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December 16, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-16

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Fift y-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board n Control
of Student Publications.
.Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
5ay-and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to.
t or otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al lghts
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
TSubscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
;4.25, by mail $5.25.'



(Continued from Page 2)

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising ServiceIn.
College Psrblisbers Representative
420 MADIsoN Avg. NEW YORK. N.Y.
Editor alEditori aStfaf
' omer Swander . . anagiup Editor
'Morton Mintz . . Editorial Director
Will Sapp . . . . . - City Editor
beorge W. Sallad6 . . . Associate Editor
'Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
-Bernard Hendel . . . Sports Editor
,arbara dePries . . : Women's Editor
'Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. PerlbeigrgBusiness Manager
Fred M. OGnsberg Associate Business Manager'
'XIary Lou Curran . Women's Business Manager
4ane Lindberg. . Women's Advertising Manager
$ames Daniels.. . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1


Editorials published in The Michigan Da4
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Negroes Have At Least
A Fighting Chance
HIjERE ARE many imperfect things about our
fight against fascism. We are more than a
little hypocritic, we 'are unjustifiably smug and
we of.ten act consciously in opposition to the
basic ideals we like to proclaim. But nonetheless
our democracy is still positive and good because
it offers continuous opportunity for the future.
A prominent Negro recently applied this fact
to the Negro's stake in our war when he said:
"The Negroes know some evil things about the
United States and some evil people here, but
they are almost ail 100 per cent Americans
because they know they have a fighting chance
here they do not have anywhere else."
And this chance increases with the war. It
is not a point of particular commendation for
Americans, but it is nonetheless fortunate that
war accelerates the rate of social advancement
in our country just as our production is expended
and technically improved. So in the first World
War Negroes entered a new field as factory'
workers, and so now they are coming to serve
their country in nearly every branch of the
fighting services.
I$S definitely discouraging that social ad-
vancement in a democracy must be achieved
But tfere is much hope ii the plain fact
that it dok come even in this manner, so that
William lckens, prominent Negro author ad
lecturer, .an say for his people: "The Negroes
have "their bad people just as the whites do.
But rnot one of 100 Negroes thinks this isn't
his War."
AND Negro men are today saying of Selective
Service calls, "I don't mind." These words
mean much, themselves containing hope that
American Negroes will some day be sure enough
of their American status to say, "I go gladly."
- Henry Petersen
Silver Senators Block
Necessary Legislation
the Congressional beef and silver "blocs,"
are once more attempting to enforce the de-
mands of the minority, and through the inher-
ently selfish attitude. of such factions are im-
peding the task of winning the war.
Senator Pat McCarran, resuming his mara-
thon speech to block consideration of the
Green Bill permitting industrial usage of sur-
plus silver supplies, has revived that good old
American custom, the filibuster. Meanwhile,
chances of the bill's passage are dimmed by
the approaching Mouse adjournment.
While one lorie senator filibusters his way to
block voting on a bill to use accumulated 'silver,
which at present benefits none but a small por-
tion of silver mine owners, another legllative
"bloc" holds up progress on the bill granting
Roosevelt power, for the war duration only, to
suspend tariff laws impeding the progress of
the war:
HE "BEEF BLOC", which opposes the wartime
tariff bill primarily because it might adversely
affect the economic interest 'of the special group
it represents, wants all Argentine beef kept out
of this country despite the acute meat shortage
Ignoring the fact that Argentine meat is,

