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October 14, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-14

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1942




VolunteerHospital Service Committee


Mass Meeti ng
Will introduce
Plans To Class
Thirteen Members Will Serve
On Mattern's Committee;
Registration Held Tomorrow
Definite plans for the Sophomore
Volunteer Hospital Service were made
yesterday when the Judiciary Com-
mittee at the League interviewed pe-
titioners and appointed a general
chairman and committee members.
There will be a mass meeting of all
sophomore women in the League Ball-
room at 4 ,p.m. Thursday. At this
time Frances Thompson, chairman
of last year's Frosh Project, and Su-
zanne Sims, junior adviser for the
service, will introduce the general
chairman and her committee.
Hospital Work Explained
Mrs. N. R. Kretszchmar and Miss
Karin Dahlberg will be present at the
mass meeting to explain the volun-
teer service for the University Hos-
pital. They will describe for the girls
what their duties will be and the kind
of uniforms they will wear.
Any interested junior or sophomore
woman may attend the meeting and
may at this time register to partici-
pate in the service.
Mattern Is General Chairman
Natalie Mattern, Kappa Kappa
Gamma was appointed late yesterda'
as general chairman. She has an all
"A" scholastic average. During her
freshman year she was active on the
publicity committee of Frosh Project
and in many other activities.
Her committee consists of thirteen
members. Jane Faggen, independent,
is a member of. the Gargoyle staff.
Betsey Frank, Kappa Alpha Theta,
has been a member of the Glee Club,
Rifle Club, and WAA at college. Mar-
garet Laubengayer, independent,
worked on the- dance committee of
Frosh Project.
Other Membes Named
Joyce McCormick, Collegiate Soro-
sis, has done children's theatre work.
Marjorie McCulloch, Gamma Phi
Beta, worked on the ticket committee
of Frosh Project.
Marcia McGraw, independent, was
a Daily tryout. Barbara Mason, Al-
pha Phi, belongs to the French and
Latin clubs. Margery Merriam, Gam-
ma Phi Beta, is on the 'Ensian busi-
ness staff.'
Dorothy Pugsley, Alpha Chi Ome-
ga, worked on Frsh Project, and is
a Nurse's Aide. Jane Schuchowsky,
Theta Phi Alpha, works o the social
committee of the League. Mary Thie-
len, Delta Delta Delta, is also on the
'Ensian editrial staff and worked on
Frosh Project.
Committees Assigned Later
Eleanor Webber took part in Orien-
tation this fall. Florence Wilkins, in-
dependent, was president of her
League house last year.
Sophomore Volunteer Hospital
Service replaces the annual Soph
Cabaret. The thirteen girls who com-
prise the central committee will be
assigned specific chairmanships later.

Women And The War '

This week "Women and the War"
is most pleased to present Peg Ihling,
'43, chairman of War Activities for
Women at the league.
Because of her outstanding work in
other campus activities, Peg was the
unanimous choice of the 1941-42 Ju-
diciary Committee for this most im-
portant post and did not petition, as
is usually the procedure with respect
to league positions.
Her work, specifically, is practically
a dawn to dark affair. She operates
in conjunction with Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick and organizes all of the de-
fense courses. She is really to be con-
gratulated on the excellent results she
has produced.
Peg paved her road to fame by way
of many previous projects and activi-
ties. She was chairman of the art
committee of Theater Arts, sub-
chairman of the social committee in
charge of the "7-11" club, chairman
of decorations Soph Cabaret. She
has worked on nearly every league
committee imaginable-merit, publi-
city, house etc.-She is now a member
of Scroll, senior women's honor soci-
":Like father, like son" seems to be
'he case in the ,hling family-or is
it vice versa? Peg's father, who is in-
zidentally of the class of '09, is a man-
ufacturer of uniforms for the armed
Services and is also on the State ra-
tioning board. Her mother, an alum-
na of '15, is head of the Red Cross
surgical dressing dept. in Kalamazoo.
Peggy's aunt, Mrs. Carl Blankenburg,
12L, is head of the Kalamazoo Red
1 Cross and U. S. O.
Last summer Peg worked with her
aunt in U. S. 0. work and learned to
be an instructor of surgical dressings.
She is volunteering any free time she
'Panihel Drive
To SelI Bonds
begins Today
Panhellenic Council is cooperating
with the war board by instituting a
war stamp and bond drive in all sor-
ority houses in place of the usual dis-
play competition of homecoming
week-end. The stamp sale will begin
in the houses today and will con-
tinue until Tuesday, October 20.
The sorority which sells the most
stamps will receive the prize, which
will attempt to carry out the patri-
otic theme. All competition will be
determined on the percentage basis.
All money received from sales must
be turned in at Miss Ethel MacCor-
mick's office in the League between
3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tuesday. Any bonds
purchased from now until the dead-
line may be counted in the contest.
The stamp chairman of each soror-
ity may get stamps in Miss MacCor-
mick's office today between 3 p.m.
and 5 p.m.


