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November 06, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-06

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FAC-E t'V70

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Artur Rodzinski
Will Conduct
Here Sunday
Cleveland Symphony
Will Play in Third
Choral Union Concert
The Cleveland Symphony, directed
by Dr. Artur Rodzinski, will present aj
program of music by Beethoven,
Tchaikowsky and Morton Gould in
the third concert of the Choral Union
Series at 8:30 p. m. Sunday in Hill
Touring the country for its 24thI
season, ninth under Dr. Rodzinski's
direction, the Cleveland Orchestra is I
noted for its policy of consistently;
presenting the works of American
composers in addition to works of
classical composers.
This policy is illustrated by the
program. to be presented Sunday,
which includes Morton Gould's "Spir
ituals," designed for string choir and j
The complete program of the
Cleveland Symphony will be: "Sym
phony No. 2 in D major, Op. 36" by
Beethoven; Morton Gould's "Spir-
uaas;" and "Symphony No. 6 in B
minor, Op. 74, 'Pathetique' by Tchai-
Throughout its history only two
conductors have been in charge of P
the orchestra. Nikolai Sokoloff was sc
the conductor from 1918 to 1933, p
when Artur Rodzinski took over the fc

Leads in New War Drama
v f
"Sundown," the opening bill of Play Production- of the speech de-
partumet, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn. A play which anticipates a better post-war society
as a result of bitter sacrifice upon the youth of the country features
Betty Alice Brown taking the part of Fay Gordon and John Babington
portraying the role of Brad Sullins. "Sundown" was written by Prof.
John L. Brumm, head of the department of journalism.

Teachers' Colder
at University Hi,
The 7th annual Conference for Be-
ginning Teachers which is sponsored
by the School of Education will open
at 10 a. m. tomorrow in the University
High School.
Each year this conference provides
young men and women who have just
begun to teach an opportunity to
discuss problems of adjustment. Fac-
ulty members of the education school
and supervising teachers of the Uni-
versity High School have planned a
three-fold conference.
Informal Meetings
The first part consists of informal
individual conferences arranged with
specific members of the staff so that
returning teachers may discuss spe-
cial interests with them.
The second part of the conference,
is an Assembly for Student Teachers
from 10 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. in the
University High School auditorium.
Ten speakers will discuss problems
which have confronted thenm in their
first few weeks of teaching. An open.
discussion will follow these talks.
Group Discussions,
Group conferences make up the
third part of the program. Three ses-
sions to be held are: "Problems of
Adjustment," Miss Odina Olson,
chairman; "Curriculum and Instruc-
tional Problems;" Katherine Hill,
chairman: and "Problems of the Ele-
mentary School Teacher," Edith Dow-
ley, chairman.
Resource leaders for these sessions

? _. w
.. . . .

rence to Open
gh Tomorrow
group; and Miss Margaret Kirkpat-
rick for the third group. All leaders
are members of the School of Educa-
tion' faculty.
Modern Trends Followed
The purpose of the conference, in
addition. to providing beginning
teachers with information and prob-
lem solutions, is to keep the education
school in touch with the changing
picture of Michigan schools and to
provide the faculty with additional
knowledge of the practical school
situation throughout the state.
The problems of adjustments which
the conference will discuss include
adaptation to the community and
school situation. Classes which are
particularly difficult to teach, espe-
cially in crowded defense areas will
be looked into, and personal problems
will be related.
Gargoyle to Feature
Short Story Contest
Two contests mark the beginning
of a new fervor in Gargoyle work, as
the magazine staff begins work on
,the December issue.
The short story contest is again
open to all young writers, with a $5
prize offered for the best 1,000-word
offering. Stories must be submitted
by the 16th of November.
Editor Olga Gruhzit, '43, also an-
nounces that the December "Photo
of the Month" contest is open, and

