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April 29, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-29

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Dr. Schurnan
Will Interpret
Hillel, Post War Council
Sponsor Sunday Talk,
'The Road To Victory'
Eminent political scientist, inter-
preter of world events and author,
Frederick L. Schuman, professor of
government at Williams College, will
speak at 8:15 p.m. Sunday at Rack-
ham Auditorium under the joint
auspices of Hillel Foundation and
the Post-War Council.
The progress of the war will be
analyzed in Dr. Schuman's lecture
entitled "The Road to Victory." The
mistakes, the triumphs and what they
involve for America will be pointed
Wide acclaim has been given Dr.
Schuman for his sensational pro-
phecies of world-shaking happen-
ings. He forecast the present war in
1933, the partition of Czechoslovakia
in 1937..
Traveling extensively in Europe in
the last 15 years, Dr. Schuman has
observed: the operation of the new
European governments first hand. He
saw the beginning of the Soviet "Five
Year Plan" and the Nazi revolution
in Germany.
Writing on the governments of
Europe and America, Dr. Schuman
is recognized as an expert in the
field. His latest book is "A Primer of
Party Politics."
Planning for post-war construc-
tion is a major interest for Dr. Schu-
man who is widely informed on the
League of Nations and Inter-Democ-
racy Federal Union.
His lecture tours have brought him
before audiences throughout the
country. Last fail Dr. Schuman
spoke before a capacity audience in
Ann Arbor.
Present holder of the Woodrow
Wilson Professorship of Government
at Williams College, Dr. Schuman
took his doctorate at the University
of Chicago. Until 1936 he taught
His studies have taken him to uni-
versities i? England, France, Ger-
many, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia,
Russia and the Balkans, giving him
a wide knowledge of continental
Naval Affairs Club Meets
The Naval Affairs Club will hold
its ninth meeting of the semester at
7:30 p.m. today in Room 16 Angell
Hall. Under the direction of Edward
W. Mill of the political science de-
partment, the discussion will center
around "How the United Nations Can
Take the Offensive against the Axis
Anywhere in the World."

Staffs Of High
School Papers
To Meet Here
Annual Press Convention
Will Convene Friday;
Slossoni To Speak
Representatives of high school pub-
lication staffs from all over the state
will meet here Friday and Satur-
day for the 21st annual Michigan
Interscholastic Press Association Con-
The two-day program, planned by
the University's School of Journalism
in cooper~tion with the MIPA, is de-
signed around the theme: "Tomor-
row-Whose World?" Prof. Preston
Slosson of the history department
will address the general assembly at
9:30 a.m. Saturday on this topic.
The purpose of the convention,
states Prof. John L. Brumm. chair-
man of the journalism department,
is two-fold; in order that high school
students may learn to contribute their
full share to the collective leadership
of the secondary school press, and so
that they may receive instruction
and inspiration made available
through the collective efforts of the
Association members.
With this purpose in mind, the
program has been planned to include
talks by high school students as well
as by men experienced in the field
of newspaper work. The general as-
sembly at 10 a.m. Friday, at which
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will give
addresses, will be followed by an ex-
ecutive session at 11 a.m. where 10
student speakers will preside. Their
talks are to be centered around the
topic: "High School Publications and
the War," and will concern views of
individual high school staffs on their
editorial policies during the war.
One of the main features of the
convention will be a demonstration
by R. Ray Baker, special writer of
the Booth Syndicate, who will con-
duct an interview before the general
assembly at 2 p.m. Friday. Clinics
and round table discussions will fol-
Highlighting the convention will
be the annual banquet at 6 p.m. Fri-
day, at which Prof. Herbert O. Cris-
ler, coach of the Michigan football
team and director of physical edu-
cation at the University, will address
the students. Coach Clarence Munn
will show motion pictures of a foot-
ball game.
Publication awards will be given
at the closing session of the conven-
tion at 2 p.m. Saturday. At this time
the results of clinic evaluation of
individual newspapers will be made
Hoe eDemocracy
Subject Of Speech
By Doctor in an
Dr. Regina Wescott-Wieman, well-
known consulting psychologist and
author, will speak on "Democracy in
the Home" at 6:30 p.m. today at a
dinner in the First Methodist Church.
Dr. Wieman has published many
books and articles, including "The
Modern Family" and "Popularity"
and is at present the director of the
Family - Community Project being
conducted under the sponsorship of
the Kresge Foundation at Addison.
The project is being organized to
develop and provide resources of psy-
chology, science, education, philos-
ophy and religion to help families
meet conditions required for the
growth of personality in the home
and community.

