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January 03, 1943 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-03

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Occupational Conference For Women To Start Wedi




Heroism On Home Front Exists
,By Working In Spite Of Burns

Stenographers Volunteer Aid;
All Continue To Pack Chemicals
For North African Expedition
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. -(R)- A
story of heroism on the home front
in which women workers, and sten-
ographers who volunteered to work
by their side, disregarded searing
burns and kept grimly at the task
of packing chemicals needed by the
North African expedition was related
by the Army today.
Many of the girls in the regular
production line worked on with one
arm in a sling after they already had
been burned, while experts sought
the cause of the burns and methods
of preventing them.
Item Was Important
The War Department said the girls
were employees of three chemical
companies turning out "one of the
small but important items for the
opening of the new African front-
a new kind of delousing equipment."
The rest of the story went this
way :
The equipment was developed by
the Quartermaster Corps because ty-
phus is a serious problem in North
Africa and "all. previous equipment
had been bulky and required a struc-
ture into which the soldier was re-
quired to go for treatment."
Methyl Bromide Used
The new equipment consisted of a
small cloth-enclosed glass tube con-
taining methyl bromide, a compound
whose fumes kill lice, one of the
bearers of the typhus germ. Each sol-
dier was to be issued a tube at stated
intervals, along with a special bag.
His- clothing was to be placed in the
bag and de-loused by fumes released
by stepping on the tube and breaking
There were just 25 days to manu-
facture and pack the equipment be-
fore the scheduled departure for
North Africa, and there was still the
problem of sealing the tubes, because
methyl bromide becomes vapor at 40
degrees Fahrenheit, while a tempera-
ture of 2,500 degrees was required
for sealing the tubes.
The problem was solved by immers-
ing the lower part of the tube, con-

taining the methyl bromide, in dry
ice and alcohol at a temperature of
20 degrees below zero. The other
end was then heated to 2,500 de-
grees and sealed.
The companies soon discovered
that the girls doing the job were
suffering burns even though they
wore woolen-gloves and rubber gloves
over the woolen ones. It wasn't
known, however, if the burns were
caused by contact with dry ice and
extreme cold-a burn factor-or by
the methyl bromide itself. The equip-
ment had to be gotten out, and while
experiments to determine the causej
were in progress, the work continued.
Stenographers Help Too
Many burned girls stuck doggedlyj
to their working tables, even though
they had to work one-handed with
the other arm in a sling. Then, when
it appeared the reduced and crippled
force would be unable to meet the
deadline, stenographers volunteered
to leave their desks and help, al-
though they knew they might be
burned and scarred for life.
The Army's story had a happy
"Fortunately," it related, "the
cause of the burns was discovered
meanwhile and io more girls were
Junior women are to start sell-
ing war bonds and stamps tomor-
row from booths in the library,
University Hall and the League.
Women scheduled to sell at the
booths should report at their as-
signed hours.
The Interior Decorating Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet at 3 p.m. Thursday at the
League. Mrs. Harold J. Barnum
will speak on "War-Time Fabrics
and Their Care." Members may
bring non-faculty guests.
Second round matches in the
singles and doubles badminton
tournaments must be completed
by the end of this week. Players
must provide their own birds and
wear tennis shoes.

Assembly Ball
Offers Chance
To Repay Dates
Dance Proceeds Will Be Added
To Bomber Scholarship Fund;
War Bond To Be Door Prize
Furnishing an excellent pay-off op-
portunity after the New Year's Eve
celebration, Assembly will also add
its bit to the Bomber-Scholarship
Fund with the profits taken in from
the Ball to be given from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday in the League
In order to cut down overhead andj
leave a larger contribution to the
fund, Ball committeemen have de-
vised a unique combination of tickets
and programs this year. The two are
attached and the ticket torn off at
the door. An added attraction will be
a $25 war bond which will be raffled
off as a door prize.
Gorrell to Furnish Music
"Sweet, swing and blue" music will
be furnished by Ray Gorrell and his
orchestra with Juliana and Paul Da-
vis, an organization known as "soci-
ety's favorite dance band."
Its success as a first class orchestra
was proved when it won a midwestern
poll taken last summer by a well
known radio sponsor. Gorrell's or-
chestra also added to its reputation
.when it entertained U.S. Marines and
British flyers at the R.A.F. Ball and
Cabaret given on Hallowe'en in Ber-
muda. Its versatility promises music
to match the taste of every dancer
on the League floor Saturday.
Ticket Price Lower
At a price lower than it has been
offered for the seven annual balls
given by Assembly, tickets will be sold
all the coming week in the League,
women's dormitories and league hous-
es. Purchases are open to all students,
independent or not. '
The affair is headed by Beatrice
Glass, '43, who is assisted by Mary
Jane Utley, '43, Jean Bisdee, '44, Bet-
sy Follin, '45, Ruth Edberg, '45, Joan
Selmier, '45, Joan Kintzing, '45, Fran-
ces Sacks, '45, Marian Hrebec, '44,
Florence Turin, '44Ed, Doreen Lar-
mee, 44Ed, Catherine Call, '43, and
Florine Wilkins, '45.

