THE Mlir.Nir AN _ bTT.
O"Zlle;&77*N;.lt,- Z T/-.-Z7 le.el -2^ Akl
Mr5idiian Baily
Fifty-Third ,Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
fichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
f Student Publications.
Published -every morning except Monday during the
gular University year, and every morning except Mon-
ay and Tuesday during the summer session.
4Iember of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Piulishers Representative
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cpwm'illed' omics
HIS MORNING millions of
American people will thumb
through their newspapers to the
comic section-to the so-called
"funny papers." More than 50 per
cent of these will be children rahg-
ing from the age of five to the
All these people read the comics
for their cleverness, for their hu-
mor or to see if Dick Tracy got
out of that basement or if Smiling
Jack found his long lost wife. It
goes without saying that to many
Americans it wouldn't be like Sun-
day morning without the "funnies,"
a great American custom.
Yet, since the war started com-
ic sections have shown a radical
change, a change which shuI d
have been stopped by government
P E A RSON _k ,f
Editorial Staff
er Swander
on Mintz .
rge W. Salad .
les Thatcher
lard Hendel
ara deFries
on Dann .
ard J. Perlberg
M. Ginsberg
q Lou Curran
Lindberg .
es Daniels
. . . Managing Edit{
. . Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
* . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
action. Many cartoonists dropped
their humor and filled their
pages with hate and satire-hate
for the Nazis and the Japs, hate
for the individuals instead of
Maybe in the case of adults this
is not a serious matter, but in the
case of children it is one of the
most serious of the war. Comic strip
characters are their heroes, their
idols, persons whose actions they
are always trying to imitate. Pop-
eye, Joe Palooka, Superman, Smil-
ing Jack, Dick Tracy and many
other strip characters are as human
to children as their playmates.
Many children can be urged to
eat spinach because Popeye does
and they want to be like him. If
Popeye hates and kills Jap soldiers
as he is shown to do, then that will
always be the right thing to do just
as is eating spinach.
Joe Palooka is one of the worst
hate breeding comic strips in this
country. Kind, innocent Joe Pa-
looka, idol of thousands of Amer-
ican youngsters goes hysterical in
onestrip and says "I'm a killer
nrow" threatening to kill every
last one of the Nazis. Cartoonist
Fisher depicts every Nazi soldier
as a murderer, hating and killing
defenseless women and' children.
SOMEDAY this war will be over.
There'll be a peace made. How
long that peace lasts depends on
the children of today. And it is
certain that if young America is
brought up with the idea that we
should hate all Germans and Japa-
nese it will not be a temporary hate
but a very permanent one. And
where there is hate eventually there
is bound to be war.
Little Orphan Annie can no
lonker be classified a "comic"
strip. There is seldom any humor
in it. Instead it shows serious,
war conscious children mobilized,
military and hating Nazis and
Japanese. It was only a few years
ago we were firmly criticizing the
Nazis and, Fascists for bringing
children into the war, for giving
them military educations and
teaching them to hate individ-
uals. Now Orphan Annie says it's
the right thing to do.
There are many other comic
strips that are employing Nazi
methods and ideas in their panels.
Every American should be thank-
ful there are still some cartoonists
who stick to ,making people laugh
and enjoy themselves, such as Li'l
Abner, Blondie, Jiggs, Katzenjam-
mer Kids and many others.
T WASN'T LONG AGO that sev-
eral eastern papers removed Dick
Tracy from their comic pages be-
cause it was too gruesome and put
wrong ideas in the minds of gulli-
ble children. If that is the case,
then Orphan Annie, Joe Palooka
and all other hate breeding comic
strips should have been removed
long ago, for they are having a
much more serious effect on chil-
dren than Dick Tracy could ever
If the war has to be brought
into the "funnies" then it should
be done as Milton Caniff goes
about it in "Terry and the Pi-
rates."T-his is a very lifelike strip
which does not exaggerate war
circumstances nor depict every
Axis soldier as a demon from hell
with a bad case of coffe nerves.
