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April 29, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-29

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W eathier




Income Limitation;
is Too Lenient..

Continued Warm



May 8 Named
Election Date
Of University
Control Bodies
Matthews Sets Regulations
For Selection Of Student
Publications, Congress,j
Athletics, Union Boardsi
Friday Is Last Day
For DailyPetitions
. All-campus elections for three stu-
dent members of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications, six'
Union vice-presidents, a member of
the Board in Control of Intercolle-
giate Athletics and representatives to'
Independent Me's Congress will be 1
held May 8. .
In his first official act of office,
Robert Matthews, '43, incoming pres-
ident of the Men's Judiciary Council,
which supervises elections, an-
nounced the date of election and
methods of nomination for the sev-
eral candidacies.
Nominations of at least nine can-
didates for the Board in Control of
Student Publications will be made by
a committee composed of retiring
editors and business managers of
publications and retiring student
members of the Board who will not
be candidates for reelection.
Experience Unnecessary
Seniors or graduate students will
be eligible for the nominations to
the Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications. Preference will be given to'
students with experience with publi-
cations, but lack of experience will'
not be a disqualifying factor.
Petitions signed by 100 students I
and filed with the secretary of the
Board at the Student Publications
Building on or before Friday will
nominate additional candidates for
the Board.
Candidates for the six Union vice-
presidencies will be selected by a
committee appointed for that pur-
pose by the Board of Directors of the1
Union. Nominations may be madea
by petitions bearing the signatures of
200 Union members. Petitions, avail-1
able until Monday at the Student Of-
fices of the Union, must be returned
before 9 a.m, Tuesday.
Petitions with the proper number
of names will constitute automatic
nominations. Petitions with less than
200 signatures may be accepted at
the discretion of the Board of Direc-
Basis Of Election
Vice-presidents will be elected on
the following basis: one from the lit-
erary and graduate schools together;
one from the engineering and archi-
tecture schools; one each from the
law, medical and dental schools; one
from the remaining schools together.
Two nominees for the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
will be named by the Board of Direc-
tors of Intercollegiate Athletics. No
petition nominations will be made
and the elected candidate will serve
for two years.
Details of nomination for Congress
have not yet been announced. Their
election will take place with other
campus elections.
Juniors Named
To New Congress
Committee Posts

Appointees to the junior staff of
Congress, men's independent associa-
tion, were announced yesterday by
Norton Norris, '43, new Congress
The chairman of the organization
committee will be John MacKinnon,
'44, and the secretary, Richard M.
Orlikoff, '44; personnel committee:
chairman, Fred Hoffman, '44; sec-
retary, Richard L. Rosenman, '44;
social committee: chairman, Edmund
Merz, '44E; secretary, John R. Bur-
ton, '44; student welfare committee:
chairman, Robert W. Sharp, '44; sec-
retary, William V. Millman, '44E;
and recording secretary for Congress,
Edgar J. Vaughan, '45.
It was announced by MacKinnon
that the annual Congress banquet
will be held in the Founders Room of
the Union Sunday. Besides the out-
going and incoming officers of Con-
gress, the managing editor of The
Daily and the presidents of the IFC
and the Union will be guests.
Students Must Register

Local Firm, CIO To Sift
Charge Of Output Drop
UAW Representative Declares Anti-Union Activities
Have Cut Production 50 Per Cent At Broach

Chief Executive Says Economic
Sacrifices Needed For Victory;
Price Ceilings Are Set By OPA
-. ?