WASHINGTON-The President has just re-
ceived an informal but very pointed report from
Ed Pauley, secretary of the Democratic National
Committee, on why the Democrats lost so many
Congressional seats in the last election.
Using this report as their text, several Demo-
cratic leaders on Capitol Hill are planning to
deliver a frank but friendly lecture to the
President on the subject of better cooperation
with Congress- and the party.
Here are the results of the survey.
No. 1-Reason for Democratic losses was the
failure of labor to go to the polls. When labor
has a full dinner-pail, Democratic leaders con-
clude, it doesn't vote.
No. 2-Leon Henderson and Rationing. Al-
though Henderson was not to blame for ra-
tioning, he got the blame just the same.
No. 3-Unrest and dissatisfaction with the war
effort, the Roosevelt cabinet, plus Jesse Jones'
delays on synthetic rbber.
No. 4-Bureaucracy. Republicans made a
big issue of this; and the issue struck home.
Note: Shrewd Speaker Sam Rayburn, who
probably knows more about politics and human
nature than anyone on Capitol Hill, was told
by Governor Olsen of California that if the
North African invasion had been started a few
days earlier, the Democrats would have won.
Rayburn replied: "I was in Congress in 1918
when we were winning. And a few days after
the election, Germany caved in completely. Yet
we lost the House. So when people get down on
things, no matter what the military victories,
they take it out on the party in power."
Chile Vs. Axis
Pro-democratic Chilean Minister of Interior
Angel Morales has arrived in Washington bear-
ing a letter from President Rios of Chile to Pres-
ident Roosevelt. Those who have seen the letter
say it gives assurances of Chile's intention to
break relations with the Axis.
However, U.S. diplomats are a bit skeptical.
Reason for the skepticism is twofold:
1. Chile has been giving these assurances for
months, and what the United States wants is
2. No special envoy is needed for this pur-
pose, especially since the Chilean Ambassador,
Rodolfo 'Michels, has been urging his govern-
ment to break relations ever since the Rio
'conference last January.
Furthermore, officials hear that Morales is
seeking some benefits from the United States
in return for Chile's break of relations. But this
government is not in a mood to bargain over
foreign policy and will say so frankly.
Gen. Brehon Somervell, as charming as he is
able, has been wooing Senator Pepper of Florida,
trying to ease him away from the Toland Bill
which-would revamp and increase civilian con-
trol over war production ... The Pennsylvania
Quaker village of Swarthmore is 'subscribing .for
a bomber to bear the name 'Swarthmore." .. .
Surveys show that U.S. undertakers have only
a small supply of copper and bronze on hand for
caskets; most of them have indicated they will
gladly return it to the war effort .. . Assistant.
Secretary of State Berle, contrary to a previous

NEW YORK-While a number of flapaws
have been telling us how muddled and confused
we are, we have quietly become the strongest
military power on earth.
Few have noticed, because most minds (even
in high places) are unscientific minds, and
their attention is therefore arrested by excep-
tions, by the bizarre, by the amusing, by the
silly, but not by the customary, or the big.
Thus, while many a Congressman has been
holding some unimportant government ques-
tionnaire to his nose, with an expression saying
that nobody knows how sad it is to be a mother,
we have somehow come to outproduce the entire
Axis in the field of munitions. By the end of next
year, we shall outproduce the world, and we shall
have done all this while most of us have been
talking about something else.
TE live in a big new house, but we still don't
know our way around it, we don't know
where the furniture is, and our manners are
still deplorably inadequate.
Every public issue must be discussed in the
light of the knowledge that this is. an entirely
different country from the one of two: years
ago. Is it a question of whether we can help
the rest of the world to stability after the war?
If you are still living, mentally, in 1939, we
cannot do so, because then we produced about
$100,000,000 of machine tools. But if you are
living, mentally, in 1943, we can, because then
we shall produce more than $2,000,000,000 of
machine tools, or twenty for one.
And now we have a brand new test for judging
commentators, Congressmen, etc.: Does the gen-
tleman talk in approximately the same terms,
about the same problems, as he did in 1939?
Well then, he is a fool; the America of 1939
is so far behind us that he might almost as well
be talking about Plymouth Rock. Every problem,
from our ability to win the war, to our ability to
feed the world, to our ability to take care of our
own, has been profoundly affected by our suc-
cess in crowding twenty years of normal indus-
trial expansion into two years, and that knowl-
edge ought to shine out of everything that is
said on all these matters, or else the speaker
ought to sprinkle some lavendar on himself, like
a proper antique, and put himself away in a
To capture this sense of the moment becomes
the highest duty of the average man.
He is not helped in this duty by the pub-
licist who jumps up and down in a temper
tantrum, going "Wah Wah!" because, say, we
have more civil servants than we had during
the last war. What does that comparison have
to do with anything? This is a new country, at
the absolute historic peak 'of its 'strength, and
it would be just as sensible to compare the'
number of its civil servants with the 'number
of beansin a sack of coffee.
We have a whole new language to learn Do
you realize you are living in a country which has
solved the aluminum shortage? Oh, you didn't
know that. Well, we are wallowing in the stuff.
T1HE MAN who sneaks to you about America's