Some parents rightfully forbid
their children from reading cheap
"dime novels" because they will put
bad ideas in their gullible minds.
It wouldn't be a bad idea-if parents
made the same rule for hate-filled
Business Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
-:- >@942. Chicago Times.In~.
War Aims Need To Be
Made Articulate, Real
ONCE upon a time (1918 to be exact) there
were some men who fought, bled and died
because thtey thought they were "making the
world safe for democracy."
Well, they didn't make the world safe for
democracy-they didn't even make it safe .. .
But they didn't fail because the enemy wasn't
smashed. They failed because they thought
crushing Germany was all that was necessary.
They failed because they didn't think after
they had achieved their military successes, be-
cause giey reverted to the even then outmoded
isolationist policy that they clung to until Pearl
Harbor jolted them out of their reverie.
The battles of Britain, Moscow, Stalingrad will
eri down as glorious pages in the annals of mili-
tary history-but so did those of Meuse-Argonne,
Verdun and Chateau Thierry. We cannot let the
struggles of today be as futile as those of World
War I. We cannot let them be a proving ground
for World War III.
T IS OUR duty, as Vice-President Wallace puts
it, "to build a peace-just, charitable, and en-
In the words of Wendell Willkie, "there .are
now, during the war, common purposes in the
minds of men living as far apart as the citizens
of Great Britain and the Free Commonwealth of
N~ations, the Americans,, the Russians and the
Chinese. But we shall have to make articulate and
real our common purposes."
Our common purposes do not include a fight
for a "status quo" that means recurring war-
fare, but they do include a fight for progress, a
fight for international cooperation that will
end the mass slaughters that have character-
ized the twentieth century.
The only way such a program can meet success
s if it is prepared for in advance. Planning now
S the answer.
]rHE PEOPLE, who after all will have the final
say in terms of those they choose to represent
;hem cannot afford to be apathetic.
Of course it would have been easier to say all
,his with a hopeful tone before the first Tuesday
n November, before we realized how many people
re hoodwinked by things like Malcom Bingay's
ricky tripe, and before Mr. Churchill told us
hat he is fighting for, but now it needs to be
aid more emphatically than ever.
kND MUCH of it will be said at the Intercolle-
giate Post-War Conference here Friday and
aturday, particularly by Norman Thomas and
ertrand Russell. Here we will be offered a sound
rsis for thought that we cannot do without.
- Jim Wienner
Cooperation of Guilds
Is Guide for Churches
E WOULD like to commend the recent action
of the campus Congregational and Disciples
Christ church guilds in uniting to form one
ident religious association. This cooperative
terprise, which has aroused widespread interest,
ints out the way to closer cooperation of all the
my churches and religious groups into which
e Christian Church is divided.
Whatever role the church may play in the post-
,r world it is certain that it can do the greatest
ad in nrnni ii natina qi 'o lrwrin c of ricA c,,+4+.,
I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK- Those of us who want better
war aims, etc., have to consider how far it is safe
to push Mr. Roosevelt around.
A family quarrel is going on among liberals,
which has the effect of leaving Mr. Roosevelt
unsupported and exposed.
This makes the President just so much easier
a mark for men who have no interest in war
aims whatever.
Partly, it is a question of the length of a lib-
eral's work-week. If Mr. Willkie devotes himself
to the Darlan issue, and Miss Thompson ditto,
and a number of others likewise, who is to speak
up when the suggestion is made (as it was this
week) that Congress pull back its war appropri-
ations, and make the generals and admirals come
begging for money, dollar by dollar, breaking the
war down into individual transactions, each to
be debated in full view of the enemy?
After all, a liberal can turn out just so much
controversy in one week, and it is over-special-
ization to devote most of it to the Darlan issue,
and the Otto of Austria issue, while busy beav-
ers are at work, planting the thought in Ameri-
can minds that a Congressional coalition ought
to move in on the executive and take over the
war effort.
