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October 27, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-27

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TVUFSfAZ ',OAT. 2'7, 1942

.V, .


F' - T pic
To Be Wayne
'Home Rule'
The Ann Arbor Community Forum
will discuss "Wayne County Home
Rule" at first meeting of the season
tonight at 8:00 in the Am> Arbor
High School Auditorium. Professor
James K. Pollack of the University
will preside.
Under the head "Proposals To Be
Voted, On at The Nov. 3 Election,"
issues involved in the Wayne County
Home Rule plan are to be cliscussed.
The Constitutional Revision proposal
is to be the topic of Professor John
A. Perkins of the Political Science
Department and the Milk Referen-
dum will be discussed by Harold Bar-
num of the Ann Arbor Health Depart-
ment. The amendments to the City
Charter, concerning both the Munici-
pal Court and City Session appoint-
ments questions, will be the topic of
William M. Laird, Ann Arbor attor-
The University faculty and those
students voting in this city are espe-
cially urged to attend.

IFC Banqie-t
To Be Nov. 1O
Col. Ganoe Will Address
Fall Pledges At Union
The Interfraternity Council last
night set Nov. 10 as the official date
of the 1942 Pledge Banquet, an event
which will honor the largest group
of pledges in Michigan fraternity his-
This banquet will be held in the
Michigan Union and the main pro-
gram attraction will be a speech by
Col. William A. Ganoe. Other speak-
ers will be included on the program
but as yet their names and speech
topics are not definite, Richie Raw-
don, '44, publicity chairman, an-
The pledge chairman and presi-
dent of each fraternity are also ex-
pected to attend this IFC-sponsored
banquet. Attendance is compulsory
for all fall pledges, Rawdon ex-I
plained, and each house will be as-1
sessed 90c_ for each of .its members
in attendance. Approximately 700
people are expected to be present.

Mddy To Head;
City rhestra
Eleventh Series Include;
Concert For Community
Fund:U.S.O. CamipaignI
Prof. Joseph E. Maddy is a member
of the University music department
and the president and founder of the
National Music Camp, will again di-
rect the 45 piece Ann Arbor Civic
Orchestra, now starting its eleventh
The orchestra's' fall schedule will
include a program for the Commun-
ity-Fund-USO project Nov. 8 and a
concert Dec. 6 with the Washtenaw
County Woman's Clubs as guest spon-
sors. The elaborate "Evening of Bal-
let" will. be presented in January as
the annual ballet concert with the
Sylvia Studio of Dance.
Where instrumental balance per-
mits, a number of University students
are being accepted into the orchestra
if, the requirements of previous exper-
ience and assurance of attendance
can be met..
Rehearsals by the orchestra are
held at 7:30 p. ,m. Mohdays at the city'
high school on State Street. Inter-
ested applicants should report to Pro-
fessor Maddy at that time or should
contact.. Prof. Philip. Potts of the
eigineering college who is business
manager of the organization. Open-
ings are especially available for string
"Much emphasis has, repeatedly
been placed upon the service of music
on the home front," declar-ed Profes-
sor Potts, "and individuals musically
talented will find the local orchestra
activities here partly the answer.
while on campus to this demand."

Ott Campus..
SRA Seminar Today .
Social Service Department of the
Student Religious Association will
open its program for the semester
with a Seminar meeting at 7:30 p. m.
tomorrow when volunteer work at
University Hospital and other Ann
Arbor agencies will be explained.. Cer-
tain positions at the hospital are
being held open for those interested
in sociology.
The group will decide at this time
upon the topic to be used for the re-
search, discussion and study project.
Under consideration are the negro
question in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti,
problems arising from Willow Run
Development, and the neglect of chil-
dren in war-defense areas.
Sith. To S.Peak . .
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president of
the University, will be the guest of
honor and, principal speaker at the
U. of M. Club of Coldwater banquet
at Coldwater today. He will speak on
the "University in Wartime."
Mr. Smith will be accompanied by
Mrs. Smith, T. Hawley Tapping, sec-
retary-treasurer of the Alumni Asso-
ciation and Mrs. Lucille Conger, exec-
utive secretary of the Association.
Society Names Officers.
Kay Buszek last week was chosen
president of the senior class of the
Pharmacy School. Other officers in-
dueJack Wong, vice-president.
Laurie Mathis, secretary, and Leonard
Kassman, treasurer.
Pharmacy Senior Officers
Bud Ingstrom has been selected as
president of the University Pre-Med-
ical Society, it was announced yester-
day. He will be assisted by the follow-
ing officers: Ruth Rodenbeck, secre-
tary; Frank Kellog, vice-president;
Bill Somers, treasurer; and till
Tompkins, publicity agent.