tered on any day during the week
commencing Friday, December 18,
1942, and ending Thursday, Decem-
ber'24, 1942. Those who were born on
or after November .1, 1924, but not
after December 31, 1924, shall be
registered on any day during the per-..
iod commencing. Saturday, Dec. 26,
1942, and ending Thursday, Decem-
ber 31, 1942. During the continuance
of the present war those who were
born on or after January 1, 1925, shall
be registered on the day they attain
the eighteenth anniversary of the day
of their birth; provided that if suh
anniversary falls on a Sunday or a
legal holiday their registration shall
take place on the day following that
is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.
4. Registration during Christmas
Vacation. Students who return to
'their permanent homes for their
Christmas vacation should register
with their local board at that time,
provided the above schedule did not
call for their earlier registration.
5. Registration Certificate. Each
registrant will be given a registration
certificate which he should carry at
all times, "as he may be required to
show it from time to time."
6. Change of Address after Regis-
tration. Each student who changes
his address after registration should
address a communication to the Se-
lective Service Board in his home city,
indicating his new address. This is
the individual student's responsibility
and cannot be born or shared by any-
one. -Robert L. Williams
Meteorology Training. Although
applications for the various meteor-
ology programs may be made directly
to the-University Meteorological Com-
mittee, University of Chicago, it is
also possible to apply through this
University. The latter plan has the
advantages that worthy stuidents may
have the recommendation of.this Uni-
versity and that probably the process-
ing of applications will be thereby ac-
celerated. Students should obtain ap-
plication blanks before Christmas va-
cation so that they may obtain par-
ents' consent while they are at home.
Details as to procedure may be
learned at 1009 Angell Hall.
-B. D. Thuma
Members of the Faculty, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Pursuant to the action of the Fac-
ulty on Monday, December 7, there
will be a special meeting of the Fac-
ulty of the College of Literature, SI-
ence, and the Arts in room 1025 An-
gell Hall at 4:10 p.m. on Thursday,
December 17, to consider possible
readjustments necessitated by the
emergency situation. A large attend-
ance is desired.
Edward H. Kraus
University offices and libraries will
be closed at Thursday noon, Decem-
ber 24, for the remainder of the
week. Offices and libraries will be
open and classes will be conducted
on New Year's Day, January 1.
University Automobile Regulation:
The automobile ruling will be lifted
from Friday noon, December 18, to
8:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December
Dean of Students
All women students are reminded
that they must register any change
of residence for the second term in

the Office of the Dean of Women by
noon of January 2. They must also
inform their househead of their in-
tention by that date.
Library Hours for the Christmas
Vacation Period:
The General Library and all De-
partmental Libraries will be closed
from noon of Thursday, December
24, to Monday morning, December
28. On' all other days of the vaca-
tion period the General Library hours
will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The
Departmental Libraries will be open
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m~l., and
from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., with the ex-
ception of Saturday, December 19,
when they will close at noon. There
will be no Sunday Service on De-
cember 20 or December 27.
Students: A list of graduates and
former students now in Military Ser-
vice is being compiled at the Alumni
Catalogue Office. This list already
numbers approximately6,000. If you
are entering Military Service, please
see that your name is included in this
list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This
courtesy will be greatly appreciated.
-Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Offic
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved prdperty on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of the value of the prop-
erty, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of University Hall, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such
financing may 'effect a substantial
saving in interest.
The University has recently been
authorized to issue U.S. War Bonds
Series "E". Bonds may now be pur-
chased at the Cashier's Office. Under
crdinary circumstances, immediate
delivery of the bonds can be made.
-University Committee on Sale
of War Bonds and Stamps
Choral Union Members will please
return their copies of Messiah at this
time, and receive in return copies
of Verdi's Requiem, at the offices of
,the University Musical Society, in
Burton Memorial Tower.
-Charles A. Sink, President
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Pub-
lie Health: Tentative lists of seniors
including tentative candidates for
the Certificate in Public Health Nur-
sing have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name does not appear, or, if
included there and is not correctly
.spelled,: please notify the counter
Robert L. Williams
Civil Service Examinations:
We have received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
StudentDietitian; $420 a year (less
a deduction of $330 a year for sub-
sistence and quarters, and 5% for
retirement purposes); applications
will be accepted until Jan. 9, 1943.
Control Specialists; $2,000 to $6,500
a year; until needs of service have
been met.
A. Production control specialist.
1. Metal fabrication and ma-
chinery production.

