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December 05, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-05

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__ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ ___t__ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ 1.1---R D A.-'I

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publised every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 'as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by earler
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43
National Advertising Service,,Inc.
College Publishers Representative
42} 1ADtsoN AvE. NEW Yor.. N. Y.
CIICca~o -Tom*"LoSrARGELES s SAN FeANcisco
Editorial Staff

"P-please; don' qui AdOlf will

dive us


Homer Swander
Morton Mintz.
Robert Mantho
George W. Salad
Charles Thatcher.
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries,
Myron .Dann.

* Managing Editor
. * Editorial Director
. . City: Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Sports Editor
siness Staff
Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg .
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg
James Daniels .

Telephone 23-24-1I
Editorials published in The Michigan aily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.<

Blood Bank Drive May
Not Fill 200.-Pint Quota
DESPITE its importance, there is danger that
the present Blood Bank drive Will not fill
its quota.
Two hundred pints of blood can save the
r lives of 200 men. The lack of this blood can
kill them as surely as an enemy bullet.
Although the University has unhesitatingly
pledged 20 pints, we must face the fact that
only 135 students have registered so far to be
ready for the Red Cross Tuesday.
Today is your last chance to register. Are
you gbing to ignore the call of American fight-
ing men? - Stan Wallace
'Redefined Parity' Will
Pave Way For inflation
THE Congressional farm bloc is working over-
time again in an attempt to redefine farm
parity to include labor costs, despite the "unal-
terable opposition" of the President and the
objections of Price Administrator Leon Hender-
The Farm Parity Price sill passed by the
House the day before yesterday would raise
parity levels by 10 or 12 per cent, and would
result in a substantial increase in the cst
of living. A similar bill isbeingpushed in the
The redefined parity would probably crack
present retail price ceilings, and price control
simply wouldn't work. The farm bloc argument
is that laborcosts have gone up, and that the
farmer is now facing a labor shortage that may
result in a food shortage."
GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES, or a labor draft,
may(have to be used to keep workers on the
farms, but letting the farm bloc push through
its "redefined parity" will pave the way for an
inflation that will make both fighting the war
and post-war reconstruction much more difficult.
- Bob Preiske
Union A dvertisements
Encourage War EfforT
IN the midst of glaring headlines announcing
Allied victories, of motion picture stars sell-
ing millions of dollars of bonds with kisses, less
newsworthy acts by citizens and organizations
ofttimes go unrecognized or unknown by the
Such has been the policy, quietly adopted by
the Michigan Union, of placing a large por-
tion of their advertising funds at the disposal
of such patriotic projects as the blood drive,
the Post-War Conference and similar projects.
Advertisements have been used to encourage
public participation in these war activities.
The Union has completely refrained from iden-
tifying these projects with the Union for ad-
Vertisejment's sake. There has been no 'cour-
tesy of the Michigan Union' statements in
the ads.,
Such actions as these, quietly carried on by
individuals and organizations, really constitute
an essential part of our war effort. Such actions
should be recognized and commended.
- John Erlewine
CTAP A 1Tfl TfbNTflQ.

Cripps' Demotion May
Delay Post-War Change
ONCE AGAIN it appears as if the present Brit-
isli government is trying to delay, if not de-
feat, any real post-war change in Great Britain.
For with the removal from the war cabinet of
Sir Stafford Cripps, one of England's greatest
iberals and foremost political thinkers, the inten-
tion of the British ruling classes to block social
reform in their own country and correspondingly
to oppose an international organization that may
threaten the wealth and power of the imperialists
is made increasingly clear.
Cripps came into the cabinet when the popu-
larity of the Churchill government had suf-
fered severe setbacks as a result of the disaster
at Singapore and the long string of British
War defeats. His appointment was intended to
halt criticism and lend concrete support to the
long-expressed hope that the British govern-
ment would at last surrender to the demands
of Ia modern society by undertaking needed
reforms in the post-war era.
Throughout the entire war, of course, British
conservatives have tended to imply acceptance of
a more liberal program during the great crises
of battle and then return 'to their former reac-
tionarystand as soon as victory seemed assured.
Recently, as British arms began to inn victories
on the far-flung battle fronts of the Middle East,
these conservatives started to publicly disclaim
any progressive policy. It is too early to tell
whether the government has abandoned its re-
form plans, but an ominous trend is clear.
Many forward-looking British observers have'
noted the absence in the King's speech to Par-
liament' of-any promise of educational reforms,
ora colonial charter They view the Churchill
cabinet shakeup as further evidence of a return
to the old order of things. It is accepted that
Anthony Eden will be selected }y the conserva-
tivesto lead Britainduring the post-war years,
and as Cripps was pushed more into the back-
ground; Eden was given a position of leader-
ship in the House of Commons.
Churchill's domination of the war cabinet is
still complete. Military victories have increased
his popularity to the highest peak since he be-
came Prime Minister. The full impact and sig-
nificance of his latest internal move may not
as yet have been grasped by the British people.
With this seeming public unconcern, Churchill
may go as far as to return Lord Beaverbrook to
power and replace Ernest Bevin, the great Labor
0NE THING is made perfectly obvious by the
shifting British political scene. The con-
servatives there, typical of those in .the rest of
the United Nations, do not intend to lose any of
their prerogatives in a great post-war reform.
They will block not only progressive steps in
their own countries but on an international scale
as well.
There is still one basic hope. That is the
everlasting faith in the common people. Their
sons will have fought and died in this war.
They are insisting on a new and better way of
life. Their aim will not be denied by Churchill,
the British conservatives, or any other group
anywhere in the world.
- George W. Sallad6
Arbor the projectionists and theatre employes
should be commended for giving a two-fold con-
By giving their time for monthly matinees for
which scrap metal will be the admittance fee
they-not only are collecting valuable scrap but

