4,~ ' . - i.
_ . _
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year and every morning except Mon-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press,1942-43
I"9dRather, Be Right
National Advertising Service, Inc
College Publishers Representative
420 MpAION AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.Ad1 gp ' ;
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omer1wander . . . . Managing Editor
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-0eorgeW. ,aflade . . .Associate Editor U
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff } '
and represent the views of the writers only. ~.
NEW YORK-Let me give you a
short short story. I take it out of
the fall issue of "Military Affairs,"
the journal of the American Mili-
tary Institute.
"The offensive," writes Edward
S. Mason, of the U.S. Office of
Strategic Services, "permits a
choice of time and place, and, if
objectives are limited, successful
attack permits a rapid withdrawal
of men from the armed services
into production. This is the eco-
nomics of Blitzkrieg-an econom-
ics which the Germans have care-
fully exploited.
"The German army personnel,
swollen for the attack on the West,
was rapidly returned to war indus-
tries after the fall of France, and
was not recalled to duty until the
campaign in the Balkans."
Did you know that German sol-
diers had this double function, that
they have been used both as indus-
trial manpower and as military
In our country, the armed serv-
ices and the factories fight for ex-
clusive possession of the same man.
In Germany, both have used him,
in different periods of the same
war. I don't know whether that
system is better than ours. I know
this: it rests on a concept of war
totally different from ours.
of Time and Tactics
It makes our concept of war seem
heavy, leaden-footed. We are
slowly building the greatest aggre-
gation of trained men ever seen on'
earth. We are, in an entirely sep-
arate sphere, slowly building the
greatest munitions-production sys-
tem ever conceived. Both processes
were begun before we had any stra-
tegic concept of how to fight the
war, or where to fight it, or when
to fight it, or with how many men
to fight it.
The great army was started for
an indefinite purpose. The great
production mechanism was started
on the basis of an indefinite pro-
gram to supply the indefinite needs
of an army of indefinite size for
an undetermined struggle.
'The German formula, by con-
trast isnot an elephantine business
of men against men, statistics
against statistics, and bigness ever
higher; it is an exceedingly pro-
found and yet agile concept,'based
on strategy first, with time play-
ing a part in every equation.
Big, But Not Total,
Total war, in other words, is not
quite what we thought it was; fac-
tories smoking, belts whirling,.
trains puffing, everything ticking,
as in a documentary film.
Total war starts in a quiet room
where a few men have decided pre-
cisely what the military is to do,
and where, and when, and with
how many. Until that little scene,
has taken place, your effort may
be big, but it will not be total. It
may keep everyone in the country
busy, and it will still not be total.
War becomes total only when the
strategic decision unlocks the mys-
teries of how many men we shall
draft, how many we shall leave
behind, what we shall build first,
and (equally important) what we
shall not build at all.
Mason (and he is an expert) says
calmly that economic factors are
secondary to strategic factors; that
all major combatants in this war
have, roughly, about what they
need; that to view the war as a
great production and economic
struggle on the home frpnts makes
us defensive-minded, makes us
concentrate on protecting supplies
and raw materials and areas of eco-
nomic significance, instead of on
knocking out the enemy.
One Key Fits All Locks
The program of mere bigness is
not total war; it is actually total
It has a tendency to drive us
into that special insanity of the
besieged. We have nothing to make
judgments by. Shall we draft a
million more or a million less? Shall
we use our steel to build more
army camps? Or do we have
enough camps? Shall we build new
factories or have we enough now?
Shall Manpower Man McNutt con-
trol the draft, or shall the draft
control McNutt? Mystery piles on
mystery. There is one key which
opens them all. That is a precise
and specific strategic determina-
tion as to the kind of war we in-
tend to fight, and when, and where.
Until then, all our studies and
most of our discussion of man-
power and materials will be drivel.
We simply won't know what we are
talking about until that small group
of men has made up its.mind. We
will continue aimlessly to shift offi-
cials, hoping that a new man who
doesn't know quite what he is try-
ing to do will somehow do it better
than another man.who didn't know
what he was trying to do.
We have put our bets on size.
We find it is no substitute for pol-
icy. Total war starts in the gen-
eral staff. When it decides precisely
what it is going to do, it will not
have to wrestle with Donald Nel-
son over who control what. Every
man in the war effort will sud-
denly know.his field.
(Copyright, 1942, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
"SUNDOWN," produced last night
at Lydia Mendelssohn by Play
Production, is a play with a message,
But the message is neither realistic
nor well put forth.