Friction between the CIO and one
Ann Arbor industry became a matter
for national concern as Undersecre-
tary of War Patterson called a Wash-
ington conference for early today to
determine reasons for an alleged 50
per cent drop in war production at
the American Broach and Machine
Representatives of 'management.
the CIO and the American Broach
Protective Association-independent
union representing plant workers-
will be present at the conference,
according to information received
Blaming the decrease in output on
the anti-CIO activities of the com-
pany, James Morgan, international
Trapped Allies
Fi'ht In Losing
Burmese Battle
German Bases In France,
Norway Receive Heavy
British Air Force Attack
CHUNGKING, China, April 28.-
(I)-The battle of Burma became
tonight a desperate melee of demo-
lition, evacuation, last-stand defense
and reckless counter-attack by trap-
ped or menaced Chinese and British
defenders, fighting in the first gales
and showers of the approaching mon-
soon to hold open the door to free
The Chinese and British armies
shortened their thin line of tired in-
fantrymen and shell-scarred tanks
defending Mandalay while the Japa-
nese armored spearheads from the
Shan states advanced on Hsipaw and
Lashio on the all-important Manda-
lay-Lashio railway, 130-mile steel ar-
tery in the supply system to China
from the United Nations.
Maymyo, 40 miles east of Manda-
lay on the railroad, was evacuated
by the Burma civil government; the
Chinese were moving essential sup-
plies from bombed, blazing Lashio,
treminus of the true mountainous
Burma Road to Kunming, China.
German Bases In France,
Norway Battered By RAF
LONDON, April 28.-UP)-British
bombers and fighters in uncounted
hundreds-a single attacking unit
covered a square mile of sky-
smashed with unprecedented violence
today at German bases in France in
the wake of tremendous overnight
raids spread from the Nazi battleship
nest at Trondheim, Norway, to the
war plants of the Rhineland.
As the day wore on, one great
British formation after another swept
out over the channel coast in what
had become a grand, unhalted of fen-
sive with at least three main objec-
1. To break the already weakened
German air power on Hitler's western
2. To further disrupt the restricted
flow of German war supplies to the
Russian front.
3. To clear away the German threat
to the Allied sea routes to the north-
ern Russian ports by blows upon the
key to German sea power in the

representative of the UAW-CIO and
CIO spokesman at the conference,
declared that ". . . the discharging of
highly skilled and irreplacable em-
ploycs in the American Broach Com-
pany for union (C>O) membership
has resulted in a 50 per cent cut in
production at that plant."
Francis J. Lapointe president of
the company and its representative
at the Washington meeting declined
to comment on the accusation.
Number one war industry in Ann
Arbor, American Broach makes the
machines that make the weapons of
war. Its chief project is the manu-
facturing of broaching machines, in-
valuable in the preparation of gun
barrels, shells and tank gears.
Company Blamed
Three plant workers were emphat-
ic yesterday in blaming the slowdown
on company opposition to the organ-
izational; drive being staged in Ann
Al Eckerle, 25 year old surface
grinder, asserted that "they are def-
initely discharging people for wear-
ing union buttons."
Fired once but returned to his job
at the joint demand of WPB offi-
cials and the Michigan State Media-
tion Board, Eckerle said that he had
been warned against having his name
appear in any publication discussing
the CIO organization of the plant.
"They said that this would cost me
my job," Eckerle declared, "but I'm
telling you that the number of men
in my department decreased from 63
to a low of 40, because of discharges
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1
Ace Flyer Says
0 0
New U.S. Spirit
Need ed To Win
CHICAGO, April 28.-(.P)-Capt
Edward V. Rickenbacker asserted to-
night that the United States was los-
ing the war and that Americans would
have to develop "a new combat spirit"
if they hoped to win it.
The World War flying ace, in an
address prepared for delivery at the
30th annual meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States,
contended that since Dec. 7 America
has been losing the war "every day,
every week, and every month."
"In five months our military fail-
ures have already prolonged the war
two years beyond what it should
have been," he asserted. "Whether
we like it or not-the next six months
will tell the story, whether we are
to remain free men and women or
are to become slaves."
Rickenbacker, president and gen-
eral manager of Eastern Air Lines,
Inc., recently returned from a 15,000-
mile tour of Army Air Force estab-
lishments. He reported that the
young pilots he saw had "morale of
the fighting kind," but added that
could not be said of the people back
"We've got to do more than buy
bonds-or ride in the bus instead of
the Buick." he said. "In my opinion,
we must have, as a nation, a new
combat spirit to win this war."
Notre Dame University's base-
ball team will play the Wolverines
at 4 p.m. today at Ferry Field.
Mickey Fishman and Paul Gold-
smith will handle the pitching for
Michigan.. Admission by identifi-
cation cards.