M~rs. ]Franklin -D. Roosevelt, tourig Lbondon., ch-ats with; helmeted civilian, defense workers at the
famed Guildhall. This picture was sent by. cable froin London to New York.
oss Of U. S. Aircraft Carrier Wasp
In SoIoMOs Battle Revealed By Navy


.40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
residents-Alterations 'on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.
iLAUNDRY -2-.1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price,

SINGLE ROOM in approved, quiet
home. 308 E. Madison. 2-2447.
FOR RENT: Half of large front suite
to girl student. One-halfdblock
from campus. Mrs. Wood, 7251I
Haven Ave., phone 5938.
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
FOUNTAIN PEN-Brown Schaeffer
imprinted with M. E. Decker. Call
2-1405. Reward.
LOST: Glasses; dark horn; rimmed
in black; Health Service case.
Call 2-4514.
WILL PERSON who took Season
Skipper coat from ladies' lounge
of Michigan League Friday evening,
by mistake, please return to League
Disk and take their own.
and.compensation. Sorority. 401
N. Ingalls. 2-3119.
TYPIST. Male or Female. Accurate
with fair, degree of speed. High
School or Commercial College
trained preferred. Permanent full
or part time position with long
established State Street Store, An-
swer f\11y. Box 38 Michigan Daily.
DRIVING TO MIAMI in :nid-Novem-
ber. Desire companion to do part
driving. No. 208 Michigan Union.,

(Continued from Page 1)
Because of the circumstances un-
der which she was lost, the Navy ex-
plained, it was hoped that the Japa-
nese submarine skipper who attacked
her did not realize the full extent of
his blow and thus the loss was not
made public for more than a month.
But the timing of the announce-
ment lent a somber note to Navy Day
to be celebrated tomorrow. President,
Roosevelt had written Secretary
Knox in this connection that the
American people "know that their
Navy is doing the biggest job any.
navy has ever been called upon to
do, and: doing the biggest job any
navy has. ever been called upon todadoigtsueby"Tels
do, and doing it superbly." The loss
of the Wasp unquestionably was
known to the Commander-in-Chief
before its public announcement but
in view of the over-all naval situa-
tion he found no occasion to alter
his general commendation.
The loss of the Wasp was an-
nounted in a communique which was
headed "South Pacific" but which
had nothing to report on the progress
of the fighting on Guadlacanal where
the defenders faced strong Japanese
forces bent on winning back the vital
airfield there and wiping out Amer-
ica's first offensive of the war. Pres-
ident Roosevelt called in his Naval
high coinmand for a conference late
in the day.
The Wasp was commanded by
Capt. Forrest P. Sherman, 45, of
Melrose, Mass., who was not a cas-
ualty so far as is known here.
The Wasp was launched April 4,
1939, at. the Bethlehem Steel Com-
pany, Quincy, Mass., and was com-
missioned at Boston April 25. 1940.
She .wae 688 feet long, had a beam of
80 feet, 8 inches, and normally car-
ried at least 72 planes.
Early this year the Wasp was used
U' Club Opens Recreation
Riooni For Fort Custer Men
The U. of M. Club of Detroit Day
Room was- opened last week at Fort
Custer as a recreation room for Uni-
yversity men in service.
The room was built from the pro-
ceeds of U. of M. Night held last
winter by the University Club of De-
troit. To keep the men in contact
with the University, ,T. Hawley Tap-
ping, secretary - treasurer of the
Alumni Association announced yes-
terday that the Alumni News will be
sent tq the center..

