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November 05, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-05

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Visits Group
Of U.S.Flyers
American and British Troops
Besiege First Lady; Adopted
War Children Are Called On
LONDON, Nov. 4.- (MP)- Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt called on the
Eagle fighters of the U.S. air forces
today and visited three war children
she had adopted.
Her long day began with a tour of
Queens College, Cambridge, and the
hostel for American and British
troops in the University, town. She
was besieged by American soldiers
and she autographed hastily torn
sheets of notepaper until her aides
pulled her away to her train.
The highlight of the day was a-visit
to the pilots of the three -Eagle squad-
rons taken into the U.S. air forces
from the RAF last September.
Standing in the warm sunlight, she
met each pilot as he was presented
by Col. E. W. Anderson, of Los An-
aeles, group commander. The pilots
included five holders of the Distin-
guised Flying Cross.
LinCoIn Co-gop
Holds Benefit
The Abe Lincoln Cooperative
House, originator of the Bomber-
Scholarship, will hold a benefit open
house for the same cause at 8:30 p.m.
The open house will be similar to
the one held there last February
which precipitated the organization
of the Bomber Scholarship. At that
time the first $12.87 in the fund was
collected and was the embryo of the
more than $5,000 which has been con-
tributed since.
Entertainment will be provided by
members of the house. Coral DePries-
ter, '43E, president of the cooperative
and chairman of the Bomber Schol-
arship committee will receive guests.
The public is invited.
New 'William Tell'
Saves Two Deer
FERGUS FALLS, Minn., Nov. 4.-
()- Otter Tail County has a game
warden who bids fair to be another
William Tell. He doesn't shoot apples,
but he did shoot the tip off a deer's
horn and thereby saved the lives of
two handsome bucks estimated to
weigh 200 pounds each.
The bucks locked antlers in battle
Monday and from all indications they
had been fighting for 24 hours when
discovered by a farm resident who
called Game Warden Holland from
Not wishing to kill the animals and
unable to separate them in any other
manner, the warden took a chance on
shooting off the tip of the horn which
held the antlrs together.

WVom ~-e -Pont o/ e

Classy Coat
- : 4 n"

THE 18-19 year old draft measure
is now in the hands of a joint
conference committee and the major
controversy is still what to do about
cellege students-should education cf
men students be abandoned for the
If the final decision is to draft boys
in that age bracket with no provision
for their educations, a great disloca-
tion in the educational system is in-
evitable. Many universities that are
not sufficiently endowed will have to
close because of lack of funds. Many
colleges will be turned over entirely
to government work.
PRESIDENT Robert M. Hutchins of
Chicago University, when asked to
{ comment on the effect of the draft
measure on educational institutions,,
predicted a 60% drop in the enroll-
ment at the University of Chicago.
It is clear that the grim realities of
war make technological and scientific
training essential at this time; but,
it is as imperative that cultural arts,
political history and theory, and the
languages be kept alive through edu-
cation, in order to form a more last-
ing peace and more satisfactory post-
war world.
° UT who is to be educated? Surely,
it cannot be suggested that all
college students be elempt from the,
draft; for the obvious effect of this
would be an abuse of the entire plan,'
Announce Many
New Elections
The following announcement are
made about the elections and initia-
tions, of the various organizations'
around campus.
Beta Phi Eta, the national honor-
ary speech society, has a full supply
of oafficers: Dorothy Wineland, presi-z
dent; Barbara White, vice-president;
Gail Parson, recording secretary;
~Mary Moore, corresponding secre-.
tary', and Judy Pletcher, treasurer.
They also have ten new pledges:t
Carol Misner, '44, Barbara Weisner,;
Bethine Clard, Dorothy Chamberlain,;,
'43, Sally Levey, Barbara Stuber, '44,
Janet Stickney, '43, Pat Meikle,t
Blanche Holpar, '44, and Betty Alice.
Brown, '43.
Alpha Delta Pi has elected Jane
Shute treasurer.
Installation of the following offi-
cers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon will oc-
cur next Monday evening: Ted Tar-
bell, '43E, president; James Collins,
'43, vice-president; Ned Gates, '43,
secretary; Ruel Lehman, '45, chapter'
correspondent; Bill Brooks, '44, social
chairman; Albert Chipman, '44A, his-
torian; Dick Hall, '43E,, intramural
sports; and Karl Scharff, '43, house
manager. Tarbell succeeds Harold"
McPike as Chapter president.

in that college would disintegrate to
an escape from army life.
President Hutchins, who has long
opposed even exemption of divinity
students, would, however, like to see
the development of some plan "for the
discovery and training of those who
should go to college in the present
emergency, those who can best serve
their country by going there." He also
suggested that some system be de-
vised whereby education might be
completed by the time the person
reaches 18 years of age.
War brings gigantic upheavals in
every phase of existence. A war gen-
eration sees scientific, social and eco-
nomic revolutions. Perhaps this great-
est of all forces will have the power
also to bridge the years of slow, tedi-
ous progression in educational devel-