Sphinxes Tap
Wrong Victim
Stew Dinsmore, '42, and members
of Sphinx, Junior Honorary Society,
mixed blows in a tapping faux pas
which took place very early Thurs-
day morning.
At 2:30 a. in., the rough, tough
Sphinxes burst into the Sigma Phi
house yelling loudly for Al Mactier,
'44, whom they intended to tap. They
noisily made their way to the second
floor and to the closed bedroom at the
end of the hall, where they were told
Al was sleeping. The Sphinxes en-
tered, and energetically began to tap
the man in the lower bunk, without
stopping to notice who he was.
He was Stew Dinsmore, Al's room-
mate, who awoke from a sound sleep
to find himself being dragged from
his bed and doused all over with cold
beer, by a bunch of complete stran-
gers. All the while, Al Mactier, the
would-be tapped, lay in the upper
bunk chuckling. Before the Sphinxes
realized their mistake, Stew began to
get peeved. He let fly a couple of hay-
makers which would have floored the
Sphinxes, en masse, if they had ever,
But when the Sphinxes saw Al in
the upper bunk, they grabbed for
him; and left Stew sitting on the
floor, mad and beer-soaked. Stew
thinks they should at least have apol-
contributions should be brought to
the Gargoyle office.
The magazine will appear in early

0 -
Rev. JohnI
rcf. Harold]
ience depa
roblem oft
rum at 8:30

Dorr to Debate Second
in Hillel Forum Today

FRIDAY, MOVN 7, 1942
Competition for
White Award
to Begin Soon
Chemical Engineers
Will Receive Problem
for Annual Contest
Dr. Robert R. White of the depart-
ment of chemical engineering an-
nounced today that competition for
the annual Alfred McClaren White
award would begin soon.
One hundred dollars will be given
to the undergraduate chemical engi-
neer in the country who presents the
best solution to a practical problem
designed by various groups in the
chemical industry. Second apd third
prizes of $50 and $25 will be awarded
and in addition three prizes of . $10
each. The three best solutions sub-
mitted by University engineers will
be entered in the national competi-
The award was designed in 1932 to
stimulate interest in practical engi-
neering problems and was named in
honor of Alfred McClaren White,
formerly of the department of chem-
ical engineering. In that year the
national award was won by George
K. Hickin of the University.
The problem is to be completed,
three weeks after it is presented by
the department and the winning so-
lution will be published in "Transac-
tions of the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers."
Undergraduate chemical engineers
interested in competing for the award
are to contact Dr. White, room 2217,
East Engineering Building.
Dick Manning Will Head
University Flying Club
Dick Manning, '43E, was selected
president of the University Flying
Club at its recent meeting held for
the purpose of electing officers for
the coming year.
Other students who were chosen to
head the club were datherine But-
man, '43Ed, vice-president; Kent Ar-
nold, '43E, secretary; Jack Behler,,
'43E, treasurer and Jim Plenge, '43E,

M. Miles of Detroit andI
M. Dorr of the political
rtment will discuss theI
the Second Front in aI
p. m. today at the Hillel


in that subject in the political science

department. He has spoken at Hillel will be Wesley Darling, Miss Edith
many times in the past. Hoyle, Miss Helen Ryder, and Miss
The talks will be followed by an Hope Chipman for the first group;
informal question and discussion peri- Francis D. Curtis, Marshall Byrne and
dr "Tha .lir is inxioladthr ~c nrai -arcf% -non~