Albion College is the academic cen-
ter of the project, and the basic
work is carried on in the homes of
the members, each cooperating fai-
ily undertaking to develop its own
appropriate modes and methods for
achieving the greatest good and en-
joyment for the group-
r Howard McClusky and Dr. Ed-
ward Blakeman of this University
and Dean Ernest C. Colwell of the
University of Chicago are actively
cooperating in this movement.

300 Boys To Receive Four Weeks
Of Vacation At Fresh Air Camps

Heapds Lab

From small beginnings back in 1919
the University Fresh Air Camp has
grown through the years into a na-
tionally-known institution, providing
300 boys annually with a four weeks'
vacation of fun and character de-
In a meeting on the University
campus that first year the idea of a
boys' camp was conceived by Lewis
SLA To Hear
Social Worker To Discuss
Racial Discrimination
Discussing the topic, "Racial Dis-
crimination in Defense," John C.
Dancy. director of the Detroit Urban
League for social service among Ne-
groes, will address the Ann Arbor
chapter of the Student League of
America at 8 p.m. today in the Union.
Arthur E. Carpenter, '43, secre-
tary of the local organization, an-
nounced that portions of Dancy's
speech will deal not only with the
policy of some private industries pro-
hibiting the employment of Negroes,
but also with the discriminatory poli-
cy of the U.S. Navy toward this
group of people. The proposed mixed
Army division of whites and Negroes
will be discussed too.
Dancy, who has long been promi-
nent in Michigan social work, has
served since 1918 as director of the
Urban League which is a Community
Fund Agency. During his tenuire in
Detroit he has lent his best efforts
toward advancing the Negro race by
improving their social, industrial and
economic conditions.
A graduate of Phillips Exeter
Academy and the University of Penn-
sylvania, Dancy is a close student of
Negro art and literature. In addi-
tion to his directorship he is a mem-
ber of the Detroit Selective Service
System and has served on the Mayor's
Unemployment Committee. He has
also held the position of secretary of
the Industrial Department of the
National Urban League and secre-
tary of the Big Brother Movement.
Cities Will Cofer
LANSING, April 28. -(P)- With
Federal blessing, Michigan authori-
ties planned today to extend to many
other cities in the state the so-called
Pontiac plan for conserving trans-
portation facilities in the war.
Governor Van Wagoner appointed
Maxwell Halsey, executive secretary
of the Michigan Safety Commission,
as state administrator of the War
Transportation Conservation Pro-
gram, and Halsey promptly called a
conference of mayors in Lansing May
11 to study the project.
Invitations went to mayors of Mus-
kegon, Grand Haven, Grand Rapids,
Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Lansing,
Jackson, Adrian, Ann Arbor, Port
Huron, Flint, Saginaw, Bay City,
Niles, Benton Harbor, St. Joseph, De-
troit, and municipalities which con-
stitute the Detroit metropolitan arca.
Halsey said lie would present a

four point program for conserving
transportation faciliges, and follow
through with a four-day school of
instruction for the municipal offi-
cials who will place it in effect, and
offer facilities of his staff to solve
individual problems.

