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October 27, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-27

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I uit.

W Seather
Cold, Snow Flurries


Japs Launch Full-Scale Solomons Ati
Wasp Sunk; Second Carrier Reporte




Wolverines Did Not Lose Saturday's Game!

U. . Navy
22 Planes

Fever Hits
New Peak
Angry Coeds Hurl Scrap
Challenge At IFC Head
As Competition Grows
Fraternities Boast
Of SureTriumph
Representatives of the Interfra-
tern Council, refusing to give their
names, last night told Richard "Dou-
ble Dick" Dick, the scrap salvage man
of the Man'power Corps, that "it was
ridiculous" to expect sororities to
compete with fraternities in the huge
campus scrap drive because "you
can't expect a bunch of languid coeds
to get as much scrap as we can."
The statement came after Dick had
approached both the IFC and Pan-
Hellenic, inter - sorority governing
Blast Adolph
Off His PerChr
That baroneter you'll be seeing
on the diagonal this afternoon
won't be there to warn you that
snow's coming.
It will be put up by members of
the Manpower Mobilization Corps
to gauge the success of the campus
scrap drive launched yesterday.
And the gent who'll be sitting on
top of the barometer is an art stu-
dent's idea of what A. Hitler would
look like if he were sitting over a
Markings, each representing 25
tons of scrap collected, will record
the progress of the drive. The mark-
ings will stop at 400 tons-just un-
der Hitler's britches.
Your job is to make the mercury
sizzle the pants off him. If you do
that, you will fill the quota set by
the Manpower Corps as its scrap
There are only six days left be-
fore the drive is over.
body, for "all the help you can give
us to get the scrap drive rolling."
Asked to comment, Virginia Morse,
head of Pan-Hell, exploded with a
"languid, my eye! We showed the
men how to cook with gas in the war
bond drive a few weeks ago and now I
guess we'll have to trim 'em down
She said "the sorority women are in
this scrap drive 100 per cent and we
don't have to take PEM to find more
Scrap than the men."
Don Fauver, president of IFC, de-
fended his group by saying: "The fra-
ternities have spoken. Seldom have
We gone back on our word."
Turn To Page 2, Col. 4
Alarms Fail
To Stop Talk
Of First Lady
LONDON, Oct. 26.-()- The ban-
shee wail of air alarm sirens failed to
interrupt Mrs. Roosevelt today as she
talked calmly on to a group of girl
war workers in Surrey and by tonight
at the close of a busy day the Presi-
dent's wife had- covered 150 miles of
English countryside visiting five mil-

itary establishments. ~
The alarm was the first experience
under war conditions by Mrs. Roose-
velt. She was addressing a group in

Manpower Corps Volunteers Work In Milan Fields

University of Michiganstude#zts are shown working on. a Milan farm Saturday under a foreman (een-
ter). They were supplied by the Manpower. Mobilization Corps, headed by Mary Borman, to relieve hard-
pressed farmers. When this picture was snapped, they were topping sugar beets, a job that produced 9I604?
pounds of sugar in a single afternoon.

Alies Triumph
In First Phase
Of Desert Fight.
British 8th Army Inside
Axis El Alamein Line
Air Assaults Continue
By The Associated Press:
CAIRO, Oct. 26.- The armored
force of the British Eighth Army was
in fighting position tonight well inside
the Axis El Alamein Line, and at the
end of three days of attack it ap-
peared certain that the Imperial and
Allied troops had successfully accom-
plished the first phase of the battle.
' The Allied infantry had battered
holes in the static defenses of the
Rommel forces, at the same time at-
tacking with tank support on both
flanks. The closely following armored
divisions of the Eighth Army rushed
through to positions behind the for-
ward German and Italian troops. Eh-
emy counter-attacks failed to dis-
lodge them, and 1,450 prisoners fell
into Allied hands.
The Allied air offensive was pur-
sued with undiminished vigor today
though the bombers found fewer tar-
gets. Edward Kennedy, Associated
Press Correspondent with the air
forces in the desert, cabled late today
that enemy formations seemed more
dispersed than ever.'
The Germans, who have been
strangely weak in the air, put more
planes aloft. Their bombers overnight
dropped anti-personnel bombs and.
the Messerschmitts were more active
in the forenoon.
Daily Column
Too Revealing
Detroit Censors Objecting
To Hoe Seltzer Copy
About Hoe Seltzer's column
The Daily received the following
letter yesterday from Lt. Col. G.
Strong of the U.S. Army Air Corps:
"The material enclosed with your
letter of Oct. 23rd would appear to
contain sentences and even para-,

Soviet Lines
Hold Against
New -Attacks
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Oct. 27. (Tuesday)-
The Red Army, supported by fresh
reserves, maintained its lines in Sta-
lingrad yesterday in a see-saw battle
in which the Germans drove a wedge
into Russian positions in one sector
and then were forced to withdraw,
the Soviet midnight communique said
The main fighting took place in a
factory area in the northern part of
the city, presumably around the Red
October Foundry Works, and con-
sisted of both tank and infantry as-
saults which continued without a halt
for five .hours.
"The. Germans succeeded in driving
a wedge into the.Soviet defenses," the
communique said, "but were attacked
from the flank, overwhelmed and
forced to withdraw."
In this engagement about 750 Ger-
mans were said to have been killed
and. three tanks destroyed.

