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October 14, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-14

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WEDNE9SDAY, OCT. 14, 1942

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as,
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative


Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad6
Charles Thatcher,
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann . .

Editorial Staff
. . . . *Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Associate Sports Editor

Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg

Business Manager

Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

B y D RE W
W ASHINGTON-Those who con-
tend that only military and naval
men should run the war, and that
Congress is interfering with the war
effort, should study the report of the
House Appropriations Committee,
which last week voted out a 14-bil-
lion-dollar naval appropriation bill,
with not one dollar provided for bat-
tleships. This was a big backstage
triumph for certain far-sighted Con-
gressmen, led by Senator Brewster of
For four years, Brewster has vigor-
ously fought the battleship and de-
manded that the Navy build more
airplanes-only to be overruled, until
now, by the admirals.
When the 1938 naval authorization
bill came up it contained the huge
total of $100,000,000 for three new
battleships plus a provision that the
Navy could have no more than 3,000
Senator Brewster, then in the
House of Representatives, vigorously
opposed. He contended that the Navy
should have more than 3,000 planes,
certainly should not be limited. He
also argued that battleships were out
of date.
of Naval Operations, disagreed.
He insisted that the battleship was
not obsolete. He insisted so vigor-
ously that the Naval Affairs Com-
mittee sided with him and voted the
"I'll bet you that not one of these
battleships ever will be build," Sena-
tor Brewster told Leahy, and wrote
a separate minority report regarding
both battleships and airplanes.
When the bill got to the floor of
Congress, Brewster also staged a bat-
tle for more naval airplanes-though
the admirals insisted on limiting the
number to 3,000. Brewster fought so
stubbornly that finally Representa-
tive Vinson of Georgia, charge of the
Naval Authorization Bill, suggested
to Brewster:
"Let's compromise this thing. In-
stead of making the bill read 'not
more than 3,000 aircraft,' let's make
it read 'not less than 3,000 aircraft'."
So the bill was passed that way.
USS Kentucky
BREWSTER and Leahy have re-
mained good friends, the Senator
having a great admiration for the
Admiral, and the Admiral being
frank enough to tell friends, "How
wrong I was about the battleship."
But the other day when the Tru-
man Committee, of which Brewster
is a member, visited a certain Atlan-
tic port, they saw there the battle-
ship Kentucky, seventeen per cent
completed. This was one of the three
new ships voted for in the 1938 bill.
She was anchored in the harbor,

(Continued from Page 2)
19. For further information, call at
Room B-47 East Engineering or tele-
phone 4121, Extension 2113. Get your
application in now before it is too
late for this program.
German 211 (Gothic) will meet
during the Fall Term from 7:00 to
9:00 p. m. each Wednesday in room
308 Library.
N. L. Willey
Math. 112, Theory of Equations,
Beginning Thursday, this class will
meet in Room 220 West Engineering
R. M. Thrall
Program in International Studies:
Students who have enrolled, or who




1 [ '


Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily 'f
are written by members of The Daily staff h S
i r"c .. : r ."',:
and represent the views of the writers only. "-____
.. . "a " . r_.._ . ! * rP... . . -' .r.+r~i. ...... '. .. r. ui u :h "f«.vi . 4-,+-