has in the surgical dressings depart-
ment of the Ann Arbor Red Cross.
After graduation next spring, Peg
may continue her war work along the
home front. She has been offered a
job with the State Department in
South America.
Peg is probably the most outstand-
ing example of Michigan women who
have fully awakened to the realiza-
tion that we are at war.
Women Pettion
To Fill Positions
On War Council
Three independent women, two
juniors and one sophomore, will be
chosen next week to work on the cen-
tral board of the War Activities Com-
mittee for Women under the direction
of Margaret Ihling, '43. Petitioning
for these positions will begin today
and extend to Friday noon. Any
sophomore or junior independent
woman is eligible.
New members of the committee
will be chosen by Miss Ihling and
Betty Newman, president of Assem-
bly, on the basis of their interest in
war work and activities outside of the
University, and their ideas for ex-
pansion of the war program. Appli-
cants will be notified personally
about interviewing for the positions.
The new members will merely act
on the board, which is expected to
grow during the year. The first proj-
ect given to them will be running the
mimeographing machine and learn-
ing office work in general. The three
positions have been opened on the
board so that a better consensus of
campus opinion can be obtained.
The committee as a whole is in
charge of all defense classes. Other
members of the board are Esther
Stevens, '44, Red Cross chairman, Jo
Fitzpatrick, '44, in charge of enroll-
ing people for volunteer work, Mary
Brownrigg, '44, chairman of corre-
spondence, and Nancy Gray, '43, head
of publicity.I
Mortarboard Votes
For New Chapters
At Opening Meeting
Mortarboard had its first meeting
of the year at 7 p.m. yesterday in
the council room of the League.
The meeting was called to vote on
the petitions for Mortarboard mem-
bership, of "Tassels," an organization
at the University of Mississippi, and
the "Star and Scepter," of the Mis-
souri State College for Women. Plans
for the coming year were discussed
and considered.
At the present time there are 20
members in the organization. The
officers are: Jean Jeffrey, '43, presi-
dent; Janet Lewin, '43, vice-presi-
dent; Dorothy Cummings, '43, secre-
tary, and Dorothy Schloss, '43, treas-
All presidents of women's houses
are requested to attend a meeting in
the Michigan League on Wednesday,
October 14, at 4:30 p. m.