WASHINGTON-Inside word about Governor
Lehman's new job as world food administrator
is that it will be one of the most important in
Not only will it require a tremendous staff
with agents all over the world, but it may
plant the seeds of a United Nations organiza-
tion to keep the peace after the war.
This latter goal will not be deliberate. But
since Lehman's job is to feed the United Nations,
he will quite naturally build up a United Na-
tions organization which could be switched over
to peace machinery after the war.
GOP Chairman
If ex-Congressman John B. Hollister of Cin-
cinnati gets the chairmanship of the Republican
National Committee in St. Louis next week,-chalk
up round one for Ohio's Governor Bricker as
GOP candidate in 1944.
Hollister is a friend of Wendell Willkie but
he is much more friendly to Bricker. In fact, he
is a Taft man, and Taft has withdrawn from
the race to swing his support to pricker.
Hollister is not an isolationist, belongs to
the conservative wing of the party, was elected
to fill the vacancy of the late Nick Longworth,
served-in the House for six years. He is a di-
rector of New York Life Insurance, Chesapeake
and Ohio R.R., Pere Marquette R.R., Virginia
Hot Springs Co., Charleston Shipbuilding Co.,
and various other corporations.
In general, he represents the old "back to nor-
malcy" policy which flourished in 1920.
Herbert Bayard Swope, ex-editor of the old
New York World, passed by the building of his
old friend, Eugene Meyer, publisher of the Wash-
ington Post, decided to call on him. He told the
elevator boy: "I want to go to the office of Mr.
Eugene Meyer." "Eugene Meyer," said the boy,
"do he work here?" . .. Eve Curie, daughter of
the great radium discoverer, came back from her
recent trip to India baffled by Mahatma Gan-
dhi's pacifism. She found him sincerely believing
that it was better for his country to stage a sit-
'down regardless of threatened invasion ... One
of the many who telephoned Secretary Ickes
hoping that he accept the offer of Manpower
Chief and Secretary of Labor was Representa-
tive Gene Cox of Georgia. Cox is a labor-baiter,
is vigorously opposed to most of Ickes' New Deal
policies, but wanted him on the job nonetheless.
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate)
1 .

SATURDAY, DEC. 5, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 53
Al notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
on Sunday, Dec. 6, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 4:00
and 6:30 p.m.
German Table for Faculty Mem
Bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan Un-
ion. Members of all departments are
cordially invited. There will be a
brief talk on "Japanische Personen-
und Ortsnamen" (postponed from
November 9) by Mr. Laporte.
Messiah Rehearsals will be held as
Choral Union in Music School Bldg.:
Sunday, Dec. 6-2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 8-7:00s p.m.
Choral Union and University Or-
chestra in Hill Auditorium:
Thursday, Dec. 10-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 12-2:30 p.m.
The RCA Manufacturing Company,
Inc., of Indianapolis, Ind., is sending
a representative Tuesday, Dec. 8, to
interview communications and elec-
trical engineers, mechanical, indus-
trial, and chemical engineers, also
physicists and technical writers
(physics or electrical engineering).
Interviews will be scheduled at 20-
minute intervals. Call Ext. 371 imme-
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The Bausch & Lomb Optical Com-
pany of Rochester, N. Y., have can-
celled the representatives visit to
the campus today, Saturday, Dec. 5,
but will be coming'out in the near
future. We have received the appli-
cation blanks which they request be
filled out now in order to know how
much time to allow for interviews on
the campus. The openings are in
physics, chemistry, and mechanical
engineering. Both men and women
will be considered. If interested, call
Ext. 371 immediately.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
For Xmas vacation work-rush mail
handlers for the local railroad sta-
U.S. Civil Service: Junior Inspectors,
Wage & Hour Division, Department
of Labor-Jan. 5, 1943-$2,300.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Lecture in Surgery: Dr. Philip D.
Wilson, Clinical Professor of Ortho-
pedic Surgery at Columbia Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "The
Treatment of Compound Fractures
Resulting from Enemy Action" (illus-
trated) under the auspices of Nu
Sigma Nu fraternity with the au-
thorization of the Department of
Surgery, on Monday, Dec. 7, at 1:30
p.m. in the University Hospital Am-
phitheatre. All interested are wel-
come attend.