Manpower Corps - A Long Step Toward
Full Student Participation In War Effort

T WOULD HAVE BEEN a hard job to
convince almost anyone that student
leadership and initiative could ever amount to
anything on a campus as large as ours. And very
few are convinced today.
But the Student War Board, by its swift and
unprecedented action Monday night establish-
ing the Manpower Mobilization Corps, took a
long stride toward proving that students can
and will take important responsibility on their
shoulders, at their own initiative.
Greatly to its credit, The Student War Board
avoided many mistakes which, in our elders, have
hampered the national war effort.
For example, it insisted that there will be no
campus "dollar-a-year" men in key positions in
the Manpower Corps by providing that the top
administrators must drop other extra-curricular
ALSO, it selected a man to head the Corps who
(we know from personal experience) is effici-
Shirkers Of PEM
Are Hurting Themselves
THERE ARE ALWAYS a few who are
out of step with any system, regard-
less of its merit.
PEM, as we all know, is compulsory for every
male student on campus. The fact that it is com-
pulsory is not for the benefit of the Physical Edu-
cation Department but for the male student pop-
ulation and, directly, for the nation. Yet, becausef
PEM is a requirement there are some students
who are attempting to test its rigidity.
It is needless to reiterate yesterday's article on
the PEM program by stating that drastic penalty
steps will be taken against those who continue to
dodge the requirement. If you are failing to at-
tend classes or belong to that small group which
has failed to register for the program, then you
can be catalogued as a shirker to our war effort.
We college students, can't do too much right
now to help win the war. The least we can do is
make ourselves physically fit for what we shall
soon be facing, and if we do not make every ef-
fort along this line, we are not contributing the
most fundamental and simple thing that we
can. We harm ourselves by not being physically
fit, and we definitely undermine the successful
prosecution of the war. Our country cannot wage
a winning fight if its men are not fit. By refusing
to take advantage of the University's program,
established only for our own good, we are posi-
tively guilty of being unpatriotic as well as plain,
downright lazy.
Our PEM program is perhaps the finest in the
nation, and certainly the finest in the Midwest.
Michigan was one of the first to adopt such a
prograw A, and it has been a basis for the estab-
lishment of similar programs at other schools.
Michigan's facilities are superior to all others,
and the Michigan plan of using all members of
the athletic coaching staff, intramural coaches
and physical education men is ideal in that it
provides superior instruction and supervision. Lt.
Tom Hamilton, head of the Navy's physical fit-
v~oc <nero trmahmt.th nii+v a s cno tsi.Pd

ent, a hard worker, and has just about everything
that an administrator needs.
We are confident that Mary Borman will cut
through Red Tape as fast as it can be cut and
will get things going immediately.
But there's a background to all this that isn't
generally known. That background is Bob Matth-
ews, chairman of the Student War Board, who
has worked day and night to clear the way for
just this kind of fast action that we're beginning
to get.
NOW IT'S UP TO the student body to back
Mary Borman and his organization in one of
the most vital services to our Nation that the
University of Michigan could perform. As good an
administrator as Marv is, he cannot succeed un-
less the rest of us are solidly behind him.
Homer Swander
Morton Mintz
Careless Talk Releases
Invaluable Information
must rank with the worst.
Since the declaration of war, warnings and no-
tices of many kinds have been given to the Amer-
ican people ranging from public pleas to buy
savings stamps to price ceilings whose effective-'
ness depends upon public support. One such
warning, that against instigating and passing on
runors, has been disregarded to a large extent.
Here in the Middle-West we cannot see the weary
remains of ship crews brought into port as visible
result of babbling lips. We can only read of plane
crashes, production slow-downs, war plants burn-
ing, incidents where sabotage is suspected but
not proved.
But tales fly about constantly in this area con-
cerning everything from the production at Willow
Run to rumors of the President's visit before he
arrived there. Ann Arbor is in an area of impor-
tant war plants. The bomber plant, the Chrysler
tank plant and many other important industries
are close to Ann Arbor and workers come and
go constantly. The careless talk of workers in
these plants may give invaluable information to
the enemy, and at the present time it would be
all too easy to find out this information.
THIS INFORMATION must not get into the
wrong hands.
Every person must take it upon himself to stop
rumors where he hears them, to caution those
from whom he hears them, and to keep war in-
formation to himself. If we do this we shall be
casting off a heavy load that to date has shackled
our war effort.
--John Erlewine
Mosher Stamp Drive
May Begin Movement