Lt. Pavlichenko,
Woman Sniper
To Speak Here
Famous Russian Sharpshooter
Has interesting Life History;
Joined Army After Invasion
Courage, spirit, and determination
are the characterizing features of the
life story of Lieut. Liudmila Pavli-
chenko, Russian woman sniper, who
will speak here at a United Nations
war rally at 8:00 p.m. Friday in Hill
Lieut. Pavlichenko is a Ukrainian,
born twenty-six years ago in a small
town near Kiev. Her mother was a
teacher and her father a worker in a
St. Petersburg factory, until the revo-
lution occurred. He took part in this
battle and also in the Civil War. His
position, following these wars, was
one which required traveling. Liud-
mila's education was obtained in as
many different schools as there were
years in her school career. Regard-
less of this fact, she finished a year
and a half early.
Calls Herself 'Tomboy'
Lieut. Pavlichenko describes her-
self as a tomboy, since she played
boys' games with a determination to
win. -It was this determination to
outdo a boy playmate, who took pride
in his abilityas. a sharpshooter, that
started her efforts along this line.
After settling in Kiev, at the age
of eighteen, Liudmila was faced with
the problem of making a choice be-
tween continuing her studies or going
to work. She chose factory work, but
still continued her sharpshooting ac-
tivities. After a few years at this
work, Lieut. Pavlichenko refused an
opportunity to enter the Military En-
gineering School in order to .enter
the university at Kiev; she was, inter-
ested in becoming a teacher of his-
tory . Courses in sniping were in-
cluded in ler curriculum.. er
Invasion Brought gecoery
Liudmila was in a sanitarium when
the news of the German invasion
broke. Her recovery was miracu-
lOus following this news. The doctors
refused her discharge, but she took
a "French leave."
A resort to tricks was necessary to
become a member of the. armed
forces. She first served with one of
the volunteer detachments called
'destroyer squads" which was organ-
ized to dispose of German para-
troopers. Two Rumanian mercenar-
ies of the Nazis were responsible for
her being accepted as a qualified
sniper. After picking them off, she
was made an official member of the
group. "They are not figured in my
score total because they were test
shots," Lieut. Pavlichenko remarked.
Admits Fright
She admits that she was frightened
during her first real combat, crying
out for the machine gunners to save
her. "But I soon learned the steadi-
ness and coolness required of our
snipers," she said.
The first two of her score of 309
Germans were picked off from a Ger-
man scouting party. Lieut. Pavli-
chenko spotted them and asked for
the assignment. She got two of the
party of three.
Describes Danger
Lieut. Pavlichenko describes snip-
ing as dangerous work since they are
hunted as well as doing the hunting.
She has been wounded four times.
She wears a scar over the bridge of
her nose from a wound which she
received during the evacuation of
"Now I hiave come to America, the
country which my people admire as
one of the most advanced and demo-
cratic countries of the world. We are
proud to be united with the American
people in the fight against Fascism,"
Lieut. Pavlichenko remarked on ar-

riving in this country.
"I have 309 Hitlerites on my score.
But the score is not finished, my work
is not over."
Mosher To Hold Tea
Honoring New Girls
A tea will be held- at Mosher Hall
from 4 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. today in
honor of all new residents in the dor-
mitory. Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs.
Byrl F. Bacher, and Miss Jeannette
Perry are invited as special guests.
In order to help the girls become
better acquainted with each other the
different corridors and floors have
been holding informal cider and
doughnut parties throughout this

Volunteer Aid
Wanted Now
In War Tasks
Women Students Can Serve
By Filling Worker Shortages
In Many Branches Of Effort
(Continued from Page 1)
starts Oct. 19. There is no limit to
the number of volunteers that can
be used. Arrangements will be made
to fit theucourse into the free hours
of the student's program.
Red Cross is offering a Canteen
Course, the prerequisite for which is
the nutrition course, a combination
of which courses fits the worker to
see to the necessary tasks of prepar-
ing anddistributing food to draftees
leaving at the station.
Forty-four persons are working at
present in this corps and 100 more
are needed as soon as they can com-
plete the course. Persons interested
in the Nutrition Course can enroll in
the course through the League.
Students may roll bandages with
Ann Arbor women from 9 a.m. to
12 noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the
Rackham Building. If any sorority,
independent group or League house
can promise a steady group of at
least 30 women who will work on
bandages once a week in order to
fill a quota, they may call North
Hall and arrangements will be
made as to an available room on
campus that they can use.
Ten to thirty more Motor Corps
Aides are needed to add to the 62
active members of the corps.
The job of the Motor Corps Aide
is to ride along with the driver to
help carry and deliver packages, de-
liver messages and do desk work.
Classification for the prerequisite
courses, First Aid and Motor Mechan-
ics, can also be arranged at the
Besides these opportunities listed
heretofore, Red Cross classes in First
Aid are open to an unlimited number
of students; and the Red Cross would
appreciate the services of persons
holding a current Red Cross First Aid
Instructor's card for instructing the
classes to begin soon.
USO Volunteer Work
University women are urged to turn
their social talents to a useful purpose
in war morale work by volunteering
to help the local chapter of the USO.
Main activities of the USO con-
sist of maintaining stations both in
the railroad terminal and the bus
stations and a business* office in the
Junior Chamber of Commerce, all of
which have been established as in-
formation centers for service men.
All the facilities of the YMCA have
been opened to all service men who
are passing through Ann Arbor.
Help is needed in the form of vol-
unteers to act as hostesses and to
help in organization. As soon as
transportation problems have been
solved, the USO will devote much of
its time to working with men and
women employed at the Willow Run