- viavxondto.o . ie puul is invited and the
The orchestra came into being Foundation. is no admission charge. Refreshmen
through the initiative of Mrs. Adelia Professor Dorr will take the position will be served.
Prentiss Hughes, who had brought that a second front should be estab! Preceding the forum, conservati
,geveland's . interest in symphonic lished only when the military leaders religious service will be held startir
?.usic to a very high estate by pre- of the United Nations decide the op- promptly at 7:45 p. m.
senting internationally famous or-
chestras in some 150 concerts under portunity is at hand, while Rev. Miles
the direction of such famous conduc- will speak on "The Second Front 4 anoe toSpeak
tosas Dr. Karl Muck, Victor Her- Now."
bert, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Rev. Miles received his A.B. at How- at T C £b t
Leopold Stokowski and many others, ard University and his Doctor of Di- (11998i d e.H ua
;beitween 1901 and 1918. vinity degree at Yale. He taught social
Remaining tickets are being sold at science at Taladega College, Tala- Largest Pledge Cvroup
the University Musical Society offices dega, Alabama, and was for eight
in -the Burton Memorial Tower. They years pastor of the Chattanooga Con- To Be lOIIOr.d NOv. 1
will also be sold at the box office in gregational Church in Chattanooga, T
IDill Auditorium after 7 p.m. Sunday. Tennessee. The 1942 Interfraternity Coun
Rev._Milesisconsideredanexpert Pledge Banquet will honor the large
Rev. Miles is considered an expert
War Bonds Issued Here! on Negro problems and is widely group of pledges in Michigan fr
known around Detroit for his speech- ternity history, Richie Rawdon, IF
1 # es and his work on the subject, publicity director, announced ye
,, 0Professor Dorr is an expert on con- terday, at the same time revealii
stitutional law and teaches a course that the ban uet date h b

ire 1 viss ureiiat Haiyesj for the second


Continuous from 1 P.M.


Union Ticket Resale
Desk to Open Today


The facilities of the football ticket
resale desk will be available today
from 3 to 5 p.m. and tomorrow from
9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m., according to
Bunny.Crawford, '44, publicity direc-
tor of the Michigan Union.
The desk is located at the Travel
Desk in the lobby of the Union. It
? operates for the purpose of aiding
students and alumni in buying and
selling tickets for Michigan's home
football games.
There are also regular tickets avail-
able for sale provided by the ticket
Since student tickets are non-
transferable, only general admission
tickets can be accepted for resale
over the counter. No profit is real-
ized by the Union in handling trans-
actions, and all unsold tickets are
returned to their owners.
Success of the Resale Desk in the
past has made it seldom necessary to
return unsold tickets. Last season's
operations boast a selling record of
98%, according to Crawford.
All persons who have not completed
their transactions with the Desk for
the Illinois game are asked to con-
tact the Resale Desk today or to-
morrow at the times specified.
Applications for the 1942-43 Hillel
Scholarship must be turned in at the
Hillel Foundation today, Rabbi J. M.
Cohen, director, announced.
The scholarship, amounting to
$150, is awarded annually by the
Pisgah Auxiliary of B'nai B'rith to,
some member of Hillel.

LnLLe aqu et~ as seen seL
as Nov. 10.
The banquet will be held in the
Michigan Union and the main pro-
gram attraction will be a speech by
Col. William A. Ganoe. As yet, how-
ever, his topic has not been an-f
Over 700 people are expected, Raw-
don claimed, attendance being com-
pulsory upon all fall pledges. Each
house's pledge chairman and presi-
dent is also expected to be present.
General banquet chairman is Paul
Wingate, Zeta Beta Tau member and
IFC secretary. Bud Burgess, '44E,
Theta Delta Chi," and Mark Hance,
'44, Delta Tau Delta, are handling
tickets and program arrangements,
while Bud Brown, '44E, Zeta Beta
Tau, and Jack Handley, '44. Phi Kap-
pa Psi, are in charge of seating and
the menu. Ralw don is publicity
chairman. t

roken Axis
orces Fleeing
(Continued from Page 1)
what is left of them-were short of
fuel, thanks to the steady rear-line
battering of their supply depots by
American and Allied airmen. (A Reu-
ters dispatch said not a single Axis
tanker had been able to cross the
Mediterranean in the last six weeks.)
There were also accumulating signs
that the German African Corps, the
backbcne of the Axis invasion, was
outstepping its Italian counterpart in
the flight. The advancing British dis-
covered that Axis rear-guards were
mostly Italians, that most of thej
screen of rear guard weapons were
of Italian make. Marshal Rommel,
these dispatches indicated, clearly
was trying to save his own tattered
formations and leaving the Italians
to fend for themselves in a "jack-
rabbit war" where most commanders
appeared to be left on their owln be-
cause of demoralized communications
and leadership.
Von Stumme Killed
The British announced yesterday
that General Von Stumme, second in
command to Rommel, had been killed.
and that Gen. Ritter Von Thoma,
third of the topflight Axis leaders,
was in captivity.
The tidal wave across the desert
was triangular, most of the speed be-
ing made along the Mediterranean
coastal road. Far to the south, near
the edge of the Qattara depression,
isolated enemy groups were being
mopped up with little trouble, dis-
patches said. There was also a steady'
eastward trickle of Axis prisoners
which already has passed the 9,000
Truce Called For
Three days ago the Italians were
reported to have asked for a truce to
bury their dead. The advancing Brit-
ish ignored this apparent "breather
device" and pushed on ahead.
Allied airmen reported desert roads
and trails were packed tight with re-