to ferry planes to the Island of Malta
in the Mediterranean.
The Wasp is the third aircraft car-
rier whose loss has been announced
by the Navy, since the start of the
war. The 33,000-ton Lexington was
sunk in May, in the Battle of the
Coral Sea, and the 19,500-ton York-
town was lost at the Battle of Mid-
way in July. That leaves, the fleet
with four known carriers-the 19,-;

900-ton Enterprise, the 33,000-ton
Saratoga, the Hornet of 20,000 tons
and the Ranger, about the same size
as the Wasp.
The carrier was the seventh ves-
sel in the Navy to bear the name
"Wasp," the first being an eight-gun
schooner of the Continental Navy
which was part of the first American
squadron to put to sea during the

Globe Trotter Willlie Describes
Leaks hi Good Will Reservoi

- . .__.._a._..._ ___------- ...... - ._. .. .rv. ._--- i

(Continued from Page 1)

of the United Nations. and warned that "if we continue to fail to deliver
to our allies what they are entitled to expect of us or what we have
promised hem, our reservoir of good-will will turn into one of resentment."
"We owe them more than boasts and broken promises," he, said.
Failure to define clearly our war aims, Willkie said, also was losing
---_ _ friends for us and he suggested that
by silence on the part of. the United
States toward the problem of Indian
vaindependence "we have already
drawn heavily on our reservoir of
C hallen g ( plihn good-will in the East."
Making it clear that his remarks
To S rif P D uel were not intended to refer to the
British commonwealth of free na-
tions, Willkie suggested. however,that
Continued from Page 1) I"British colonial possessions are but
remnants of empire" and that there
Meanwhile, the scrap drive goes were millions of men and women
into its second day and the quota set within the commonwealth "working
by the Manpower Corps is 400 tons of selflessly and with great skill towards
scrap in one week. reducing these remnants, extending
All scrap collectors will compete for the commonwealth in place of the
a special "E-for-excellency" pennant colonial system."
by groups --- fraternities, sororities, Willkie also scored what he termed
rooming houses, League houses, men's the "half-ignorant, half-patronizing
dorms. women's dorms and co-op way in which we have grown accus-
houses. tomed to treating many of the peoples
Today the IFC, ready to back up its in Eastern Europe and Asia."
stand against forcing sorority girls to Leaders of our allies and potential
ccmpete with strong-armed males, allies are proud and intelligent men,
will be assign;d as an entire unit to Willkie said, mentioning the Shah of
the Building and Grounds depart- Iran, the Prime Minister of Iran, the
ment of the University for special Prime Minister or the Foreign Minis-
salvage work. ter of Turkey and the Generalissimo
The Daily staff follows tomorrow of China. They are in substantial
and on Thursday both the Newman agreement, he added, as to the neces-
Club and the Union will spend the sity of "abolishing imperialism, of lib-
afternoon under Mr. Pardon, head of erating the peoples of the world, of
the B. and G. . making freedom a reality, instead of
Congress, Independent Men's Or- I just a nice word."

A lilfi He'll Enjoy

ii Im


* HE~ OD

War Bonds Issued Here!
Today and Wednesday
I ~Wf~A~p


j v vaa~a v..+N, v +.
ganization, will also be asked to con-
tribute salvage workers later in the
Mary Bormnan asked for "an all-out
effort on the part of the campus" last
night and promised to put up a bar-
ometer in order to chart the progress
of the huge scrap drive.

fCl1a everything-
voices beaity, braliuas and.



APIPE from0 alkis4leete
Christmas Packages for Men Overseas
Must Be Mailed By November 1.
Send him a pipe from our fine selection of pipes.
Including Kaywoodies, Parker by Dunhill, Ben Wade,
Kirsten Malago, Dunhill and many others. A tobacco
pouch and some fresh tobacco will make a wonder-
ful Christmas package.

GINNY Sitlwis
<A Bill Thompson
Gale Gordon
tabeI Rnd i
and Band
Produced and Directed by ALLAN SWAN
Screed Play by Paul Gerard Smith and Toe
14WE EE . - aw.S I IAGew tnf


(for pipes, cigars or
red. You'll find the


will long be 'treasu


8:30 P.M.


ideal gift for the man in the service in our Sioker's



Nil 1' 1 1 1 1 1 "l : I l I I' 1





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