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December 16, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-16

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Dance Tickets,
To Go On Sale
Basic Students To Be Included
In Annual Military Reserve Ball;
Committee Begins Selling Today
Members of the ROTC and NROTC
may buytheir tickets for the joint
Army-Navy Military Ball during their
respective drill periods aty 4 p.m. and;
1 p.m..today, according to Cadet Col.
Charles Thatcher and NROTC Lieut.
Comm. Al Mactier, '44, co-chairmen
for the affair.
Starting today, tickets for the an-l
nual dance, which will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, January 22,
at the Sports Building, will be in the
hands of all central committee mem-
bers; also.
Basic Students Invited
Besides the co - chairmen, other
committee members are N R O T C
Lieut. Robert Begle, '43; NROTC
Lieut. Art Thomason, '44E;.Cadet
Capt. Robert Miars, '43; Cadet Lieut.
Col. John Stauch, '43; Cadet Maj.
Richard L. Cole, '43E., and Cadet
Maj. John Winters, '43.
Formerly, open only to advanced
corps men, this year all members of
the'ROTC and NROTC, including the
basic students, are invited to attend
the Ball.
Proceeds from the affair will be
divided between the Military Science
department, Naval Science depart-
ment and the Bomber-Scholarship.
Date Pushed Ahead
The annual Ball, in former years
held in spring, has been pushed ahead
this year, because many of the ad-
vance corps men are graduating sen-
iors. As it is possible that some basic
students may leave at the end of this
semester, also, the dance will provide
a last get-together and a last chance
to relax before exams for many of the
members of the two military reserve
Announcement of the orchestra for
the Army-Navy Military Ball will be

'P P4,/present'\ A tcs _
Ten whole days to relax'--and most of us need every single minute of
them. That doesn't mean we should sleep twelve hours a day, however, and
then come back feeling worse than ever. Seems its been an old custom
around here to come back so completely relaxed that eight hours sleep isn't
adequate for about a week after vacation, and we all crawl around campus
looking'like dead pigeons.
"We're getting a vacation during wartime, and that's plenty to be
thankful for. Why not keep a regular schedule this time. Get the right
amount of sleep and refuse third helpings, so help me.
Join a bandage-making unit and make it a regular -habit, or set a new
all-time record for the knitting of one- of those large-sized' army sweaters
or read that book you've been pretending you know for years now or write
six letters a day to the various and sundry in the armed forces. Take your
choice, but do something more than just sleeping, and gurgling eggnogs.
Now that we've taken those preliminary kinks out, let's not slip back
into the "flabby bag" stage. Take out ten minutes before bedtime stories
and do the frog, the airplane or the stretcher. We assume that you know
those are the names of some of the Voluntary Physical Fitness exercises.
So take a suggestion for a New Year's resolution and come back to
campus minus that Christmas extra poundage.
* * . '* *
Credit should be given to two, athletic managers, whom we must admit
are practically mathematical geniuses. Deserving the taps on the back are
Frances Goldberg of Jordan Hall and Ruth Edberg of Helen Newberry, who
handed in really complete reports on their respective house's participation,
Including their percentage for the week.
* , ,
More good news is in order. We hear that all by their lonesomes, many
of the Ann Arbor coeds are going through a stiff workout every night. That's
all right there, gals.
* * * *
In slacks and shorts about 90 leaders and athletic managers turned
out for the third meeting of the Physical Fitness program last week. Vehe-
ment speeches were given by various members of the WAA Board concern-
ing the success of the program and the factors of diet and sleep along with
On the sidelines were Mr. Clark Tibbetts, executive director of the War
Board, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Ethel McCormick and Char Thompson. Com-
menting on the program, Miss McCormick said, "It was interesting and the
turnout was impressive. I was especially glad to hear the talks on nutrition
and sleep which the Board members composed themselves."
Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps or the WAA, not even New Year's.
Next leadership meeting will be on Jan. 1, 1943, and we'll knock the "hang-
over" out of you. So see you then and Merry Xmas.