Army Air Corps To Hold RallyToday,

Recent Deferred Service
Plan For 'U' Students
Will Enable Graduation
When a squadron of Army Air
Force planes thunders over Ann
Arbor at noon today it will be a dra-
matic reminder that that same Air
Force is staging a mass recruiting
rally at 8 p.m. today in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Held to inform students of oppor~-
tunities in'the Air Force under the
new deferred service plan, the meet-
ing will consist of a program headed
by Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Carr and
Lieutenant Rowan, a pilot who has
just returned from service in the
Far Eastern theatre.
Others on the program will be Prof.
Harry C. Carver, recently returned
from training atCKelly Field, and
Lieut. Rondel C. Cox.
Carr, Cox Head Program
Lieutenant Colonel Carr and Lieu-
tenant Cox have been sent from
Mitchell Field by Gen. Henry H. Ar-
nold, Chief of Air Force, to take
charge of the new Air Force recruit-
ing program in this area. Selection
of the University of Michigan as one
of the 31 focal points in the country
for such a program will bring repre-
sentatives from all other schools in
this district to learn of the opportun-
ities presented by the Air Force de-
ferred service plan.
This plan calls for:
1) New simplified requirements
both mental and physical.
2) Enlistment now and deferment
until graduation.
Between 18 And 26
Under such a plan any person be-
tween 18 and 26 now enrolled in an
accredited college may sign as an
Air Force enlisted reservist for ap-
pointment as Aviation Cadet. Such
enlistment will mean calling for
active service only after graduation
unless an urgent emergency requires
earlier training.
At the mass rally students will be
given the chance to ask all questions
concerning the program that inter-
est them.
In an interview yesterday, Lieu-
.Dr. Freyberg
Given Annual
Russel award

tenant-Colonel Carr declared "It is
in the interests of every college man
to be.completely informed of the
new Air Force Deferment Plan, for
through this knowledge each man can
learn his true place in a total war
effort which will bring ultimate vic-
This campaign to secure 100,000
aviation cadets was devised by Gen-
eral Arnold who in a telegram to the
presidents of focal point universi-
ties and colleges stated:
"The successful prosecution of this
war demands the creation of an air
force second to none, and this in turn
requires the eventual enlistment as
an Aviation Cadet of every young1
man who can qualify for service in,
the U.S. Army Air Forces."
Student Labor,'
Union's Staf f
Reach Terms'
Independent Committee
Votes Wage Increase
For Cafeteria Workers
Final settlement of requests by'
student help employed in the Union
cafeteria for a wage increase has
been announced. Frank Keunzel,'
Union manager, and a committee'
representing employes have agreed
on a plan suggested by an indepen-
dent committee composed of Col.
William Ganoe, ROTC Commandant,
Prof. John Riegel, of the school of
business administration and Prof.
Carl G. Brandt, chairman of the Eng-
lish department.
Designed to answer claims that
increases in food prices had caused
a decrease in the food income of the
help, the main feature of the pro-
gram is a 10 per cent reduction in
food cost to all workers who put
in theirfull shift of 37 2 hours in
every 15 day period.
The agreement, which will cover
the 200 students doing any work in
connection with the preparation of
food, will last until June 1.
Other features of the agreement
provide that each student must eat
fifteen dollars wo1rth of food in every
fifteen-day period, and the five-cent
an hour bonus for all hours worked
in excess of 37% will be maintained.
Newspaper Delivery
Restriction To Start
WASHINGTON, April 28. -()-
Deliveries of newspapers will be re-
stricted to once a day at any one
point beginning May 15, an Office
of Defense Transportation official
said today in an informal explanation
of the ODT's April 20 order to elim-
inate special trips and reduce local
trucking mileage.
Under present practice, newspapers
deliver each edition to sales points or
redistribution points, such deliveries
running as high as 25 a day in one
instance, the official said.-,
The order to local delivery car-
riers applies to every type of commer-
cial enterprise and to governmental
agencies, including those of the fed-
eral government. It defines a vehicle
as "any rubber-tired vehicle propelled
or drawn by mechanical power or by
Engineer Loses
Pants In Blaze
Four engineering students re-
ceived minor hand and arm burns,
but one of them lost his shirt and
another his pants in a small fire
which was accidentally started at
3:45 p.m. yesterday in a chemical
engineering laboratory of the East

