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December 05, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-05

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4 -

Navy'Transfers 'Chief' Jennings
to Assist in PEiIIat Dartmouth

Chief Petty Officer George Jen-
nings is no longer at Michigan. If
you have missed this tall, blond-
haired chap who last summer the
Navy loaned to the University to su-
pervise calisthenics and in general
help get the proposed PEM program
on its feet-if you have missed him-
it is advised that you switch colleges.
The "Chief," as he was commonly
known, has been sent to Dartmouth.
When everyone on campus was so
excited thinking about whether Mich-
igan could whip Notre Dame, Jen-
nings had some matters of his own
to get excited about as he received
notice that he had been commissioned
to the rank of Lieutenant Junior
Grade A.V.P. and that new work was
awaiting him. Accordingly, he left
campus as quietly as he had come,
and is now in Hanover, N. H., teach-.
ing Dartmouth's all-male student
body how to properly execute the
"jumping jack," the "twister," the
"windmill," and other similar drills.

Incidentally, about a decade ago the
"Chief" was quite a contender for
the United States Davis Cup Tennis
Team, but a severe knee injury de-
nied him his big chance.
Despite Jennings' departure, the
PEM staff is performing under its
usual full efficiency. The recent close
of the football season has seen
Coaches Wally Weber, Ernie McCoy,
Art Valpey, Bill Barclay and Howard
Leibee devote their talents to PEM
classes in the afternoon as well as in
the morning. They will be joined
shortly by Coaches Earl T. Martineau
and Clarence L. Munn.
During the last week a new experi-
ment has been introduced into the
PEM sections. This experiment con-
sists of dividing each of the several
class platoons into two teams known
as the Maize and the Blue. TheseI
teams compete against one another
in the various activities, the object
being to foster teamwork and com-
petitive spirit.


SATURDAY-Gold Elgin wrist watch.
$5.00 reward. Joe Schroeder, 700
S. State. Phone 2-3297.
LOST-Gold and brown lettered
Sheaffer Triumph pencil. Reward.
Leonard Nemerovski, 521 Williams
House. 2-4401..
WANTED-Male part time. 9:0-
12:00. Chester Roberts Gifts, 312
S. State.
A PORTER is needed at the Kappa
Sigma Fraternity. For details call
4850. Ask for Charles Canfield.

LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at .low price.
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth-
ing by phoning Claude H. Brown,
2-2736, 512 S. Main.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TUXEDO, $18.00, latest style, double-
breasted, size 38, with zipper fly'
Don Johnson, 6738.
sheets and envelopes, $1.00. Printed
with your name and address-
The Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.

