2 UNi A V, NO(-jV. 9, P 9 42
EN'S EDITOR:W AA Petitions
War Machine Must WorkFor Board Jobs
t~~ T r r n v rv r at
Spar Can Wed Red Cross Donors
Need Blood Checked
Man In Navy
To the Editor:
ards for her splendid editorial in
Thursday's Daily. Her , observations
are for the most part true. The aver-
age coed is doing her part, giving of
her time and energy to her country's'
needs . . . but in regard to her so-
called "slackers", the question arises
in my mind is their attitude as much
resentment as reluctance?
There is a group of girls on this
campus, it is true, who have failed to
participate in the war activities, but
is it because they resent being asked
to do these things or1is it primarily
because they prefer to impregnate
themselves with a "things are as they
were" philosophy? They choose not1
to disrupt a perfect program for sev-
eral reasons. Some because they feel{
they have so little worthy of offering
(could this be our fault for stressing
outstanding activities); others be-
cause there is no glorification in the
fields of endeavor' open to college
students, no uniforms or shiny but-
tons, no exhalation of the press;
others because the work here seems
to theni too remote from the actual
war effort; and others because, as
Miss Richards points out, they are
just too lazy.,
But rather than try to shame this
group into participation I would pre-
fer to impress upon them the vital-
ness of the war activities here on our
campus. Let's make them realize that
this is a total war and every cog in
the machinery of defense is of conse-
quence no matter how minute it may
be. Let's tell them that the few hours
they may devote or the quarter they
may invest a week will help to bring
to a faster end this catastrophe.
(Think of the total if each coed on
this campus would buy even one ten
cen stamp per week). Let's say to
them, "Do not be ashamed if you
have only an hour or a quarter a week
to offer for without the parts there
can be no whole; without the efforts
of all there can be no total victory."
THIS is no game we are playing,
it's a struggle for existence, for
a way of life, and every oportunity
for you to share in that fight is a
part of the total effort regardless
of how remote it may seem. And
not only your country will profit
but you will profit as an individual
for you may wear your shoulders
just as square as that uniform
would make them for knowing that
you have a place in this "all-out"
Today men are dying for our cause,
'suffering a thousand agonies of pain
and privation so that we may live,
and we may die . .. in peace. These
men are not permitted to say that
their part is too small to be worthy
of the doing, thse men cannot stand
before their corntry and their God
and say, "my life is complete as it
stands, I will not have it changed".
These men are not only not saying
these things but have no desire to
say them.\ They want to fight, fight'
with all they've got, and they're de-
pending on you to dothe same ... to
give them not only moral, but tangi-
ble support in this, their supreme
We can't be traitors to this trust
so let's get out and do these things
that are so worthy of doing . . . Be a'
part of this gigantic struggle, know
that you are doing all you can and
know that because you are valiant
enqugh to give of your time and
money that you are worthy of being
an American citizen, worthy of being
here instead of in a part of the world
which lies maimed and crushed un-
der the brutal impact of bombs . .
Know that you are worthy of the
privilege which is yours, the privilege
of being alive.
- Mary Horan, '44Ed.
Mrs. Roosevelt Tells
Of England's Attitude
On Physical Fitness
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in her syn-
dicated column "My Day" which ap-
peared in yesterday's Detroit Free
Press, described to the faculty and
students of Connecticut College for
Women the reactions of women in
England to compulsory physical edu-
cation programs.
Asked one student: "Do the stu-
dents of Great Britain accept the
added physical education which is
now being given us as a horrid neces-
sity, or do they really feel it is im-
portant and enter into it with zest?"
Answered Mrs. Roosevelt: "It was
well understood by students over there
that the best possible physical con-
dition was necessary, both for men
and women; that they needed to know
more about nutrition and far more
about mental balance and the value
of a trained and controlled mind as
part of their entire physical well-
..(ue t omor ow
Petitioning for two positions on the
WAA Board will continue until 3 p.m.
tomorrow, according to Nancy Fil-
strup, '43, president.
Vacant places, which are to be filled
are those of head of the Hockey club
and the auxiliary riding club to Crop
and Saddle. Interviewing by the sen-
ior executive board will be from 3
p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the WAB.
Petitions may be secured either at
the League or the WAB, and are to be
returned to the same places. No ex-
perience in the WAA clubs is required,
but candidates must be eligible. The
auxiliary riding club to Crop and
Saddle is a new organization for wo-
men who know how to ride, but who
are not skilled in the sport.
The women, who are chosen to fill
these jobs, will get enough experience
to petition for executive positions on
the board in'spring.
Initiation Announced
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the re-
cent initiation of Virginia Oksa, '45,
and Harriet Godshalk, '45, at a ban-
quet at the chapter house.
Basketball Tournament: 5:10
p.m. tomorrow, Alumnae vs. Phi
Sigma Sigma; Jordan vs. Couzens.
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Betsy Barbour
No. 2 vs. Beta Kappa Rho; Madi-
son House vs. Alpha Chi Omega.
5:10 p.m. Tuesday, Zeta Tau Alpha
vs. Kappa Alpha Theta; Gamma
Phi Beta vs. Martha Cook.
5:10 p.m. Wednesday, Alpha
Omicron Pi vs. Mosher No. 2;
Adelia Cheever vs. Sorosis. 4:30
p.m. Thursday, Betsy Barbour No.
1 vs. Mosher No. 1. 5:10' p.m.
Thursday, Pi Beta Phi vs. Zimmer
House; Alpha Phi vs. Kappa Delta.