UT.S. Air Fores
Raid Japanese.
Held Hongkong9
Greatest Allied Attack Sets
Waterfront Ablaze; Japs
Lose 10 Planes In Fight
CHINA, Oct. 26.- (M)- Hitting the
Japanese in a new quarter, American
bombers delivered a destructive one-
two punch against Hongkong, early
today and yesterday in a spreading
offensive which now has carried the
air war to the enemy the length and
breadth of occupied China.,
Today's raid flattened Hongkong's
main electric power plant a' few hours
after the Colony's sprawling water-
front was set aflame Sunday after-
noon by the greatest assault yet exe-
cuted by airmen of Lieut. Gen. Joseph
W. Stilwell's China command. The
second Hongkong attack was coupled
with another attack on the enemy's
Whitecloud Airdrome near Canton,
some 90 miles away, and there big
fires and explosions were set off.

Coach Has
Clear Right
To Protest
daily Sports Editor
lose Saturday's football game
to Minnesota.
Referee James Maser lost it for
the Wolverines. The final score
should have been 14-13 in favor of
iichgan, not 16-14 with the Gol-
den Gophers on the long end.
Masker erred Saturday, and
from his error came the winning
and losing of one of the most im-
portant,. and 'traditional contests
ever: stage'd..
Minnesota played a' great game,
but not abetter one than Michigan.
The Gophers did not outgame the
Welverines, they didn't outplay the'
Wolverines, ant with competent
officiating they would not have out-
scored the Wolverines..,
The deciding play was a dropkick
field goal by Minnesota quarterback
Bill Garnaas in the last second of
the first half. If referee Mascer had
performed his dutyeas he should
have, that play-.never would have
occurred.. It came when both teams
should have been on their way to
the dressing rooms for the halftime
intermission.Because of Masker
they were out on the field and
Minnesota was able to beat Michi-
T HAPPENED like this:
Minnesota took possession of the
ball on its own 46 yard line. Two
passes from halfback Herm Frickey
to Bill Daley and Chuck Sandberg
took the ball all the way to the
Michigan 11. Frickey smashed to
the Wolverine three. Then Daley,
trying to hit the Michigan line, was
thrown back to the six by Jvflie
Franks on a play which probably
stopped a Gopher touchdown. At
this juncture Garnaas entered the
game in place of Sandberg, and
the clock stopped with four seconds
remaining of the half.
Coach Fritz Crisler and Capt.
George Ceithaml of Michigan both
protested to Masker, and he waved
his arms frantically to the man in
charge of the big electric clock to
start the hands going. Those few
precious seconds that intervened
between the stopping and starting
of the clock gave the Gophers their
opportunity to have Garnaas kick
the game-winning field goal.
According to the rules, if the
team in possession of the ball dur-
ing the last two minutes of either
Turn To Page 3, Col. 2
Last Tickets
For Marriage
TalksOn Sale
Remaining tickets for the 1942-43
Marriage Relations Lecture Series will
be on sale from 2 p. m. to.5 p. m. and
from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. today in the
Union and League.
Dr. Ernest G. Osborne of Teachers
College, Columbia University, will
open the series of five lectures at 8
p. m. tomorrow in the Rackham lec-
ture hall with a discussion on "The
Historical Background of Marriage."
Identification cards must be pre-
sented at the desk when purchasing
a ticket and with the ticket for ad-
mittance to the lectures. Women are
requested to obtain tickets at the
League and men at the Union. No
tickets will be sold at the door, nor
may any be bought by proxy.

This year's lectures will be open to
junior, senior and graduate students

Wreck 3 Jap Cruisers;
2 Enemy Carriers Are
Crippled__In Splomons
Wasp Was Sunk
On September 15