Starting with a series of individual
conflicts, the play expands to th
conflict of capitalism and socialism
All this is placed in a frame of sym-
bolism built around the sun, whosE
final downing signifies the play's res-
olution, and the defeat of capitalism
We will assume that Professox
Brumm was not attempting to give s
realistic picture of social forces as
they operate today; if he were, hE
would not have attributed so mucl
enlightened idealism to this youngex
generation, nor would he have mad
the old so reasonable. Then the play
must be treated as an artistic ex-
STRUCTURALLY, it is weak. ThE
scenes are poorly connected; on
does not lead into another very well
Hence there was no interest aroused
nor any suspense. The conflict i
not centralized; in the first act, it is
the labor agitator against. the forces
of reaction; in the second, the sor
against himself; in the third act it i
son against father. The resolutior
which is rather poorly tacked on
smoothes over all the conflicts, bu
not too satisfactorily.
THE MOTIVATION was negligible
characters performed their ac-
tions through invisible inner compul
sions. And finally the script was
marred by too many cliches. There
were- occasional moments of humor
rather good humor which lost its
effect by lack of integration.
Betty Alice Brown, the heroine o
the opus, managed to carry her in-
adequate role with complete compe-
tence and poise. John Babington's
performance can be described only as
spotty; he showed good moments and
an amount of potentiality, but was
hampered by a tendency to over-
Rex Holt, in the person of Phili
Swander started with a convincing
sincerity and petered out consider-
ably at the end. Mr. Swander has
enough ham in him to make him,
eventually, an excellent actor if the
aforementioned ham is subdued
enough to the genuine feeling he
shows for his roles. Mr. Swandei
must keep i mind that life is not
all Armour's and Swift's.
BUZZ STUCH was refreshing as
comic interest, and Wally Rosen-
baum did a beautiful reading of
well-selected poem from Carl Sand-
burg, his interpretation being the
high point of the second act.
The "dance" mentioned in the pro-
grame was non-existent; the sets were
excellent, as was the costuming.
-Kay Ruddy and Allan Axelrod
The Dunderheads Will
Plan' Post-War World
T IENATURE of the peace and the post-war
it well be determined by the 78th
I cannot remember having made a more dis-
couraging statement since long before we entered
this war.
Not that any of us, including Torquemada,
overnight have become confirmed cynics about
the processes of democracy. No, it's just that
right now we're pretty painfully aware of those
Americans who didn't vote at all, and of those
who would give their lives, and the lives of their
loved ones, rather than sit down and honestly
reason out an issue. These Americans won the
election Tuesday.
The defeated Senator Norris; the United
States never had a finer Senator. They defeated
Senator Brown; rarely has there been a man in
government with his guts and spirit.
They reelected Nazi-spirited Hamilton Fish,
insipid mediocrities like Earl Michener, reac-
tionary Dunderheads like Roy Woodruff, Clare
Hoffman, George Dondero and the rest..
While thousands of Americans will suffer and
die for democracy, the men making the peace and
"planning" the post-war world we're going to
live in will be the same ones who knifed every
social advance, the same ones the Nazis always
wanted, the same ones who were wrong, wrong,
wrong, until you're blue in the face.
The Roosevelt-haters are going to stay that
way, come Hell or high water. And so America
faces a re-enactment of the tragedy of Wilson
and the 66th Congress.
As columnist Raymond Clapper and others
pointed out before the elections, however, Con-
gress itself, by its recalcitrance and stupidity,
has increased the danger of a dictatorship. And
because the voters have reelected the very Con-
gressmen responsible for this situation, the trend
is likely to become even more alarming.
And so we have it.
'WEGO to an economics class to discuss the fine
points of deficit financing for post-war
America, knowing that the men who will actually
pass on it will not even hear of such "Radical
But not in one class that I went to yesterday,
nor in most others that I've asked about, did
we take time out to see what this election will
mean to all of us. The reelection of men like
Senator Lodge and Rep. Hoffman may make
an intelligent peace impossible and may wipe
the slate clean of what gains we have made.
But not a word is said about it.
A few more points. Senator Norris has left our
government. The racket-busters are coming into
vogue, men like Homer Ferguson and Thomas
Dewey Dewey, the isolationist, will make a strong
bid for the Presidency in 1944. He'll be sup-
ported by people like those in Greece, N. Y., who
parade with signs saying "Greece is ALWAYS
WE HAVE NO RIGHT to be cynical. Not when
there are people fighting like the Russians
and the Chinese. Not when men like Roosevelt
aid Wallace still have faith. But somehow that
picture of Senator Norris, leaving Washington
with tears in his eyes, gets you inside.
- Morton Mintz
Math Lessons
Prospective army fliers in Chicago are invited
to call upon sorority girls-for lessons in mathe-
d4)tAXE to**
THINK that I have a considerable advan-
tage over most of the American liberals
today; I have found a ray of hope ... Gover-
nor Heil has been defeated.
