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October 14, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-14

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Y, OCT. 14 1942 _,m.


1AG1 TImfl

Victory-Hungry Wildcats To Renew Rivalry Here Sal



The Cracker Barrel*
By Mike Dann

Wolverines Given Edge
In Seventeenth Contest)
Michigan Will Try For Tenth Victory Over Purple;
Duel Between Kuzma And Graham Expected

r i i r i .

DURING yesterday's grid practice
Coach Fritz Crisler was talking
about fleet-footed Don Robinson,
when Bob Kelly,
WJR sports an-
nouncer 'told of an
incident that hap-
pened while he was
<broadcasting the
:"r"Seahawk game last
"Just as Mal
Kutner, Cadet end,
caught a pass anid
1 was in the clear
heading for Michi-
gan's goal, line, I
told the radio aud-
ience, 'Kutner is the fastest man on
either team,' but as I said that,
Robinson crossed the field and
tackled him. I sure had a hard time
telling my listeners that a guy 30
yards away caught the fastest man
on either team."
Kelly concluded by saying "From
now on nobody's the fastest until af-
ter he crosses the goal line."
LAST Friday night, Grantland Rice,
Dean of America's Sports Writers,
told a network radio audience that
"football in this autumn of, 1942 is on
its way to the greatest year in its 72-
year history".
Just how- Mr. Rice reaches this
conclusion isn't clear to us or any,
grid enthusiast we have talked to.
Football crowds throughout the

now publicity director for the Sea-
hawks, was talking to Harry Tillotson,
Michigan Ticket manager.
Tillotson sadly remarked, "I can't
understand why more people didn't
come out to see this great game."
"I am sure most of our alumni
would have wanted to attend, but I
guess they're too busy in the Solo-
mons," Bill.snapped back.
DICK WAKEFIELD is now back at
the University hard at work. The
ex-Michigan right-fielder (now a
$50,000 bargain for the Detroit Ti-
gers) is an economics major and
hopes to get a degree while playing
professional baseball.
Tes big fellow registered Saturday
after returning from a successful
duck hunting trip with Barney Mc-
Cosky, Tiger outfielder.
"We got forty ducks," said Dick,
"so I guess it was worth cutting
THE OHIO STATE Lantern is on
the band wagon again this year
for a special trophy to be given to the
victor in the Buckeye-Wolverine foot-
ball game.
Somehow or other, we think
Buck Dawson, the campus' most
colorful figure last year, had the
right idea about such trophies.
As you probably remember,
Buck thought a little china bull
would be just the thing to give to
the winning team.
When someone asked Buck if a bull

When Michigan and Northwestern
meet this Saturday it will mark the
fiftieth year since a Wolverine eleven
first met Northwestern on the grid-
iron. Over this fifty year span the
teams have met just sixteen times
and have established a rivalry which.
judging from the closeness of their
records, ranks second to none-even
the Wolverine-Gopherh record.
The Wildcats won that first con-
test in 1892 by the rather bizarre
score of 10-8. Since that date Michi-
gan has had somewhat the better of
it and the record now stands at nine
wins for the Wolverines, six for the
Wildcats and one tie. Two of the
Michigan victories and the 0-0 tie of
1938 have come since Coach Fritz
Crisler took over the helm.
Wolverines Have Nod
This year as usual the experts look
for a knock-down, drag-out affair
with the Wolverines given the nod on
the basis of their record thus far. But
many who say that the Wildcats are
too good a team to lose any more
games pick Lynn Waldorf to hand the
high-riding Wolverines their second
defeat of the year.
And to be sure there isn't much to
choose between the teams when all is
said and done. Northwestern was up-
set by Purdue, 7-6, and bowed after
a hard fight to the Iowa Cadets, 20-
12. With the memory of the Purdue
loss fresh in their minds, and with
the knowledge that Michigan has
never outscored them by more than
one touchdown in remaining unbeat-
en in the. three games played since
Crisler came to Ann Arbor, Waldorf's
men are out to break the Michigan
jinx which has marred an otherwise
good record.
Three Tough Ones Ahead
On the other hand Michigan, with
three tough conference games ahead
of them looks to its great line and
versatile backs to provide the punch
necessary to defeat Otto Graham and

his teammates. This, plus the pres-
ence of Tom Kuzma in the lineuz for
the first time this Saturday, adds up
to a combination pretty hard to beat.
Additional significance to the game
Saturday is given in its probable
bearing on the conference race. Four
teams, including Michigan, still have
no blemishes on the ledger; three of

Golf Tourney
Is Under Way
32 Entered In Trueblood
The annual Trueblood Golf Tour-
nament, which is held each fall on
the University Course to determine
the all-campus.champion, got under
way on Sunday. Since then, five
matches have been played and it is
hoped that the rest will be finished
in the next few days so that the sec-
ond round will start as soon as possi-
32 men signed up for the tourney,
which was very good, considering the
fact that Professor Trueblood asked
only those who consistently shot in
the low eighties to enter. Many excep-
tionally good linksmen are compet-
ing, and it will be a great surprise if
several of them don't turn out to be
varsity material next spring.
In the past, Varsity Golf Coach Ray
Courtright has discovered many fine
players for his team-men who did
not think that they were good enough
for the varsity. Each year, since the
tournament began, "Corky" has given
tryout invitations to those whose play
in the tourney warranted such. This
year will be no exception, and since
three members of last year's varsity
links squad have been graduated, the
competition for a berth will be wide
This is the first year in the history
of the tournament that there has not
been a preliminary qualifying round;
instead they seeded and paired off
each contestant.