* * *
World Traveler
Willkie Reports
To Americans
Repeats European SecondC
Front Demands; Tells
Of Good Will Reservoir
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 26.- Wendell L
Willkie reiterated tonight his demand)
for a second front in Er-ope and as'
serted that the record of the war to
late was not such as to inspire "an
sublime faith in the infallibility o'
nur military and naval experts." Y
Reporting to the nation on li>lE
recent globe-girdling air tour of Allieds
and neutral nations, Willkie describedE
as "misdirected censorship" the ides
that non-military experts or persons
unconnected with the governmentt
should refrain from making sugges-
tions about the conduct of the war--t
"military, industrial, economic or po-
"Let's have no more of this non-
sense," Willkie declared. "Military ex-
perts, as well as our leaders, must be
constantly exposed to democracy's
greatest driving power-the whiplash
of public opinion, developed from
honest, free discussion."
At another point, Willkie said, "I
reiterate: we and our allies must
establish a second fighting front in
Europe. I also hope that shortly we
can put the considerable force in
India to aggressive use in an all-out
attack on Burma, as General Wavell
has urged."
After desribing what he termed a
"reservoir of good-will" existing in,
the nations he visited on a trip which
took him to the Middle East, China
and Russia, the titular head of the
Republican Party asserted that this
reservoir, nevertheless, was leaking
"dangerously" through holes which
were not punched by Hitler, but by
One of those leaks, he said, was the
"tragically small' amount of war ma-
terial reaching the embattled legions
Turn To Page 2, Col. 4
Farm Price'
Senators Accuse Byrnes
Of Arbitrary Action
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-(IP)-The
explosive farm price issue erupted
again today in the form of angry
charges and denials that James F.
Byrnes and other stabilization offi-
cials had "taken the law into their
own hands" and fixed agricultural
ceilings lower than Congress intended.
At a session of the Senate Agricul-
ture Committee, farm state Senators
complained bitterly that benefit pay-
ments the government pays to farm-


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.- The
Japanese have launched a full scale,
land, sea and air assault against
American positions on Guadalcanal,
the Navy announced tonight, and
American forces in the Solomons area
have lost one destroyer sunk and an
aircraft carrier severely damaged.
The damage to the carrier is in
addition to the loss of the carrier
Wasp, which the Navy revealed earlier
in tbe night had been sunk in the Sol-
onons in September.
In two days of fighting in the Slo-
mons beginning Sunday (Solomons
time) American forces have, shot
down 22 enemy planes and damaged
three enemy cruisers and two Japan-
ese aircraft' carriers.
,ap Cruisers Hit
Severe damage, the Navy said, was
inflicted on i Japanese heavy cruiser
ani a Japanese light cruiser, but the
extent of damage to the other enemy
ships was not known.
The big Japanese attack on Guad-
alcanal began Sunday (Saturday
here) with Army troops and Marines
holding their positions on the, island
against a determined drive on their
southern flank, while enemy cruisers
and destroyers shelled them from the'
The next day, an aircraft carrier
task force of the U.S. Pacific Fleet
exchanged aerial blows with the en-
emy northeast of Guadalcanal, with
one American carrier severely dam-
aged and the destroyer Porter sunk
in this action.
"Other U.S. vessels have reported
lesser damage," a Navy communique
reported. "Two enemy aircraft carri-
ers were damaged in this action, the
details of which are still incomplete."
Dive Bombers Attack
The communique said that during
the early afternoon of Oct. 25, fol-
lowing the Japanese attack against
the American southern flank and the
shelling by enemy surface ships,
American Douglas "Dauntless" dive-
bombers attacked a force of enemy
cruisers and destroyers north of Flor-
ida Island, scoring a direct bomb hit
which damaged and stopped one en-
emy heavy cruiser.
Shortly after this action, 16 Japan-
ese dive-bombers attacked Henderson
Airfield on Guadalcanal. Five of these
planes were shot down, the Navy said,
but shortly thereafter nine additional
enemy bombers attacked the airfield
and inflicted minor damage.
During the late afternoon American
dive-bombers struck again at the
enemy ships north of Florida Island,
scoring one bomb hit on a heavy
Wasp Was Sunk
On September 15
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.- The
proud aircraft carrier Wasp, one of
the: newest on the seas, was sunk
Sept. 15 in Solomon Islands waters
where the hulks of three American
cruisers, five destroyers and four
other ships already lie, the Nvy dis-
closed tonight.
While covering with other warships
the movement of reinforcements and
supplies to the heavily-beset United
States Marines and soldiers on Guad-
alcanal, the 14,700-ton Wasp was at-
tacked by a Japanese submarine
which rammed three torpedoes home
near her powder magazines and gas-
oline tanks in which she carried fuel
for ~her 80 planes.

Ferguson Blames Bureaucratic
Confusion For War Disunity

Bungling bureaucracies and "gov-
ernment under the table" were
blamed last night by Judge Homer
Ferguson, Republican Senatorial
nominee, for involving the United
States in the present war and for
bringing about national disunity and
More than 200 people crowded the
Circuit Court Room of the Court
House yesterday to hear the Wash-
tenaw County campaign speech of
Judge Ferguson, who recently con-
ducted the famed one-man grand
jury investigation of graft in Wayne
So far our government consists of
bureaucracies, of a "rubber stamp
Congress and a ju'diciary which is
on the president's side" the Republi-
can candidate claimed. The New Deal
was simply a device of the adminis-
tration to do away with the "Amer-

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