This may not seem very much to people who
are worried because every nonentity and incom-
petent whose actions can be described only with
profanity has been reelected. And it may not
seem much to people who are somewhat dis-
turbed because the American people have "repu-
diated" excellent men, like Senator Brown and
Senator Norris.
'HISmay not seem much to people who are,
rushing to the movies because the coun-
try's elections reveal that an inevitable trend
toward Republicanism has set in, and the New
York elections reveal that the Republicans are
not going to let petty insurgent liberals in
their ranks disturb anything. People may be
disturbed because the 1944 election can at best
put in a Republican Congress, at a time when
our Congress will need statesmen of a nature
considerably removed from present Republi-
can output.
This defeat of a person whose pronouncements
and acts of administration have ranked with
some of the most insipid in our history is a good
sign; it indicates that the American people are
awake, that they will not hesitate to show their
strong feeling for democracy at the polls. Of
course the fact that the voting was rather slight
may slightly diminish the American people's
glory in this case, but to a writer whose main
justification is a constructive viewpoint, the re-
nouncement of Heil policies cannot but be en-
couraging. The 1942 elections will henceforth
be known as the election wherein the people of
the United States took a step forward, and re-
moved Heil from office. Keep up the good work,
American people!!!!
WASHINGTON-It hasn't made headlines, but
Major Alexander de Seversky, famous Russian-
American air expert, has just received a $75,000
cash settlement from toe Republic Aviation
Corp. for his part in designing certain airplanes
now used by the Army.
Behind this is a story of the petty intrig'e
and jealously by Army brass-hats which is bog-
ging down the war. Major de Seversky is one
of the foremost aviation specialists in the United
States, but has never been popular with the Air
Corps. His English is not too good. His manners
are persistent. He has definitely got on the
nerves of certain high Army airmen. This war
has proved a lot of his ideas to be far ahead
of the Army, but that seems only to have deep-
ened the jealousy.
Until 1940, Seversky was a director of Re-
public Aviation. But in that year certain,
airmen made such strong representations
to Republic about Seversky that, he was
dropped. Since Republic had taken over the
old Seversky Aircraft Corporation, Sever-
sky sued, and hired as attorney Alfons.
Landa of the prominent law firm headed by.
Ex-Ambassador Joseph E. Davies.
Davies has a distinguished list of clients, in-
cluding some of the biggest firms in the United
States. Shortly after Landa took Seversky's
case, Davies received a call from Paul Moore,
of Republic Aviation, expressing the hope that
no member of the Davies law firm would handle
the Seversky case. It was also indicated that two
important clients which the Davies firm repre-
sented would withdraw their business if the
Davies firm also represented Seversky.
Davies, however, stood his ground.
"I can't see that there is any conflict be-
tween their interests and Seversky's," he
said. "But if that's the way they feel about
it, it is up to them."
Subsequently these two clients did withdraw.
But Landa, of the Davies law firm, continued to
represent Seversky and was about to negotiate
a settlement for $100,000 when the Army stepped
in again and urged Republic not to settle. As a
result of the Army's last-minute intervention,
the settlement was finally scaled to $75,000.
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate)
ji -i.>
P'in ted
(continued from. Page 2)
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps:
Rates of pay for members of this
organization have now been increased
to equal the army rates for equivalent
ranks. Women may no longer apply
for immediate officer training but
jrust enlist first as auxiliaries (pri-
vates) and apply for Officer Candi-
date School after 4 weeks of basic
A list of special occupations in
which women will be employed is on
file in 1009 Angell Hall. Photo-
graphic technicians and women with
training in Radio are particularly
Application for Commission in the
Army: The Army Specialist Corps
has recently been abolished and con-
sequently the Detroit office of the
corps is now receiving applications
for direct commission in the army.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, over
30 years of age and must have a draft
classification other than 1-A. Physi-
cal qualifications are now more ex-
acting. Interested persons may ad-
dress the .office of the Detroit Offi-
cer procurement District, 1300 Pen-
obscot Bldg.,,to request a preliminary
application blank and an appoint-
ment for interview.
Seniors in Engineering and Busi-
ness Administration: Pratt & Whit-
ney Aircraft representatives will in-
terview Seniors of the above ,groups
Monday, Nov. 9, in Room 214 West
Engineering Bldg.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board at Room 221 West En-
gineering Bldg.
The National Honor Society of Phi
Kappa Phi has announced three new
fellowships to be awarded to stu-
dents, who, as seniors, were elected
to membership in a Phi Kappa Phi
chapter in the spring term of 1941-
42. The fellowship award amounts
to $500. Tuition fellowships can also
be arranged with some colleges se-
lected for residence. Winners of
awards must begin study on the fel-
lowship not later than April, 1943.
