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October 13, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-13

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it 4


Not Much Change In



President Asks Draft Age

Lowered To


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U-M Manpower

Mobilization Corps Created



Will Unify,
Direct All
Executive Board Will Run
New Agency; Head Will
Be Selected To Control
To Be Coordinator
Of War Activities
Campus war leaders moved swiftly
last night toward full mobilization of
the University's giant, and as yet un-
harnessed, manpower.
In a student-Initiated move un-
precedented in the 100-year history
of this campus, the Student War
Board created anManpower Mobili-
zation Corps, and endowed it with
full power over all male student
war projects.
Its chief task the provision of cam-
pus manpower wherever and when-
ever it is needed, the new agency will
direct student participation in scrap
drives and programs to alleviate farm
labor shortages, as well as all other
war projects..
An administrative head and an
eight or ten-man board will be chosen
today for the full time job of direct-
ing the Manpower Corps.
The executive directors will be
asked to give up all other extra-
curricular positions to insure. that
they will be able to devote their full
energies to the mobilization of the
campus war effort.
All men students will be asked to
register and to pledge that they will
be at the service of the Manpower
Corps. From this list of names, and
through existing organizations, the
agency will recruit its workers.
Highest student authority on all
war projects, the Manpower Corps
will review all plans and direct the
accomplishment of all programs.
No organization is to initiate any
move without placing it first in the
hands. of the administrative head,
and all requests for student work-
ers must be made to him.
The Manpower Administrator will
therefore be in complete control of
the student war effort, subject only
to the Student War .Board as a policy
forming body.
Following a front-page editorial in
Sunday's Daily asking for such a
manpower organization, a special
meeting of campus leaders voted
unanimously the same night to'rec-
ommend it to the Student War'Board.
The meeting was attended by repre-
sentatives of the Student Senate,
Union, Engineering Council, Con-
gress, Inter-Cooperative Council, In-
ter-Fraternity Council, Hillel, ROTC,
NROTC, Alpha Phi Omega, dormitor-
ies, Wolverines and Daily.
Blood Donor
The war effort needs one pint of
your blood!
The American Red Cross in con-
junction with three campus organi-
zations will begin registration of vol-
unteer blood donors this afternoon
in the lobby of the Michigan Union
and at the war stamp booth on State
and North University.
The Michigan Union, the Michigan
League, and the Interfraternity Coun-
cil have indicated that their organi-

zations are 100 per cent behind the
Red Cross in this drive.
At the time of registration stu-
dents may make a convenient ap-
pointment that fits into their per-
sonal time scheme. Schedules will be
prepared to insure maximum effi-
The Red Cross crew will be on cam-
pus three times during the next three

Loss Of Three Cruisers Is Revealed

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.- The
loss of three heavy American cruis-
ers in a fierce, night-time naval
battle fought during the initial
phase of the attack on the Solomon
Islands was announced today by the
Covering the landing of rein-
forcements in the Tulagi-Guadal-
canal area, the second night of the
attack on the islands, the cruisers
Quincy, Vincennes and Astoria
were outlined against the light of
flares dropped by enemy planes and
were sunk by a Japanese force of
cruisers and destroyers.
In the same action, the night of
August 8-9, the Australian cruiser
Canberra was hit by shells and tor-

pedoes, heavily damaged and set
afire. Abandoned during the night,
she sank the morning of August 9,
as already announced by the Aus-
tralian government.
Although a majority of the crews
of the three cruisers was saved, a
Navy communique reported, the
loss of life was heavy, and the com-
mander of the Quincy, Capt. Sam-
uel N. Moore, of Alexandria, Va.,
was one of those lost. Capt. F. L.
Riefkohl, of Maunabo, Puerto Rico,
commanding the' -Vincennes, and
Capt. William G. Greenman, of
Watertown, N. Y., skipper of the
Astoria, were saved.
The action began about 1:45 a.m.,
August 9, as transports and supply

ships were pouring reinforcements
ashore for the Marines, who had
occupied the Tulagi-Guadalcanal
area of the Solomons in a surprise
attack August 7.
Enemy planes dropped flares over
the landing operations, and simul-
taneously the Japanese force of
cruisers and destroyers skirted the
south coast of Savo Island, be-
tween Tulagi and Guadalcanal,
headed for the supply ships.
Finding a screening force south-
east of Savo, the enemy opened fire
immediately with guns and torpe-
does, smashing the Canberra. After
a brief engagement, the Japanese
headed for the passage northeast of
Savo, where they met a second
screening force of destroyers and

cruisers and began a battle at close
"The action was fought with guns
and torpedoes, with targets illum-
inated by searchlights and star-
shells," the communique reported.
"The enemy fire was heavy and ac-
curate, and the U.S. cruisers Quin-
cy and Vincennes were hit repeat-
edly and sank during the night. A
third cruiser, the U.S.S. Astoria,
was badly damaged and' burned.
throughout the night. She sank the
following morning.
"It was not possible to determine
the extent of damage inflicted on
the Japanese ships by our screen-
ing forces. The enemy withdrew to
the northwest without attempting
an attack on our transports and
supply ships."