Our armies cannot win this war with air power
alone, or land power alone, and our liberals can-
not win it with war aims alone.
I HAVE no doubt, for example, that millions of
Americans believe Representative Maas of
Minnesota scored a sound point when he talked
about our supposed lack of unity of command in
the Pacific.
How many of these Americans had it shown
to them that Mr. Maas proposes that we pretty
much forget about Europe, and turn our effort
into' an idiot war of the white and yellow races?
That was a liberal's job, and it was not well
done. I read one article, in Time, which dis-
cussed Mr. Maas' views on unity of command at
length, and did not once mention his peculiar
concept of the nature of this war, which has a
bearing on the competence of his testimony.
Sometimes I have the odd feeling that, in the
controversies of the last few months, the liberals
of America have been had.
A FULL-SCALE effort is underway to alter
completely the domestic base of Mr. Roose-
velt's management of the war, and those undif-
ferentiated liberal gusts of rage at flyspecks in
the production program, and missteps in diplo-
macy have been useful to politicians and publi-
cists who have only minor concern with the spot
issues involved.
This does not mean we must refuse to criticize,
or ease up on that animal, Darlan.
It does mean that every subject, from darlan-
ism to coffee rationing needs discussion in the
light of the unceasing effort now being made
to take the war away from Roosevelt, whether
that is to be done by giving it to General Mac-
Arthur, or by giving it to a Congressional coali-
tion, or by dismissing a third of Mr. Roosevelt's
civil staff in the name of economy, or by with-
drawing appropriations.
The question is whether liberalism in America
can become consequential, or wheth: it will tear
itself to bits in a series of hunch plays, potshots
at easy marks, and so on.
TIf at lat half th hulk of 1ihral r ionrmir.ccp Ac
AXE e 9ind
SINCE my affirmation of faith last Wednesday,
a little scene has beenseveral times enacted
on campus. I am walking down the diag, and one
of the few people who know my identity comes
up: "Thank you, thank you, good Torquemada,
you have given me a new faith and strength to
carry on. But who is this Frank Graham, whom
you call one of the greatest men in America to-
day?" Herewith, an explanation.
This summer, a bunch of us from The Daily
went to Washington for an International Student
Assembly. Mr. Frank Graham, president of the
University of North Carolina, was announced as
chairman of one meeting, at which Mrs. Roosevelt
and William Batt, of the WPB, were to speak.
The two speakers both Said nothing rather pleas-
antly. After they had finished, Graham got up to
deliver five minutes of closing remarks.
THERE were six of us there from The Daily;
five were very proudly blase, but when Gra-
ham had finished, each of us agreed it was 'the
best speech he had ever heard. I was moved al-
most to tears.
WE WENT to see Graham after the meeting,
but he had to go; his duties as a member of
the War Labor Board didn't give him much time
for kibitzing. Later, we happened to be talking
to some kids from North Carolina and asked
about Graham. Everything they said about him
was good. He's the type of man who goes to the
dorms every Christmas, and takes all the kids
who haven't gone home to his house for dinner.
The few from North Carolina to whom we talked
thought he was magnificent. His national repu-
tation is tops, because under his presidency, North
Carolina has risen to first rank among American
I do think that Frank Graham is one of the
greatest men in America today. Greatness
doesn't mean too many things. It calls for a
personal decency and considerateness, a hu-
manity,.and an intelligence directed toward a
faith in progressive social good.
Frank Graham has all these things. Unfor-
ttnately, his greatness is not too much crowded.
D.omfinic Saysj
THE CONFLICTS of costs during war with the
needs on the part of persons constitutes a
major problem. We have the case of juvenile de-
linquency, already skyrocketing. Therefore, insti-
tutions for prevention, for child care, for social
improvement and for family security should be
increased. Yet here is the Director of the Michi-
gan Child Guidance Institute advising the elimi-
nation of his service, to reduce costs during war.
