4 aii
U.S. Planes
Blast Jap
Strike at Bases in
Aleutians, Solomons;
Seven Enemy Ships '
Sunk by Submarines f
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.- (M-New
aerial blows against Japanese instal-
lations in the Aleutians and in the
Solomons were reported by the Navyi
today along with the recent sinking
byrAmerican submarinesof seven
merchant-type Japanese ships.
The underwater craft also damaged
an enemy destroyer, raising to 163 the
number of' Japanese ships of all types
sunk, probably sunk or damaged by
American submarines. Of -these 112
are listed as sunk, 22 probably sunk
and 29 damaged.
The Army's Aleutian Islands air
force, grimly determined to'eliminate
the newest Japanese menace at Kis-
ka, returned in force to that enemy
base on New Year's Day, shot down
one of six Zero fighters which at-
tempted to intercept and scored at
least a near hit on one small ship in
the harbor.
"Clouds prevented complete obser-
vation of results," a Navy communi-
que said today. "No U.S. planes were
This action was paralleled by heavy
American air raids the first day of
1943 in the Solomons area of the
South Pacific where bombings were
concentrated on breaking up Japa-
nese resistance on Guadalcanal Island
and preventing use of the Munda
Air Base on New Georgia Island.
On Guadalcanal, Douglas Dauntless
divebombers dropped their screaming
cargoes of explosives in the vicinity
of Kokumono, about seven miles west
of Guadalcanal airfield, where Japa-
nese headquarters for the island is
believed to be -located. The section is
heavily overgrown with jungle and
no observation could be made of exact
Business School
Will Offer Girls
Special Course
A special speed-up program to train
women students to fill the rapidly
increasing demand for them in bus-
iness positions has been announced by
the School of Business Administra-
Starting next semester, the pro-
gram will enable women to take posi-
tions in seven fields after two terms
of work in the business adminitra-
tion school. These fields are personnel
procedures, banking and finance,
business writing, office practice, mer.-
chandising, accounting and statistics.
Students may enter the special pro-
gram at the beginning of next term
or any later term, the basic admission
requirement being four terms in any
accredited university, college or junior
At the end of the two terms of bus-
iness training, the announcement
stated, students will be prepared to
do work immediately in any of the
seven fields, or they can continue for
two terms more and obtain the degree
of Bachelor of Business Administra-
tion. If they leave school after two
terms, it was announced, they may
return at a later date to complete
requirements for a degree.
ROTC Cadets
Battle 4 Hours
without Verdict
Battalion was pitted against bat-
talion yesterday in the largest winter
maneuvers the ROTC has ever held
with white and khaki clad cadets
crawling belly down through four
inches of snow to attack in a battle
that ended without a decision being
For four hours the cadets maneu-
vered and 'fought' under the com-
mands of Cadet Lieut. Colonels John
Stauch and Phil Levy. The Blues
commanded by Levy had as their mis-
sion the defense of a 'bridgehead' lo-
cated in the meadows surrounding
the Huron Hills Country Club, against
the attacking Reds. Almost 900 men
participated in the mock battle, in-
cluding 125 medical personnel and
five youthful 'scouts'.
Proving to be the key men in the
struggle the 'scouts', young men not
yet in their teens, played havoc with
the secrecy surrounding the move-
ments of the attacking Reds. One
captured 'scout' being quizzed by Blue
captors who asked, "Do you know Phil
Levy?" replied, "Sure, he is the fellow
who promised me an ice cream cone
for telling him what you are doing."
He remained a captive.
One entire platoon of the Blues was
clad entirely in white snow clothes
that rendered them almost invisible.
Chief fault found by the officers
judging the battle was that the troops
were too cautious and the battle had
to be called off befoe reaching its
full height.
The battle being called to a halt at
4:30 p.m. the troops had sandwiches
and hot coffee which were prepared
by the local 'MOMS' organization.
Planning of the maneuvers was
done by Cadet Lieut. Col. Art Volz
and Cadet Major Harry Parmelee.