NU Strengthens Defense 1
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 13.- (P)-
Although dissatisfied with the North-
western offense, Coach Lynn Waldorf
decided to strengthen his defense first
today after hearing scout reports of
Michigan's scoring power. So the Var-
sity was sent through a long defensive
workout against Michigan formations
demonstrated by reserves and fresh-
Northwestern's own scoring
strength was weakened further today
with Waldorf's disclosure that sopho-
more halfback Joe Scriba of Owosso,
Mich., would be lost for an indefinite
period because of a recurrence of a
shoulder injury. Scriba has been No. 1
understudy to Otto Graham.
* * *
Silovich Subs For Daley
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 13.- (R)-
With Joe Silovich still at the left
halfback post, the Minnesota football
team zipped through an entirely new
set of plays on Northrop Field today.
Silovich took care of most of the
passing and kicking while regular
Bill Daley jogged around the field
with a sore back and a few other
minor bruises. Daley missed Monday's
drill but after a heat treatment today
he was able to don his uniform for a
little running.
* * *
Sailors Throw 'Em
GREAT LAKES, Ill., Oct. 13.- (A0)
-The Great Lakes football squad had,
a look at Wisconsin plays today and

Big Ten Highlights.. .

then turned to polishing their of-
fense. Forward passing was stressed
with Bruce Smith and Billy Harrell
doing most of the throwing.
Illini Prep For Iowa
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 13.- ( P)-
Fullback Tony Butkovlch ripped,
through the reserves consistently to-
day as Illinois began workouts for the
Iowa Game Saturday. The Illini also
had a brief defensive session against
Iowa formations.
Two regulars watched today's ac-
tivity from the sidelines. Coaches ex-!pesd d u t t a o is n
pressed doubt that Bob Wilson, a
guard recovering from' an attack f
influenza, would be in shape by Sa-
urday. However, Elmer Engle, an end,
bruised in the Minnesota game, was
expected to be back in the lineup by
the end of the week.
Pitt Hopes For Win
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 13.- 0)-
Beaten six times by. Big Ten football
teams without a. victory since he suc-
ceeded Dr. John B. Sutherland in
1939 as coach of the University df
Pittsburgh Panthers, Charley Bowser
is holding high hopes of overcoming
the hoodoo of Western Conference
teams Saturday when Indiana visits
There was bad news at. today's
practice session of the Panthers, how-
ever. Norb Gestner, regular left end,
reported with such a bad knee he is
not expected to be able to play.

Don't worry fans.
Bob Kolesar, Wolverine guard, will play football all season, reports
in a Detroit newspaper yesterday not withstanding.''
Bob has been having a little difficulty arranging his schedule in the
Medical School so it' fits in with the time he must give to football.

...tough schedule, tough man
these teams play against Big Ten op-
ponents Saturday and the outcomes
of the contests should at least narrow
the. leaders to two teams. Purdue
meets Ohio State while the Wolver-
ines can move into a first place tie
with one of these teams by winning;
conversely Northwestern can get back
in the running with a victory over

Open inq


That is all.


nation are about one-half of what
they were in 1941 and newspapers.
aren't using near the grid copy they,
once demanded from their writers.
Only last week, NBC's Bill Stern.
told us, "Football is slipping' fast and
it won't come back until after the
war. You can't expect people to worry,
about Southern California's passing
attack when they have relatives
fighting all over the globe."
STERN also blasted the theory
that inter-collegiate football is
helping to build up the proper phy-
sical specimens for our armed for-
The well-known announcer pointed
out that, "Most of the guys who come
out for football don't need condition-
ing; it's the ones that don't play in
varsity sports who should get special
RIGHT before the Iowa Cadet-Wol-
verine game Saturday, Bill Reed,
ex-Michigan Daily Sports Editor and

wasn't kind of silly, Dawson re-
Inarked, "ell no. Bull is the best way
I know of to describe this trophy bus-
BILL BARCL4Y, who joined the
Wolverine, coaching "staff, has
spent the last three Saturdays scout-
ing the Northwestern Wildcats.
According to Barclay, "The Wild-
cas will be' tough to beat-Otto
Graham is .one of the 'best half-
backs I have ever seen. He has a
great backfield to work with and a
pair of swell ends in Bob Mott and
Bud Hasse."
Dopsters are pointing to North-
western to upset Michigan, because
of the terrific- pounding the Cadets
handed the Wolverines last week.
If, anyone wonders why linotypers
go nad here's why. It's an item from
the Chicago Tribune: "Art Macios-
zczyk, of Western Michigan at Kala-
mazoo, was injured yesterday in prac-
tice. Macioszczyk will be out for sev-
eral days."