ci2tieri to the dtr
Wolverines Protest
TWO EDITORIALS recently appeared
in The Daily which would give their
readers a very poor impression of the Wolverines,
and we believe that these editorials have greatly
misrepresented us.
The Wolverines were organized to stimulate
school spirit, and to make Michigan more unit-
ed as a student body. We noticed a lack of
school spirit at the football games, and on the
campus, and we hoped to improve this situa-
tion. Our aim is to help and to improve Michi-
gan. And we hope that our efforts will help
some of the students to believe in Michigan
just a little more.
We have been approved by the Student Affairs
Committee, and Judiciary gave us permission to
sell freshman pots. We have a constitution which
governs our affairs, and this was approved before
we were recognized as a campus organization.
WE HAVE BEEN ACCUSED of selling pots at
"exorbitant" prices. The pots have always
been sold. Last year for 65 cents and this year
for 75 cents. Last year a local sport shop made
the profit; this year a Michigan organization is
making the profit, and we assure you that the
money will be used to better Michigan.
We have been accused of forcing the fresh-
men to buy pots. We asked them to buy them,
and those who did not want to were not harm-
ed in any way. Wearing the pot is not a dis-
grace. We changed the color from the drab
gray, to' maize and blue, so that the men would
be proud to wear them, because they represent
Michigan. It is no disgrace to be a freshman,
especially at Michigan.
We have been accused of "inciting class fights,
and hazing the freshman". Black Friday, and
class games have gone on long before we were
organized, and the freshman clash atrthe Michi-
gan-Michigan State game was none of our doing.
In the future the Wolverines will continue with
their objective of making Michigan more united,
and thereby helping the war effort by presenting
a solid front. We hope that our efforts will enable
Michigan to play a more important part in win-
ning this war.
Bunny Crawford
President of the Wolverines
The Answer
THE BASIC ERROR in the Wolverines'
program as shown by Mr. Crawford
is the assumption that the development of school
spirit of the pre-war variety necessarily helps the
war effort.
We cannot agree that the organization of a
cheering section for football games is an effort,
to allocate energy to the war effort; on the part
of the cheering section it is an indifferent ven-
ture while it is a waste of time for the organizers.
But if the students were made "to believe in
Michigan just a little more," we would want them
to believe in a student body that is a vital factor
in the war effort..
Whether or not you have been approved by the
Student Affairs Committee or anyone else is im-
material, for the criterion of usefulness today is
action to aid a war-minded campus.
It has yet to be shown that the wearing of pots
is a factor in campus unity. Certainly the realiza-
tion that a student organization is making a
profit-is not.
We. too. hone that the Wolverines "will enable

SOMETHING happened this week
the likes of which we don't want
to hear again.
The University Building and
Grounds Department discovered
and sold some old motors that had
been lying around the engineering
school for years. One was a little
Swiss motor. Before the motors
were sent to Detroit to be used for
vital war work, a professor' called
and asked to be given the Swiss
motor for his own private use.
His reason-he had a small saw
and needed a motor to run it. He
used the saw to busy himself during
his spare moments.
- Morton. Mintz
being used as a storehouse. She will
never be completed as a battleship.
Meanwhile, if the admirals had
been permitted to limit naval air-
craft to only 3,000, the Navy would
have been in a tough spot at Midway
and in the battle of the Coral Sea.
For in those battles, battleships did
not get within shooting range of each
other. Aircraft did all the damage.
Note: In the 1940 appropriation
bill the Senate insisted on giving the
Navy $40,000,000 for building small
ships for anti-submarine warfare.
The Admirals opposed the appropria-
tion, and though the money was vot-
ed, they used almost none of it until
this spring. Our lack of small ships
was why the submarines raised such
havoc. Yet they say that military
and naval men only should run the
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.)

are interested in enrolling,. in this
program should meet in room 1035
Angell Hall at 3:15 p. m. Thursday.
H. B. Calderwood
Doctoral Examination for Horace
Komm; field: mathematics; thesis:
"Concerning the Dimension and the
lambda-Dimension of a Partial Or-
der," will be held on Thursday, Octo-
ber 15, in East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 3:00 p. m.; chairman,
B. Dushnik.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Russell
Frank Hazelton; field: Chemical En-
gineering; thesis: "The Condensation
of Vapors of Immiscible Liquids on
Vertical Tubes," will be held today at
3:00 p. m. in 3201 E. Engineering
Bldg. Chairman E. M. Baker.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Choral Union Concert Tickets: A
limited number of tickets for the sea-
son or for individual concerts, are
still on sale over the counter at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. On
the days of the respective performan-
ces a limited number of standing
room tickets will also be placed on
sale, if necessity requires.
Charles A. Sink, President
University Musical Society
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Student work from the
Parsons School of Design, New York
City, in interior decoration, costume
design, advertising and industrial de-
sign, 'shown in the ground floor
cases, Architecture Building. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, through
today. The public is invited.
Events Today
The bell chamber of the Brton
Memorial Tower will be open to visi-
tors interested in observing the play-
ing of the carillon from 12 noon to
12:15 p. m. daily through Friday of
this week, at which time Professor
Percival Price, University Carilloneur,
will present an informal program.
The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers, Student Branch,will
meet tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan
Union. Freshman and transfer stu-
dents are especially invited. Movies
on "Diesel, The Modern Power" will
be shown. Refreshments.
Annual Open House at the Inter-
national Center this evening from
8:00 to 11:00 o'clock. The Board of
Governors, the Director and Staff of
the Center will welcome all foreign
students and their friends, and any
others who are interested.
Assembly Board will meet tonight
in thegUndergraduate Office of the
Michigan League at 7:30. All mem-
bers must attend and be on time or
give their excuse to the president in
Women Students: The Archery
Club willhmeet at 4:15 p. m. to-
day in the small lounge of the
Women's Athletic Building. Ali stu-
dents interested are invited.
All presidents of women's houses
are requested to attend a meeting in
the Michigan League today at 4:30
p. m.