Further details of amission re-
q uiremtents may be obtained from the
Secretary of the School, 108 Tappan
Army Officers Begin
Special Med Course
Three groups of Army medical offi-
cers will begin training in specialized
medical subjects here tomorrow, Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven said yes-
The War Department announced
Thursday that 12 colleges would be
selected to give the important medical
training. The University was desig-
'nated one of the training centers on
A 12-week course in clinical labora-
tory trainii~g and methods will be
given to 30 officers while 10 more
officers will receive a six-week course
in thoracic surgery. The courses will
be taught in the medical school and
the men will be housed in the Law
Twenty-nine officers will be given
an eight-week course in epidemiology
in the public health school. The
course will concern control of disease
among groups of people rather than
individuals. These officers will live
in the Union.
East's Oil Curtailed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.-()-Price
Administrator Leon Henderson to-
night slashed 10 per cent from the
fuel oil heating rations in the 17
eastern states and the District of
Ready for Big Attack on Wake Island
Remontnaya and
German Motorized Battalion Routed
as Reds Retake Key Town of Elista
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 3. (Sunday)-The Red Army driving down the North
Caucasian Railway beyond Kotelnikovski captured Remontnaya, 117 miles
southwest of Stalingrad, yesterday, the Russians announced early today in
a communique broadcast by the Moscow radio.
Elkhotovo, 30 miles southeast of Nalchik, in the mid-Caucasus also
was retaken by the Russians along with large amounts of booty, the
communique said.
Remontnaya is 27 miles beyond Kotelnikovski at a point where the
railroad crosses the Sal River.
German tanks, artillery, food stores, cattle and other supplies were
taken at Remontnaya, and the Russians now are almost mid-way between
Members of Col. William A. Matheny's crew get into their "Mae Wests" Dec. 24 at a mid-Pacific
bomber base, as they prepare to take off for the mass aerial attack on Japanese-held Wake Island, which
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz said was the largest mazs army heavy bomber raid in the Pacific war. Left
to right are: Sergt. E. J. Bislew, Racine, Wis.; Serg t. C. R. Kealey, Downers Grove, Ill.; Sergt. T. E.
Tedford, Little Rock, Ark.; Col. Matheny, Spokane, Wash.; Lieut. D. Manchester, Spokane; Olen Clem-
ents, Associated Press correspondent, San Francisco; and Lieut. E. H. Carey, Gridley, Calif.
New Physic6s
Course Planned
'Refresher' Series to
Be Given to Faculty
A general meeting of faculty mem-
bers desiring "refresher" courses in
physics will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tues-
day in Room 1041 of the Randall
Building, Prof. Ernest F. Barker,
chairman of the physics department,
announced yesterday.
At this time plans will be made for
a series of courses which will review
details of elementary physics courses
that will be pertinent to the pre-
meteorology program soon to be insti-
tuted on this campus.
Persons desiring this course must
not necessarily be members of the
physics department but should have
had some previous training in this
field either here or at some other
competent college or university, Pro-
fessor Barker said. It is expected, he
said, that persons enrolling for the
"refresher" courses will be faculty
members now engaged in other fields
of work..
The "refresher" courses will be giv-
en concurrently with the regular ele-
mentary physics courses and will be
designed to help equip the enrollees
for later teaching of physics.
AFL Adopts Platform
for '43 Legislation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.- MP)-The
American Federation of Labor an-
nounced today its legislative goals for
1943 with a confident expression that,
the new Congress would reject de-
mands for "compulsory or punitive'r
labor enactments.
Green classified as undesirable bills
which would prematurely permit na-
tional job-freezing or would repeal
the Wage and Hour Law and said
anti-strike legislation would be "fool-
ROTC juniors
Can Complete*Sr n 4 m
Spring Term
Advanced Corps Men
to Go on Duty in June
Junior ROTC students will remain
in school until the end of the spring
semester, the War Department an-
nounced Thursday.
This Army order will mean that I
junior advanced corps men will go
on active duty sometime in June.
They will go to replacement training
centers where they will receive train-
ing equivalent to the senior ROTC
year here.
After conclusion of basic training
and screening tests, those who com-
plete the course will be assigned to
colleges for more training and to offi-
cers' training schools.
After the successful completion of
additional training, they will be
granted Reserve officers' commissions
and will become members of the Of fi-
cer Reserve Corps, a permanent
peacetime organization.
The new order puts approximately
200 junior ROTC men all of whom
are Enlisted Reserve Corps members,
on substantially the same basis as
ROTC seniors who will finish the
spring term and immediately enter
officers' schools to get reserve com-
missions. Freshmen and sophomores
not in ERC will not be affected.
