it gau
I it
Light Snow
Nazis L
Control All
Allies Face German
Stone-Wall Resistance;
Consolidate Forces
in Rearward Position
4.-- (AP)- American combat troops
striking southeast of Tebessa near
the Tunisian-Algerian border drove
a Nazi armored column back to-
ward the coast today in a disor-
derly retreat, capturing more than
100 prisoners and taking a town.
* * *
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 4.-- A series of ter-
rific Axis counter-attacks through
the mountains between DJedeida and
Mateur which caught the British
First Army with its American arm-
ored forces on the flank at Tebourba
were reported tonight to have left
the plains and hills of Tunisia strewn
with 'the wreckage of tanks and the
situation. at Tebourba in doubt.
"It is now clear that Axis troops
have recaptured Tebourba." 20 miles
west of Tunis and about 35 miles
south of Bizerte, said the military
correspondent of Reuters, British
news agency.
The Germans also were reported
holding to M~ateur, 25, miles south of
An Allied headquarters communi-
que, however, said, "Our troops in the
neighborhood of Tebourba are con-
solidating their positions" without
giving the situation at the previous
advanced positions of the Allies at
Djedeida, 12 miles west of Tunis, or
at Mateur, 25 miles south of Bizerte.'
The implication was plain, how-
ever, that the Allies had come up
against a stonewall of resistance in
the admission that the forces of Lieut.
Gen. K. A. N, Anderson were consoli-
dating at the rearward position.
Russell Will Conclude
Post- War Conference
Three Panel Discussions Scheduled for Today
Will Stress Phases of World Reconstruction
Americans Honor French T roops En Route to Tunisia
Moving into its final day, the Post-
War Conference will reach its climax
at 4:30 p.m. today with a talk by
Bertrand Russell at the Rackham
Auditoi'ium on "International Gov-
Three panel discussions will be
held at 1:30 p.m. today at the Union.
Heading a panel on "How Can Ap-
plied Science Bring the World a
Higher Standard of Living," Prof.
Jap. Supplies
Running 'Short,
in Solo mons
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.- Japan's
latest costly and futile attempt to
deliver troops and supplies to Guad-
alcanal Island was cited by Secretary
of the Navy Knox today as evidence
that enemy forces there must be run-
ning short of material.
Knox described the attempt, made
Monday night, as a complete failure
for the Japs and he called it "Round
3" in the battle for control of the
Southeastern Solomons. An American
Naval force sank six warships, two
transports and a cargo vessel.
"They lost a lot of ships," Knox
said, "and they went away. They
failed to gain their objective. They
did not get ashore."
The Secretary told his press con-
ference, in fact, that he believed the
enemy had been unsuccessful in land-;
ing any reinforcements or supplies
for the past three weeks; that is,
since their greatest effort to retake
the island was smashed by a great
American Naval victory Nov. 13-15.
Wilson Is Made
Supervisor over
Munitions Output
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.- (,P)- A
long tug-of-war between the War
Production Board and the armed ser-
vices apparently came to an end to-
day when Charles E. Wilson, WPB's
vice-chairman, was clothed with
Louis Corey of Antioch College will
talk on "How World-Wide Industrial-
ization Will Affect Our Mode of Liv-
ing." Also on this panel will be Prof.
John Worley of the Engineering
school and Prof. Harlow Whittemore
of the School of Architecture and De-
sign. A discussion of "Can We Estab-
Sig Eps Win
Place First in IFC
Pledge Sing Fest
High spot of the Interfraternity
Ball yesterday was Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon's capture of the trophy for the
first annual Interfraternity Council
pledge sing held during intermission
of the dance.
Twenty-four Sig Ep pledges' rendi-
tion of "Kentucky Babe" was selected
after ten minutes' deliberation by the
judges for top honors of the evening.
Kappa Sigma led off the contest with
"Now the Day Is Over," while pledges
of Phi Kappa Psi followed with "I
Had a Dream." Beta Theta Pi was
the fourth group picked in the semi-
finals and sang their traditional
"Loving Cup."