Engineering Building.
Caused when a pan of remelted
phosphorus was dropped to the
floor, the blaze burned briefly, fill-
ing the halls with the white, irri-

Must Forfeit 'Creature Comforts,' States
President; Announces Seven-Point Plan
To Combat Nation-Wide Rise In Costs
WASHINGTON, April 28.-R)-President Roosevelt discussed the war
and its economic impact on every American tonight and declared that the
price of preserving civilization must be paid in "hard work and sorrow
and blood." The price, he said is not too high. He told his radio audience
if they doubted it, to ask millions who live under the tyranny of Hitlerism.
The Chief Executive summarized the seven point program for combating
an upward suiral in living costs. which he outlined in a message to Congress

yesterday, and declared that each par
the whole. Again he warned that)
the American people must abandon
luxuries and "creature comforts."
Apparently cognizant of criticism
which arose in numerous quarters
against portions of his anti-inflation
plan, the Chief Executive declared
firmly he would use all of the execu-
tive power at his command to carry
out the policy he laid down.
As for the conduct of the war it-
self, the Commander-in-Chief of the
armed forces declared that for every
advance the Japanesedhad made since
they began a "frenzied career of con-
quest," they had had to pay "a very
heavy toll in warships, in transports,
in planes and in men."
The war, Mr. Roosevelt said, has
become what Hitler originally pro-
claimed it to be, a total war.
Not All Can Fight
Not all can fight our enemies in
distant segments of the world; he
said. Not all can work in munitions
factories or in shipyards or in other
war industries.
"But there is one front and one
battle," he went on, "where every-
one in the United States-every man,
every woman and child is in action,
and will be privileged to remain in
action throughout this war.'
."That front is right here at home.
Here at home everyone will have the
privilege of making whatever self
denial is necessary, not only to sup-
ply our fighting men, but to keep the
economic structure of our country
fortified and secure during the war
and after the war."
Every person in the country, the
Chief Executive declared, is going to
be affected by the Administration's
seven-point program intended to keep
down the cost of living. Business-
men or holders of corporation stock,
he said, would find their profits
would be cut by taxation to a "reas-
onably low level."
Higher Income Taxes
Noting that incomes would be sub-
jected to higher taxes, he reiterated
the suggestion he advanced in yes-
terday's message to Congress that,
after payment of taxes, individual in-
comes be ilmited to $25,000 a year.
Retailers, wholesalers, manufactur-
ers, farmers, landlords, the President
said, will find ceilings on the prices
at which they can market their goods
or rent their property. Persons work-
ing for wages, he added, will have to
forego higher pay for their particu-
lar jobs for the war's duration.

t of it was essential to the success of
Rents Frozen
In 302 Areas

Administrator Says Control
Of War Vital Sections
Anti-Inflation Need
WASHINGTON, April 28. -(-
Areas housing 76,000,000 persons-
more than half the nation's popu-
lation-were put on notice today to
reduce inflated rents or have the gov-
ernment do it for them.
A total of 302 war-swollen sections
were designated defense rental areas,
as "an essential part" of the overall
freeze of prices announced by Price
Administrator Leon Henderson, and
maximum rents were recommended
for each.
In four-fifths of the areas, rents
were ordered cut back to the levels of
March 1, 1942, thereby eliminating
increases made during spring moving
and leasing. In 64 of the areas, 1941
dates were chosen, Jan. 1, April f or
July 1.
Rent Control Required
"Next to food, this is the largest
single item in the family budget,"
Henderson said. "Effective price
control requires rent control."
Under the Emergency Price Con-
trol Act, local authorities are given
60 days to stabilize rents as ordered
by Henderson. If this is not done,
OPA may enforce the maximums.
Violators of the ceilings then would
be subject to a maximum penalty of
$5,000 fine and a year in prison.
Rents in some instances have soar-
ed 100 per cent above pre-boom levels,
Henderson declared, while vacancy
rates in the areas for which 1941
maximum rent dates were set ranged
between 0.5 per cent and 2.8 per cent.
The rent problem, confined in the
early part of last year to the com-
munities where the first big canton-
ments, shipyards, aircraft and ord-
nance plants were built, now has
"become general through the coun-
try," the OPA administrator ex-
Important; Essential Part
Henderson said the war-time con-
trol of rentals was "an important and
essential part of the overall ceiling
on prices," adding that American
families spend from $5,000,000,0g00 to
$6,000,000,000 a year on rent.
"In some sections of the country,
rents have gone beyond reasonable
bounds, doubling and tripling in
many individual cases," he continued.
"Thousands of tenants who could not
pay these increases have been forced
out of homes without knowing where
to find shelter. These conditions have
slowed the recruitment of war labor.
Student Senate
Names Leader
The revitalized student senate got
under way yesterday when it elected
as president pro tem William F. Ager,
'43, of Ann Arbor.
Ager is affiliated with Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity and with Alpha
Phi Omega, service society.
Announcement was also made that
an organizational meeting will be
held at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Union
for the newly set-up administrative
branch of the senate. All interested
in working on the administrative
staff are urged to attend.
Under the revamped organization
of the student senate, the policy-

