Harvard Pits 200-Pound
Against 'Seven
IM Opens 1942
Season Monday
10 Sports Offered in
New War Program
With the opening of intramural
volleyball competition next Monday,
the IM Department opens the 1942,
season. The IM program that will
be offered to fraternities,. residence
halls, independents, and the like will
be under a new war footing.
,Twenty-five years ago, during the
first World War, the IM program vfas
cut out for the duration, but this year
the IM Department and the Univer-
sity realize the importance of sports:
in war time. ,It has this considera-;
tion that led to the decision to main-
tain intramural activities throughout
the war.
Sport Starting Date
1. Volleyball .... .... Nov. 9
2. Swimming Meet ........Dec. 1
3. Handball.... :...:.....Dec. 8
4. Wrestling Meet ....... Dec. 14:
5. asketball 'A'..........Jan. 5.
6. Basketball 'B'..........Jan."5
7. Bowling.............Jan. 10.
8. Indoor Track.Meet.. March 28
9. Baseball............April 15.
10. Golf.;............May 9
Crimson Forward Wall
Led By Stellar Guards
The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Dan
Reserve Bach Has Sparkling
When you are faced with the prob-
lem of stopping one of the best lines-
if not the best ' line-in the country,
you.have a problem that should make
you reach into the old medicine chest
for a bottle of sleeping pills.
Maybe that 'is what Coach Dick
Harlow of Harvard is doing this week
so he won't be robbed of his placid,
early morning rest.
Not that Mr. 'Harlow will be bat-
ting his brains out over the situation.
Under ordinary conditions he would
not be worried. In six games this sea-
son Harvard has . shown that they
have a better than average first string
forward wall, but these aren't ordi-
nary conditions.
Crimson Line Tough
Against the best teams of the east,
the Crimson line has held the opposi-
tion to. about 1 50 yards per game
.through rushing which isn't bad in
any league. Th'eir best efforts of the
year were turned in last week when
they downed Princeton. In that tilt
they gave up a meager 90 yards of
Stand-outs in the line are two 207-
potnid' guards, Russ Stannard and
-- ___ ___ l
x 4., a
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George Hibbard. This pair have been
the key men in leading Harvard
against its gridiron foes. They have
plenty of beef to throw into their
Weight is the Crimson strong point
in the forwards. The starting team
tips the scales for about a 200 .pound
average which means that Michigan
will be spotting them 11 pounds per
man. But lack of weight is made up
three fold in fight by the Wolverine's
"Seven Oak Posts."
At the end positions on Harlow's
line are Capt. Don Forte and Bill
Barnes. Forte has played little this
season but he earned a starting spot
last week. Behind them are two fresh-
men, Wally Flynn and George Boston.
Of the four, Barnes has the best rec-
ord at catching aerials.
Tackles Shifted
Stan Durwood and Bill Fisher have
recently been shifted into the start-
ing tackle slots and added punch
to the Harvard defense which really
took shape last Saturday. At the pivot
post, Johnnie Fisher has handled
most of the duties, being relieved by
Charley Gudatis. Gudatis was one of
the best defensive men on the field
against Princeton and his play may
win him the starting berth against
the Maize and Blue.
Coach Harlow has been changing
his frequently but each- change has
seemed to add to the Crimson power.
Should they hit, and work as a unit
this Saturday they may be tough.
Lack of reserve strength of high cali-
ber has hampered the Cambridge
eleven, especially from the tackles in
to the center. Well, Michigan has this
trouble too, so the boys from Harvard
should feel that they face the Wol-
verines even on at least one point.
Robbie Returns to Lineup
Don Robinson, Michigan's speedy
halfback, returned to action yester-
day afternoon as the Maize and Blue
prepared to: meet.hapless Harvard's
invasion of- Ann Arbor Saturday.
The 168-pound Detroiter was bat-
tered and, bruised quite badly last
week when the Wolverines trounced
Illinois, but his performance in yes-
terday's scrimmage showed him to
be ready for, action against the Crim-
son. With Tom Kuzma still limping
around on -his injured 'ankle, Robin-
son will likely draw down the starting
assignment against Harvard.