The debate actually centers in objectives. Must
we win the war of the democracies in such a
fashion that we have a depleted population when
it is over? Will a father whose small son is home
be a better Marine out there on Sitka when we
surround that son with defenses or when we
neglect him? Can we meet Totalitarians with
more vitality when we know we maintain per-
sonal security of our weaker members in society,
or when we focus attention on machinery, battles,
power and permit war effort to become an end
WASHINGTON -- Shortly afte
gaunt, grey "Berny" Baruch wrote hi
rubber report recommending gasolin
rationing throughout the entir
U.S.A., he told Water Teagle, chair
man of Standard Oil of New Jersey
"Walter, if you don't come
through on this synthetic rubber,
you might just as well go ump in
the river."
What Baruch referred to was tha
he had recommended the freezing o
the Jesse Jones program for syn
thetic rubber, by which the prepon
derance of all synthetic rubber con
tracts were awarded to the Standar
of -New Jersey group with its asso
ciated companies.
This was the group which had co
operated with Germany's I. G. Farbe
and was charged by the Justice De
prtment with holding rubber patent
away from the American public.
Baruch explained in his report, an
has since elaborated to friends, tha
he had to freeze the Jones program
because there was no time to mak
changes, even though many expert
contended that the alcohol proces
was the quickest and best way o
making synthetic rubber.
However, what most people do
not know is that the big rubber
plants given to the Standard Oil
group were only in the blue-print
stage when the Baruch report was
written. Only one or two of them
even had their foundations started.
Furthermore, they require a tre-
mendous amount of iron, steel and
other strategic materials.
Finally there is grave doubt wheth
er the plants can be finished on
time. They are due to be completed
July, 1943, seven months hence. Bu
many experts believe they will not be
finished and actually in operation
until January, 1944. That is why Ba-
ruch warned Walter Teagle that if
his plants weren't finished on time
he might as well jump in the river.
Some. people now are speculating
that this may have been why Teagle
and two vice-presidents of Standard,
Edward J. Sadler and D. L. Harper,
resigned this week.
Anyway with the midwest now
boiling mad over gas rationing,
people are going to be a lot madder
if synthetic rubber doesn't cope
into production on time.
NOTE: - First synthetic rubber
plant will start operating in about
two weeks, but this is an alcohol
plant, not the slower, more expensive
petroleum process, which the Baruch
Committee believed would produce
the best rubber in the end.
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.)
a dreamer to its capital during a
world war. That is much.
However, the industrialists, the
engineers and other determined
fighters with the editors and the
publicists have not taken up that
address. How shall we pay for the
war? By what means shall we profit
from the war's destroyed cities? By
what plan are we of America to sell
high after the war? These questions
all stare at us in cold type to an-
neunce that Mr. Wallace in his lec-
tures was not making himself popu-
lar in affluent circles.
THIS conflict must at first be a de-
bate, we hope a good-natured de-
bate, between two types of citizens.
That is the American way to every
new social good. On the one hand are
the persons who very definitely ap-
preciate the dangers in losing the war,
who are indispensable in vigor or
power, and who know what a vast
cost we are facing. With them are the
technical leaders, the men of applied
science and the military who direct
the enterprise in the field as well as
m Washington. On the other hand,
far to the outskirts of the war, as it
were, are the men ofsocial vision,
our educators, philospohers, religion-
ists, mothers and fathers of children,
vonth who nreh mntiv±.ar h hnaf f
d | (Continued from Page 3)
t -______________
c at 2:00 p.m. All students welcome
e For further information call Dan
s Saulson (23776) or Dorothy Lund-
s strom (24471).
Festival of Choral Music by eleven
church choirs from the Ann Arbor
District of the Methodist Church
this evening at 8 o'clock in the First
Methodist Church, State and Wash-
ington streets. The public is invited
Coming Events
Junior Research Club will meet in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
- Building at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday
December 1. There will be introduc-
tion of new members, and the pro-
t gram will be given by R. L. Garner of
Biological Chemistry and L. C. Ander-
son of the Chemistry Department.
