for the
formation of a working common
council of the United Nations to
plan war and economic strategy
now and cooperation after victory.
Addressing an opera victory rally
at this afternoon's performance of
the Metropolitan Opera Company,
the Republican candidate for Presi-
dent in 1940 asserted that the United
Nations must be made "a fact and
not a mere euphonious phrase." The
program was broadcast over the Blue
"If history has taught us any-
thing," Willkie said, "it has taught
us that people obtain in a peace only
what they win while they fight.
"What I want to emphasize today
is that planning will do no good un-
less we give our plans reality; that
we will have no United Nations after
the war unless we make the United
Nations nov a fact and not a mere
euphonious phrase."
Willkie declared that today, a year
after the signing of the United Na-
tions pact, "we should face the fact
that if hopeful billions of human
beings are not to be disappointed,
the United Nations must become a
common council, not only for the
winning of the war but for the fu-
ture welfare of mankind."
Delegates Attend Avukahl
Conference at Chicago
Led by Bill Schumer, '44, and
Stuart Goldfarb, '45E, a delegation
from the Michigan chapter of Avu-
kah, student Zionist organization, is
attending the Midwest Avukah Con-
vention in Chicago today.
Schumer will report to the con-
vention on the meeting of the na-
tional Central Executive Committee
of Avukah which he attended with
several other Michigan members dur-
ing vacation.
SUNDAY, JAN. 3, 1943
VOL. IHI No. 66
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Presidentin typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Mid-Year Graduation Exercises:
The Mid-Year Graduation Exercises
for all students who are candidates to
receive degrees at the end of the fall
term will be held in Hill Auditorium
at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, January 23.
The members of the faculty and of
the graduating classes and the audi-
ence should be in their seats by 9:50
a.m. in order that the Exercises may
begin promptly as scheduled. Aca-
demic costume will be worn but there
will be no preliminary procession.
Further details will be announced
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: The fourth regular meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts for the
University year 1942-43 will be held
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, January
4, 1943, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various commit-
tees, the minutes of the special meet-
ing of the Faculty held December 17,
1942, and the revised pages 891, 892,
and 893 are included with this call
to the meeting. They should be re-
tained in your files.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of December 7, 1942, pp.
906-910, and the special meeting of
December 17, 1942, p. 911.
2. Memorial-Professor Moritz Levi.
Committee: W. F. Patterson, I. L.
Sharfman, C. P. Wagner, Chairman.
3. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committee-Profes-
sor V. W. Crane.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School-Professor E. F.
c. University Council-Professor
H. T. Price.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-no meet-
ing during the past month.
e. Deans' Conference-Dean E.
H. Kraus.
4. Special order-General proced-
ure for the preparation of the College
budget-Professor H. M. Dorr.
5. New business.
6. Announcements.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, January 4, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming
houses who intend to move to differ-
ent quarters for the Spring Term, or
who expect to leave the University at
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before 11:00 a.m. on Saturday,
January 9, 1943. Students should also
notify their householders verbally on
or before this date. Forms for the pur-
pose of notifying the Dean of Stu-
dents may be secured at Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall.
The offici0,l closing date for the
Fall Term will be January 30, 1943,
and rent for rooms shall be computed,
to include this date.
C. T. Olmsted,
Asst. Dean of Students
German Table for Faculty Members
will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room Michigan Union.
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
talk on "Die Musiker-Union" by Mr.
Hanns Pick.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1942-1943 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, February 19. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
- C. S. Yoakumn
Choral Union Members: There will
be a full rehearsal of the Chorus
Tuesday evening, January 5, 7:00-
8:30, at the School of Music Building
on Maynard Street. Those who have
not yet returned their "Messiah"
books and picked up their copies of
the "Requiem" should do so before
this rehearsal.
-Hardin A. Van Deursen,
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are reminded that membership lists
for the month of December are due in
the Office of the Dean of Students
on January 5. /
All Students: Registration for
Spring Term: Each student should
plan to registem for himself during
the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, Schol of Education, School of
Public Health, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. Students
should call for spring term registra-
tion materials at Room 4, University
Hall, as soon as possible. Please see
your adviser and secure all necessary
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, College of
Architecture: Students should call
for spring term material at Room 4
University Hall at once. The College
of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near future giving
the time of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
To Students Whose Fathers are
Rotarians: Each year the Ann Arbor
Rotary Club gives a luncheon to the
students whose fathers are members
of Rotary International. The 19431
luncheon will be held at the Michigan
Union on Wednesday, January 13, at
twelve noon. To make certain that all
sons and daughters of Rotarians re-
ceive invitations, we ask that every
such student now enrolled in the Uni-
versity leave his or her name, and
Ann Arbor address, with Miss Velma
Louckes, Room 4, University Hall, as
soon as possible.
-Ann Arbor Rotary Club
Fred J. Hodges, President
Aeronautical, Mechanical, and En-
gineering Mechanics Graduates of
January and May, 1943: Mr. A. M.
Stutz of Stinson Aircraft (Division of
Vultee) at Wayne, Michigan, will in-
terview seniors for positions on Wed-
lecture on "The Scablands of the (Continued on Page 4)
Iii ill
_ __EPL
Continuous Daily from 1 P.M.
nesday, January 6, in Room 3025 East
Engineering Building. Those inter-
ested 'will please sign the interview
schedule posted on the Aeronautical
Engineering bulletin board.
- BLectures
University Lectures: Dr. J. Harlan
Bretz, Professor of Geology in the.
University of Chicago. will lecture on
the subject, "Life History of Lime-
stone Caverns" (illustrated) at 4:15
p.m., Tuesday, January 12, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, under the
auspices of the Department of Ge-
ology. The public is cordially invited.
At 8:00 p.m., in Room 2054 Natural
Science Bldg., Professor Bretz will
lecture on "The Scablands of the
Columbia Plateau" (illustrated), be-
fore the faculty and students of the
Department of Geology: others who
are interested are invited.
Lecture: Dr. Orren C. Mohler, As-
sistant Astronomer at the McMath-
Hulbert Observatory, will lecture on
the subject, "Recent Solar Motion
Pictures from the McMath-Hulbert
Observatory, Lake Angelus, 'under
the auspices of the Department of
Astronomy, on Tuesday, January 5,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Jed B.
Maebius, geologist .for the Gulf Re-
fining Company, will speak on the
subject "Geological Occurrence and
(Continued on Page -4)-
Starts Today! tbvJqy-kiffereft-6 tiot!
Club the figuore's
Mickey 's g
Mkey'ns good, old Yankee
technique of Woojn' gets
results TheL
lassies never saw a real
Wolf at work unti Micke
started his enicey
movements Ht ircling
Mickey s all. t-me topper!
a -.
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