Nine Noses Out Spartans, 2-1;
Netmen At East Lansing Today

Baseball . .
Michigan's baseball team continued
its winning way yesterday afternoon
as they downed Michigan State, 2-1,
but the victory was purely a gift from
the Spartans.
Four costly errors by the boys from
East Lansing gave the Wolverines two
unearned runs and spoiled the six
hit pitching performance turned in
by rangy Joe Skrocki. The win
brought the Wolverines' total to eight
for the season against two defeats.
Played before a good-sized mid-
week crowd at Ferry Field, the game
marked the 42nd time that the two
schools have met on the diamond.
Yesterday's victory was the 28th for
Michigan while State has won 13.

Tennis . .
Back from a three day tour of
points west and south, Michigan's
netmen get back into action today
with a second match against Michi-
gan State at East Lansing. Although
the Wolverines have only a loss to
Notre Dame on the debit side of the
ledger, Coach Weir makes no bones
of the fact that he expects a tough
tussle tomorrow.
In their previous meeting the Wol-
verines downed the Spartans 7-2,
but were forced 'to go three sets in
nearly every match. More important
than this, however, is the tough time
they had in winning their matches.
Hammett Downs Beeman
Co-Captain Lawton Hammett,

Dr. Richard Harold Freyberg, As-
sistant Professor of Medicine, was
anounced yesterday as recipient of
the 1941-42 Henry Russel Award in
recognition of distinguished scholarly
achievement in medical research.
The announcement was made by
President Alexander G. Ruthven on
the occasion of the annual Henry
Russel Lecture in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Freyberg, fulfilling an
engagement to address the Ohio
State Medical Society, was unable to
be present to receive the award.
The Henry Russel Award, made
possible through the bequest of Henry
Russel, '73, is an annual distinction

OPA Fixes Wartime
Maximum Prices
WASHINGTON, April 28. -(')-
With one broad, inclusive order, the
Office of Price Administration to-
night fixed war-time maximum prices
for "virtually everything Americans
eat, wear and use" at the levels pre-
valent during the month of March.
After May 18, under "the general
maximum price regulation," no re-
tailer may charge more for an article
than the highest price at which he
sold it in March. The same restric-
tions will apply, after May 11, to
manufacturers' and wholesalers'
prices and, after July 1, to a long list
of service establishments, such as
laundries, tailors, auto repair shops,
radio repair men, etc.
Simultaneously, the price agency
in effect froze rents in 302 centers of
war effort or war production. Mostly,
they were fixed at the rents paid on
March 1, of this year. In 64 of the
areashthe stabilization was as of the
rent paid on Jan. 1, April 1, or July
1, 1941.
The actions, taken together repre-
sented an essential segment of Presi-
dent Roosevelt's over-all plan for
stabilizing the cost of living, and pre-
venting an inflationary price rise.
Along with these orders, go pro-
posed heavy taxation of profits, sta-
bilization of most wages at present


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