Coach Fritz Crisler has'been spend-
ing -quite a bit of time drilling the
second stringers this past week-
which seems to indicate that if the
varsity rolls up a big score over Dick
Harlow's squad, the reserves will see
Crisler gave the first team an in-
tensive signal drill yesterday, paying
special attention to passing plays and
line bucks. Robinson and Bob Chap-
puis alternated at the left half posi-
tion while Paul White and Frank
Wardley held down the wingback
slots. Capt. George Ceithaml was at
quarterback while Bob Wiese, just
about recovered from his ankle
sprain, and Don Lund took turns at
The "Seven Oak Posts" were intact
with the exception of left end Phil
Sharpe who is suffering from a mild
charley horse. Rudy Smeja took his
place in the lineup, but Sharpe is ex-
pected to be in shape for his regular
position against Harvard.
Tom Harmon, now a lieutenant in
the Air Corps, and Bob Westfall, an
aviation cadet, both All-Americans
under the tutelage of Crisler, paid a
visit to Ferry Field yesterday to
watch the Wolverines' workout. Har-
mon is on his way to a new training
base, while Westfall is home on a
short. furlough.
IT SEEMS that Mr. David H. Beetle
wrote an article in last week's
Saturday Evening Post called "The
Secret of an All-
American," in
which he picks the
four greatest backs
in history.
Now ordinarily,
we have no objec-
tion to some guy
picking his dream
backfield. People
are doing it all
the time, it's just
like talking about
your wife's rela-
But the thing
HARMON that bothers us a
little is that Mr. Beetle tends to be-
little our own Tom Harmon.
Don't get us wrong, Beetle picked
Harmon in his dream backfield, along
with the famous Jim Thorpe and Red
Grange. It's the fourth guy in his
backfield that'is the upsetting fac-
tor-a Milt Jannone.
According to Beetle, Jannone es-
tablished a spectacular record at
Hamilton College last year, where
Forrest Evashevski was coach.
And if Beetle's statistics are right,
and we have no reason to doubt that
they are not, Jannone outscored our
Tommy by two touchdowns, and had
a better record as far as running back
kicks was concerned.
All this, we say, is fine, damn
But it's when Beetle says, "and
remember Harmon had a great line
in front of him," that we wonder if
Beetle is taking into consideration
all that he might take into consi-
Sure'Harmon had a good line in
front; of-him, in fact, he had two
good-lines in front of him. The only
treuble was one belonged to the
opposition ev'ery Saturday.-
Now we know Oberlin and Drew,
Hamilton's strongest opponents .last
season, had fine lines, but we have a
faint suspicion Minnesota and Ohio
State were a little stronger.
Of course the rest of Hamilton's
schedule was-plenty tough, with such
schools as Hobart, -RPI and-Haver-
ford to contend with, vhile Michigan
only, had to play Illinois. Ionia, and
Northwestern, who we wouldn't com-
pare for one minute with that "fight-
ing" Iaverford eleven of last year.
Michigan Has
Fine National
Grid Record
When- Michigan's football team
trots out on the gridiron against Har-
vard's once great Crimson it will be
protecting a record that few, if any,
other colleges can boast, a record of
26 victories in.30 games with inter-
sectional opponents in the last 25
- But the men from Cambridge will
do a little of their own record pro-
tecting. In the days when Harvard,
Yale, and Princeton were tops at the
grid game, the Wolverines tangled
with Harvard four times, and four
times Harvard eked out victories.
Michigan has captured the last three
clashes between the two teams, but
the Crimson remain one of three col-
lege teams with an advantage over
the Maize and Blue. The other two
are Cornell and Wesleyan, a mystery
school that won its only game with
Michigan in 1883.