Outfits Become
With Smart Bag
They say clothes make the man.
We might add that a good-looking
purse is necessary for the well-
dressed woman. Purses come in al
shapes, sizes, and colors. to fit any
There's the slick domoc envelope
for sporty tweeds and just big enough
to carry the money you need for that
shopping excursion. Or maybe you
prefer a neat little' change purse.
How about the hand-woven Chimayo
zipper handbag in a plain color or
in Indian patterns?
There are any number of bags to
go with the afternoon or dinner dress.
You will surely like the embroidered
cord effects, the virgin wool broad-
cloth, and , the lustrous cord, hand-
crocheted purses that are being
shown so much this year. Equally
smart-looking are the large soft
4eather bags and the ever-popular
zipper top bengaline purses trimmed
with plastic rings.
Td match your fur coats and cloth
coats as well; there's nothing like the
double-duty muff bag. It holds so
much and keeps your hands from
being exposed to winter's mighty
blasts. You can't have too :mtich of
a good thing, the ancient proverb
says, and this time we suggest the
classic envelope purse of genuine Ca-
nadian boot-leather.

Business World Calls Women
To Fill Administrative Positions

The calls for women to fill office
positions heretofore held by men are
increasing to shouts as "business is
feeling the pinch of the draft," de-
clares Prof. Merwin Waterman, pro-
fessor of finance and secretary of the
School of Business Administration.
Public accountants, bank tellers,
,personnel managers, and department
store junior executives are only a
few of the jobs that are open to
trained feminine applicants.
Not to be confused with secretarial
positions, these vacancies are of the
business administrative kind; the
ones into. which the men graduates
step after completing the two-year
course offered in the school of bus-
Advancement Is Possible
"But what about after the war?" is
the obvious query; "Will the women
be required to give up their positions
to the returning male population?"
To this Professor Waterman answers
a definite, "Certainly not! As in the
last war, women will have their feet
in the doors of business. Although
many young women will be filling
these jobs as a stopgap until mar-
riage, there are those who will intend
to make the work a career. If they
are conscientious and execute their
work well, there is no reason why

they should be forced to give it up at
that time."j
The expression, "women will have
their feet in the doors of business,"
is explained by Professor Waterman
to mean that after the present war,
as after World War I, the female of
the species will occupy more and
more positions-in the business world,
formerly held by men. Capable, con-
scientious womep are no longer to be
restricted from advancement to of-
fices of the executive nature.
Coed Enrollment Doubled
The enrollment at Tappan Hall this
semester has it that the women stu-
dent body has more than doubled that
of last year and that the coeds are
adding up to a neat 10%' of the en-
tire enrollment. This should be an
indication that university women who
are interested in business positions
with salaries equalling those of their
masculine predecessors are realizing,
the opportunities in training for the
Two years, or four semesters, of
business administration instruction
will prepare the enrollee ideally for
these jobs, but the demand for
trained women is becoming so urgent
that employers are accepting even
those who have taken only one year
of instruction and have received "the
tools of business," as Professor Wat-
erman describes it.'

It's Women's War Too !
Federal service
WAAC - Potential total, 150,000;
current enrollment, 12,000; com-
missioned, 1,400.
WAVES -- Potential total, 28,000;
current enrollment, 3,290; com-
missioned, 300.
SPARS - Potential total (esti-
mate), 8,000;current enroll-
ment, no figures.
WAPS - Potential total, 3,683*;
current enrollment (about) 75.
* Women pilots licensed in the
United States.
Volunteer Groups
CDVO - National (estimate),
Red Cross -National, 2,715,000.
USO - National, 500,000.
AWVS - National, 325,000.
Amer. Women's Hospital Reserve
Corps - National, 10,000.
Group Announces
Elections, Initiation
Phi Sigma Delta announces the
recent elections of their new offi-
cers: Garry Chertoff, '44E, master
frater; Lewis Froikin, '44E, vice-
master frater; Arthur Abelson, '45,
secretary; Norman Brown, '44, treas-
urer; Seymour Chase, '45, historian.
Announcement is also made of the
initiation of Justin Henshell, '45E,
and Charles Stockstiel, '45E.