Pueksters Meet
London Tonight
in Opening Tilt
Squad's Power to Be
Tested in Crucial Fray
with Tough Canadians
An unpredictable Michigan hockey
team will make its debut before Wol-
verine fans at 8 p.m. tonight in the
Coliseum,. against a highly favored
London sextet in its opening game of
the 1942-43 season.
The game should be the tipoff to
the entire season. If the Wolverines
can get past the hard charging Can-
adians they'll have a good chance of
coming up with their first winning
season since 1939. But a loss would
present them with the unhappy pos-
sibility of winding up with a record
as disastrous as last year's, unless
they improve greatly before playing
their other Canadian and Big Ten
London -Team Tough
The London squad has always
spelled trouble for the Maize and
Blue. Coming from a place where
babies are practically born with
hockey sticks in their hands, they us-
ually present an aggregation of hard,
fast skaters ad cagey, experienced
players. They rate near the top in
amateur hockey in Canada and prove
tough opponents for Illinois and Min-
nesota, as well as Michigan.
The Wolverines haven't beaten the
Canadians in four years. The visitors
started a four game winning streak
over the Varsity with a 5-3 victory
in.1938,~then went on to win 3-1 in
1939; 7-5 in 1940, and handed the
Maize and Blue the worst drubbing in
the series last year, 6-1. The latter
was a completely lopsided affair, the
London sextet outclassing the Wol-
verines by a sizeable margin. Most of
the London.players who took part in
that rout .will be back this year.
Defense Starters Uncertain
The defense will be Michigan's big
question mark. Bob Derleth and Bob
Stenberg the probable starters lack
the polish of experienced defensemen,
but make up for this by their enthus-
iasm and ability to make themselves
felt by opposing players. Fred Bryan,
another hard, fierce checker who'll
alternate with Stenberg and Derleth,
also likes to play the "knock down
drag 'em out" brand of hockey.
If they can keep the London for-
wards at a safe distance from the
goal most of the time and live up
to advance expectations, Michigan's
hockey stock will take a sudden zoom.
Coach Eddie Lowrey plans to start
Bob Opland at center; Bob Kemp and
either Bill Dance or Roy Bradley at
the wings; Bob Derleth and Bob
Stenberg at defense; and Hank Loud
at goal.
Frosh Qualify 7
in Class Trials
Opening trials in the University
interclass meet this afternoon at
Yost Field House saw Bill Osgood,
a sophomore, lead 12 qualifiers in
the running broad jump with a leap
of 21 ft., 11/2 in., to beat his nearest
competitor, Bob Gardener, a fresh-
man, by two inches.
The frosh squad, bearing out ad-
vance predictions, qualified seven
men, the seniors and juniors two
apiece and the sophomores one. Ap-
proximately 20 distance runners who
are competing in ROTC maneuvers
this afternoon, qualified in the dis-

More than 200 trackmen will par-
ticipate in this afternoon's trials to
qualify for the final meet next Satur-
day. Highlight of the meet today will
be the pole vaulting battle between
sophomore Keith Chapman, senior
Bob Segula and junior Frank Mac-
Qualifiers in the running board
jump in the order they placed in to-
day's trials are: Osgood, sophomore;
Gardener, freshman; Bob Tillson,
senior; Bob Howison, freshman; Jim
Pierce, freshman; Bill Dale, fresh-
man; Moose McNaughton, freshman;
Bob Urbanek, junior; Joe Fischer,
freshman; Jason Sacks, sophomore;
John Pilkington, freshman, and
Chuck Donahey, senior.

Directed by
110- PLAYERS -110

Reports from the Yost Field House
have it that Coach Bennie Ooster-
baan has material on hand for one
of the best quintets that has worn
the Maize and Blue colors in recent
years. The combination of six re-
turning lettermen and an outstand-
ing group of sophomores is very likely
to make these reports a reality.
-Monday the Wolverine squad will
get its first test as they open the
season with their friendly foes from
East Lansing, Michigan State's Spar-
All week long Coach Oosterbaan
has sent the squad through one hour
of fundamentals and finished up the
drills with an hour of rough and tum-
ble scrimmages. From these 'prac-
Daily Sports Editor
A CTION, the proverbs tell us,
brings results. Hockey, the rabid
puck fan will jump to relate, signi-
fies action. Which means that a
hockey team should bring some satis-
factory results, if you use no princi-
ple of logic in arriving at your con-
And that takes us to tonight's
ice clash between Michigan and
London,sOnt., the lid-lifter of the
Wolverine winter sports season.
Tonight will be the start of a. new
slate for the Maize and Blue sextet.
Many pages have been torn off the
calendar since the Wolverines as
much as broke even in the won and
lost columns, and tonight they'll give
the first indication of what to expect
this year.
The London aggregation, of
course, must rule as a heavy favor-
ite. 'It is a team composed of men
who were practically teethed on a
hockey stick. They're good skaters'
and hard checkers, and a Michigan
defeat would not come as a great
surprise. Two of the 14 Wolverine
losses last year came at the hands
of this London crew.
BUT, FRANKLY, it will be a disap-
pointment to all if the Michigan
puckmen do not improve their record
of last year-two victories, two ties
and 14 defeats. That is not in keep-
ing with the standards of Michigan
teams in any sport.
So tonight the hockey team starts
a long, hard pull. The players and
especially their coach, Eddie Low-
rey, are on the spot. When a team
loses consistently, it's always the
coach who must bear the brunt of
the criticism. Lowrey has been cri-
ticized freely this past year by par-
tisan Wolverine observers. It's not
for us to say if these criticisms are
just, but we will say that Lowrey
is sitting on a keg of dynamite.
Michigan wants a winning hockey
team, and Michigan will support a
winning team. There is no doubt in
any mind that Lowrey desires vic-
tories even more than hiscritics do.-
And we have no doubt that his team
will fight with all of its ability to
provide those victories this season.
We are sure that if the puckmen do
suffer another disastrous campaign,
it will not be because they do not
have the spirit.
The University of Iowa has
something new in the way of hard-
ening men to the water . . . it's a
water obstacle race, and it's a man
killer to all but the best conditioned
of men.
The participants dive into the wa-
ter fully clothed, swim 50 feet and
then climb up a ten-foot rope, which
is no easy task with wet hands ...