All games will be played at Bar-
bour gymnasium.
Fencing Club: 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day, Barbour gym.
Badminton Club: 5 p.m. Friday,
Barbour gym.
Dance Club: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday, Barbour Dance
WAA Board: Supper meeting,
5:30 p.m. Wednesday, WAB.
Crop and Saddle: 5 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Barbour gym.
University Women's Riding
Club: 1 p.m. Saturday, Barbour
New Feminine Coast Guard Unit
Similar To Waves Is Formed
Byk The Associated Press
Here's a tip to a girl }who is think-
ing of joining the WAVES because1
her big romance is in the Navy:-
join the SPARS instead.
A WAVE can't marry a chap in the
Navy, but that prohibition doesn't
apply to a SPAR. member of the now
forming feminine auxiliary of the
Coast Guard.
This romantic tip developed today
at the first press conference held by
Lieut. Commander Dorothy Stratton,
just sworn .in as head of the SPARS.
She explained that neither WAVES
nor SPARS may marry while in train-
ing. Afterward they may say "I do,"
but not to a man in their branch of
the service. It seems that experienced
officers (men) don't look with favor
on man-and-wife teams in the same
Otherwise, it is largely a matter of
personal choice as to whether a girl
should join the WAVES or SPARS.
"The jobs will be very similar," said
Lieut. Commander Stratton. Women
have traditionally been interested in,
preservation of life and property and
that is one of the purposes of the
Coast Guard, she continued.
Naval recruiting stations - same
places where WAVES sign up-are
ready for enlistment of SPARS. By
the end of 1943, it is hoped to have
4,000 trained SPARS on duty, and
8,000 by end of 1944. "If we are still
at war," Lieut Commander Stratton
Women students who wish to do-
elate blood to the Red Cross for use
by the armed forces are requested to
come for a blood recheck, according
to Dr. Margaret Bell.
The women may come from 10 a.m.
to 12 noon Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.xe.
Wednesday, or 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Thursday, at the University Health
Service. On the following day they
may see one of the women's physi-
cians at the Health Service for a
report on their blood check.
There will be a mass meeting of
all sorority women, interested in
working on "Victory Vanities,"
IFC and Panhellenic stunt show,
at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the
Get McCallum full fashioned rayon
and cotton hose. They have a nar-
rdw seam; fit the leg. *They are
fashionable and warm, with plenty
of wear. Try a pair at $1.19.
we still have some flannelette pa-
jamas at $2.95. The gowns at $2.00,
;'$2.29and $2.95. A nice warm qual-
ity. Neatly tailored.
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
m fnr fc
Entire Stock
and 5.85
One- and two-piece dresses in wool, jersey, gabardine,
ondbrayon; available in all colors. Just what you'll
need for Christmas festivities, REGULARLY $10.95,
NOW 2 for $13.00!
Two Doors East of the Michigan
Just when you want them most ... fine, velvet-
soft suedes in shoes for dress-up and street wear -
priced at special savings. Shoes that were
6.75 to 8.95, every pair an excellent value.
* spectators
* date pumps
0 "sling" pumps
* walking shoes
* heels.... high, low, medium
* colors . .'. black, brown,
wine, green
Sall suedes
* suede and leather
Further Reductions
On the Fall Group of
N.ew 1/3 Less
® Dresses that were 17.95 to 25.00
o Suits that were 25.00 and 39.95
* Wool blouses that were 10.00
* ... a few remaining hats and bags
Sorry, all sales must be final!
I. 2' ___ A
A '00 .w.
..a .p. 5 t
. 14 i~ X. r
COLLINS -SLIP.is design-:{,.r'
...o.ft.-w ont.tist........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and wear beautifully. A slip :-. :''}:::":r: 14::
.{i}+isa n gift:".ithat'}:s sure.:w to:::pleasev." r}{ o
"}lack,-}:4w:white,,.... .flesh. v ::'.,v:. '" t;.}^ .:: .... ..Cw:.:>:..:t:: "v:v:. :tj'iyx
LI SLP . des9 :"
"::....w:: ::: ":..w: yJ.::: r:.w:::::... ~r.: }:":"}!
v. T........:GIFT...GO W NS.. .are ..4ayear....around.. f a :i::"vorite: '4": ..:r:::{: .:.: :::i:^i':>': + 0 r.{. ..YY
ed to it wothews flared:.:w:: ..skirt gowns : .::... enjoy..:....special... ,:::popu-...:
L~ :.. :: : :w : : :.:} : ". .w .~ w : : " . . ., . . .. . : ..w :w ., ; :::. . . :.w' ' .{;4: : : - .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .4 .4
la itt;} r im i m e. A d ain ty:::::":':...:.lace ::: }}trm :.;..{t;:... .r. . . .,...r::........:.::
outlines: . thiwhre:bdcs rnt ht,'
f le s h , b la c k ..::: x"::,4:::.: .::w : .; : .:... ... .. . '-:": :.:}.~ .. ,v { r:: r:; ":
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and wear bautifully LACE::TRIM.PANTIES ..tow:match.. your.favorite
t: r.}sli4p. Be " sure .. ;:ito add".1;a;:pair:}S:ofi panties:: to y your"K'
.........:.: ,......:..... x:"v:::.:.:::::4:v
isa if t ats ur o le se +9 '} :: "i:-::v.w.".::: .vCh::rism as go::':wn or s: i p g'}: i ft:.w.:. .v::::w. : : i-::t4"w.:,"::"::w.
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