Enviable Record Compiled
The Wolverines compiled their en-
viable record against Eastern and Far
Western teams from the 1917 season
until this year. The only blotches on
the record are a defeat at the hands
of Pennsylvania in 1936, 27-7, and a
10-0 defeat by Navy in 1926. Two
games were ties, with Vanderbilt in
1922, and Navy in 1928.
The Varsity started a winning
streak in 1927 with a 27-12 victory
over the Midshipmen. In 1929 they
edged out Harvard, 14-12, and, with
Harry Newman leading the attack,
played a return engagement the next
year, downing the Crimson, 6-3. They
beat Princeton in 1931 and again the
next year when the Tigers had a new
coach, one "Fritz" Crisler.
Cornell Loses to Varsity
The "Big Red" of Cornell suc-
cumbed to the Wolverines, 40-0, in
1933, then the next year the Maize
and Blue scored their only victory of
the season over Georgia Tech, 9-2.
Playing two intersectional clashes in
1935, Michigan beat both Penn and
The winning streak finally came to
an end in 1936, when the Quakers
toppled the men from Ann Arbor,
27-7. The Wolverines gained some re-
Most of you will remember
"Hotchkiss" who as quarterback
was spark plug of that team. Come
to think of it, Hotchkiss should be
in Beetle's backfield over Harmon.
Hotchkiss made seven touchdowns
in one day. Did Harmon?
No, on second thought, Hotchkiss
isn't the man. He never starred -in
soccer for three years in high school'
like Jannone did at Waterville.
Oh,.we forgot to mention that Bee-
tle used about 400 words of Waterville
high school history to back up his
opinion about Jannone. Harmon
couldn't touch Jannone's prep school
record (on second thought Harmon
wouldn't want to touch it).
Beetle's strongest point in the Har-
mon-Jannone comparison, was prob-
ably that both men wore number 98.
According to the author. Evashevski
gave that number to Jannone his
first day out for practice.
We can just see Evashevski hand-
ing the sweatshirt to his pride and
joy with these words, "Wave it
around your head three times,
throw mud on the left letter and
wish you were better than Har-
HARMON, who is now a second lieu-
tenant in the Air Force, came into
town yesterday to visit his folks. He
graduatedfrom WilliamsField Friday
and was ordered to report to a bomb-
er base in South Dakota on November
The well tanned pilot had plenty of
stories to tell the boys about his flying
experiences so far.- Tom -had' only one
objection to being:a flier.
"You can't judge speeds on the
ground after you pilot some 'ofthose
P-38's and P-40's, which oa 400 and
500 miles per hour...
For example, about a month ago
I was driving my car about 95 MPH
when I was stopped -by a cop.
"The op ,wanted, to know. how
fast I was going, and before I rea-
lized what the score was I said,
'only 95,' (thinking I was still in a
"And I had to do plenty of tall
talking to get out of that one."
Tomn will- get his first chance to
see Michigan -this season. when they
play Harvard Saturday.
WOLVERINE grid stars in the
Armed force had a little get-to-
gether at yesterday's grid practice
with Harmon. and "Bullet Bob" West-
fall around to watch proceedings.
Pvt. Westfall is now at Fort Devens,
Massachusetts but-got a 10 day fur-
lough- to come back to Ann Arbor -to
see his Wife Ruthmary.
a tasty
On the Corner
Two years ago Toledo DeVilbiss
High School boasted of its own "Tom
and Evy" combination in halfback
Bob Chappuis and quarterback Bob
Vernier. Maybe the boys were guilty
;f day dreaming, but they both land-
ed at Michigan.
Chappuis has been used widely as
a substitute by Coach Fritz Crisler
and his running and~ passing have
warranted that choice. Vernier had
the misfortune to understudy the 60-
minute signal-caller, Captain George
Ceithaml, and hasn't seen much ac-
Chappuis Shares Position
There is no attempt to compare
Chappuis with Harmon, because he
has been forced to share left half
duties with power-driven Tom Kuzma
and fleet Don Robinson. But 1943
may teel, another story, if football
Backfield Coach Earl Mar tneau
thinks Chappuis has a lot on the
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