Center Opens
'Snack Hour'
This year the International Center
has instituted a "Snack Hour" to re-
place the" Sunday Supper Hour" of
former years. According to the direc-
tor, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, the new
plan will provide the same friendly
and social atmosphere that has made
the Sunday suppers one of the fea-
tures of the week at the Center in the
Since it was opened four years ago,
the Center' has served substantial, but
inexpensive suppers every Sunday
evening during the winter terms. It
has its own well equipped kitchen and
a special staff member in charge of
suppers and teas.
With the rising costs of foodstuffs
and an increased shortage of labor,
the Center found it impossible to
maintain the same standards for
these suppers even by increasing the
price of the service. Professor Nelson
and his staff felt that without the
informal social hour, much of the
opportunity for getting acquainted
would be lost. Accordingly they insti-
tuted the "Sunday Snack Hour" as a
Under the new plan a dessert and
a beverage will be served at a nominal
price from 6:30 p. in. to 7:15 p. m. As
in the past, students, faculty or
townspeople who are interested are

Phi Sigma Delta announces the
pledging of two new members, Ray
Resnick, '44, Binghamton, N. Y. and
Martin Meltzer, '46, New York City.
Three Flyers Killed
EL PASO, Texas, Nov. 4.- (/P)-
Three army air force men were killed
and six injured today in the crash
of an army bomber at Biggs Field.
The public relations office said the
accident occurred on a take-off.
Tickets for Play Production are
on sale from 3:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.
today in the League Lobby.

Sorosis Injured
In Flying Tackle
Perhaps violent pangs of sympa-.
thy were expressed when Tom Kuzina
was injured in the line of duty but
nothing can top the football casualty
which occuired to "Healthy" He:.en
Garrels, daughter of John "Olympic"
Garrels, '09, when she made a fly:ng
tackles on the Sorosis lawn and land-
ed on the remains of a glass bot'Je.
The rescue crew rushed her to the
Health Service and she can boast of
nine stitches in her hand and aim.
"She is coming along well" now and
perhaps doesn't altogether dislike the
personal attention her friends hive
been giving her.

been giving her.


- Betty Harvey


War Bonds
and Stamps

.Nine Day Drive
Will I ncrease
Custer ;Library
Assembly's nine-day drive for cash
donations to buy Fort Custer soldiers
the newest best sellers is now under
way, directed by Connie Gilbertson,
As Assembly's first project for the
Year, the drive is 'esigned to supple-
'met Fort 'Custer's library with the
'books not'likely to be included in the
donations from the nation-wide book
drive recently put on. Actual books
are nt asked 'for, because they are
'not likely to- be those which army
camp libraries lack, namely new ones.
Purchases from receipts of the drive
will be made'acording to the soldiers'
Since the drive is among indepen-
dent women, girls in the dormitories
are asked to donate individually or
from the treasuries of their house or-
ganizations. Jean Conway, '43, as
president of all the league houses will
head toe group of -presidents from
each house in ca paigning for don-
Carnegie Gift
Offers Musical
Approximately 5 years ago an An-
drew Carnegie gift was received by
the League, Which is a "God-send" to
the people who like to study with the
radio on;-and have no #adio. A rec-
ord player and several albums of
classical music have been the dis-
tracting influenoe"'to many mathe-
matics and, chemistry students, who
can't work without at least a dog fight
or a freight train in the next room.
'The records are played every day
in the lobby of the eague ballroom,
from. -3 until 9 p. m. and reuests are
eagerly sought by Mary Gene Evans,
'46§M, andl Marian Teeters, '46M,
who change the records in three hour
shifts. All requests are played on Fri-
day, and must be in at least by Thurs-
You don't have to be a musician,
(most of'the people aren't), and you
don't even have to know the names of
the records, (the girls announce
them), so the next time you have a
fight with your roommate, and threa-nt evfrvewynthpoe
to the League and give your dignity a
chance to recover? Who knows, may-
be you'll meet "new fields to con-
quer!" /
The program for next Sunday fol-
i2:00 to 3:00 (Sundays only) : Pag-
anini--Violin Concerto ist movement;
Schubert - Unfinished Symphony;
Brahms-Concerto in B Flat for P-
ano; Rachmaninoff-Rhapsody for
Piano and Orchestra; Rachmaninoff
--Symphony No. 2.
6:00 to 9:00: Corelli - Concerto
Grosso; Delus-Grigg ,Fair; Delius-
On Hearing the First Cuckoo in
Spring; Dvorak-Symphony No. 5
(New World) ; Rliel-La Valse; Ra-
vel-Daphus and Chloe Suite; Ravel
-Mother Goose Suite; Prokofieff-
Concerto No. 3 for Piano; Resphighi
-Feste Thmane.