If members of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers intend to go
on the inspection trip through the
Huron Forge and Machine Co.sof De-
troit they must show their birth cer-
tificates to Hugh Miller, '44E, today.j
The trip, on Nov. 11, will includeI
lectures and demonstrations on the
forging of ordnance parts.

VOL. LIII No. 29
All notices for the Daily Officjal Bul-
letin are.to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
CGncil: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
November 9, at 4:15 p. m. in the
treating Axis vehicles, and their
bombs tore huge gap in these con-
centrations. Fighter planes also
strafed Axis troops scurrying away
from the roads.
*While al the Allied air forces
spread continued destruction down
the long, weaving lines of retreating
motor convoys and armored vehicles,
U.S. heavy bombers reached out to
plaster Bengasi, Rommel's miain rear-
ward supply port.
They hit four ships for sure and
probably a fifth, reducing by that
much the German Marshal's chances
of supplying his defense.
In the air U.S. fighters got at least
four more enemy planes during
Wednesday's dogfights. No American
plane was lost.
(Axis high commands said their
desert armies had fallen back to "new
lines" or "prepared second positions."
Rome, placing the fighting between
El Alamein and Fuka, admitted: "Our
losses have been severe.")
Co vers on Qf
Is Advocated
resolution urging that excursion
steamers now making weekly pleasure
bruises on Lake Michigan and Lake
Huron be converted to common car-
resto transport tourists to resort
centers in the state was passed by
members of the West Michigan Tour-
ist and Resort Association at their
annual meeting here tonight.
The resolution authorized appoint-
ment of a 'three-man committee to
discuss possibilities of the plan with
operators of lake steamers and the
director of defense transportation.
Speeches and discussions at the
meeting centered largely on the prob-
lems created for the state's resort in-
dustry by gasoline rationing and
other wartime influences.
Only optimistic note injected in the
gloomy picture for 1943 was the as-
sertion by Jacob Zweedyk, manager
of the district Office of Price Admn-
istration here, That numerical losses
of tourists would be offset to some
extent by the longer stays they will
make at vacation spots.
They're fHere!



Rackham Amphitheatre. All regular
meetings of the University Council
are open to the members of the Uni-
versity Senate.
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you'have purchased
improved property on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of the value of the prop-
erty, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of University Hall, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such
financing may effect a substantial
saving in interest.
German Table for Faculty Members
will meet Monday at 12:10 p. m. in
the Founders' Room Michigan Union.
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
talk on "Japanische Namen" by Mr.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union, whose attend-
ance records are clear, will please
call for courtesy tickets, admitting
to the Cleveland Symphony Orches-
tra concert, today between the hours
of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety, in Burton Memorial Tower.
After 4 o'clock -today no courtesy
tickets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President,
University Musical Society
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due Sat-
urday, November 7, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselor
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are reminded that membersnip lists
for the month of October are now
due at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
Naval Reserve Class V-5, V-7 and
Marine Corps Reserve: The recruit-
ing board for these reserves will be
on the campus November 10. Stu-
dents interested in enlisting at that
time must have all their papers
ready for the board when it arrives.
Instructions may be had at the In-
formation Center, 1009 Angell Hall.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil and
Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Newman
A. Hall of Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft
(Continued on Page 4)

.3A t




"Neptune's Daughters"



- Coming Sunday -


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