Labor Shortages
. .
Need Rationing
For B3est Usages
Roosevelt Hints At 'Second Front' Plan,
Declaring General Staff Agrees That
Diversion Movements Are Necessary
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-President Roosevelt, asserting that Allied
strength was "on the upgrade" and the enemy growing nervous, tonight
urged the drafting of 18 and 19-year-olds so that an army with the spirit
and hardihood of youth may shorten the war with annihilating new
At the same time, the President called for the rationing of manpower.
Workers must be kept from changing jobs at will, he said. Pirating of one
employer's labor by another must be forbidden. The objective must be "the
right numbers of people in the right places at the right time."
Farmers May Get Drastic Action
And he held out a possibility that legislation of a drastic nature may
be necessary to keep the farmer supplied with hands to harvest the nation's
food supplies. The American people, he added, will not "shrink" from such
action, should it become necessary.
The President was delivering his second radio report to the nation in
five weeks. It was, generally speaking, an optimistic report of what he found
on his recent tour of defense plants, Army posts and Naval stations. Al-
ready, he said, America is getting ahead of the enemy in the battles of
transportation and production.
Staff Officers Agree
In addition there was another hint at second front plans. The officers
of the General Staff, he said, were in general agreement that it was
necessary to divert "enemy forces from Russia and China to other theatres
of war by new offensives against Germ4 y and Japan."
"The objective of today is clear and realistic," he said. "It is to destroy
completely the military power of Germany, Italy and Japan to such good




Battle Begins
Anew At City
Of Stalingrad
Nazis Make Slight Gains
With Sharp Tank Attack
In RussianMetropolis
Associate rs Crrespdent
MOSCOW, Oct. 13. (Tuesday)-
Fighting broke out anew inside the
city of Stalingrad yesterday after a
lull of several days, the Russians an-
nounced in their midnight communi-
que today. Nazi troops gained slightly
in one block of the ruined city.
"A regiment of enemy troops sup-
ported by 50 tanks three times at-
tacked our positions," the communi-
que said of the Stalingrad fight. "All
the attacks were beaten off.
"As a result of this fighting 20
tanks were disabled or set on fire, and
about two battalions of German in-
fantry wiped out."
The momentary lull in the costly
Nazi effort to reduce the Volga City
had led to the belief that the Ger-
mans intended to try to break
through to the Caspian Sea in the
Mozdok area of the mid-Caucasus,
far to the south of Stalingrad.
If that is the German intention, the
enemy was not making any further
progress there, the Russians said. The
midnight 'communique said a coun-
ter-attacking Red Army "on a num-
ber of sectors made some advance" in
the Mozdok region which protects the
Grozny oil fields 40 or 50 miles to the
The twin German Caucasian effort
to crawl farther down the Black Sea
coast southeast of Novorossisk also
was being contained, the communique
said. A Soviet unit operating in that
area "successfully counter-attacked
the enemy and killed about 200 Hit-
lerites," it said.
Northwest of Stalingrad, where a
Soviet relief force has been cutting
into the Nazi flank extended from
the Don River to Stalingrad, the
communique said 14 German attacks
were beaten off in a fight for "a point
of tactical importance. Eight hundred
Germans were reported killed.
It is this offensive, combined with
heavy Nazi casualties suffered in at-
tacking Stalingrad frontally, which
may explain the temporary break of
German activity in the northwestern
outskirts of the besieged city.
Willkie World Tour
Nears Completion
EDMONTON, Alberta, Oct. 12.-(R)
-Wendell Willkie, arriving here to-
night from Fairbanks, Alaska, on a
closing leg of his globe-girdling flight,
said he thought it inappropriate while
aboard to reply "to flippant state-
ments made by certain public offi-
cials concerning the expression of my
opinion in Russia on the question of
a second front."
T« - - - . ..