The University of Michigan Flying
Club' will meet on Tuesday, Decem-
ber 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Arrangements for the En-
sian picture are to be made and it
is important that all members be
present. Anyone interested in tr."m-
bership is also invited.
The 1942 Michigan Concert Band
presents its seventh annual Var;ity
Night, Tuesday, December 1, a;, 8:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The Varsity
Glee Club and campus talent will
be featured on the programh.
The University of Michigan Inter-
national Relations Club will meet
Monday night at 7:30 in Room 231
Angell Hall. The discussion, led by
Mr. E. W. Mill of the Political Science
Dept., will concern "The Problem of
Empire in the Post-War World.",
Women's Glee Club: Monday, 4:00
p.m. Rehearsal. Pictures for 'Ensian
taken. Wear dark skirts and white
blouses. 7:15 p.m.: Appearance ;.t
Football Banquet at the Union. De-
The U. of M.
On The Air
TODAY. 9:00 a.m. WJR, "War-Time
Hymns," directed by Dr. Hardin
Van Deursen, featuring the Uni-
versity Choir.
At 1:45 p.m. WJR, Prof. James
MONDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR, Dr. Paul
Cuncannon, news commentator.
At 6:15 p.m. WWJ, Prof. Preston
Slosson, news commentator.
TUESDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR, Dram-
atic program, "Strings for the Bal-
loon," directed by Mr. Donald Har-
WEDNESDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR,
Dramatization, "Uncensored Let-
ter," directed by Prof. David Owen.
At 6:15 p.m. WWJ, Prof. Slosson.
At 10:30 p.m. WJR, Miss Rhoda
tails to be announced at rehearsal.
Tuesday evening: Appearance on
Varsity Night.
Bibliophiles will meet with Mrs.
Frank Jobes, 1315 Packard St., on
Tuesday, December 1, at 2:30 p.m.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of Holy Communion
t Monday morning, St. Andrew's Day,
at 7:30 in Bishop Williams Chapel,
Harris Hall. Breakfast will be served
following the service.
S FirstChurch of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Ancient and Modern Necro-
mancy; Alias Mesmerism and Hyp-
notism, Denounced." Sunday School
at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading
Room at 106 E. Washington St., open
every day except Sundays and holi-
days, 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Saturdays
until 9:00 p.m.'
Zion Lutheran Church Services will
be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with
Rev. Stellhorn speaking on "Jesus
Still Comes as Zion's King."
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
its services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday,
the Rev. H. O. Yoder speaking on
"The Imperishable Food."
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold a fellowship meeting Sun-
day at 5:30 p.m. Rev. H. O. Yoder will
lead a discussion on "What is a
Christian Marriage."
The First Baptist Church: 10:00
a.m.: Undergraduate class at the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron St., to
study Paul's Epistle to the Romans.
Graduate class at the Church to con-
sider "What Can We Believe about
Hell and Punishment?" 11 :00 a.m.:
Sermon, "New Life in Christ," by Rev.
C. H. Loucks. 7:00 p.m.: The Roger
Williams Guild meets in the Guild
House. "The Church at Work on So-
cial Frontiers" will be discussed.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.: Pro-
fessor Lowell J. Carr will speak on
"What about Delinquency?" 7:00
p.m.:-Student supper. 8:00 p.m.: Stu-
dent meeting followed by square dan-
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45, Morning worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m.,
Guild Sunday Evening Hour. A stu-
dent panel will discuss "Education
and Religious Living." The meeting
will be held at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street. A social hour and
refreshments will follow.
First Congregational Church: At
the morning service at 10:45, Dr. L. A.
Parr will speak on the theme, "God's
Selective Service.' Student Fellow-
ship at 7:00 p.m. A discussion on
"Christian cooperation." A period of
recreation. Refreshments.