Oratorical Association Lecture: Ilka
Chase, popular artist of stage, screen
and radio, will be presented Monday
evening at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium
as the fourth number of the Ora-
torical Association Lecture Series.
Miss Chase's subject will be "The
Psychology of Being a Woman." Tick-
ets may be purchased today from
10-12 and Monday from 10 a.m.-8:15
p.m. at the box office, Hill Audi-
"Gas Defense Lectures: Lectures
on the war gases and their relation
to civilian defense will be given for
seniors, juniors and sophomores of
the departments of chemistry, chem-
ical engineering, pharmacy and bio-
logical chemistry on Tuesday, De-
cember 8, and Friday, December 11,
at 4:30 p.m. in Room 165, Chemistry
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Tuesday, December 8, at
leader of the Ukraine. The dry humor
of this colorful character with the
noisy bravado of his peasant com-
rades makes the picture worth seeing.
At the same time these very charac-
teristics prevent any deep symph-
thetic feeling from developing in the
audience, which seemed surprised to
find itself chuckling.
It would be a mistake, however, to
assume that the film has no powerful
scenes. The merciless shelling of a
defenseless village for a moment
brings the war close to home.
The gestures of the actors are crude
and displays of emotion are frequent,

FACES: Mr. Hoffman, of Michi-
gan (the nearly automatic Con-
gressman, because you can nearly
always predict what he is going to
say), mutters about how the people
of New England may go cold and
hungry this winter for the benefit
of foreigners, meaning allies.
Tlie New York Daily News (the
newspaper with the nearly auto-
matic editorial page, because you
can nearly always predict what It
is going to say) chews about how'
we are stripping Americans to feed
the world,suckers.
So! Just about the time the trend
towardhbetter war aims succeeds,
this other trend, toward rousing
the most insular and parochial of
American sentiments, may also ma-
ture. They may run into each
other, head-on.
This is one of isolation's new
faces. It does not, at the moment,
object to sending American boys
abroad, but it is beginning, tenta-
tively, to object to sending Amerk-
can food.
DON'T KNOW how you can add
up a political position which
holds that it is perhaps all right
to send an American soldier abroad,
but wrong to send an American
can of beans.
This is one more of those mys-
terious, dreamy aspects which iso-
lation wears during wartime. At
bottom, every sincere one-time iso-
lationist ought to be pleased if we
can win victories with food instead
of lives. But the remnants of iso-
lation will not give up the chance
to make much of the food issue, to
chivvy a little, to stroke a few na-
tional nerves the wrong way, to
build up that legacy of resentment
of whichsome few men expect to
be the heirs.
Another of isolation's new as-
pects is the look of hate it turns
uponmWendell Wilkie, who has
become' a new "that man."
Oddly, before the war, isolation
used to make much of England's
Now, when Mr. Willkie raises
exactly the same issues, isolation
is outraged. It denounces him.' It
doesn't want to hear about doing
anything for those colonies, of
whose sufferings it once made so
much. Convinced at the outset
that this war is meaningless, it
wants to make good and sure it
stays meaningless.
IT WANTS the privilege of attack-
ing England for having colonies,
and also the privilege of attacking

