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October 13, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-13

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TUESDAY, OCT. 13, 1942


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of 'Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablisbers Representative
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . Managing Editor
Morton Mintz . . . . . Editorial Director
Will Sapp . . . . . . . City Editor
George W. Sallad6 . . . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . sports Editor
Barbara deFries . . Women's Editor
Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff

-. Z

TUESDAY, OCT. 13, 1942
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when. the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.n.
Notice: Attention of all concerned,
and particularly of those having of-
fices in Haven Hall, or the Western
portion of the Natural Science Build-
ing is directed to the fact that park-
ing or standing of cars in the drive-
way between these two buildings is
prohibited because it is at all times
inconvenient to other drivers and to
pedestrians on the diagonal and other
walks. If members of your family
call for you, especially at noon when
traffic both on wheels and on foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the
car wait for you in the parking space'
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
versity Hall. Waiting in the driveway
blocks traffic and involves confu-
sion, inconvenience and danger just
as much when a person is sitting in
a car as when the car is parked
University Senate
Committee on Parking

I'd Rather Be Right
NEW YORK- Standing on my and muft be presumed lost. It istr*-
Constitutional right to praise my gov- ing how little some of the angry tom-
ernment (a right which seems to be cats of the big debate over war and
in much more danger of extinction democracy knew what they were talk-
than the right to criticize it) I would ing about.
like to put on the record a number of HOW WRONG THEY WER1E
things we have done that are not so
lead. 4. We were instructed that the goy-
bad.ement would seize the opportunjity
1. We have been at war more than offered by the war to suspend elec-
ten months, and, so far as I can de- tions.
tect, civil liberties have not been in- 5. We were told that the coming of
jured. The right to eat all the sugar war would obliterate the differences
you want is not a civil liberty. The between the Axis countries and the
,right to talk about it is, and that re- democracies; that all civilizaton
mains. would collapse; that we would be-
Remember that a year ago, one of come indistinguishable from them.
the big arguments for letting the We were never more distinguishable.
world go to ruin was that if we got Surely it is worthwhile to take at
into the war we would lose-our own least one day out and show how
democratic institutions. Since that wrong the flapjaws were, how great
has not happened, someone ought to were the errors of these men of little
say so. faith. They conceived of. democ'acy
ODD SORT OF MILITARIZATION as a tired old horse that would be
2. We were told that the coming of knocked over by the first strong wind.
war would mean the militarization of They loved it, maybe but it would be
the country, in the ugly European hard to prove they really thought it
sense of assumption of political pow- amounted to anything. In 'essence,
er by a military caste. Instead, we their position was that democracy
have given the vote to soldiers, and was the best system of government in
while mechanical difficulties- have the world, but that it couldn't stand
prevented some ballots from being a strain.
shipped, many have gone out. And so WE'RE BETTER THAN WE THINK
we have the possibility before us that, Democracy seems to have come
if the war lasts until 1944, a private through better than did some of its
soldier, though he may quiver in fear fishwife defenders. We are more dur-
of his sergeant, will still have the able than we think. And these things
right of voting to change his Coin- should be said at a time when great
mander-in-Chief. This is an extra- tasks lie ahead. It is sad to send sol-
ordinary democratic advance. diers into battle, to the tune of editor-
3. We were told by some of the ials telling them that the democracy
fair-weather friends of democracy they leave behind them may be de-
that the coming of war would mean stroyed by a Presidential sneeze. I
increased bitterness, internal unrest challenge anyone to sneeze our dem-
and disunity. These are long overdue ocracy away.

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1 *
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff r
and represent the views of the writers only.