then they fall back into the water
and swim under and through rafts
. after making the turn, they crawl
through barrels at the bottom of the
pool ... and they complete the course
by picking up ten-pound sacks of
sand and carrying them to the finish
line . .. we'd hate to try that Iowan
maneuver in our bathtub.

Quintet Faces Spartans
in First Game Monday

Handball Tourna nent -Pposed
4,' oirpoel

tices some fine basketball material
has appeared.
One-thing is definite. That is that
some new faces will be seen in the
Michigan lineup when it takes the
floor Monday. Captain Jim Mandler
is certain to be at his center post for
the :opening whistle, but the other
four positions are as yet undeter-
mined. Bidding strong to retain his
position at guard is Leo Doyle, stellar
defenseman of the Wolverines during
the 1941-42 season. No one is likely
to oust Doyle from his starting berth.
Guard Spot Still Open
The other guard position is a
scramble between Bill MfacConna-
chie, big Mel Comin, Morrie Bikoff,
diminutive speedster, Don Lund and
Dave Strack, sophomore star from
Indiana. Strack is a classy ball han-
dler who has plenty of pep and fire.
This may give him the nod.
At the forwards Ralph Gibert is
favored to hold his position which he
played on last year's team until be-
coming ineligible. Gibert has height,
which makes him a scrapper for the
balls off the' backboard. Others in
the race for the second forward spot
are Wally Spreen, a reserve from last
year, Bob Wiese, who is showing the
drive that won him a spot on the
grid team, and soph Harold Ander-
son. Anderson has looked best dur-
ing the practices,.but Wiese has also
been hitting the basket at a good
The gtrio of: speed, height and - a
scoring, punch should give Michigan
a first-class five this season. They
are a fast-charging bunch that aver-
ages over six feet tall.
(Continued from Page 2)


10:45 a.m. Public Worship. The
theme of the morning's sermon by
Dr. L. A. Parr is "The. Bones of
5:15 p.m. Ariston League. The c6
High School will have a discussion
led by Mr. Ernest J. Abbott on "Are
Peace and Security Possible?"
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship joint IN A VERY SPECIAL
meeting with the Disciples' Guild at
the Christian Church. Dean Alice GIFT INE
Lloyd will speak on "Maturity and
Campus Conduct."
Vnitarian Church:
Sunday 41:00 a.m. Professor R. W.
Sellars will speak on "Democratic
7:00 p,... Student Supper.
8:00 p.m. Mrs. R. W. Teed will
speak on "Civilian Defense in Ann
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
10:45 Morning worship. Rev. Fred- (.ury a erdo &Uo,
erick Cowin, MVtinister. RUTH Ane OAKEs, Manager
7:00 p.m. Guild Sunday EveningR
Hour. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak FRATERNITY J E WEILE
on "Maturity and Campus Conduct."
There will be a joint meeting of the 1209 South University Avenue
Congregational and Disciples Guilds.
A social hour and refreshments will
follow the program.
(Continued on Page 4)
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