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November 06, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-06

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Rain and Calder




Forces Hit
Japs Hard
Guadalcanal Is Scene
of 'Violent' Battle; 70
Guns Are Captured
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.- Violent
fighting flamed in a new sector of
battle-ravaged Guadalcanal tonight
as Americn troops, already heavily
and successfully engaged on their
western flank, sought to crush the
eastern arm of a Japanese pincers
move before it could be formidably
Thie extent of American successes
to ,the west was shown in a Navy
communique announcing this latest
development. The communique said
that in the western sector 350 Japa-
nese were killed'on November 3, and
three enemyl field pieces, a dozen 37
min. light artillery guns and 30 ma-
chine guns were captured.
New- Shelling
Meanwhile both naval ships and
army aircraft had struck new blows
against the enemy's western threat to
the strateic American airfield on the
$olomons Island, bombing and shell-
ing supply dumps and troop concen-
trations on the north coast of Guadal-
canal in the vicinity of Kokumbona.
The airfield is the focal point of
all operations on Guadalcanal Island,
both American and Japanese, and
the directions east and west are de-
termined from it as center.
In an obvious effort to divert some
American strength from their main
forces to the west, the Japanese threw
a force of troops onto the island east
of the field on the night of November
2-3. The Marines had started their
counter-offensive to the west against
the enemy's jungle-protected troops
on November 1, and had gained two
miles in the initial actions.
Jap Landings
Today's communique said that on
the night of November 3-4, the Japs
again effected landings to the east,
in. .the vicinity of Koli point, about
six miles from the airfield. Appar-
ently it was about the time these lat-
est landing operations were being
completed that Marine units of the
Army-Marine forces defending the
field made their assault in the east,
for the communique's first reference
was a statement that they suffered
an "initial repulse" at dawn on No-
vember 4.
Recovering from this setback, they
again attacked and the communique
reported that they are now "pressing
their attacks on these enemy troops.
Considerable significance was at-
tached here to the outburst of fight-
ing on the American east flank. It
showed that the seriousness of the
Japanese threat at that point had
demanded prompt American counter-
action and also that the American
defenders were entirely capable of
undertaking a two-front battle with-
out waiting for the enemy to begin it.
Bombing Assault
The report of Air and Naval actions
against the enemy concentration area
around Kokumbona-which is about
6 miles wet of the air field-con-
tained no detail of results achieved.
Army bombers carried out their as-
sault on November 1 as the land of-
fensive was getting under way and
the Naval bombardment was delivered
on the night of November 3-4, even
as the Japs were building up their
strength east of the air field with new
Previously U.S. warships had been
in action against the enemy's north

Trouble for the Harvards

University Press Club Begins
Second 'Session Today in Union

The Harvards, who ordinarily are not averse to a good rousing tiff
with the Yales or the Princetons, will have plenty to worry about to-
morrow afternoon when they look into the face of Elmer Madar, whom
line coach Munn calls "the roughest little monkey on our entire first