You Can Save Soldiers
By Registering Today
A FEW POINTS you should know
about this Red Cross Blood Bank:
1.. Your blood will be turned into plasma
which will save lives right on the FIELD OF BAT-
2. The transfusion doesn't hurt.
3. The Union staff will register you TODAY
and every day either in the Union lobby or in the
war stamp booth on North University and State.
4. Only 125 persons can be taken care of
Oct. 21. But all persons wishing to give blood
will be taken care of when the Blood Bank re-
turns later. They should, therefore, register
promptly in the Union lobby or in the war
stamp booth on the corner of North University
and State Streets.
5. If you are under 21, obtain parental con-
sent immediately.
-Morton Mintz
LQyal Oppostion Means
Defeting The Enemy!
troit Free Press thinks it should be
the Republican Party-is a much misunderstood
term. The Free Press' publisher, John S. Knight,
makes it a matter of printed misunderstanding.
In his Editor's Notebook Sunday, Mr. Knight
wrote that Wendell Willkie, now on a tour of
the United Nations, could do America a great
service "by coming home aida dealing with
problems that he. knows something about."
Wilkie, he said, has fallen down on the job of
the loyal opposition, because he is not home to
pick out the faults of the Administration.
The ideal loyal opposition gives up its party
fights, cooperates with the Administration, offers
its help and takes jobs with the government. Re-
publicans like Frank Knox and Henry Stimson
both cabinet members, show what can be done
by men who place country above party.
Mr. Knight wants Willkie to come back from
his tour of the United Nations, a tour that is
bringing understanding and cooperation between
them, to preserve "the identity of the minority
party" and to furnish such opposition to "the
weaknesses of the New Deal as could be construc-
tively offered."
Would Mr. Knight claim that the opponents
of the "starry idealists like Harry Hopkins and
Archibald MacLeish" in the Republican Party
-perhaps Ham Fish or Stephen Day or even
Claire Hoffman-are going to be an intelligent
opposition to the New Deal's mistakes?
Willkie is doing a job that is useful in bringing
about genuine sympathy between the United Na-
tions. If he came home, his job, as Mr. Knight
envisions it, would be to try to push America's
greatest collection of mediocrities into a position
of value.
W ILLKIE has been one of this war's best "good-
will" ambassadors. Let's keep him in that
--Leon Gordenker

Ai AXE to qnond
college has ,come true. I thought it an ideal
place where strong and brilliant young men into
which category I easily fitted, went around arm
in arm, roaming the fields, and discussing cate-
gorical imperatives. College was a delicious nut
sundae, topped off with the rich whip cream of a
kindly benevolent faculty, which had two con-
cerns, to throw all examination papers into the
handiest waste basket as soon as possible, and to
sit and smoke at students until they had become
enveloped in a lush haze of warm humanism.
Which was rather nice.
It hasn't turned out that way. Except for John
He was (past tense for people in the army) the
most brilliant person I -have ever met. He was
one of the nicest people I ever met-with a ter-
rific sense of humor.
It's hard to write a "Reader's Digest' Most Un-
forgettable Person sort of thing, he was too real
for that. But I think that I can remember a few
things about him that show up a really great
HIS FUNCTION, as he conceived it, was to use
his intelligence-which he knew to be great
with an excellent lack of false modesty-in the
field where he thought it could be best applied,
as. a scholar, and as a teache. Lots of time the
scholarship part went over your head-or seemed
to-like his book on "The Language of Poetry".
But he was quite able to defend it against the
forty-some odd engineers in our dorm, whose
opinion he valued highly, because he believed that
they were human beings like himself. Not that
there was any lack of discrimination; I had a
class from him (English 33), in which there were
several sorority girls who were hardly human be-
ings like himself-these he could make look ridic-
ulous better than any person I have ever seen,
and without hurting their feelings at all.
AS A TEACHER, and an actual molder of lives,
he did a job on me that was rather typical.
When I came to college, I was a red-hot inactive
Communist (he called it Marxist; he was always
very careful with words). I was a Marxist because
nobody appreciated me, whereas I knew an ideal
society must-and also because I didn't see any
reason why there couldn't be an ideal society.
John Arthos smoked at me every so often at the
dinner table, talked a bit with this quiet insis-
tence and pretty soon I knew that you can't
change human nature. But still nobody appreci-
ated me, and I didn't believe in an ideal society
any more, so I was very unhappy. Another few
cartoons, and I learned to appreciate myself. In
short, he made. the first part of maturation a
relatively painless thing-I know he did the same
for others.
nature at all; he didn't know as much about
football as he. did Greek, but he liked football.
As to the humor, I can just remember one gag.
There was one kid in our dorm, a rather supercil-
ious -self-styled culture patrician, who really had-
good taste, but whom I couldn't abide. I got rath-
er worried after a few arguments with this per-
son, arguments in which I had been bested by
his siperciliousness. I asked Mr. Arthos just how
intelligent the kid was. "Oh," he said cheerfully,
"it's quite amazing. He has absolutely no mind at
all." Besides Arthos liked the Aarx brothers, and