Previously the War Department
and the War Manpower Commission
had announced compreheansive plans
for all reserve corps members. The
new Army orders clears up certain
lack of detail that existed in the plan.
Other Enlisted Reserve Corps mem-
bers will begin leaving school on Feb.
13, two weeks after the end of the
current semester. By the end of the
spring semester virtually all reserve
members will have active status.
3-Day Parley
to Discuss War
Role of Women
Experts Will Speak
on Coeds in Industry,
Business and Service
University of Michigan women will
get a broad picture of how they can
fit into the nation's war effort when
occupational experts in the fields of
business, industry and public service
convene here for a three-day parley
on "The Role of Women in the War
Effort", Wednesday, Thursday and
Opening session of the conference
will start at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
with the four other meetings sched-
uled for 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday. All sessions will
be held in the Rackham Building.
Pres. Ruthven to Preside
The University's first occupational
conference for women is sponsored
by the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information in cooper-
ation with the Committee on the Wo-
men's War Program.
Pres. Ruthven will preside at the
first meeting Wednesday night, intro-
ducing Robert Goodwin, regional di-
rector of the War Manpower Commis-
sion in Cleveland, and Montague A.
Clark, chairman of the War Man-
power Commission for the State of
Michigan and director of industrial
relations of the U.S. Rubber Co. in
Detroit. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will also
talk during the evening on the organ-
ization, requirements and work of the
Business Jobs to Be Topic
Thursday afternoon lectures will be
devoted to business training jobs dur-
ing and after the war with Miss Mil-
dred Webber, assistant secretary of
the Bureau of Appointments, acting
as presiding officer.
Principal speakers will be L. B.
O'Loughlin, director of International
Business Machines Co. in Detroit,
who will talk on machine operators;
Miss Mattie-Grace Sharpe, assistant
employment manager of Detroit Edi-
son Co., on secretaries and stenogra-
phers; and Mrs. Florence V. Weeman
Turn to Page 5, Col. 4
Wistert Weds Eleanor
Koenig in California
Al Wistert, All-American Michigan
tackle, and Miss Eleanor Koenig, his
Chicago schooldays sweetheart, were
married last night by the Rev. James
Beason, Jr., of the First Lutheran
Stalingrad and Tikhoretsk, the junc-
tion where the north-south railway
meets the North Caucasian line.
Russian troops also are operating
mid-way between Stalingrad and the
Nalchik sector in an effort to clean
out the enemy from the area of
Elista, a provincial capital in the
Kalmyck area.
Rout at Elista
In the recent capture of Elista, the
communique heard here by Soviet
monitors said, Soviet troops routed
the 60th German motorized regiment,
a sapper battalion, a battalion of the
156th motorized regiment and other
'"Pursuing the retreating enemy,"
the communique said, our detach-
ments annihilated 800 officers and
men, took 200 prisoners, and cap-
tured six guns, many machineguns,
trucks and other trophies."
More than 1,100 Germans were re-
ported to have fallen on the snowy
battlefields of Russia yesterday in
The War at a Glance
By The Associated Press
AFRICA-Allies and Axis swap
aerial blows as British First Army
still sticks in Tunisian mud but
Eighth Army starts moving again
toward Tripoli after fleeing Rom-
mel. Berlin radio predicts imminent
large-scale attacks in both Libya
and Tunisia.
DIPLOMATIC-Fighting French
Chief De Gaulle proposes confer-
ence with Gen. Giraud, Admiral
Darlan's successor as North African
high commissioner; De Gaulle as-
sails Darlan-picked Imperial Coun-
cil of Colonial Governors.
PACIFIC-Allies continue whit-
tling down Jap holdouts in New
Guinea as airmen strike widespread
It wasn't so bad.
University of Michigan students,
returning to classes for the first time
in their lives on New Year's Day,
found it was almost the same as on
less significant occasions but hoped
it wouldn't happen again,
Those that took bluebooks, how-
ever, were making their laments anq
excuses yesterday. Said one dignified
Phi Beta candidate: "It was grossly
unfair to expect sheer miracles with-
)ut very much preparation. I must
-ow face my friends with humilia-
Ann Arbor was still the quiet little
college city after mild New Year's Eire
At the big victory dance held by the
Manpower Corps in the Sports Build-
ing on Thursday night, they all had a
big laugh when they were handed
noise-makers made in Japan.