Students' Futures Endangered
By CuttingCompulsorPEM

Daily sports Editor
A few male students, endangering
their own futures, are playing "hook-
ey" from Michigan's compulsory PEM
program which is hardening the male
student body for the rigors of war.
Coach Ken Doherty, chairman of
tie Committee of Organization, sus-
pects that there are approximately
400 men who have not registered for
the program and another 200 who
have not bothered to attend any of
their classes.
These figures, aggregating about
ten per cent of the general male stu-
dent population, were derived by
comparing the number of male stu-
dents enrolled in the University with
the number enrolled in PEM. Approx-
imately there are 6,000 men attending
school, while only 5,600 can be ac-
counted for by PEM, including those
exempted by dean's excuse for ath-
letics or physical deficiencies. Of
these 5,600, about '200 have not at-
tended a single PEM class this semes-
ter, while it is suspected that 400 men
still remain outside the physical fit-
ness fold.
Unless these men register for the
program immediately and begin at-
tending classes, drastic penalty steps
will be taken. The PEM program has
been organized for the students, and
it has been organized extremely well.
The fault lies with those students
who have been trying to dodge the
requirement, not with any organiza-
tion work on the part of the officials.
An example of what happens to
those men who fail to meet the Uni-
versity PEM requirement can be
found every day on Ferry Field where
approximately 250 men are making
up incompletes as well as taking their
own course this semester. Some were
not granted diplomas at the end of
the summer term because they had
not fulfilled the PEM requirement,

and they, too, are being subjected to
PEM classes in order to graduate.
Fritz Crisler, Michigan Athletic Di-
rector, has stated the attitude of the
Physical Education Department on
the subject.
Said Crisler: "The greatest single
handicap to maximum war service
and promotion of the college man is
lack of adequate physical condition.
The Regential ruling now includes
all full time male students at the Uni-
versity. The requirement is therefore
both wise and clearly understood."
"No man can justify his failure to
enroll in this course or to attend con-
sistently. Where such failures occur,
we have no alternative than to rec-
ommend drastic penalties. University
authorities have given us every assur-
ance that they will cooperate to the
fullest extent, as they have in the
past, in enforcing such recommenda-
Axis Mediterranean
Shipping Is Raided
By U.S. Bombers
CAIRO, Oct. 12.- (I)- Growing
Allied air might, fed by a steady flow
of equipment labeled U.S.A., was re-
ported today playing an ever-larger
part in the Battle of Egypt, with de-
structive new blows at Axis shipping
in which two freighters, a schooner
and two enemy destroyers were hit in
the Eastern Mediterranean.
United States heavy bombers scor-
ed the hits on two 8,000-ton freight-
ers and left one of them apparently
sinking yesterday off Crete where the
Italians have been routing their sup-
ply shipping miles out of the way in
an effort to keep within protection of
Axis land-based planes.
This time the land-based planes
did them little good.

Soviet Sniper
Will Address
Student Rally
Russian Heroine, 24 Allied
Nations Representatives
To SpeakHere Friday
Lieut. Lieudmila Pavlichenko-the
woman who killed 309 Germans as a
sniper in the Soviet army-will ap-
pear here with 24 other representa-
tives of our allies at a gigantic United
Nations war rally at 8 p. m. Friday in
Hill Auditorium.
Mayor Leigh J. Young will welcome
Lieut. Pavlichenka to Ann Arbor and
Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, a Chinese stu-
dent, will speak for the representa-
tives of the United Nations sent by
the International Center.
The entire membership of the R. O.
T. C. and the N. R. O. T. C. will turn
out in uniform. They will sit in a bloc
in Hill Auditorium.
Music of the United Nations will be
played by the Michigan Band.
The Student War Board will spon-
sor the rally with the endorsement of
the University War Board. President
Alexander G. Ruthven extended the
invitation to Lieutenant Pavlichenko.
At the rally a Declaration of Unity,
written and signed by campus leaders,
will be read.
Some 6,000 students are expected
to attend the rally which will be as
large as that held shortly after the
declaration of war last December.
Nutrition Drive
In Full Swing