Bugle Call Blues Lifting:
All Michigan Gridders Should
Be Able To Complete Season

As unforgettabe message for every man, woman
and chHUd in America

_ I II 1 I YI Ir l

Over The AP We. .. .

The best pitchers in the major
leagues this summer, if you believe in
figures, were Tex Hughson of the
Boston Red Sox and Mort Cooper of
the Cardinals. These conclusions were
offered by one Robert J. Brennan, a
New York diamond statistician who
picks the best of chuckers annually
by a complicated but foolproo; point
system. Brennan rated Ernie Bon-
ham, Spud Chandler, and Hank Bor-
"You can't get clipped-
'with our modern styles."
The Dascola Barbers
Between State St. and Mich. Theatre

owy of the Yankees after Humhson in
that' order ' for the American League,
and Johnpy Beazley of the Cards,
Whit Wyatt and Larry French of the
Dodgers for the senior circuit.
Out in Los Angeles, Sgt. Joe Louis
gave out with a mild retraction of his
statement of a few days previous to
the yeffect that his "fightin' days are
over". Louis told reporters yesterday
that "the only fightin' I'm thinkin'
about right now is in the Army." He
also stated, "I'm. only 28. I'm not gon-
na quit", when questioned about his
post-war ring plans. However, he
added that it would depend largely
on what sort of shape he's in after
it's over. "Layoffs sure don't help

With the football season three
games gone, Coach Fritz Crisler has
begun to breathe a little easier about
the problem of "war casualties" on
his squad.
So far every new announcement
from the War or Navy Departments
concerning the need for more man-
power, or the necessity for yanking
the college reservists out of school in
the near future, has made the Wol-
verine mentor wince harder than
when he hears of the power of a par-
ticularly tough Michigan opponent toI
be faced during the ten game season.
And for that matter his worries on
the situation. can't be regarded as
over yet, what with almost two
months more to, go before the final
Linemen Registered
Crisler's immediate worry has been
whether the lads already registered
will be drawn off for the khaki before
the season's end. His graying hairs on
that account are well justified, too,
with such stalwart dependables as
Julie Franks, Al Wistert, Jack Kar-
wales, Bill Pritula, Rudy Smeja, and
Frank Wardley all registered, though
as yet unclassified. These boys have
been in line for the colors call since
the season started, but luckily for
Michigan's grid chances, the clarion
hasn't sounded as yet, and if the good
Lady sticks with us we'll probably be
able to see them around when we
meet Iowa on Nov. 28. Three other
men, Angie Trogan, Jim Brown, and
Clayt Foor are already classified 1-A.
If Congress puts through the selec-
tive service act for the 18-19 age
group, Fritz's problem becomes mani-
fold, what with twenty of the present
squad filling into that category.
Among the more outstanding mem-
bers of the team to date registered
in that group are Merv Pregulman,
Bob Wiese, Bob Chappuis, Warren
Yaap, Jim' Brieske, Bob Vernier and

Don Lund. Then there is the con-
sideration that if college football is
still going next year, it is this bunch
of boys who are counted on as likely
to be around to carry the brunt of the
It looks by this late date that the
boys in reserve corps will be allowed
to continue school at least for the rest
of the semester, so Michigan fans
won't have to worry about Capt.
George Ceithaml being called into ac-
tive service by the V-7 officials just
before the Minnesota game, or the
Marine Corps beckoning Paul White
in' the midst of the Northwestern
Some In Advanced ROTC
To mention a few other stalwarts
in reserve programs we have Tom
Kuzma,rElmergMadar, and Phil
Sharpe in Advanced ROTC, Don
Robinson and Chuck Kennedy, both
members of the Army Air Corps Re-
serve, and Cliff Wise in the Army
Enlisted Reserve. Bob Kolesar, rug-
ged left guard, is classified 2-A a a
medical student.
All in all, the chances are pretty
high at present sitting that the com-
plexion of the Wolverine roster will
go unblemished till the end of the
season. Naturally that depends on a
lot of factors ranging from the shift-
ing tides of battle to the way Con-
gress happens to feel the next time
manpower bills are proposed. Until
something unforeseen along those
lines happens, however, Coach Fritz
can ease up on "war casualty" worry
and concentrate more on some of the
many others he has on his mind.
All sophomores and second se-
mester freshmen interested in try-
ing out for football managers
should contact Jim Kline at 24481.
Football managers are exempted
from PEM.


As seen in Esquire
New for FALL
$5.0 t $7.50
The foresighted buy

With drizzly Fall days ahead, you'll be smart to make your
new hat a Mallory, protected by the "Cravenette" process.
That means good shape long after unprotected hats show
the wilting effect of dampness and drizzle. Always a pleasure
to show you our merchandise.

:. :.

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