PYpreenWAA nt i CS
Sporting a raccoon coat, Dr. Margaret Bell and Assistant Coach Marie
Hartwig will be giving last-minute instructions to their team, the "WAAS"
(WAA Board) when they meet the "Leaguites" (League Council), under the
strong, vital leadership of their coach, Miss "Mac." The two teams will
meet for the first time in a field hockey game at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow down
at Palmer Field, and everyone is invited to attend the event.
Of course, Char Thompson and Nan Filstrup are captains of the "Leagu-
ites" and the "WAAS", respectively, and with such fine leadership and good
sportsmanship, we expect an exciting game.
Emphasizing WAA's important part in the war effort, that of develop-
ing strong, healthy college women with endurance, Nan began
the first WAA Board meeting of the school year, held Monday
at the W.A.B. More women than ever seem to be living in
League houses, and since these people often disappear along
the way some place, the Board is making every effort this year
to contact them, and help them with their sport and recrea-
-.tional interests. No one must slip by, every person is vital and
has his work to do. The President said the same in his talk
Monday evening.
Outdoor Sports group has already docked up one event, held last Sun-
day, for this year. But here's more good news. Plans are being made for a
canoe trip on the Huron River, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, and those
attending are to meet at 9:30 a.m. at Hill Auditorium.
* * * *
Here's a chance to add a loving cup to those already acquired in your
respective dormitory, league house or sorority. Fill in the entry blank that
you will receive this week, and enter the swimming meet, to be held at 7:15,
Thursday, October 22, at the Union pool. Besides that, indi-
vidual winners of the meet will form the nucleus of the swim-
ming club, under the management of Oriel Straehley.
* * * *

Like a nice, juicy, well-browned marshmallow? Then at-
tend the meeting of the Archery Club at 4:15 p.m. today at the
W.A.B., as they have a roast planned. Dance Club has big
plans this year, and Helen Willcox requests members who will
be attending the meetings regularly. On the program is a dance
presentation at Christmas time.

t '

* * * *
Riders, take note! Tryouts for Crop and Saddle Club are scheduled for
October 21 at the Golfside Riding Stables. Those interested will have to
furnish their own transportation due to the bus shortage. Watch The Daily
for further details.
They're all talking about it! What? The body-conditioning classes

held at 2:30
Bye now!

p.m. and 3:20 p.m. every

Friday at the W.A.B. See you there I

Price Wedding
To Take Place
In November
Prof. and Mrs. H. T. Price of Ann
Arbor, have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Liose Doro-
thea, '42, to Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner
of Nashville, Tenn., son of Dr. and
Mrs. A. N. Bronfenbrenner of New
York City and Asheville, N. C.
Miss Price is affiliated with Zeta
Tau Alpha sorority. She was active
in the Student Religious Association
while a student in the University, and
is now employed by the office of the
same organization.
Dr. Bronfenbrenner received his
doctor of philosophy degree in edu-
cational psychology in August from
the University, and was psychometri-
cian at the University Elementary
school before entering the Army a
month ago. At present he is stationed
at Nashville as Army psychologist.
The wedding date has been set for
next month.

New under-arm
Cream nDeodorant
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. Nowaitingatodry. Canbeused
right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration for
1 to 3 days. Prevents odor.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainless vanishing cream.
S. Awarded Approval Seal of
American Institute of Launder-
ing for being harmless to
toao A "so-, Al so in 10i and 590 jars
tom Guaranteed by .,
Good Housekeeping A I


It's reall#
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Two Time r
with a detachable
snap-in or ztip-n
lining . .
A sound idea for these days . . . think
of the possibilities! You can wear it now
and next spring WITHOUT the lining
. . . snap in the warm wind-resistant
lining when the temperature starts drop-
ping. Popular Balmacaan model in all-
wool, camel's hair and tweeds at 29.95
to 49.95.
There are other styles with and with-
out detachable linings, from 25.00.




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GABARDINE SUITS you've been waiting
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Sizes 12 to 18.



Camnpus Favorites
Saddle leather bags with small
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Shoulder strap bags ......5.00
Hansen's Handmate pigskin
gloves at..... .....3.00




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