2. Electrical and commmunica-
tions equipment.
3. Transportation equipment:
Aircraft, floating equip-
'ment, and railroad, motive
power, and rolling stock.
B. Materials Control Specialist
Engineering materials: Non-fer-
rous metals, alloy steel, oar-
bon steel, plastics, rubber,
construction materials, etc.
Further information 'may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, ^2-1 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 42-4.
'Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Inf6rmaton
The New York School of Social
Work, Columbia Unfversity, has sent
an announcement of Wo rk-Study
Fellowships for 1943-44. Application
blanks must he tlirned in not later
than February 15, 1943
Also, the Willard Straight Fellow-
ship-a foreign fellowship for 1943-
Further information may be had
from the notiqes which are on file
in the Office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture-. Dr. orace H.
Underwood, Lecturer under the
Board of Foreign Missions of the
Presbyterian Church Board of the
United States of America, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Recent Experi-
ences in the Orient," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Ori-
ental Languages and Literatures to-
night at 8:00 in the Kellogg Auditor-
ium. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture; M/fiss Kathleen
Courtney, Vice-Chairman of the
League of Nations Union, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Aspects of Eng-
lish Life and Thought in Wartime,"
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at
4:15 p.m. today under the auspices of
the Department of Political 'Science.
The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Michael
Pargment, of the Romance Language
Department, will give the third of
the French Lectures sponsored by
the Cercle Francais entitled, "Un
Prodige de la Scene Francaise: Mlle.
Rachel", today at 4:15 p.. in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112,. Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual French play.
Open to the public.
Dr. Louis Finkelstein, President of
the Conference on Science, Philoso-
phy and Religion in Relation to D-
mocracy, will lecture at thle 6Rack-
harn Lecture Hall tonight at 8:00 4n
"Religion as a Post-War Issue."'
A cademic Notices
Electrical Measurement, Swint
Term: Physics 145 will not be offered
during the Spring Term, but will be
given again in the Summer term.
Physics 154 will be given during the
Spring term at the hours announced
for 145. Students planning to register
for this class, please consult Professor
A. W. Smith. -E. F. Barker
German 159 class will 'not meet
Thursday, Dec. 17. Assignment for
Thursday, Dec. 31, Faust: 2073 to
Doctoral Examination f6r Frances
Evelin Willisop, field: Bactelgy;
thesis: "The effect Produced ii tso

by Vitamin C on the Toxic and Anti-
genic Properties of Diphtheria Tox-
in," will be, held on Thursday, Dec.
17, in 1564 East Medical, at 2:00 p.m.-
Chairman, M. H. Soule. By action of
the Executive Board, the Chairman
may invite members of the faculties
and advanced doctoral candidates to
attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suf-
ficient reason might wish to be pres-
ent. - -C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examinathio for Francis
Morse Cooke, Education; :thesis:
"Life Earnings of Teachers in Mich-
igan'," will be held today in West
Council Room, Rackham, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, A.B. Moehlman.
By, action of the, Executive Bo~ard
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
V~ . S. Yoakumn
Concerts. The University Musical


oC&1tti fii iZ( &lo P

Senator Nowak
To the Editor:
WITH the indictment last week of
State Senator Stanley Nowak the
press of Michigan began another field
day of name-calling and argumentum
ad honiinem, with a complete disre-
gard for facts or the effect of their
malicious efforts on morale.
Nowak was indicted on a charge
of 'falsifying his naturalization ree-
ord on the grounds that he swore
that he "was not affiliated with
any organization whose principles
teach the overthrow of organized
government," although he was said
to be a member of the Communist
Party at the time.
He has pleaded innocent to this
charge and issued a statement of his
and increased weight, the least re-
mark of one of our diplomats has
an explosive emphasis it did not
have before. (Sometimes T feel that
our State Department has been
caught short, like most of us, by
these great changes; it still hasn't
lost its hat-in,-hand manner in
dealing with the scum of the earth,
the lesser fascists of Europe.)
An American promise of assistance
to another country is now conse-
quential, as it never was before.
American indifference to proper

efforts on behalf of the people of
Michigan while in the State Legisla-
ture. His record, which is reviewed in
this statement, is an exemiplary one,
and our country could use more lead-
ers who worked as energetically for
the winning of the war and democra-
cy on the home front as he does.0
HOWEVER, in commenting editor-
ially on the Nowak case, Tues-
day's Free Press, in a diatribe entitled
"Nowak Nailed at Last," condemns
the man. Without having a single in-
stance to cite in which he neglected
his duty to the people of the state or
where he acted contrary to the best
interests of his state .and country,
they state, "Nowak took out his pa-
pers merely to run for public office,
using that position to agitate the de-
struction of the very Government he
took an oath to uphold.. . But Nowak
wanted, apparently, the platform of
public office, to use that prestige for
his own and party purposes, pretend-
ing to be a Democrat."
Further evidence against Nowak
is that he waited a long while be-
fore he was naturalized, there are a
few labor leaders in this country
whem the Free Press dislikes and
who are waiting to be naturalized
yet, and therefore Nowak is a men-
ace to this country. That is the gist
of their logic. They do not con-
demn Nowak because of his alleged

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