I'd Rather Be.Right

anyone who wants to do anything
about colonialism. It seeks, in fact,
many conflicting privileges, like
the privilege of supporting the war
and also the political privilege of
bemoaning its cost in food and
fuel and regulation:
In this curious, and, as I say,
dreamy fashion, the remnants of
isolation are able to say whoopee,
hit him again, when we'battack the
enemy, and also to mutter about
the darn bureaucrats when govern-
ment tries to collect the food and
fuel and metal with which to hit
'him again.
IN OTHER WORDS, what is left
of isolation has developed a cer-
tain cult of meaninglessness.
Part of the credo is that govern-
ment is a monkey or a cretin; that
government is the funniest thing
you ever saw; that pretty near
everything government does is fee-
ble, inept or comic. This is the last
big shell left in isolation's battery.
It is a {dangerous one. For, if gov-
ernment attempts to .do anything
after the war to make the world
more stable, the isolationist argu-
ment will not be against the plan,
but against the government; if iso-
lation can establish that govern-
ment is an idiot it will destroy war
aims without having to discuss,
them. It needs a purposeless,
meaningless world in which to do
its business, and thus it enjoys get-
ting the discussion of government
down to an incoherently leering
level, like some of the overtonesin
hcurrent wrangle about official
One senses this somewhat nihil-
Istic disbelief in purpose, when.the
relicts of isolation mock A~t the
dream of a "Quart ofmilk a
,;for the World's people, but, quite
often,urge sa national lottery to
'solve our ills.
When a lottery makesmore sense
than a quart of milk, there is re-
vealed a hankering for a formless,
irrelevant sort of world, one that
can stagger along, concealing its
losses, masking the cost of national
existence, even pretending that
there is no cost; that life must be
a gamble and that a gamble can
pay for it.
So, the fight for better war aims
has to be more than a yammer at
the President to make up his mind;
it is going to be a conplicated
struggle, on the home front, against
1al the giggling battalions of ob-
(Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

7:30 p.m. in Room 319 W. Medical
Building. "The Metabolism of Io-
dine" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Phi Eta Sigma tutors will conduct
a short review session in Ch. E. 1,.
Monday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
244, West Engineering Building. This
is a part of the free tutoring service
offered by the Society. Tutoring in
freshman engineering Mathematics
and Chemistry 3, 4 and 5E will be
conducted Tuesday, Dec. 8, Room
273, at 7:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Clarence Werner, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "An Investigation of
the Sodium-Lead Equilibrium Phase
Diagram between' the Range of 50
to 75 Atomic per cent Sodium," will
be held today in 3201 East Engineer-
ing, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, L. Thom-
By action of the Executive Board,,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Jack
Stiles Dendy Zoology; thesis: "The
Fate of Animals in Stream Drift
When Carried Into Lakes," will be
held today in 3089 Natural Science,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, P. S. Welch.
By action of the Executive Board;'
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
Sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
An all-girl woodwind recital will
be presented at '8:30 p.m., Tuesday,
December 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, under the direction of Wil-
liam H. Stubbins and William D.'
Fitch of the School of Music faculty.
It will consist of music by Farnaby,
Arne, Mozart, Glinka, Saint-Saens,
Hosmer, Guilmant and Pierce, and
will be open to the public.
Choral Union Concert: The Bos-
ton Symphony Qrchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, Conductor, will give
the sixth program in the Choral Oinh.

Events Today
Athena Literary Society will meet
this afternoon at 1 o'clock in the
League. Ensian picture will be taken.
Pledges are to attend.
Pi Lambda Theta Initiation today
at 4:30 p.m. at the League.
Michigan Outing Club will go on
a hiking hostel today to the Saline
Valley Farms, leaving Hill Auditor-
ium at 1:00 p.m. and returning Sin-
day forenoon. Small charge. All stu-
dents are welcome. For further in-
formation, call Dan Saulson (2-3776)
or Dorothy Lundstrom (2-4471).
The Art Cinema Leage will pre-
sent the Russian movie "Guerrilla
Brigade," plus 3 Russian short sub-
jects at the Mendelssohn' Theatre
today and Sunday at 8:15 p.m. 4l
proceeds will be given to Russian War
A Work Holiday and Toy Party
will be held at Lane Hall today, 4:Q0-
8:00 p.m., to repair and paint old
toys. Admission will be a new toy.
Wesley Foundation: Tonight, 8:30-
11:30, Swing Party in the Wesley
Lounge. Games, dancing, and num-
bers by three pianists.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal will
begin at 3:30 sharp Sunday after-
noon at Ann Arbor High School Au-
ditorium, Washington and State
Acolytes will meet on Monday, Dec.
7, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
Prof. R. W. Sellars will read a paper
'on "Verification of the Categories:
Existence and Substance." Anyone
interested is welcome.
Graduate Council: Social Commit-
tee meeting Monday, December 7, at
5:15 pm.in the Rackha Bulig
Men's Lounge.
Attention Marine Reservists: Since
many students on the campus are
enlisting in the Candidates Class of
the Marine Corps Reserve, a meeting
of all Marine Reservists has been
arranged for them to get acquainted
on Tuesday, December 8, at 8:30 p.m.
in room 304, Michigan Union.
All women interested in living In
a co-operative house in Feb are


SOMEWHAT surprised to be spared the grim
horrors of modern battle was the small Art
Cinema audience which saw the Russian film
'Guerrilla Brigade' last night.
Instead of slit throats, strangled sentries and
horrible atrocities commonly associated with this
deadly warfare, show goers were treated to a
rather pleasant living war story handled in Hol-
lywood style, plenty of action but little bloodshed.
Watching the battle scenes it is constantly
necessary to remind yourself that this is war,

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