1,' Req. U.SPt.O ,
WASHINGTON-Before Wendell Willkie left
for Russia and China, he had an interesting
conversation with Harold Moskovit, of the Affil-
iated Young Democrats of New York, which
sheds significant light on Willkie's ideas for 1944.
Moskovit asked Willkie why he hadn't run for
the New York gubernatorial nomination, as
many of his friends had urged him to do, to
keep Tom Dewey off the ticket.
Willkie replied that he had considered the
matter carefully, but found that he had only
about thirty per cent of the Republican machine
in New York with him, and his friends had ad-
vised him not to run without machine support.
Then Willkie added:
"My own party is getting more and more
conservative, and I'm worried over what's
goil.g to happen when it comes to writing the
peace. We cannot make the same mistake we
made after the last war and let the isola-
tionists get control. Isolationist Republican
obstruction after the last war was the greatest
contribution that was ever made to this war,
and we can't go on fighting wars every twenty
"But," continued Willkie, "your own party
isn't much better. The conservative Demo-
crats seem to be coming back into power to
such an extent that there isn't much differ-
ence between the Republicans and the con-
servative Democrats."
Willkie went on to say that he would watch
the elections very carefully this November to
see what the score was on the election of liberal
senators and representatives. On the outcome
of the November election, he said, would depend
whether or not it might be a good idea to talk
about an independent liberal third party. Mean-
while it has become known that Willkie's old
Republican friends put a lot of pressure on him
just before he left to make a speech for Dewey.
Persuading Willkie to support Dewey was not
an easy job, because the ambitious young dis-
trict attorney is the last man Willkie wanted to
see nominated on the Republican ticket, either
for governor of New York, or as presidential
candidate in 1944.
However, Willkie's friends say they got a com-
mitment out of him to speak for Dewey, if he
got back from China in time.

Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty
on Friday, October 16, at 4:15 p. m.,
in Room 348, West Engineering Buil-
ding. Routine business will be the
order of the meeting.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Notice Concerning Telephone Serv-
ice in the Residence Halls:
The switchboards in the following
buildings close at 10:30 p.m.:
Stockwell ' Hall; Moher-Jordan
Halls; Betsy Barbour House; Helen
Newberry Residence; East Quadran-
gle; West Quadrangle; Victor C
Vaughan House.
Karl Litzenberg
For underheated or overheated
rooms, call the Buildings and
Grounds Department, Extension 317
Do not in any case open the windows
Help in the war effort by conserving
E. C. Pardon
Choral Union Rehearsal: The
first rehearsal of the University
Choral Union will be :held thi
evening at 7 o'clock sharp at th
School of Music Building on Maynar
Street. Members are requested to g
sufficiently early in order that th
attendance may be taken and, rehear
sals begun promptly. Latecomers wil
be marked absent.
Hardin A. Van Deursen,
Chemical Engineers: Dr. William E
Vaughan and Dr. R. W. Millar of th
Shell Development Company will in
terview men with Bachelor's, Mas
ter's, and Doctor's degrees on Wed
nesday afternoon, October 14. Ap
pointment list is in room 2028, E
Engineering Bldg.
Sigma Xi: Members who hav
transferred from other chapter
and who are not yet affiliated wit]
the Michigan Chapter are cordiall
requested to notify the Secretary
Frank E. Eggleston, at Room 411
Natural Science Building, or phon
Extension 461,' giving membershi
status, year of election, and chapte
where initiated.
Classes in Red Cross Motor Me
chanics are starting this week in th
Ann Arbor High School. Student
should report at the hours for whic
they registered.
University Lecture: Dr. Esson M
Gale, Acting James Orin Murfin Pro
fessor of Political Science, former of
ficer of the Chinese Salt Revenu
Administration, will lecture on th
subject, "Nationalist China Today
Personal Impressions" (illustrated)
under the auspices of the Departmen
of Political Science, on Wednesday
October 21, at 4:15 p. m in the Rack
ham amphitheatre. The public is cor
dially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Siegfrie
Giedion of Zurich, Switzerland, Nor
ton Lecturer at Harvard University
will lecture on the subject, "Th
American Spirit of Invention, " (il
lustrated) under the auspices of th
College of Architecture and Design
on Friday, October 16, at 4:15 p.m
in the Lecture Room of the Archi
tecture Building. The public is cor
dially invited.
Food Handlers Lecture: The Cit
Health Department is to conducta
series of four lectures for the instruc
tion of food handlers in the W. K
Kellogg Auditorium (New Denta
Building) at 8:00 p.m. on Octobe
13, 20 and 27.
All persons concerned with foo
service to University students ar
urged to attend the entire series.