Anyone interested in working in
the University Hall Candy Bogth,
please meet in the Kalamazoo Room
in the League today at 4:00 p. m.
Coming Events
The Sociedad Hispanica wishes to
invite all former members as well as
non-members to attend its first meet-
ing of the year. Students wanting
practical experience in speaking
Spanish are especially urged to at-
tend, and Latin Americans will Piave
an excellent opportunity to mingle
with their North American neighbors.
There will be entertainment, conver-
sation, and refreshments. The meet-
ing will be held in Room 408, Ro-
mance Language Bldg. at 8:00 p. m.,
Thursday, October 15.
The Art Cinema League presents
"Carnival in Flanders", October 15,
16 and 17, at 8:15 p. m. at Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Tickets at Mendelssohn
Box Office.
Inter-Guild will hold its weekly
luncheon at 12:15 p. m. on Thursday
at Lane Hall. All members of campus

Id Rather Be Right

The thing is getting hot. Life
Magazine warns the English people
they "will lose" the United States
unless they give a sign they are
fighting for principles, not Empire.
"Life" seems to mean England
should give up its opposition to a
second front, and to freedom for
India. The English press treats
"Life's" open letter with reserve,
but American correspondents in
England fly into rages, each ac-
cording to his kind; they interpret
"Life's" remarks, variously, as ei-
ther an American suggestion for a
separate peace, which is nonsense,
or as a deliberate attempt to de-
stroy allied unity, which is also
HerrsGoebbels jumps in, of
course, and thlks gleefully of grow-
ing "disunity" between England
and the United States; those who
are outraged by "Life's" letter to
try to use Goebbels as Goebbels
uses "Life," and they say, so there,
so there, "Life" is helping the Nazis.
(But Goebbels also uses English
opposition to the second front in
his radio propaganda directed to
Russia; and he uses Mr. Churchill's
stern stand against an Indian com-
promise in his broadcasts to India;
so I suggest that all of us stop using
Goebbels as proof of anything that
we try to solve our problems around
him and without him.)
As the thing grows, attitudes be-
gin to shade subtly; Miss Dorothy
Thompson seems to swing to the
belief that American liberals are,
for one strange reason, anti-Eng-
lish; though what basis there could
be for so tragic a caprice on the
part of Americanliberalism at such
a time as this Miss Thompson does
not specify.
Miss Thompson argues as she
does, I think, because she is aware
that Americans, urging a second

is that they want a Pacific Char-
ter, whose chief offense is that they
heard us the first time.
And the two sides to the contro-
versy match their pains, and reach
no conclusion, for these aches are
In such a debate, there is always
some tiddledewinks statesman rea-
dy to rise and urge that we settle
the issue by keeping quiet about it;
that all would be well if only "Life"
would hold its tongue. Or if Gan-
dhi would take strychnine. Or if
Stalin would not write letters to
the Associated Press.
Or, if only we would not insult
each other. Or, if we would forget
our principles as regards one par-
ticular colony.
These pious wishes are of the
same order as the wish that Hitler
would drop dead. Those who utter
them seek a short, happy road
around the mountain.
The important thing is not what
is said in this controversy. It does-
n't matter what "Life" said. (I
think "Life" went overboard; Eng-
land cannot lose the U.S.A.; she
stands in danger of losing India.)
The important thing is that some-
where, deep in those official cham-
bers where reporters do not easily
penetrate, the basis for a contro-
versy exists, of which the heated
remarks made by unofficials are
merely shadowgraph reflections.
It will do ,no good to break the
mirror, or bid it stop reflecting.
The pressing, immediate problem
is the official tug-of-war among
thetUnited Nations on such ques-
tions as the second front and colo-
nial policy. Start by taking a punch
at "Life," and you come right back
of the need for a unified command,
for a single war policy, instead of
I a debate. "Life" may have exag-

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