Expert Advice
On War Work
Will Be'Given
Leaders In Fields Of Industry,
Business And Public Service
To Be Present For Convention
(Continued from Page 1)
of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. in
Detroit, and John D. Goodell, engi-
neer with the U.S. Signal Corps, will
spea on communications.
Topics for Thursday evening will.
concern the production, personnel,
technical and professional ends of de-
fense industries. Dr. T. Luther Pur-
dom. director of the Bureu of Ap-
pointments, will preside at this meet-
Brown to Speak
E. D. Brown, employment manager
of Ford Motor Co., Willow Run Bomb-
er Plant, will discuss production; J. E.
Walters, vice - president of Revere
Copper and Brass Co. in New York,
will speak on personnel, and technical
and professional work in the fields of
chemistry, mathematics, physics and
engineering will be discussed by Hu-
bert C. Smith, assistant chief metal-
lurgist of the Great Lakes Steel Co.
Miss Gertrude Muxen, counselor on
occupational information for the Uni-
versity Bureau, will preside Friday
afternoon when the topic for discus-
sion will be social service jobs for
women during and after the war.
Speakers will be Robert W. Kelso,
director of the University institute of
public and social administration, and
Walter E. Elder, assistant regional
director of the 7th U.S. Civil Service
region in Detroit.
Health Jobs Discussed
The Friday evening session will
open with the topic of health service
jobs for women with Dr. Margaret
Bell presiding. Miss Gladys Hall of
the American dietetics association,
will speak on dietetics and nutrition,
followed by Miss Helen W. King of
the Visiting Nurses Association in De-
troit, and Miss Beatrice Wade of
Michigan State Normal College, who
will speak on occupational and physi-
cal therapy. Miss Emilie G. Sargent,
executive director of the Detroit Vis-
iting Nurses Association, will close the
program with a talk on nursing.
Programs for the three-day confer-
ence have been sent each woman on
campus, Miss Ethel McCormick, head
of the Committee on the Women's
War Program, said,
In addition to the general public
which is invited to attend, special in-
vitations have been sent to the Bus-
iness and Professional Women's clubs,
Zonta clubs, Rotary and Kiwanis
clubs, Ann Arbor Women's club,
men's service clubs and public schools,
all in a radius of 75 miles.
Letters have been sent each house
president requesting that they submit
ten questions to the office before the
conference in order that they may be
compiled, presented to the speakers,
and answered during the various dis-

To Equip Women To Handle Essential War Work

A concentrated twelve month
course in petroleum geology designed
to fit women for field work in the
discovery programs of American oil
companies will begin here when the
spring term opens Feb. 4.
"This special training program, set
up at the request of a. number of lead-
ing petroleum concerns, will provide
in the one year period as much aca-
demic work' in geology as students
preparing for the profession of pe-
troleum geologist ordinarily obtain in
four and a half years," according to
Prof. Kenneth K. Landes, chairman
of the, University's Department of Ge-
"B" Average Required
Students in the program will be
given all the geology courses which
they would normally take in the
sophomore, junior and senior years.
During twelve weeks in the summer
of 1943, the group will be moved to
the University's Camp Davis, Jack-
New Request Issued
For Women Donors
To Help Blood Bank
An urgent call for girls to contrib-
ute their blood to a blood bank drive
which will be held Tuesday and
Wednesday, Jan. 12-13, has been
sent out by the League blood bank
committee, headed by Marion Dalby.
No girl who contributed to the
last blood bank will be allowed to be
a donor this time but any other pros-
pective contributors are asked to get
parental permission immediately and
to sign up with Miss Ethel McCor-
mick in the Social Director's Office
of the League.
Medical examinations to assure
the donor's health will be given from
8 a.m. to noon tomorrow through
Thursday in the Health Service.
Anyone who cannot come at this
time may make a special appoint-
ment with one of the doctors.
Each accepted donor will be noti-
fied by the committee of the time
at which she is to come to give her

son's Hole, Wyoming, for field work
in geology.
Prerequisites for admission to the
concentrated program include one
year's work in physical and historical
geology, trigonometry and a "B" av-
"The program is not intended to
provide an 'education'," Prof. Landes
explains, "but rather to give essential
technical training in a field in which
a serious personnel shortage exists
because of the war."
New Fields Needed
"The petroleum 'discovery curve' in
this country is in its fourth year of
sharp decline. This means that the
United States is drawing heavily on
reserves and that many new fields
will have to be discovered in the next
few years if we are to contirmue to be
self-sufficient, or practically so, in
oil production.
"The search for new fields is the
province of the petroleum geologist. A
shortage exists in this profession, due
in part to the necessity for expanding

Petroleum Geology



' :>^


F resh

As Spring.


>^ ^
:: ..

Now Sheer Blouses
3.50 a.d 400
Heart-melting . . . they make you
look so feminine and dainty! Rayon
chiffon with ruffles of lace for the
blouse with long full sleeves caught
tight at the wrist, 4.00. The short-
sleeved style in baby batiste with de-
mure round collar, buttons down the
back, 3.50. Both in white only.