--. --' - -----'__________________________ _____ i




(Continued from Page 4)
Christmas Recital: Palmer Christ-
ian's annual Christmas recital will be
given at 4:15 this afternoon in Hill
Auditorium. The program will include
9 Merry Christmas ~
If you need any last minute
gifts, we have them. No Ny-
Ions, but seamless rayons at . . .
Michigan Theatre Bldg.

folk carols by Mr. Christian's group
of Madrigal Singers, and by Nancy
Faxon, soprano. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Forty-five prints, in-
cluding lithographs, etchings, and
engravings by outstanding contem-
porary American artists. Ground
floor corridor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 5. The public
is invited.
Events today
Research Club will meet tonight at
8:00 in the amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. The following papers:


will be read: "On the Origin of Cer-
tain Features of the Paraclausithy-
ron" by Professor Frank O. Copley,
and "Studies on Speciation in Fishes"
by Professor Carl L. Hubbs.
The American Society of Mechan-
ical Engineers will meet tonight at
7:30 at the Union. A sound picture
entitled "The Making of Alloy Steel"
will be shown. Pins and membership
cards will be presented to members.
The meeting is open to all engineering
The International Relations Club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 231
Angell Hall to discuss the subject
"Latin America and the War." Speak-
ers' from Argentina, Brazil, Peru,
Mexico, Honduras and Chile will pre-
sent short talks after which discus-
sions and questions will follow.
Phi Sigma meeting tonight at 8:00
in the West Lecture Room, Rack-
ham. Lecture by Prof. W., H. Burt
entitled, "Cr ise of the Kinka-
jou, an Expedition to Lower Cali-
fornia," illustrated by Kodachrome
slides. Important business meeting
for election of new members will fol-
The Inter-Racial Association in-
vites its members and friends to a
social gathering tonight at 8:00 in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. There will be rec-
ords, singing, poetry readings and
refreshments. Admission: 6 cookies.
Michigan Dames Nutrition group
will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. S. T. Dana, 2031 Hill
Wesley Foundation: Christmas Tea
for all Methodist students and their
friends in the Recreation Room today,
4-6 o'clock.
Coming Events
Episcopal Students: There will be a
"Last Nighter" party at Harris Hall
on Thursday night at 8:00 sponsored
by the Canterbury Club. Episcopal
students and their friends are invited.
Episcopal Students: There will be a
celebration of Holy Communion
Thursday morning at 7:30 in Bishop
Williams Chapel, Harris Hall. Break-
fast will be served following the ser-


is sure to please.

$2.95 up

Cater to her femininity and at
the same time to practibility.
LINGERIE is the gift item that


Personalized cologne to create a
mood! In three fragrances.
Startling, Stirring, and Excite-
ment. $2.50

Especially hers..

HANKIES for daintiness. . .Zoe-
Foard Original block prints and
White Madeiras to choose from.
Little last-minute gifts
you can give
A gift that will really be remembered is one that
you take home with you. Carry the COLLINS 9
tradition with you in your Christmas giving, for
the discriminating persons on yQur list.

' .. Y ;:: .



Q ,


. .
For Roommate
and Friends
Crte rom

Scented twins,...



or her dressing table,
lucite cases for gift-givi
rances: "Excitement","
and "Startling".

Keep h
pair of

her purse
boxed in
ng. Frag-
er digits warm with a pair
woolly gloves or fur mit-
From $2.00
e a new
1.00 up


Now that HOSE are so p
she'll be sure to appreciat

pair or pairs.



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