As president of the Sig Ep pledge
class, Lou Johnson, '46, was presented
with a dinner gong as trophy by
Fletcher Henderson himself. To be
engraved with the name of the win-
ner, the gong will become the perma-
nent prize of any fraternity to hold
it for three years in a row.
Prof. H. A. Van Deursen and Prof.
Earl V. Moore of the School of Music
were judges of the contest as well as
Bill Sawyer, Union band leader, who
was also judge for the preliminary
Staff Members
Return to Jobs
Hospital Epidemic
Remains Unsolved
The 117 staff members of Univer-
sity Hospital who were afflicted with
a mild intestinal ailment Wednesday
night returned to work yesterday as
bacteriologists continued to hunt for
cause of the disease.
Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske, assistant di-
rector of the hospital, said two pos-
sibilities were being considered by
authorities; either the food in the
lish Internationalism?" will be han-
dled by Prof. Preston Slosson of the
History department and Prof. Men-
tor Williams of the English depart-
ment with Honier Swander, managing
editor of The Daily serving as student
"America's Responsibility in the
Post-War World" will be considered
by Prof. Harold Dorr of the Political
Science department, and Prof. Earl
Cissel of the Engineering school. Stu-
dent moderator of this panel will be
Allan Axelrod.
Tickets for Russell's lecture will
continue on sale during the day at
the desks of the League and Union.
There will be no admission charge for
the panels.
Thomas Tells
of Future U.S.
America will emerge from the war
with a collectivized, powerful state,
Norman Thomas said last night be-
fore the first session of the Post-War1
Warning of a blind and confused
attempt to go back to "the good old
days of covered wagons with 16 cyl-
inder motors" in a period of post-wara
cynicism, Thomas declared that one
of two things may happeny.
"Either we will get h powerful gov-
ernment by evolution in the direction
our war-time government has takenf
or there will be a confusion out of
which will arise a demagogue and it
is this going back to the good old days
that would make more certain a to-
talitarian rule."
Condemning our system for its fail-
ure to utilize its resources in conquer-
ing poverty, Thomas declared that,
we are going forward to collective
The issue is not individualism vs.
collectivism but rather the absorbing1
issue will deal with the amount kind
and quality of collectivism and thet
-possibilities for. democracy in it,I
Thomas said.-
Girls Are Hore{
Sheviakov Sayst
LANSING, Dec. 4.- ()- Adoles-
cent girls are "more boy-crazy than
ever before" as result of war glamort
which now envelops young men in1
uniform, the Michigan Secondary
School Association heard today at the
closing session of its annual meeting.
Dr. George C. Sheviakov, Chicago
University psychiatrist, warned the
educators that they must "expand
the normal relationship between
young boys and girls," asserting thatf
war conditions have tended to make
girls "look down upon and disparage
their natural role as wives and home-
For older girls, he said, the question
of marriage is made so problematical
by the war that many are seekingt
happiness and male companionshipx
on a "catch-it-while-it-comes" basis.s
He warned that the war years might(
result in "lop-sided and distorted at-t
titudes" toward human living on the
part of girls, who subconsciously re-
sent the fact that the glory and ex-t
citement of combat belongs to boys.I
Such a consequence followed the
last war, he said, when women's imi-
tation of men resulted in an era ofx
"boyish bobs and flat chests." e
Good fellows Ask Contributions
U.S. troops stand at attention and present arms as a contingent of French soldiers marches through a
railway station at Oran boarding trains for the Tunisian battle front.
Be Sent to Daily's Offices
Encouraged by early returns on
pledges received fromrsororities, fra-
ternities and cooperative houses to-
ward the Goodfellow Drive which will
culminate in sales of the Goodfellow
Daily, Monday, Dec. 14, theGoodfel-
low Committee has urged that con-
tributions be sent to the Student Pub-j
lications Building as soon as possible.I
Bulk of the funds raised by the
Goodfellow Drive will go this year to
the Family and Child Service Bureau,
a merger of the Family Welfare Bur-
eau and Child Service Bureau. Ac-
Jeffers Says
Nation Faces
Rubber Crisis
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.- William
M. Jeffers, rubber -director, bluntly
warned today that the nation is
threatened with military "disaster"1
because materials needed for syn-
thetic rubber factories are being de-
voted to other war uses.