Women's Rifle
Club Will Hold
M ass M eeting 'Twas a week after New Year's, and all through the house
A mass meeting for all members Every creatUre was babbling (or so thought the mouse).
of the Women's Rifle Club will be The tuxes were hung in the window with care
held at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the In order to give the moth balls a good air.
WAB at which time the "sharp- The fellows were lounging all over the beds
shooters" will sign up for hour long While visions of glamour girls danced through their heads.
shooting periods, Doris Kimball, '43, And' I left my slide rule, and Bill quit his math,
club manager, has announced. And we bragged over our dates with rival-like wrath -
Miss Kimball has previously stress- When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
ed the importance of regular attend- We' broke off our gab to see what was the matter.
ance at the basic instruction classes, When! what to my wondering eye should appear
and now that attendance will come But Jim, his face as morose as a bier,
in handy. Those women who have I could see he was suffering; this grief wasn't masked.
received all the fundamental train- Ickn ewi asomen g;-hsneenwas't sd
ing at each weekly meeting will be I knew i a moment -he hadn't been asked!
given the first opportunities to select
their new periods. "Call Mary, call Martha, call Barbara or Bea.
The range is open afternoons from Phone Phyllis or Freda, or Lucy or Lee."
Monday to Thursday each week, and To the foot of the stairs, to the end of the hall -
it is expected that evening periods I must find Jim a date for ASSEMBLY BALL!
will also be arranged. A wink of my eye and a nod of my head
At prese instr tion is bei Soon gave him to know he had nothing to dread.
tion olybut plans are under eon- For Lucy had asked him; his eyes how they twinkled
sideration to broaden the field to From left ear to right ear his happy grin crinkled.
shooting from sitting and standing We gave him three cheers as he waltzed down the hall:
positions as well. "See you all on the 9th -At ASSEMBLY BALL"
Sergt. Dewey Bonnewell, ROTC in-
structor, is in charge of teaching
Michigan coeds to recognize what
happens at which end of a rifle and
to discover their genuine shooting
..-- ---- - ------- Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces----- - . .

of Tailored Suits
A Few Matching Coats

Basketball Tournament: 5:10
p.m. tomorrow, Alpha Omicron Pi
vs. Sorosis; Mosher No. 1 vs, Chi
Omega. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Alpha
Chi Omega vs. winner of Alpha
Omicron Pi-Sorosis game; Alpha
Phi vs. Zimmers. 5:10 p.m. Tues-
day, Delta Gamma vs. Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Stockwell No. 2
vs. league house. 5:10 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Alpha Delta Pi vs. winner,
of former game.
4:30 p.m. Thursday, Stockwell
No. 1 vs. Martha Cook; Alpha Xi
Delta vs. Gamma Phi Beta. 5:10
p.m. Thursday, Pi Beta Phi vs.
winner, of Delta Gamma-Kappa
Kappa Gamma game. Winner of
Alpha Phi-Zimmer game vs. win-
ner of league house vs. Stockwell
No. 2 game.
Figure Skating Club: 3:15 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Coli-
Badminton Club: 5 p.m. Friday,
Barbour gym.
Dance Club: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, Barbour dance stu-
Rifle Club: Mass meeting 3:30
p.m. tomorrow, WAB.
Crop and Saddle: 5 p.m. Wcd.-
nesday, Barbour gym.
University Women's Club: 1
p.m. Saturday, Barbour gym.
Swimming Club: 8 p.m. Thurs-
day, Union pool.


ir-4r att 3ati


In Imported All

Wool Fabrics

Wonderful values for the connoisseur of beautiful fabrics, ex.
quisite tailoring ... this group of classic suits tailored from pre-
cious all wool fabrics woven in England. Just a few boxy topcoats
fashioned of the same superb fabrics included ..'. these are 29.98.
* All Wool Shetlands

GRUMBLING a little,
Michigan students returned
to school Wednesday facing
the prospect of spending
the first New Year's at
their books in University
history . . . Unique situa-
tion resulted from the Re-
gents' compliance with a
government request that
colleges rearrange vacation
schedules to relieve conges-
tion of over-crowded train.
and bus lines.. . But many
students waited long hours
anyway for passage on late
buses and trains.
ONLY '42 Finale, dance
sponsored New Year's Eve
by the Manpower Corps
gave a festive note to the
precedent - shattered holi-
day . . . Women students
were granted late permis-

two days before vacation as
a Daily extra reported to
vacation-bound men that
all Army - Navy reserves
would be placed on active
duty by end of the spring
semester.. . Sweeping joint
Army-Navy plans announ-
ced intention of selecting
designated schools to pro-
vide special facilities for
military training programs
. . . The unexpected an-
nouncement left students
and officials alike unpre-
pared ... ROTC head Col.
W. A. Ganoe knew nothing
prior to the announcement,
but told ROTC members
he was sure students in
ROTC and. Enlisted Re-
serve Corps would be given
preferential treatment by.
the Army in getting into






* Navy

Menswear Flannels
Blue Flannels

Spun Rayon hose softer
cotton, stronger than
rayon or cotton.


I U ' __________


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