C. Reimann, '16, former Wolverine
tackle, and Thomas S. Evans, sec-
retary of the Student Christian Asso-
ciation. Two years later the idea
took root with the foundation of the
first Fresh Air Camp for underpriv-
ileged children.
More than 130 boys enjoyed 10'
days at the camp during the first
season. Located on Lake Huron out-
side the city of Port Huron., the camp
was composed of a handful of tents.
The next year, 1922, the camp was
moved to Moon Lake in Livingston
County. During this second season
300 boys were sent to the camp, which
was run for four periods of ten days
In the fall of 1923 Marvin Ives and
Harry Earhart, residents of Ann Ar-
bor, contributed $12,000 with which
the present site of 180 acres on Pat-
terson Lake was purchased.
Today the Fresh Air Camp is a
well-equipped institution with its
large central club house, providing
facilities for wood and metal working,
general offices, buildings for indoor
games as well as outdoor recreation
At the camp 40 trained counselors
-University graduate students in ed-
ucation, psychology and sociology-_
make observations of the maladjusted
boys that lead to treatments for cor-
rection. In the majority of cases the
Fresh Air Camp has been successful
in curing delinquency and has re-
ceived the enthusiastic cooperation of
social agencies in this area.
Curtain Rises
For French
Frantic Comtesse d'Eguzon is keep-
ing her fingers crossed that all will
go off as she has so selfishly planned.
The scene is the Cercle Francais'
annual play, "La Belle Aventure," to
be shown at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, and the Com-
tesse is really Sally Levy, '43, one of
the leading ladies in this year's pro-
Scheming to disrupt the, wedding,
which is to take place in a few min-
utes, the Comtesse is succeeding in
making Helene, the bride-to-be,
played by Jeanne Crump, '42, look
very unhappy, although her fiance
Valentin, alias Warner Heinman, '43,
is blissfully unaware of any compli-
cations. Now we see the cause of the
worry as young Andre dcEguzon, por-
trayed by Earl Russell, '45, suddenly
appears unannounced on the scene.
From here on in lively action rules
the day.
Some good sats stil remain, so
students of French are urged to ob-
tain theirs as soon as possible, be-
tween 10 a.m. and curtain time, 8:30
p.m. today, at the theatre box office
Holders of Cercle Francais season
lecture tickets will be given a special
price, says Prof. Charles E. Koella
of the romance language department
and director of the play.
Variotus Metittins
Js(d In RadioJork
AtUnililrsiy Outlei
The University ha experimente(
at Morris Hall with practically every
type of broadcasting medium avail-
able, according to Prof. Waldo Ab-
bot, Director of Radio.
Short wave was employed to con-
tact the University expedition to
Greenland, utilizing the facilities of
the department of electrical engi-
neering, Professor Abbot testified.
Programs transcribed at Morris
Hall have been heard over station
WRUL, Boston, and since January,
the radio serial, "Heroes In Mdi-

'ne," directed by 1)avis Owen, was
recorded for stations in Flint, Michi-
gan, Port Huron and Lansing.

Drana Season
Tickets On Sale
Great interest in the 1942 Dramat-
ic Season was evidenced by the rec-
ord crowd that gathered to buy tick-
ets, on sale for the first time yester-
day, according to Mrs. Lucille W.
Walz, ticket chairman.
Ann Arbor becomes a theatrical
focal point when Dramatic Season
offerings attract many out-of-town,
groups annually. Already mail or-
ders for tickets to the four comedies,
starring stage and screen stars Fran-
cis Lederer, Michael Whalen, Madge
Evans, Florence Reed and Jose Fer-
rer, have been received from Detroit,
Toledo, Pontiac, Flint, Albion and
Adrian. Despite heavy sales, how-
ever, there are still seats in all loca-
tions available.
Season tickets may be purchased
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, daily this week
in the Garden Room of the Michigan
League. After May 4 season and in-
dividual tickets will be placed on sale
in the League box office.
Infornationless Maps
LANSING, April 28.-(/P)-Michi-
gan road maps, devoid of informa-
tion which might be valuable to en-
emy agents, will be issued by the
State Highway Department which
last month stopped distribution of
winter edition maps at the sugges.-
tion of Army officials.