Vandenberg Advocates
Coalition for Victory

Speeches Covering
Newspapers in War
Head Day's Meeting
More than 100 Michigan newspaper
editors, here for the 25th annual
meeting of the University Press Club,
will enter their second day's activity
today with a full schedule that in-
cludes eight speeches, a luncheon, a
dinner and a play.
J. S. Bugas, Detroit FBI chief, will
open the morning session in the Un-
ion ballroom at 10 a. m. with a speech
on "The FBI and the War." Two
speeches on manpower and the war
will be presented by Col. William A.1
Ganoe, head of the University ROTC
and Prof. William Haber, director of
the Planning Division of the Federal
Security Administration.
At the afternoon session, 2 p. m. in
the Union ballroom, three men will
tell, from first hand experience, the
inside story of one of our enemies
and two of our allies.
Joseph P. Junosza, late of the Poly-
technical Institute of Warsaw, will
speak on Poland, and Wolfgang H.
Soviets Repulse
Nazi .hordes
at Staino rad
MOSCOW, Nov. 6. (Friday)- ()-
Wave after wave of attacking Ger-
mans faltered and died in the rubble
heaps of Stalingrad yesterday, and
the Red Army also held firm and even
gained ground in the battle of the
Caucasus, the Soviets announced ear-
ly today.
Thus far the Germans have lost
more than 100,000 men killed, 800
tanks and 1,000 planes in their futile
effort to subdue the Volga River city,1
the Moscow radio said in quoting a
letter from the Stalingrad garrison
addressed to Premier Joseph Stalin.
The midnight communique told
how the enemy continued "throwing
in his reserves" yesterday in repeated
attacks, but said every assault was
repulsed and heavy losses inflicted
on the Nazis.
Eight hundred more Germans were
wiped out northwest of Stalingrad,
and five enemy blockhouses were de-
stroyed by Red artillery, the Russians
In the Caucasus southeast of Nal-
chik on the approaches to the Geor-
gian military highway across the
Caucasian mountains, the communi-
que said, the Red Army wiped out a
party of tank-borne German tommy-
gunners who had penetrated behind
the Russian lines. More than 700
other Nazis also were killed in the
same area, and four tanks and many
motor vehicles were destroyed, it
Northeast of Tuapse on the Black
Sea coast the Russians said their
troops "forged ahead somewhat," an-
nihilating an enemy battalion and
occupying another height.
The communique also mentioned a
new sector-east of Novorossisk-
where a Russian group surrounded a
farm occupied by 60 Germans and
wiped them out to the last man. No
fighting has been mentioned in this
area for weeks since the Russians
abandoned Novorssisk in their retreat
along the coast toward Tuapse.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-A leading;
Senate Republican, Vandenberg of
Michigan, today proposed a Republi-
can-Democratic victory coalition-
with "politics and New Dealism" out
for the duration-as the solution to'
war-time problems arising from the
close party alignments in House and
His idea is that Congress should]
now create a "unified committee on
war cooperation." The Administra-
tion "should deal more openly with
Congress"-including the Republican
leadership-and with the country.
The election, he added, had demon-
strated popular dissatisfaction with
the conduct of the war.
Meanwhile, the Househeard de-
mands that the wage-hour law and
National Labor Relations Act be re-
pealed, while a Senate colloquy found
a prominent Republican and a lead-
ing Democrat agreeing that Tues-
day's many Democratic losses could
not be attributed to any lack of unity
on the war front.
Senator Connally (Dem. - Tex.)
Fraternity Tells
Tragic Story
of Pilot's death
Members of Phi Gamma Delta fra-
ternity last night told the tragic story
of First Lieut. Lynn C. Riess, Jr.-"he
had a good word for everybody"-
who was killed somewhere in England
when the Liberator bomber he was
piloting on a routine flight acciden-
tally crashed.
Riess graduated from the Univer-
sity of Michigan only last June and
anlited in the TT. Air Corps one

arose, he said, to make it clear that
the reverses of the Administration
party could not be interpreted by the
propagandists of Berlin and Tokyo
as any "repudiation of our war pur-
Public Impatience
He attributed them to public im-
patience with the prosecution of the
war and resentment against Wash-
ington bureaucracy. Actually, he said,
the voters had "registered a more
desperate will to carry this war to
triumph and victory."
Senator McNary of Oregon, the
Republican floor leader, agreed that
"no issue of patriotism or unity" was
raised in the campaign, and added
that the administration had com-
mitted "enough mistakes and errors"
to justify the people in calling it to
Returns Expected
The Democrats' defeats, he said.
represented revolts against wastes
in expenditures which "astounded,
abashed and shocked" him and
against unnecessary employment by
the government "of people who
should be home working at real war
Vice-President Wallace, leaving a
conference with President Roosevelt,
told reporters that Mr. Roosevelt was
in "excellent spirits." Wallace said
the elections turned out the way they
did because only a relatively. small
number of voters participated.

in 1940 escaped from a German
concentration camp in Poland will
speak on "Inside Poland" at the 2
p. m. session today in the Union1
Kraus, a German recently natura-1
lized, will discuss "Inside Germany."1
Prof. Esson M. Gale, of the University1
political science department, will pre-
sent an address entitled, "Inside
China." Professor Gale returned from
Chungking by clipper plane only last
month to take up teaching duties
At a dinner in the League ballroom
at 5:45 p. in., President Alexander G.
Ruthven and vice-president James D.'
Bruce will speak.
The entire Press Club group will
attend the Play Production offering,
"Sundown," written especially for the
occasion by Prof. John L. Brumm of
the journalism department.
Voting Figures
Reveal Sharp
Ballot Decline
LANSING, Nov. 5. - (P) - G. T.
Hartman, deputy Secretary of State,
estimated today that a total of ap-
proximately 1,200,000 votes were cast
in Michigan's general election Tues-
day, a decline of almost 60 per cent
from the 1940 Presidential year poll
of 2,085,929.
With the decrease showing out-
state as well as in metropolitan areas,
Tuesday's balloting fell below the
1938 total of 1,605,214, Hartman said.
He said it was impossible to deter-
mine what a percentage of registered
voters had cast ballots because regis-
tration totals are not made available
to the Secretary of State's office by
the counties.
Although county clerks previously
had been instructed to expedite re-
turns, Hartman said official results
were straggling into the Secretary
of State's office and that the state
board of canvassers planned to
"shake up tardy clerks before Tues-
day. The board is required by statute
to meet within 20 days after an elec-

Polish Lecturer

AXis Commander
Taken byBritish
ert, Nov. 5 (9:55 a.m.).-(P)-Lieut.-Gen. B. L. Montgomery, commander
of the Eighth Army, announced this morning that the Eighth Army
battling the Axis had achieved complete and absolute victory, and that
the enemy now was in full retreat.
Axis forces left at the southern end of the Alamein line face the
British troops, he said, but they will be put "in the bag."
General Montgomery also announced the capture of Gen. Ritter von
Thoma, Axis Afrika Korps commander, who was taken yesterday in a
tank action. Von Thoma spent the night at British headquarters.
General Montgomery continued:
"We will not stop fighting now. We will wipe out all the Axis forces
in North Africa."
The British leader said that infantry and royal artillery was respon-
sible for the shattering of the Alamein line, and that it was "now the
armor's turn to destroy the enemy completely."
The Allied Air Force had played a great part in breaking the morale
of the enemy troops, he pointed out, and the victory was gained by the
combined operations of army and air forces which worked as one.

Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Nov. 5.- The broken and
bleeding Axis desert Army fled across
the sands of western Egypt tonight
in a desperate attempt to escape ap-
parently certain annihilation at the
hands of triumphing Allied forces
whose British commander declared:
"Complete victory is almost in sight!'
Over a 40-mile front littered with
hundreds of wrecked enemy tanks
planes, and gunposts, the British 8th
Army and its homeless Allies-fight-
ing Frenchmen, Greeks, and Poles-
drove relentlessly forward on the
heels of Marshal Erwin Rommel's ex-
hausted columns withdrawing hastily
toward Fuka, 62 miles west of th
shattered Alamein line.
Airmen Attack
U.S. and RAF airmen streaking
overhead steadily moved their "bomb-
line" ahead of the advancing Allies
infantry and tanks. By day and nigh
they hacked at the remnants of th(
Axis desert legions who were so cer"
tain of victory last summer that Pre
mier Benito Mussolini of Italy mad
hurried plans for a triumphant per.
sonal appearance in Cairo.
Front dispatches said the retreat
ing Axis armored detachments-o
Turn to Page 2, Col. 4
* * *
British Official Calls
Fate of Axis Army
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 5.- The Axis Arm
in Egypt "is busted and virtuall,
helpless" and is being subjected to tl
grimmest kind of slaughter in a nar
row trap along the Mediterraneai
coast, a high British official said lat
The informant, who cannot b
identified by name and who usuall
has been extremely reserved, said tb
fate of Marshal Erwin Rommel's for
ces would finally be sealed soon an
that the British Army, Navy and A
Force were engaged in what amount
to virtually a mopping-up procevs.
The official estimate came but
short time after the Allied eldc
statesman and Premier of South A
rica, Marshal Jan Christian Smut
had suggested strongly that the tr
umph in Egypt was "the turning poir
of the war."
Preliminary to Invasion
Sir Stafford Cripps, lord privy sea
declared the north African battle wf
but one of the new offensives the A
lies would mount against the Axi
Expied governments in London exdlt
in the prediction that the dese
smash was preliminary to an invasi
of Europe itself.
r~r1-.. .fine- 1sshn arar nrlR -

Stinson Blasts
Training Plan
in 18-I9 Draft
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-(AP)-The
Senate's proposed requirement of a
full year's training before drafted 18
and 19-year-olds may be sent to a
fighting front was vigorously assailed
today by War Secretary Stimson as a
product of "pre-war mentality" which
e would "put shackles on the war ef-
y With this proviso attached, the
e war secretary told his press confer-
ence sharply, the law lowering the
draft age promised no benefit and
could result in actual peril to victory.
9 "Who can foretell with certainty
- our future in the rushing war?,Who
d can foretell with certainty what mea-
, sure the military will be called upon
e to take to crush the enemy? National
disaster may result from any legal
- restrictions imposing on us shackles
e as to how the army may use any ele-
- ment of its strength," Stimson said.
- Adopted 39 to 31 by the Senate, the
r year's training provision has yet to
be acted on by the House.
Stimson announced that orders had
been issued for creation of 5 addi-
tional infantry divisions, rounding
out the program expanding the
ground forces this year to some four
score divisions of all types.
i Van Wagoner
t Invites Kelly
x To Cooperate
r- LANSING, Nov. 5.-(A)-Governor
d Van Wagoner disclosed today he has
ir invited Governor-Elect Harry F. Kelly
ts to share with him the responsibility
of governing the state between now
and inauguration day.
a Van Wagoner, declaring he har-
er bored noaresentment against Kelly
as a result of the latter's election vic-
s' tory, said he would not seek reprisal
- for coups the Republicans sprung on
nt him when he took office two years
ago after having defeated his pre-
decessor, Luren D. Dickinson.
al, He said he already has assured
as Kelly no appointments will be made
.- by the executive office for the balance
is of the term without first being cleared
ed through Kelly.
rt "I will not put Kelly in the position
on that I was put in, when I was the in-
coming governor," Van Wagoner said
mi ate. r a n+-enpp 14He ralled how

'FilDemands o ndia Fischer Cautions

"Only by giving India the partial

gy of this war," he said and, pulling

cooperation can any such strategy b
,L4..i 4- 1

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