Exhibits To Be
Of Program

Jeffers Defies '
Farm Bloc's
Cotton Stand
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.- ()-I
Breathing defiance at a bloc of cot-+
ton state senators, Rubber Director]
William M. Jeffers declared today.
that no "pressure group" was going toI
stop him from substituting rayon for
cotton in heavy duty tires if the army
wanted rayon.
"I'm not going to put myself in a
position where it is said of me that I
lack the intelligence and guts to do a
job," the former president of the
Union Pacific Railroad told the Sen-
ate Agriculture Committee.
"Too many haven't done their job
because they were afraid of some
committee or pressure group. I'm not
going to work on that basis."
It was the first time in years that
a government official had "talked
back" in such strong language to a
committee which had called him on
the carpet.
At one point Jeffers literally growl-
ed at Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith and
at another he challenged the senators
to try and stop him from taking a
step he considered best for the war
At issue was a pending order for
-the expansion of rayon production to
replace cotton in the cords of truck
tires. Jeffers said, "The view of the
chemists, and practical fellows as
well, is that in synthetic rubber tires,
cotton heats more than rayon."
Court Will Review
American Medical
Association Case,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-(M-The
Supreme Court agreed today to re-
view the anti-trust law conviction of
the American Medical Association
and the District of Columbia Medical
Society with its question of whether
the practice of medicine is a "trade"
within the meaning of the Sherman
A+.3o fr + vicnac.cn- nn f fA

purpose that their threat against us
and all the other United Nations can
not be revived a generation hence."
He pictured a jittery lot of Axis
leaders, nervously watching the
strength of the United Nations grow
and their own diminish.
United Nations Strengthening
"The strength of the United Na-
tions is on the upgrade in this war,"
he said. "The Axis leaders, on the
other hand, know by now that they
have already reached their full
strength, and that their steadily
mounting losses in men and materials
Here's What Affects
College Students
"There are many other things
that we can do, and do immedi-
ately, to help meet the manpower
The school authorities in all the
states should work out plans to en-
able our high school students to
take some time from their school
year, and to use their summer va-
cations, to help farmers raise and
harvest their crops, or to work in
the war industries. This does not
mean closing schdols and stopping
education. It does mean giving
older students a better opportunity
to contribute to the war effort.
Such work will do no harm to the
Speaking about lowering the
draft age, the President said:
"All of our combat units that go
overseas must consist of young,
strong men who have had thorough
training. A division that has an av-
erage age of twenty-three or twen-
ty-four is a better fighting unit
than one which has an average
age of thirty-three or thirty-four.
The more of such troops we have in
the field, the sooner the war will be
won, and the smaller will be the
cost in casualties.
Therefore, I believe that it will
be necessary to lower the present
minimum age limit for selective
service from twenty years down to
eighteen. We have learned how in-
evitable that is-and how impor-
tant to the speeding up of victory."
can not be fully replaced. Germany
and Japan are already realizing what
the inevitable result will be when the

Hitler Is Doomed:
Churchill Sees United Nations'
War Efforts At Turning Point

By The Associated Press
EDINBURGH, Scotland, Oct. 12.-
Prime Minister Churchill gave Britain
today an assessment of two months'
Allied war effort which included the
transport to these isles of the most
numerous United States troops yet to
arrive, and declared the United Na-
tions had reached a "stern and som-
ber moment" in which they must bal-
ance wisdom with daring.
That was his closest reference to
the "second front" problem in a
speech delivered in Edinburgh's Usher
Hall. It recalled his careful statement
to the House of Commons last week
in which he said the war had entered
a "significant" period.
Speaking from the same platform,
TT n _ _ _._ . __ . . -I" T '- . ,

for mocking him with the glitter of
fleeting success."
Briefly assessing the gains of the
last two months, Churchill said Aug-
ust and September have been "the
least bad months" since January in
U-boat depredations. This, he ac-
knowledged, remains the Allies'
greatest problem, "but there is no
reason whatsoever why it should not
be solved by the prodigious measures
of offense and defense and replace-
ment on which Britain, Canada and
above all the United States are now
August and September, he went on,
"have seen new building of merchant
ships substantially outweigh losses;
"They have seen the greatest ton-
-.- -.F 3 4 UL2 . . I-. 7.,,,- A

The Nutrition Drive is in full swing
in Ann Arbor this week, with a pro-
gram of activities designed to bring
the importance of proper nutrition to
the attention of every citizen of Ann
Arbor and its environs.
Exhibits, movies, puppet shows,
posters, special food displays and
many other events are being planned
to make the campaign a success.
On Thursday, October 15, a Vic-
tory Luncheon will be held from 11
a. m. to 1:30 p. m. at the Masonic
Temple. The tickets will be sold
only at the door, and the profits will
be used to defray the expenses of the
campaign. A feature of the luncheon
will be a display showing how to
store vegetables and fruits for the
Mrs. Ruth Bush, chairman of the
City Nutrition committee, has ar-
ranged a display which will be fea-
tured by the Michigan Consolidated
Gas Co. The display will consist of
three parts. Colored food models
made of paper pasted.on masonite to
give a three dimensional effect will
form the center panel, telling the
story of proper food selection. Over
-- - _-_1n"A .

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