Unless vital equipment for the fac-
tories is forthcoming immediately the
arned forces face a serious shortage
of 1943, he said in a report
which he laid before a joint commit-
tee of senators and House members.
He added that he had little hope of
solving the priorities problem in time
to avoid a crisis.
Instruments, forgings, valves, heat
exchangers and other equipments are
badly needed, Jeffers said. If they
are not provided it will be impossible
to get synthetic plants into quantity
production soon enough to prevent
such a drain on crude rubber stocks
that there may be none left for heavy
duty tires, self-sealing gasoline tanks
and other military necessities.
Inspector Finds
Majestic Theatre
Is A-I Fire Trap
Because its seven violations of the
Ann Arbor city building code qualify
it as a first class fire trap, the Majes-
tic Theatre building should never be
reopened as a theatre, according to
a report issued yesterday by William
C. Maulbetsch, city building inspec-
The report further stated that the
structure could not be remodeled so
that it would be safe in every respect.
Maulbetsch said that, as building in-
spector, he ". . . would be derelict in
(his) duty if (he) did not oppose the
reopening of this theatre under pres-
ent conditions."
cording to Miss Mary Hester, execu-
tive secretary of the Bureau, money
is used by the Bureau to supplement
incomes of low-income families who
are caught without funds in special
"In times of prosperity like the
present, people do not consider that
low-income families have an especial-'
ly hard time," Miss Hester said yes-
terday. "Higher prices. which result
from booms make it impossible for
marginal families-those living at
mere subsistence level-to provide
themselves with even the barest
necessities. It is our job to help these
Goodfellow Fund money not allo-
cated to the Bureau will go this year
to the Goodwill Fund and the Text-
book Lending Fund.
The Goodwill Fund releases money
to Goodwill Industries, agency by
which handicapped and aged people
are provided work repairing discarded
articles of furniture and clothing for
resale. The Textbook Lending Fund
provides money to students for the
purchase of books not otherwise to
be gotten.
Death Sentence as
War Jobs Increase
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-(G'P-The
Works Proj ects Administration,
which provided depression relief for
millions and an ever bitter contro-
versy for Congress, was ordered out
of existence today by President
War-time increases in private em-
ployment make the agency unneces-
sary now, he said in a letter to Major-
General ihilip B. Fleming, the Fed-
eral Works administrator. Some indi-
viduals remain on the rolls, he added,
but they can be provided for by the
states and localities. Uncompleted
building projects are to be taken over
by other federal agencies.
In "many states" the death sen-
tence is to become effective by Feb.
1; in others "as soon thereafter as
feasible." The whole is to be liqui-:
dated by June 30 at the latest, for Mr.
Roosevelt observed there would be no
necessity for WPA appropriations for
the next fiscal year.
During its career, WPA spent more
than $10,000,000,000, providing relief
for some 38,000,000 people.
into Battle Today
One thousand ROTC cadets will
march off at 1:30 p.m. today to train
in the wintry Ann Arbor countryside
in preparation for big mock battle
soon to be held between the two bat-
talions of the campus unit.
Galens Pails
Net $1,200 in
Campus Coins
Society Enters Its
Second Day of Drive
for Contributions
Their buckets loaded down with
$1,200 worth of campus contributions,
members of Galens, honorary medical
society, enter the second day of their;
drive with prospects high for better-
ing last year's record.
Leaders of the two-day drive ex-
pressed themselves as exceedingly
well satisfied and predicted that if
townspeople respond as well as the
students, last year's all-time high of'
$2,100 will be broken.
Although today's drive will be con-
centrated in downtown Ann Arbor, a,
few members of Galens will be on
campus to enable those who did not
have an opportunity to contribute to
do so today.
Officers of the society voiced their
appreciation for the fine cooperation
exhibited by the students and are
confident that the townspeople will
not allow a final total under the
$2,100 mark.