Today's News
On Campus...
New officers of Senior Society, hon-
or group for independent women,
announces the election of the follow-
ing officers: Gertrude Inwood, presi-
dent; Leanor Grossman, vice-presi-
dent; Jean Cordell, secretary, and
Roberta Holland, treasurer.
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman men's
honorary fraternity, announces the
election of officers sfor the coming
year; Jim G. Germanson, '45E, presi-
dent; Eugene Stubbs, '45, vice-presi-
dent; Vic Baum, '45, secretary; James
R.. Burton, '45E, treasurer; Tom Coul-
ter, '45, historian.
The medal award of Phi Sigma,
honorary biological society, was given
this year to Joseph S. Likovsky, '42,
it has been announced by the local
chapter of the organization.
The award, presented by the na-
tional organization, is givenneach
year to ,a student excelling in the
biological sciences.
Likovsky plans to enter medicine
and research in experimental embry-
ology, and is already engaged in orig-
inal biological investigation. He is
concentrating in zoology and is a
candidate for the A.B. degree this

Wendell Lund (above), a former
director of the Michigan Unem-
ployment Compensation Commis-
sion, was named by President Roo-
sevelt as a member of the War
Manpower Commission to represent
the new Labor Production Division
of the War Production Board,
Edwin G. Burrows, 1940 major
Hopwood winner and now program
director at W45D, Detroit, writes,
"James A. Decker (Prairie City, Ill.)
is publishing a book of my poems this
summer, chiefly 'Guernica' (entered
in the 1940 competition) with new
companion poems. Several of these
have appeared in small magazines."
Burrows conducts the Book Re-
view radio show at 7:15 p.m. weekly,
over W45D.
* 4' *
John Ciardi, awarded the major
prize in poetry in 1939 for his col-
lection "Homeward to America," will
leave shortly to serve in the U.S. air
force. His second volume of verse,
now-in manuscript form, has just
been examined by Prof. Roy W. Cow-
den, director of the Hopwood Room.
Four of Ciardi's poems appeared in
a recent number of the "University
Review," published by the University
of Kansas City.
Two other Hopwood winners have
been inducted into the service-John
Ragsdale (minor award in poetry,
1940) and Frederick K. Gropper
(minor award in essay, 1932).
* *
Of the seven new books in the Hop-
wood Room library, three are by Hop-
wood headliner Hubert Skidniore-
"HawsNest," Heaven Came So
Ner, and "Hill Doctor." The list
continues with T. S. Eliot's "Collec-
ted Poems." Sigrid Undset's "Return
to t he Future,'' Granville Hicks'
"Only One Storm," and Maureen
Daly's Intercollegiate Literary Fel-
lowship prize novel, "Seventeenth
Sarvis Says May
Tire Quota SmallerI
LANSING, April 28. -(/-Arthur
H. Sarvis, State Rationing Adminis-
6rator, announced today that a
marked trend towards increased use
of recaus and fewer new tires was in-
dicated in Michligan's tire quota for
In the future, police, fire depart-
inent, physicians and similar cars
would be permitted new tires only
because of the safety factor, Sarvis
said. Quotas of passenger tires used
by light trucks have been drained,
he said, and henceforth light trucks
will ha v to depend on retreads or
Mayl ruck 1ire ,tJ0 are down
37 perc ecn, totalling 7,859, com-
pared with 12,635. Recaps for trucks,
however, have been increased from
11,301 in April to 12,237 in May.


MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
6c per lb., rough dry. Shirts extra
10c each. Handkerchiefs, le each.
Phone 25-8441. 295c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats,
Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats
(Minks and Persian Lambs),
Watches, and Diamonds, Phone
Saml, 5:100.
LOST-Spiral notebook containing
history notes. Very important! If
found call 2-2936. 353c

L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist,
414 Maynard Street, phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
distance moving. Call Godfrey's.
6927. 410 N. Fifth Ave. 350c
1-3-5-7-9 P. M
.4-%' A' 4A '*t

-- Starts Thursday

ROSE GOLD Girard Perreg
dies' Wrist Watch. Lost
Tappan, Saturday eveni
ward. , Rose Potter, 425.
East Lansing, Mich.


aux La-
near 825
ng. Re-
Ann St.,

STUDENTS for soda fountain work.
Nights and Sundays. Wikel Drug
Co., 1101 So. University.

Courageous Australia
Fleets of Strength
Rings of Steel - News


K i---

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