A perfect choice for the game
Saturday is this double-breasted
tweed "shortie" coat with its re-
versible gabardine lining, worn
with a contrasting off-the-face


0/cLtB 1CflatteRL(ha tHer



With all vestiges of the colorful autumn fast disappearing, the student
body is launching itself into the staid, well-ordered, academic life of winter
on the Michigan campus.
Imbued with the seriousness of earning grades better than ever before,
everyone is religiously attending classes and taking extensive notes at the
lectures. Outstanding among the enthusiasts are KIT UPSON and NORMA
KELLY, who, although they begin the class period by conscientiously jot-
ting down studious pearls of knowledge, find themselves wandering off with
a nerve-wracking puzzle, which involves a
continuous line, long before the period is
over. "It's IMPOSSIBLE!" they mutter,
but go right on with pencils frantically
And then there are other distractions
that occur in classes. In one recitation
they happen to be in the persons of DON
popular mail-carriers for the Wolverines
on the Gridiron, attract more than several side glances from nearby class-
mates. One of these fortunate individuals is JOADIE ROSS who, when
asked what she thought of her good luck, replied aesthetically, "EGAD!"..
But everyone knows that a well-rounded education cannot be acquired
in classes and studies alone, so between intellectual pursuits, the students
on campus take time out for tension-relieving diversions. "There are many
forms of these. One that perhaps everyone within a radius of about six
blocks of the area near S. University and Forest could have noticed the other
night was evidently a popular diversion with JOHNNY CALEB and "friend"
JIM who strode along, arm in arm, voices harmonizing in tender blasts of
"My Gal Sal" and "Ragtime Cowboy Joe."
And in the local coke parlors of an afternoon you can always spot a
chum pausing for refreshment in any booth you approach. If it isn't CHAR
THOMPSON in one corner, reeling off "catchy" feature story titles to the
delight of ANN HARMON (cousin, inci-
dentally, to Tom "98" of the same name), {
it's MARTHA McCRACKEN in another
corner, nonchalantly turning over 10-cent
cokes into her lap. Or else it's ANN STAN-
TON, economically groping into her pell
mell for her tobacco pouch to°"roll her
own" and then pull the strings together
with her teeth a la western as she drags
on the Stanton creation.
As a new feature this year, a source for obtaining the physical exercise
needed to mould the ideal student, the University is offering the popular
PEM course. TED CHILDS bears a few bruises he acquired while trying to
have the last word with a punching bag at class last week. And BUD GREEN
declares that he found a few new muscles while conditioning the body beau-
tiful too.





11 1

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Three to Eight year olds
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
Therese, Miller, Hastings - 3 Bluebird Records

BC 33

More Uncle Mac's Nursery Rhymes B
Uncle Mac, Chorus and Orchestra BC'47
3 Bluebird Records $1.13
Four to Eight year olds
Raggedy Ann's Songs oaf Happiness J 4
Frank Luther - 3 Victor Records (6 inch) $1.08
More Winnie the Pooh Songs J 6
Frank Luther - 3 Victor Records (6 inch) $1.08
Five to Nine year olds
Dumbo (Walt Disney)P
From the Sound Track of the Film P 101
3 Victor Records $2.16
Mickey Mouse (Walt Disney)
From the Sound Track of the Film BC 3
3' Bluebird Records $1.13
Seven to Twelve year olds
Bertram and the Baby Dinosaur
Bertram and the Flying Horse
Paul Wing, Music by Helen Myers BC 45
3 Bluebird Records $1.13
Bertram and the Hippopotamus
Bertram and his Circus Elephant
Told by Craig McDonnell BC 51
3 Bluebird Records $1.13
Eight to Sixteen year olds
Jungle Book (Kipling)
Sabu and the Victor Symphony Orchestra DM 909
3 Victor Records $3.78
Peter and the Wolf (Prokofieff)
Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony DM 566
Orchestra, Richard Hale, Narrator
3 Victor Records $3.78
Eight to Eighty year olds


r N



Trade Mark

for the Future!
Definitely new! A Tab Dress!
It's just what you'll want for
important week-end dates. Made
of crepe, it comes in lovely high
colors, kelly green, gold
Also, it's nationally advertised.
Junior sizes.

War Bonds
and Stamp
. With oil rationing already upon us and coal
rationing in the near future, you'll want to lounge in
warmth and luxury this winter and you'll want a com-
fortable housecoat to wear. Collins has a wide selection
of quilted prints, silks, crepes, chenilles, fuzzy-wuzzy
and flannel robes and all so pretty.

Bras that fit into your daily war-
time wardrobe! Perfect to wear un-
der uniforms, sweaters and dresses.
It's a softly molded fabric that does
not shrink or fade! Ili "Alphabet"
sizes to fit botl the diaghragni and




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