Funds from this, the fourteenth
annual Galens campaign, will be used
to entertain the children in the Uni-
versity Hospital's pediatrics ward
during their confinement. The money
will go a long way toward making
the young patients more self-reliant
and prepared to meet conctions in a'
normal world. Specifically, your mon-
ey will be used to maintain and equip
the Galens workshop on the hospital's
ninth floor where the children learn
to operate power tools and precision
instruments, to provide entertain-
ment and presents for the annual
Galens Christmas party and to furn-
ish books and films for the children's
- r
'Blood Donors
Still Needed
Deadline for Signing
Set at I p.m. Today
Registration for the present blood
bank will end at 1 p.m. today, offi-
cials in charge of the drive stated,
as they issued a special call for per-
sons to sign up between 9:30 a.m. and
the deadline.
While the campus blood committee
has pledged the American Red Cross
200 pints of blood for this month,
registration to date amounts to 135
persons. Last month's drive netted
125 pints.
Men may register in the lobby of
the Union while women may do like-
wise in the League: Actual blood tak-
ing will begin Tuesday and continue
Wednesday in the Women's Athletic
All blood donors may indicate a
WMC Gets
Power to
Run Draft
Wickard Becomes
New Ration Boss as
FDR Appoints Him
Food' Administrator
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-Executive
orders naming Secretary of Agricul-
ture Wickard as Food Administrator
and transferring control over Selec-
tive Service to the- War Manpower
Commission headed by Paul V. Mc-
Nutt were reported tonight to be on
President Roosevelt's desk for action
High administrative sources who
could not be quoted by name said the
President planned to confer on Wick-
ard wide authority over the nation's
wartime food production, along with
power to determine what products
should be rationed and when new
rationing orders should be issued.
Transfer F. E. S.
The delegation of Selective Service
policy-making functions to the"Man-
power Commission, it was indicated,
would be accompanied by transfer of
the Federal Employment Service to
the commission. This would concen-
trate in McNutt's hands centralized
control over manpower.
The decision to make McNutt the
chief in this field was said to have
been taken after the President aban-
doned plans for a three-way cabinet
shift which would have given the post
'to Secretary of Interior Harold L.
Subsequent suggestions to Mr.
Roosevelt that he turn over the man-
power authority to James F. Byrnes,
the economic director, were said to
have been met with objections from
Byrnes that this would place on him
administrative tasks conflicting with
his full time duties as stabilization
policy maker.
Enlistment Ban
To assist in handling the manpower
problem, there were indications that
Mr. Roosevelt might act to ban olun-
tary enlistments in the armed forces.
Many employers have complained at
the loss of skilled, key men through
such enlistments.
With authority to direct the policies
of Selective Service, McNutt also
would be in position to regulate the
flow of essential industrial and agri-
cultural workers into the ranks of
the military branch.
The over-all Manpower Authority
was expected to be based to a large
extent on provisions of the* second
War Powers Act. While there would
be no compulsory "freezing" of work-
ers in their posts or compulsory
transfers from job to job, those fa-
miliar with the situation said there
was little doubt that controls could
be made highly effective.
Russians Push
Dual Offensive
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Dec. 5. (Saturday)-
The Red Army seized 11 more vil-
lages in the Stalingrad area yester-
day, presumably in the Don River
bend west of that city, surrounded a
German stronghold near Velikie Luki
on the frozen central front, and killed
upwards of 2,500 Nazis in twin of-
fensives that still are gaining ground,
the Soviets announced early today.
The regular midnight communique
said the Russians gained 200 to 300
yards inside Stalingrad itself, occu-
pied two important points northwest
and southwest of the Volga river city,
and were beginning "the liquidation
of encircled enemy strongpoints" in
the area of Velikie Luki, only' 90
miles from the Latvian border.
Dispatches said the Germans were
throwing reserves into the central
front in a desperate effort to stem
the Red Army in the Rzhev-Velikie
Luki-Vyazma triangle northwest of
Almost a Year Ago
na v ca, e of a yea after DarlT-arhnr.Amen w. PP n r