Anyone eligible for consideration
should apply at once for further in-
formation to the secretary of the
Jr. Physiotherapy Aide, $1,620.
Student Physiotherapy Aide, $420.<
Apprentice Physiotherapy Aide,
Library Assistant, $1,260,to $1,620.
Assistant Materials Inspectors
(Paints, Textiles, General) -$2,600.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Professor Paul Gross, Chairman
of the Chemistry Department of Duke
University, will speak on "Recent Di-
pole Moment Measurements on Hy-
drogen Fluoride and on Carboxylic
Acids" today at 4:15 p. m. in Room'
303 Chemistry. The public is invited.'
Academic Notices
Spanish 1-A: An additional section
of the Extension course in Spanish
1-A will meet on Thursday at 7:00
p. m. in Room 108 Romance Language
Building. Professor del Toro who is
conducting the course, will review the
work from the beginning for tliose
people interested in starting the
course at this time.
Navy V-1 or V-5 Enlisted Men:
There.is one opening in the Civilian
Pilot Training program for the extra-
curricular program. You must be
enlisted and attending the Univer-
sity. Program Will start as soon as
vacancy in quota is filled. Further
details may be had in room B-47 E.
Engineering, or call 4121, Ext. 2113.
Graduate Students in Psychology:
The first meeting of the new student
discussion and experimental group
will be held tonight at 8:00 in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Doctoral Examination for Fakhri
B. Ma'luf ; Philosophy; thesis: "The
a priori in Science According to the
Philosophy of Meyerson," will be held
ltoday in 204 Mason Hall, at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman D. H. Parker.
after Saturday, November 7, will bE
recorded with the grade of E except
No course is considered officiaO1
dropped unless it has. been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Roor
4, University Hall.
Carillon Concert: Professor Perci*
val Price, University Carillonneur;
has planned a program of Canadiar
carillon compositions for his recita
at 7:15 tonight. Programs for the
entire series are available in the offici
of the School of Music.
Faculty Concert : Gilbert Ross, vio
linist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist
members of the faculty of the Schoo
of Music, will present the first of
series of three recitals at 8:30 Monda:
evening, November 9, in Lydia Men
delssohn Theatre. Other programs ix
the group will be given on the eve
nings °of November 16 and 23. Th
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Athena will meet today, Nov. 5, a
5:00 p. m.. in the Michigan LeaguE
Attendance required. Absentees wil
be ;dropped from the roll call unles
they have been excused by the presi
La Sociedad Hispanica will have
program meeting tonight at 8:00 p.n
at the Michigan League.
The Merit Committee will meet to
day at 4:00 p. m. in the Michiga
The Girls' Swimming Club wi
meet tonight in the Union Pool a
8:15. Anyone interested in joining I
The Art Seminar will meet today a
4 o'clock at Lane Hall. Plans will b
made for cataloging and studying tl
religious paintings at Lane Hall. N
art training required.
The Freshman Discussion Grou
will meet tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hal
Topics for future discussion will t
decided upon.
SOMETIMES the complete stupidity, the
blind, disgusting, unreasoning ignorance of
the American people overwhelms you.
You sit down to write about something like
yesterday's election and whatever you say sounds
weak and helpless and impotent. Words are no
good. There are not enough words-not enough
polite ones, anyway-to tell how the bottom al-
most drops out of democracy and a fight you
believe in when an uninterested, party-minded
electorate tells men like Senators Brown and
Norris they can go to hell.
You would like to find a ray of hope, but
Ham Fish and Tom Dewey and Clare Hoff-
man and Henry Cabot Lodge and Earl Miche-
ner and Homer Ferguson are in the way, they
block the light, they stand for the darkness of
stupid isolation and reaction, they will lead
the world to continued war and misery.
We have lost a lot of battles in this war but
yesterday's was the biggest and the most impor-
tant because it means a longer war and then
o etn to i/e, 6ditor
To the Editor:
I AM NOW IN POSSESSION of the true facts
concerning my statements in last Friday's
Daily. It seems that I was mistaken, all wrong.
I will attempt to explain my errors and do the
best I can to straighten out any misconceptions
I might have formed in the minds of Daily
In the first place, wages have recently ris-
en from the forty cents I quoted to the pres-
ent rate of from forty-five to fifty cents an
hour. This in itself almost rules out my
argument that wages paid in ordinary times
are being saved through a decrease in Hos-
pital personnel. Also, the rise in ward-bed
rates was a mere twenty-five cents per day,
which would hardly cover the rise in the
cost of living.
My main error, I believe, was that I dealt in
generalities, added them, and seemed to discover