Just before midnight, long snake-
lines danced the length of the floor
and at midnight couples exchanged
the usual Happy New Years with gus-
The early morning hours of the
New Year found most of the males
without dates. They passed the time
singing in the streets or serenading
girls' dormitories to get even for the
early curfew.
Most of the students who attended
morning classes the next day reported
that professors began lectures with'
an introductory "this attendance is
highly gratifying."
Some, who thought classes should
have been cut short, were disappoint-
ed. Others, who didn't think or expect
anything, had something ,to be
pleased about when they received
bolts or were excused early.
Well, it's all over now. But let's
start no more precedents, students
Students Spend
New Year's
in Classrooms
operations ranging from Velikie Luki
northwest of Moscow to the mid-
After capturing Velikie Luki the
Russians said their troops pushed on
west of that key town to destroy
five tanks and kill 160- Germans in
another engagement. Forty-nine Nazi
tanks, nine armored cars, and 30
trucks also were destroyed in the area
west of Rzhev, another strongpoint
which the Russians have been trying
to knock out for weeks.
Nazis Claim Velikie Luki
(The Berlin Radio repeated again
tonight that the Nazis still hold Veli-
kie Luki. "The city still is firmly in
German hands," the broadcast said,
adding that the area had "become a
mass grave of Soviet infantrymen.")
In the operations at the other end
of the Soviet front, the middle Cau-
casus, the Russians said their troops
took Elkhotovo after a street fight
in which 400 Germans were slain.
Flood Hits Portsmouth
PORTSMOUTH, 0., Jan. 2.-(A)-
SThe flooded Ohio River, which al-
ready has driven 50,000 persons from
homes along its banks and hampered
war industries, crested tonight 1.1
feet from the top of a 62-foot wall
protecting this manufacturing city
of 40,000 residents.
Admiral Halsey Predicts Allied Victory in '43
30 Groups Enter 'Vanities'
to Aid Bomber Scholarship
Jan. 2.-(P)-Victory for the United
Nations this year. is the prediction of
Admiral William Halsey, Commander
of the South Pacific force of the
Pacific Fleet,
The Admiral made this statement
in an interview during which I
learned that you don't beat about the
bush when talking to him. Direct
approach brings direct answers.
I wanted him to gaze into the crys-
they will never be able to rise again."
"This year?"
"Do you include Japan?"
"Yes, sir, and here's a few mes-
sages I wish you would send to
Japan for me.
"To Hirohito:
"As emperor and leader of traitor-
ous and brutal Japan during the
years of her foul attacks on peace-
ful peoples, your time is short.
"To ToJo :
"When you unleashed your cow-
ardly attack on Dec. 7 you started
something you can't finish. Beneath
if you are still alive. That peace willi
be in the White House but the White1
House will not be as you envisaged.
"To the American people:
"Under my command the United
Nations in the South Pacific have
the finest fighting men our country
ever produced. They are imbued with
a fighter instinct and it is conceded
we will not stop until there is a
complete victory.
"To the Japanese people:
"That heavy rumbling you hear
now will gradually grow into a shock
imminent danger of personal viola-
tion and death."f
There was no further elucidation
or approximate location of the island.
"What do you think is the sig-
nificance to Tojo's recent remarks?"
I asked Admiral Halsey.
Less Optimistic
"He sees the handwriting on the
wall," he replied, adding:
"It was only a month ago that he
annihilated the United States fleet
for the fourth time."
"Do you foresee a United Nations
offensive in all parts of the world
in a short space of time?"
"Victory Vanities" Chairman Pete
Wingate, '43E, yesterday disclosed
that more than 30 fraternities, sorori-
ties and independent organizations
have agreed to participate in the all-
campus stunt show, the finals of
which will be held Jan. 15 in Hill
This announcement was the result
of a recent survey of campus organi-
zations to determine the number cf
entries in the show.
ceeds will be donated to the Bomber
Scholarship fund.
Bud Brown, '44E, said yesterday
that already 1,000 tickets have been
sold for the "Victory Vanities";, but
he added that it is the committee's
goal to sell at least 3,000 more.
In discussing proposed fraternity
entries, IFC President John Fauver,
who is the fraternity committee
chairman, revealed that Beta Theta
Pi will again present "Beta Follies",
the skit which achieved notoriety two
years ago in the Union's all-campus