untary but should be of value to
those interested.
R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U. S. Navy,
Professor of Naval Science and
Math 347, Seminar in Applied
Mathematics will meet today at 4
o'clock in 319 West Engineering Bldg.
Biological Chemistry Seminar
will meet at 7:30 p. m. tonight in
Room 319, West Medical Bilding.
"The Biological Occurrence and Pos-
sible Significance of some 'Trace'
Elements, Vanadium and Cobalt,"
will be discussed. All interested are
Cryptanalysis Seninar: Prelim-
inary meeting today, at 3:30 p. m., in
3201 A. H.
Doctoral Examination for Russell
Frank Hazelton; field: Chemical En-
gineering; thesis: "The Condensation
of Vapors of Immiscible Liquids on
Vertical Tubes," will be held on Wed-
nesday, October 14, in the East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham School, at 1:00
p. m. Chairman, E. M. Baker.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S.'Yoakum
Navy Flight Training in Ann Arbor
sponsored by the Civilian Pilot Train-
ing Program. 16-week program is of-
fered during the Fall Term for V-1
or V-5 Navy enlistments while at-
tending University. 72 hours of eve-
ning ground school in University
classrooms. Flight training includes
35-40 hours at Ann Arbor Airport
between classes at University. No
enrollment fee. Applications are still
being accepted for a quota of 20 Uni-
versity boys. There are four open-
ings. Classes to begin as soon as quo-
ta is filled. Tentative date for start
of program has been set for October
19. For further information, call at
Room B-47 East Engineering or tele-
phone 4121, Extension 2113. Get your
application in now before it is too
late for this program.
New Graduate Students: All stu-
dents registering this semester for
the first time in the Graduate School
should report at the Lecture Hall in'
the Raclkham Building for the four-
part Graduate Record Examination
tonight at :00 and also on Wednes-
day, Oct. 14, at 7 p. m. Credit will be
withheld from students failing to
take all parts of the examination un-
less an excuse hasbeen issued by the
Dean's office. Be on time. No student
can be admitted after the examina-
tion has begun. Pencil, not ink, is to
be used in writingthe examination.
February 1943 Seniors, School of
Education, must file with the Re
corder of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S., no later than October
24, a statement of approval for ma-
jor and minors signed by the adviser.
Blanks for the purpose may be se-
cured in the School of Education of-
fice or in Room 4 UH.
German 157 (Advanced Composi-
tion and Conversation) will meet
during the Fall Term on Wednes-
days, 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00
nm. in room 303 UH.

Program in International Studies:
Students who have enrolled, or who
are interested in enrolling, ini this
program should meet in room 1035
Angell Hall at' 3:15 p. m. Thursday.
H. B. Calderwood
A new section (Tuesdays, 7:00-
9:00 p. n.) has been opemed& in Red
Cross Motor Mechanics'All students
interested must register in the So-
cial Director's office in the Michi-
gan League before 5:00 p. m. today.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Student work frof the
Parsons School of Design, New York
City, in interior decoration, costume
design, advertising and industrial de-
sign, shown in the ground' floor
cases, Architecture Building. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, through
October 14. The public is invited.
Events Today
P(Tie English Journal Cub will meet
tonight at '7:45 in the last Cofer-
ence Room of the Racham $ui -
ing. Professor Hereward T. Price
will deliver the annual faeulty re-
search lecture on the topic, "Shake-
speare's Third D3augter."
All graduate students and menobers
of the department are cordially in-
Freshman Glee Club: There will be
continued tryouts at the rheaial of
the Freshman Glee Club today at
4:30 p. m.in the'lee Club 'rOoms,
third floor, Michigan' Union. Selec-
tions, which lead eventually to iniem-
bership in the Varsity Glee CliB, hae
not yet been completed; therefore, all
interested men are urged t attend.
Michigan song books may be dr'awn
at this time upon payment of a''5c
deposit to the Club treasurer.
Mortar Board members will meet
this evening at 7 o'clock in the Coun-
cil Room. Attendance is required.
The Folonia Society will meet to-
night at 8 o'clock at the International
Center to discuss a general policy hfr
the year, the utilization of Club finds,
and set a date for the election of of-
ficers. All students of Polish descent
are invited. Refreshments.
Senior Society will meet at 8:00 to-
night in 'the League. It is important
that all members be present.'"
Christian Science .Organization wIll
meet tonight at 8:15'in Room D dtid
E of the Michigan League.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students' aid
their friends by the Canterbury Club
this afternoon, 4:00-5:15, in Harris
Hall, State and Huron Streets. Eve-
ning Prayer will follow at 5:15 p. fi.
in Bishop Williams Chapel.
Those interested in working on the
business and editorial staffs of te
Hillel News will meet at 4:30 this al-
ternoon at the Hillel Foundation.
Coming Eve&is
The Mathematics Cib will xnet On
,Monday, October 19, at 8:)0 p.;m. in
the West Conference Room, Rackhan
The Zoology Club will meet in the-
Amphitheatre of the Rackham i lld-


Poi'n ted


Prof. Norman Anning came over yesterday with
three of his own exuberantly patriotic win-the-
war ideas.
His number one suggestion is to get rid of
the "offensive' war poster in the Arcade post
office. Although its successor may be in equal-
ly bad taste, says Professor Anning, the one
there now will make us hate the post office in-
stead of the "Nazis by Christmas, when we're
tanin i nline with nathin eke tn stare at.

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